Thursday HSA with Mrs. Stacey

Stacey Lampley


History- Westward Ho/ Trail of Tears

Geography-  Chile Lesson, Flag Coloring Sheet, Mysterious Moai Video

Literature- Holes/ Chapter Questions

Cooking- Holes Onion Dip with Bagel Chips

Craft- Easter Island Drawing Tutorial

Music-  Chile Music with Bubbles


History- Arther’s Presentation on Queen Mary 

Geography-  Brazil Lesson, Flag Coloring Sheet, Brazil I Spy Game, Brazil Bingo Game

Literature- Holes/ Chapter Questions

Cooking- Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake (Christian Bday)

Craft- Snake Finger Puppets

Music-  Brazilian Music 


History-  Industrial Revolution Lesson, Video on the Industrial Revolution

Geography-  United States Lesson, Flag Coloring Sheet

Literature- Holes/ Chapter Questions

Cooking- Grilled Cheese

Craft- Yellow Spotted Lizard Project

Music-   Holes Sound Track


History-  War of 1812 Lesson, Watched Roar Parody of the war

Geography-  Panama Lesson, Flag Coloring Sheet

Literature- Holes/ Chapter Questions

Cooking- Easter Cookie Decorating

Craft- Panama Mola 

Music-  Panama Music during craft


History- Lewis and Clark Lesson/ Lewis and Clark Game

Geography-  Mexico, Flag Coloring Sheet

Literature-  Holes and Chapter Questions

Cooking-  Mexican Cinnamon Tortilla Treat 

Craft-  God’s Eye Craft

Music- Mexican Music during Craft


History- Thomas Jefferson Lesson and Thomas Jefferson Craft

Geography- Guatemala Lesson, Flag Coloring Sheet

Literature- Echo

Cooking- Guatemala Mosh

Craft- Shamrock Wreath

Music- Summertime (From Echo)

2/29 Today we learned about the Electoral Colleges and then we played a little game to help us understand it more! We made X and O water color paintings! We made edible cookie dough bites! Of course we continued reading Echo!!


Today we learned about the Constitution and wrote out the constitution parts on or flap page! We then talked about Ukraine and made honey Babka! Of course we read our book Echo! Then we did freestyle acrylic paintings.


Literature-Echo, ISpy Valentines

History- Pre Constitution 

Geography - Switzerland Lesson, and Switzerland Flag

Cooking-Swiss Potatoes 

Art- Cupid History and Cupid bow and arrows 

2/9 We started off with Echo then moved onto Sweden! We did a crossword, colored the flag, and made Dala Horses! Cupcake Cake fun in the kitchen also happened!!

2/1 Today, of course we started off with Echo. Then we talked about Poland.  We talked about the Declaration of Independence and the parts and the meaning of those parts. We made our own version and aged it with tea bags. Then we moved to the kitchen and made a Polish Cucumber salad (we were not impressed) We played  a game, and then we took advantage of the nice weather, and played some nice friendly games, such as red light, green light and statues outside for the last 45 minutes.

1/25 Today we read Echo. We talked about Italy and of course we made pizzas. We talked about the British are coming, which included Bunker Hill, and the Sons of Liberty. We then made salt art pictures which I hope dry and stay glued to the paper!!

1/17 Today we talked about the parliament and protest, including things like the Sugar Act and the Boston tea party. We also read some of our Echo book. We talked about Greece, and we drew the Parthenon. We, then  quietly listened to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony!

1/17: You will be online today with Ms Stacey.  Please use the link 475 379 7104 password me4theatre 

 s 475 379 7104

1/11 Today we read Echo then we talked about the pre-revolutionary war.  Then we  played the king tax game. We then talked about Germany and made gluten-free soft pretzels. We welcomed an new friend today as well!


12/14 Can’t tell you what we did… it’s a surprise !!!


11/30 We finished Christmas Carol!! We will start watching the Muppet’s version next week! We learned about England, made clay Stonehenge models, baked scone’s and enjoyed them with jam!! We enjoyed music by famous composer Hardel while making our Stonehenge models! 


11/9 First we read Christmas Carol (Literature) and then we moved on to talk about The Great Awakening(History). Then we worked on our Australian banana popcorn pops (cooking) While they were freezing we did our Australian lesson, colored our Australian flag, (Geography) and made  our boomerangs(Art). We ventured outside to test them out and eat our Aussie treats! Then we went back inside to make some slime! Oh yeah, and we learned about a composer today!! Ask them who it was!



11/2  Today we started off with Christmas Carol. Then we talked about trick-or-treating and the fun we had. Those of us that were here last week we finished up our fans well those of us who were not worked on a freestyle drawing. Then we talked about the 13 colonies and did some comparisons between the 13 will be moving on in history next week since we finally covered all 13 of them. Yay we then moved on to Russia. We colored are Russia flag why we listen to Russian facts and then we made some Russian tea, cakes. (they were dry)  Oh, and we also got to participate in a traveling cocoon project that one of Miss Sherry‘s friends has been traveling from Colorado with and is going all the way to New Mexico with her cocoon ask the kids about that that was interesting!


10/26 We heard and looked at everyone’s projects! Everyone did an amazing job! I am so proud of them!!  Then we read Christmas Carol, started our Japanese fans , and made Macaroni and Cheese! We also learned about Japan and Native Americans!


**Research Projects due on 10/26*****


10/19 Literature - Christmas Carol

History- French Explorers and Huguenots Lesson Engineered Boats to Float with Weight on them (STEAM Project) 

Geography- India Lesson 

Cooking  - Ladoo (India Treat)

Music- Impressionist Composer Bussey



10/12 Literature- Christmas Carol

History-GA Colonies Lesson and completed and colored our states for tge 13 colonies

Geography- China Facts colored Chinese Flag 

Art- Chinese Landscape Scrolls and listened to Chinese music

Cooking- Chinese Almond Cookies

Music- Sung And played Charlie Over the Ocean


9/28 History- PA Quakers Lesson

Geography- Zimbabwe Facts, colored Zimbabwe flag

Music- Learned African Zimbole Folk Song and Dance

Cooking- Made GF Chocolate Chip Muffins for our birthday gals


Art- learned about positive and negative space and created a version of both by drawing Animal Art



9/21 Today we learned about the New York/ New Netherlands Colonies. We read a Wrinkle in Time then creates our own odd characters! We then moved onto hearing fun facts about Morocco while coloring the Moroccan Flag. We enjoyed making Maakouda (Moroccan Potato cakes) and Moroccan Lanterns all while listening to Moroccan Music!


9/15 Busy is what we were today!! first, Wrinkle in Time we read then we made our own wrinkle by drawing two objects that are far away and folding them in to make them closer! We then learned about the MA Bay colonies and made whirligigs just like the colonist children used to play with! We then learned about Tanzania and topographical maps(cause Mt Kilimanjaro is one of the best topographic maps to look at)! Check out our 3d versions of a topographic map that we made! We then moved to the kitchen and made Chick Peas in Coconut milk over rice which is a traditional Tanzanian meal! 


9/7 Today we learned about Plymouth Colony and did a compare and contrast chart between Jamestown and Plymouth. We made wigwams that turned out beautifully. We then learned about Ghana and colored their flag. We shook things up literally by making butter in a jar. Some of us put some flavorings in ours! We then weaved a Kente Cloth and made Hydrangea Bubble Art (well attempted)!

8/31  Jamestown Facts and Jamestown houses (pretzels, shredded wheat, icing,cheese nips). We read Egypt facts and cooked some yummy Egyptian Place Bread. We learned the Cup game  for rhythm and coordination. Oh and we continued reading Wrinkle in Time!
8/24 We learned about Colonization and the different reasons each country came to the New World! Of course a game of marbles we had to learn!!  Then we moved on to learn all about Central Africa! We made Benne Wafers (Sesame seed cookies) which are an African Treat!! We also made butterfly wing collages (also from central Africa) and then drew chalk pianos and jumped out the keys for Yankee Doodle Dandy!! Don’t forget we are still reading a Wrinkle in Time!!

8/17 Today we created a timeline of the US/USSR Space Race, created portraits of earth from space, learned about string instruments, made mini guitars, made moon snacks and ate the moon! 

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