KENTUCKY SWIMMING - PO Box 163 - Wilmore, KY 40390 - (859) 539-9091
Need Help or have a question, contact the Kentucky Swimming office at [email protected]


The education, instruction and training of individuals to develop
and improve their capabilities in the sport of swimming.
To provide a safe and healthy environment, encompassing all backgrounds and abilities that create a tradition of excellence in the sport of swimming.


2023-2024 Officials Certification Clinics

For information regarding certification clinics, please contact the KYLSC Officials Chair, Jason Brown at [email protected]

Clinic Type Date Time  Location Contact Contact Email Address
Administrative Official - new cert 9/16/2023 10:00 AM Transylvania University - Lexington Terri Tonges [email protected]
Chief Judge - new certification 9/16/2023 10:30 AM Transylvania University - Lexington Ruth-Ann Bode [email protected]
Deck Referee - new certification 9/16/2023 9:00 AM Transylvania University - Lexington Becky Gilpatrick [email protected]
Starter - new certification 9/16/2023 9:00 AM Transylvania University - Lexington Brian Johnson [email protected]
Stroke & Turn - new officials 9/16/2023 11:00 AM Transylvania University - Lexington Brian Johnson [email protected]
Timing Judge - new officials 9/16/2023 9:00 AM Transylvania University - Lexington Terri Tonges [email protected]
Meet Referee - qualification 9/16/2023 10:30 AM Transylvania University - Lexington Becky Gilpatrick [email protected]
Stroke & Turn - new officials 9/20/2023 6:30 PM Blairwood - Louisville Eric Bunnell [email protected]
Stroke & Turn - new officials 9/23/2023 11:30 AM Mary T Meagher Natatorium - Louisville Ken Coulter [email protected]
Stroke & Turn - new officials 9/23/2023 noon Bowling Green - Warren County Aquatic Center Becky Gilpatrick [email protected]
Administative Official - recertification 9/26/2023 8:00 PM (EST) ZOOM Lesa Boone [email protected]
Administrative Official - new certification 9/27/2023 7:00 PM (EST) ZOOM David Geddie [email protected]
Current Officials Recertification 9/30/2023 noon Ralph Wright Natatorium - Louisville Michele Reichel [email protected]
Current Officials Recertification 9/30/2023 7:30 AM TK Stone Elementary - Elizabethtown Paul Godfrey [email protected]
Timing Judge - new officials 10/14/2023 11:30 AM  Fallings Springs Recreational Facility - Versailles Terri Tonges [email protected]
Timing Judge - new officials 10/3/2023 6:00 PM (CT) Owensboro HealthPark Shelly Hammons [email protected]
Current Officials Recertification 10/8/2023 noon Mary T Meagher Natatorium - Louisville Ken Coulter [email protected]
Recertification - Current Officials 11/18/2023 1:00 PM Genesis Blairwood Jason Brown [email protected]
Recertification - Current Officials 12/5/2023 8:00 PM (ET) Virtual - Zoom email to request access Jason Brown [email protected]