Eastern Zone Swimming

Licensed to Potomac Valley Swimming - For Office Use Only License
                                    HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 6.0 4/4/2016 08:18 PM
     2016 EZ Speedo Short Course Super Sectionals - 3/31/2016 to 4/3/2016      
Men 50 Yard Freestyle
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Wright, Colin       17 757 Swim-VA            20.89      20.73         22  
  2 Romeyn, Scott       16 Central CT Aquat-CT    21.04      20.74         19  
  3 Shakhnazarov, Davi  19 Jersey Gators-NJ       21.18      20.84         18  
  4 Okhtenberg, Ariel   18 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      21.15      21.13         17  
  5 Townsend, Delano    17 Laguardia Aquati-MR    21.34      21.23         16  
  6 Davenport, Nathani  17 Kingfish Swimmin-NE    21.28      21.28         15  
  7 Ramsay, Auston      17 South Shore YMCA-NE    21.42      21.29         14  
  8 Amthor, Brandon     16 Sharks & Eagles-NI     21.45      21.31         13  
  9 So, Tristan         17 Central CT Aquat-CT    21.35      21.34         12  
B - Final
 10 Doyle, Connor       17 Eastern Express-NJ     21.63      21.49         10  
 11 Mathews, Gabriel    17 Manhattan Makos-MR     21.56      21.58          8  
 12 Kish, Jackson       18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    21.46      21.63          7  
 13 Dillane, Michael    18 Caldwell Center-NJ     21.76      21.65          6  
 14 Tartakovsky, Micha  17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     21.74      21.66          5  
 15 Fortels, Ricards    18 Una JG-NJ              21.71      21.67          4  
 16 Gronet, Tim         18 Princeton Tiger-NJ     21.60      21.69          3  
 17 Zugibe, Matthew     17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     21.77      21.70          2  
 18 Zhang, Evan         16 Laguardia Aquati-MR    21.71      22.07          1  
C - Final
 19 Allen, Andrew       16 Executive Swim C-NE    21.82      21.64        
 20 Bumgarner, Jake     17 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    21.86      21.74        
 21 Cudahy, Brock       18 Nation's Capital-PV    21.86      21.76        
 21 Krentsa, Gregory    18 Regional YMCA of-CT    21.86      21.76        
 23 Cosgrove, Liam      17 New Jersey Race-NJ     21.81      21.78        
 24 Zoda, Mark          16 Southern New Ham-NE    21.85      21.88        
 25 Hanlon, Collin      17 Eastern Express-NJ     21.87      21.90        
 26 Hillis, Dillon      15 Manhattan Makos-MR     21.79      22.02        
 27 Moore, Shane        17 Portland Porpois-ME    21.88      22.39        
Men 50 Yard Freestyle
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Wright, Colin             17 757 Swim-VA            20.80      20.89 q      
  2 Romeyn, Scott             16 Central CT Aquat-CT    20.61      21.04 q      
  3 Tong, Eric                17 X-Cel Swimming-NJ      21.26      21.14 q      
  4 Okhtenberg, Ariel         18 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      21.09      21.15 q      
  5 Shakhnazarov, David       19 Jersey Gators-NJ       21.43      21.18 q      
  6 Davenport, Nathaniel      17 Kingfish Swimmin-NE    21.14      21.28 q      
  7 Townsend, Delano          17 Laguardia Aquati-MR    21.18      21.34 q      
  8 So, Tristan               17 Central CT Aquat-CT    21.15      21.35 q      
  9 Ramsay, Auston            17 South Shore YMCA-NE    21.58      21.42 q      
 10 Amthor, Brandon           16 Sharks & Eagles-NI     21.08      21.45 q      
 11 Kish, Jackson             18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    21.62      21.46 q      
 12 Mathews, Gabriel          17 Manhattan Makos-MR     21.64      21.56 q      
 13 Gronet, Tim               18 Princeton Tiger-NJ     21.63      21.60 q      
 14 Doyle, Connor             17 Eastern Express-NJ     22.31      21.63 q      
 15 Zhang, Evan               16 Laguardia Aquati-MR    21.78      21.71 q      
 15 Fortels, Ricards          18 Una JG-NJ              21.40      21.71 q      
 17 Tartakovsky, Michael      17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     21.29      21.74 q      
 18 Dillane, Michael          18 Caldwell Center-NJ     21.40      21.76 q      
 19 Zugibe, Matthew           17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     21.28      21.77 q      
 20 Hillis, Dillon            15 Manhattan Makos-MR     21.71      21.79 q      
 21 Cosgrove, Liam            17 New Jersey Race-NJ     21.62      21.81 q      
 22 Allen, Andrew             16 Executive Swim C-NE    21.42      21.82 q      
 23 Zoda, Mark                16 Southern New Ham-NE    21.69      21.85 q      
 24 Bumgarner, Jake           17 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    21.41      21.86 q      
 24 Krentsa, Gregory          18 Regional YMCA of-CT    21.85      21.86 q      
 24 Cudahy, Brock             18 Nation's Capital-PV    21.74      21.86 q      
 27 Hanlon, Collin            17 Eastern Express-NJ     21.96      21.87 q      
 28 Moore, Shane              17 Portland Porpois-ME    22.12      21.88        
 29 Levasseur, Grant          17 Executive Swim C-NE    22.19      21.89        
 30 Mihm, Richard             14 Allegheny North-AM     21.95      21.90        
 31 Zhang, Andrew             15 Allegheny North-AM     21.75      21.96        
 32 Zock, Joshua              17 Viking Aquatic C-MR    21.85      21.97        
 32 Tretter, Spencer          18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    21.74      21.97        
 34 Ho, Timothy               16 Laguardia Aquati-MR    21.56      21.98        
 35 Song, Keda                16 Kingfish Swimmin-NE    22.03      21.99        
 36 Konovalov, Veniamin       17 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      22.41      22.00        
 37 Highet, Tristan           18 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ    21.97      22.04        
 38 Soma, Jason               18 Nation's Capital-PV    21.79      22.05        
 39 Page, Hunter              17 PJA-MA                 22.38      22.06        
 40 Semak, Bohdan             19 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      21.97      22.08        
 41 Liu, Michael              16 Northern Dutches-MR    21.91      22.09        
 42 Bezuglyy, Oleksandr       30 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      22.17      22.11        
 42 Deng, Richard             17 X-Cel Swimming-NJ      22.15      22.11        
 44 Mebust, Sean              18 Clark Sports Cen-AD    21.50      22.12        
 45 Mullin, Connor            16 Laguardia Aquati-MR    21.66      22.13        
 46 Lutter, Tyler             16 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA    21.89      22.15        
 47 Adayev, Daniel            17 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      21.94      22.16        
 48 Bryant, Joshua            15 Newburgh Sharks-MR     21.90      22.23        
 49 Afolabi-Brown, Gregory    17 Rockville Montgo-PV    22.16      22.25        
 50 Hutcherson, Ryan          15 Nation's Capital-PV    22.18      22.26        
 50 Thomas, Christian         17 Red Fox Aquatic-MR     22.15      22.26        
 52 Freeman, John             16 Gael Aquatic Clu-MR    22.46      22.28        
 53 Horbacz, Justin           18 Monmouth Barracu-NJ    22.42      22.30        
 54 Tirone, Michael           17 Manhattan Makos-MR     22.42      22.31        
 55 Mendley, Jonathan         16 Rockville Montgo-PV    22.33      22.34        
 55 Ellis, Tyler              16 Nation's Capital-PV    22.27      22.34        
 55 Shackley, Oliver          17 Arlington Aquati-PV    22.49      22.34        
 55 Fallows, Nicholas         17 Nation's Capital-PV    22.30      22.34        
 59 Wong, Daniel              15 Nation's Capital-PV    22.05      22.36        
 60 Cleworth, Calvin          18 Schenectady-Sara-AD    22.24      22.37        
 61 Chang, Justin             17 Hauppauge Athlet-MR    22.36      22.38        
 62 Tack, Harrison            18 Team Suffolk-MR        21.96      22.39        
 62 Vollmer, Ian              15 Nation's Capital-PV    22.32      22.39        
 62 Mebust, Theodore          16 Clark Sports Cen-AD    22.05      22.39        
 62 Rivero, Santiago          17 Bergen Barracuda-NJ    22.45      22.39        
 66 Bushnell, Michael         16 Team Pittsburgh-AM     22.48      22.41        
 67 Young, Kevin              16 Nation's Capital-PV    22.00      22.42        
 67 Mangan, Ameleii           16 Una Iswm-NI            21.88      22.42        
 69 Ellison, Samuel           15 York Swim Club-PV      22.43      22.43        
 70 Thieroff, Grant           16 Jersey Gators-NJ       22.24      22.44        
 71 Luu, Ryan                 18 Malden Crocs-NE        22.01      22.45        
 71 O'Donovan, Michael        18 Portland Porpois-ME    22.01      22.45        
 71 Bartalo, Nathaniel        18 Sharks & Eagles-NI     21.84      22.45        
 74 Trzewik-Quinn, Seamus     16 Hawks Swimming A-AD    22.48      22.47        
 74 Kim, Harris               19 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     22.00      22.47        
 76 Sawyer, Casey             17 Syracuse Charger-NI    21.55      22.48        
 76 Darhower, Jeb             16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    22.47      22.48        
 78 Ragatz, Jeffrey           17 Regional YMCA of-CT    22.34      22.50        
 79 Taber, Alexander          17 Delmar Dolfins-AD      22.13      22.51        
 79 Hamberg, Miles            17 Manhattan Makos-MR     22.03      22.51        
 79 Kane, Bruce               16 Sharks & Eagles-NI     21.86      22.51        
 79 Adams, Nicholas           17 Sea Dragons Swim-NJ    22.12      22.51        
 83 Liu, Adam                 17 West Hartford Aq-CT    25.56L     22.53        
 84 Chang, David              16 Rockville Montgo-PV    22.44      22.55        
 84 Cartwright, Brendan       16 Delmar Dolfins-AD      21.89      22.55        
 84 Higgins, John             16 Apex Aquatics As-NE    22.99      22.55        
 87 Southward, Michael        18 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA    22.31      22.58        
 87 Paquette, Benjamin        18 Skaneateles Ligh-NI    22.09      22.58        
 89 Gdula, Nathan             17 Camillus SC-NI         22.22      22.59        
 89 Franklin, Ryan            19 Frederick Area S-MD    22.49      22.59        
 91 Lashua, Matthew           14 YMCA of Greater-NE     22.23      22.62        
 92 Moy, Christian            15 Manhattan Makos-MR     22.42      22.63        
 93 Wright, Aidan             16 South Shore YMCA-NE    22.39      22.64        
 94 Chan, Dylan               16 Hauppauge Athlet-MR    22.26      22.67        
 95 Peltz, Noah               17 Portsmouth Swim-NE     22.48      22.68        
 96 Hrabovsky, Kyle           18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    22.16      22.72        
 97 Jagodits, Theodore        16 Rockville Montgo-PV    22.72      22.73        
 98 Trozenski, Samuel         18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    22.65      22.75        
 98 Levasseur, Trent          15 Executive Swim C-NE    22.19      22.75        
100 Handy, Evan               15 Rockville Montgo-PV    22.37      22.76        
100 Mackey, Ian               15 Rockville Montgo-PV    22.32      22.76        
100 Fagan, Timothy            15 Condors Swim Clu-MR    22.47      22.76        
103 Rawl, Jarek               16 Northern Dutches-MR    22.46      22.77        
104 Liu, Haofeng              16 Badger Swim Club-MR    22.67      22.78        
105 Lear, Casey               17 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA    22.28      22.79        
105 Laite, Christopher        16 Sea Dragons Swim-NJ    22.48      22.79        
107 Lequang, Matthew          14 Princeton Tiger-NJ     22.21      22.83        
108 Warshaw, Peter            16 Monmouth Barracu-NJ    22.33      22.84        
109 O'Connor, Elias           17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     22.71      22.86        
110 Rokos, Timothy            18 Duanesburg Elect-AD    23.33      22.88        
110 Molinaro, Conrad          15 Team Pittsburgh-AM     22.47      22.88        
112 Reining, Robert           14 Red Fox Aquatic-MR     23.40      22.90        
113 Horan, Tommy              16 Shelton Monroe S-CT    22.91      22.93        
114 Rachamallu, Manish        16 Princeton Tiger-NJ     22.89      22.94        
115 Rastelli, Alessandro      18 South Shore YMCA-NE    22.33      22.97        
116 Karangekis, Mitchell      17 Charter Oak Aqua-CT    22.92      23.04        
117 Deverna, Kyle             18 Gael Aquatic Clu-MR    22.44      23.06        
118 Branchflower, Jacob       18 Regional YMCA of-CT    22.68      23.07        
118 Quinn, Hugh               16 Arlington Aquati-PV    22.42      23.07        
120 Jackson, Chase            17 Nation's Capital-PV    25.51L     23.08        
121 Vantasel, Benjamin        18 757 Swim-VA            22.21      23.09        
122 Wyche, Tyori              17 Team Suffolk-MR        22.41      23.12        
122 Dixon, Tristan            17 Duanesburg Elect-AD    22.21      23.12        
124 Kolonko, Macauley         16 Auburn YMCA Stin-NI    23.52      23.18        
125 Mescia, Perry             16 Caldwell Center-NJ     22.41      23.20        
126 Battikha, John            16 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ     23.28      23.31        
127 Davis, Miguel             15 DC Dept Of  Park-PV    22.85      23.34        
127 Regelsberger, Tyler       16 Golden Comets Sw-NI    22.43      23.34        
127 Baltaytis, Jacob          16 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ    23.73      23.34        
130 Swisher, Noah             16 Arlington Aquati-PV    24.45      23.35        
130 Isayiw, Luke              14 Merritt Athletic-MD    22.43      23.35        
132 Whiting, Jacob            17 Auburn YMCA Stin-NI    24.16      23.40        
133 Folz, Joseph              18 Pittsburgh Sting-AM    23.27      23.60        
134 Buckingham, Erik          18 Clinton Cudas-AD       23.18      24.01        
 -- O'Neal, Michael           18 Kingfish Swimmin-NE    22.12        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Simkin, Leonid            17 Richmond Aquatic-MR    22.12        DFS        
      Declared false start
Men 100 Yard Freestyle
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Wright, Colin       17 757 Swim-VA            45.72      45.61         22  
                  22.06       45.61 (23.55)                                        
  2 Dinunzio, Matthew   18 Jewish Community-AM    46.35      45.98         19  
                  22.17       45.98 (23.81)                                        
  3 Ramsay, Auston      17 South Shore YMCA-NE    46.74      46.01         18  
                  22.22       46.01 (23.79)                                        
  4 Shakhnazarov, Davi  19 Jersey Gators-NJ       46.23      46.22         17  
                  22.05       46.22 (24.17)                                        
  5 Robey, Hugh         15 Nation's Capital-PV    46.70      46.45         16  
                  22.32       46.45 (24.13)                                        
  6 Davenport, Nathani  17 Kingfish Swimmin-NE    47.31      47.06         15  
                  22.34       47.06 (24.72)                                        
  7 Allen, Andrew       16 Executive Swim C-NE    47.08      47.31         14  
                  22.39       47.31 (24.92)                                        
  8 Hanlon, Collin      17 Eastern Express-NJ     47.33      47.47         13  
                  22.81       47.47 (24.66)                                        
  9 Ho, Timothy         16 Laguardia Aquati-MR    47.28      47.82         12  
                  22.45       47.82 (25.37)                                        
B - Final
 10 Fortels, Ricards    18 Una JG-NJ              47.53      47.39         10  
                  22.34       47.39 (25.05)                                        
 11 Townsend, Delano    17 Laguardia Aquati-MR    47.41      47.42          8  
                  22.28       47.42 (25.14)                                        
 12 Moore, Shane        17 Portland Porpois-ME    47.71      47.66          7  
                  23.02       47.66 (24.64)                                        
 13 Dillane, Michael    18 Caldwell Center-NJ     47.34      47.74          6  
                  22.69       47.74 (25.05)                                        
 14 Bergan, Aidan       17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    47.61      47.78          5  
                  22.87       47.78 (24.91)                                        
 15 Mullin, Connor      16 Laguardia Aquati-MR    47.71      47.95          4  
                  22.60       47.95 (25.35)                                        
 16 Miller, Kevin       17 Swim Ithaca-NI         47.44      48.22          3  
                  23.47       48.22 (24.75)                                        
 17 Deng, Richard       17 X-Cel Swimming-NJ      47.63      48.31          2  
                  23.57       48.31 (24.74)                                        
 18 Lovette, James      16 Swim Ithaca-NI         47.58      48.53          1  
                  23.26       48.53 (25.27)                                        
C - Final
 19 Adayev, Daniel      17 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      48.04      47.69        
                  22.76       47.69 (24.93)                                        
 20 Cudahy, Brock       18 Nation's Capital-PV    48.12      47.70        
                  22.91       47.70 (24.79)                                        
 21 Krentsa, Gregory    18 Regional YMCA of-CT    48.34      47.78        
                  22.93       47.78 (24.85)                                        
 22 Sawyer, Casey       17 Syracuse Charger-NI    47.99      47.99        
                  22.60       47.99 (25.39)                                        
 23 Magness, Matthew    15 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    47.84      48.18        
                  23.25       48.18 (24.93)                                        
 24 Ellis, Tyler        16 Nation's Capital-PV    48.17      48.34        
                  23.03       48.34 (25.31)                                        
 25 Jagodits, Theodore  16 Rockville Montgo-PV    48.13      48.41        
                  23.38       48.41 (25.03)                                        
 26 Lear, Casey         17 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA    48.44      48.57        
                  23.38       48.57 (25.19)                                        
 27 O'Donovan, Michael  18 Portland Porpois-ME    48.43      49.00        
                  23.70       49.00 (25.30)                                        
Men 100 Yard Freestyle
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Okhtenberg, Ariel         18 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      45.99      45.57 q      
                  21.85       45.57 (23.72)                                        
  2 Wright, Colin             17 757 Swim-VA            45.77      45.72 q      
                  21.86       45.72 (23.86)                                        
  3 Romeyn, Scott             16 Central CT Aquat-CT    46.37      46.22 q      
                  22.22       46.22 (24.00)                                        
  4 Shakhnazarov, David       19 Jersey Gators-NJ       47.08      46.23 q      
                  22.16       46.23 (24.07)                                        
  5 Dinunzio, Matthew         18 Jewish Community-AM    46.86      46.35 q      
                  22.27       46.35 (24.08)                                        
  6 So, Tristan               17 Central CT Aquat-CT    46.70      46.48 q      
                  22.38       46.48 (24.10)                                        
  7 Robey, Hugh               15 Nation's Capital-PV    47.11      46.70 q      
                  22.47       46.70 (24.23)                                        
  8 Ramsay, Auston            17 South Shore YMCA-NE    46.99      46.74 q      
                  22.71       46.74 (24.03)                                        
  9 Zhang, Andrew             15 Allegheny North-AM     48.52      46.86 q      
                  23.15       46.86 (23.71)                                        
 10 Allen, Andrew             16 Executive Swim C-NE    47.29      47.08 q      
                  22.29       47.08 (24.79)                                        
 11 Amthor, Brandon           16 Sharks & Eagles-NI     46.39      47.24 q      
                  22.54       47.24 (24.70)                                        
 12 Ho, Timothy               16 Laguardia Aquati-MR    48.09      47.28 q      
                  22.23       47.28 (25.05)                                        
 13 Davenport, Nathaniel      17 Kingfish Swimmin-NE    46.34      47.31 q      
                  22.70       47.31 (24.61)                                        
 14 Hanlon, Collin            17 Eastern Express-NJ     47.49      47.33 q      
                  22.48       47.33 (24.85)                                        
 15 Dillane, Michael          18 Caldwell Center-NJ     47.23      47.34 q      
                  22.53       47.34 (24.81)                                        
 16 Townsend, Delano          17 Laguardia Aquati-MR    47.53      47.41 q      
                  22.50       47.41 (24.91)                                        
 17 Miller, Kevin             17 Swim Ithaca-NI         47.26      47.44 q      
                  22.78       47.44 (24.66)                                        
 18 Otterbein, John           17 Princeton Tiger-NJ     47.57      47.48 q      
                  23.05       47.48 (24.43)                                        
 19 Tretter, Spencer          18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    47.89      47.50 q      
                  22.88       47.50 (24.62)                                        
 20 Fortels, Ricards          18 Una JG-NJ              46.64      47.53 q      
                  22.64       47.53 (24.89)                                        
 21 Gronet, Tim               18 Princeton Tiger-NJ     47.70      47.54 q      
                  22.89       47.54 (24.65)                                        
 22 Lovette, James            16 Swim Ithaca-NI         48.07      47.58 q      
                  22.95       47.58 (24.63)                                        
 23 Bergan, Aidan             17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    48.34      47.61 q      
                  23.21       47.61 (24.40)                                        
 24 Deng, Richard             17 X-Cel Swimming-NJ      48.09      47.63 q      
                  23.33       47.63 (24.30)                                        
 25 Moore, Shane              17 Portland Porpois-ME    47.19      47.71 q      
                  23.03       47.71 (24.68)                                        
 25 Mullin, Connor            16 Laguardia Aquati-MR    47.87      47.71 q      
                  22.59       47.71 (25.12)                                        
 27 Cosgrove, Liam            17 New Jersey Race-NJ     47.15      47.75 q      
                  22.95       47.75 (24.80)                                        
 28 Mihm, Richard             14 Allegheny North-AM     47.57      47.81        
                  23.19       47.81 (24.62)                                        
 29 Magness, Matthew          15 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    48.16      47.84        
                  23.08       47.84 (24.76)                                        
 30 Rivero, Santiago          17 Bergen Barracuda-NJ    48.53      47.93        
                  23.04       47.93 (24.89)                                        
 31 Kish, Jackson             18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    47.84      47.94        
                  22.75       47.94 (25.19)                                        
 32 Mathews, Gabriel          17 Manhattan Makos-MR     47.40      47.96        
                  23.32       47.96 (24.64)                                        
 33 Sawyer, Casey             17 Syracuse Charger-NI    47.30      47.99        
                  22.64       47.99 (25.35)                                        
 34 Adayev, Daniel            17 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      47.45      48.04        
                  22.85       48.04 (25.19)                                        
 35 Semak, Bohdan             19 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      48.97      48.11        
                  23.37       48.11 (24.74)                                        
 36 Cudahy, Brock             18 Nation's Capital-PV    47.57      48.12        
                  22.96       48.12 (25.16)                                        
 37 Jagodits, Theodore        16 Rockville Montgo-PV    47.94      48.13        
                  23.18       48.13 (24.95)                                        
 38 Ellis, Tyler              16 Nation's Capital-PV    48.19      48.17        
                  22.82       48.17 (25.35)                                        
 39 Thomas, Christian         17 Red Fox Aquatic-MR     48.31      48.20        
                  23.28       48.20 (24.92)                                        
 40 Konovalov, Veniamin       17 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      47.33      48.23        
                  23.32       48.23 (24.91)                                        
 41 Krentsa, Gregory          18 Regional YMCA of-CT    49.04      48.34        
                  23.34       48.34 (25.00)                                        
 42 Mebust, Sean              18 Clark Sports Cen-AD    47.39      48.42        
                  23.04       48.42 (25.38)                                        
 43 O'Donovan, Michael        18 Portland Porpois-ME    47.82      48.43        
                  23.31       48.43 (25.12)                                        
 44 Lear, Casey               17 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA    48.44      48.44        
                  23.37       48.44 (25.07)                                        
 45 Thomas, Owen              16 PJA-MA                 48.62     J48.44        
                  23.20       48.44 (25.24)                                        
 46 Weiland, Carter           15 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ     48.21      48.45        
                  23.71       48.45 (24.74)                                        
 47 Highet, Tristan           18 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ    48.24      48.46        
                  23.36       48.46 (25.10)                                        
 48 Lubinski, Jacob           16 Eastern Express-NJ     48.56      48.47        
                  23.38       48.47 (25.09)                                        
 49 Shackley, Oliver          17 Arlington Aquati-PV    48.66      48.56        
                  23.25       48.56 (25.31)                                        
 50 Hutcherson, Ryan          15 Nation's Capital-PV    48.59      48.67        
                  23.13       48.67 (25.54)                                        
 51 Freeman, John             16 Gael Aquatic Clu-MR    48.58      48.68        
                  23.03       48.68 (25.65)                                        
 52 Chang, Justin             17 Hauppauge Athlet-MR    48.96      48.73        
                  23.60       48.73 (25.13)                                        
 53 Zoda, Mark                16 Southern New Ham-NE    48.34      48.82        
                  23.18       48.82 (25.64)                                        
 53 Fallows, Nicholas         17 Nation's Capital-PV    49.28      48.82        
                  22.72       48.82 (26.10)                                        
 55 Uhlin, Keir               17 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA    48.63      48.83        
                  23.49       48.83 (25.34)                                        
 55 Cleworth, Calvin          18 Schenectady-Sara-AD    55.51L     48.83        
                  23.29       48.83 (25.54)                                        
 55 Turi, Joseph              17 Nation's Capital-PV    48.58      48.83        
                  23.27       48.83 (25.56)                                        
 58 Cartwright, Brendan       16 Delmar Dolfins-AD      48.50      48.84        
                  23.37       48.84 (25.47)                                        
 59 Southward, Michael        18 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA    48.30      48.85        
                  23.89       48.85 (24.96)                                        
 59 Bryant, Joshua            15 Newburgh Sharks-MR     48.05      48.85        
                  23.48       48.85 (25.37)                                        
 61 Hamberg, Miles            17 Manhattan Makos-MR     48.35      48.86        
                  23.44       48.86 (25.42)                                        
 61 Crane, Duncan             16 Rockville Montgo-PV    49.14      48.86        
                  23.54       48.86 (25.32)                                        
 63 Vollmer, Ian              15 Nation's Capital-PV    48.33      48.87        
                  23.40       48.87 (25.47)                                        
 64 Din, Connor               15 Rockville Montgo-PV    48.65      48.88        
                  23.65       48.88 (25.23)                                        
 65 Luu, Ryan                 18 Malden Crocs-NE        48.48      48.90        
                  23.76       48.90 (25.14)                                        
 65 Liu, Adam                 17 West Hartford Aq-CT    49.55      48.90        
                  23.54       48.90 (25.36)                                        
 67 Reining, Robert           14 Red Fox Aquatic-MR     48.59      48.92        
                  23.45       48.92 (25.47)                                        
 67 Young, Kevin              16 Nation's Capital-PV    48.45      48.92        
                  23.03       48.92 (25.89)                                        
 67 Page, Hunter              17 PJA-MA                 49.13      48.92        
                  23.51       48.92 (25.41)                                        
 70 Bumgarner, Jake           17 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    48.22      48.95        
                  23.44       48.95 (25.51)                                        
 71 Mastroianni, Matthew      16 Glastonbury Swim-CT    48.52      48.97        
                  23.67       48.97 (25.30)                                        
 71 Levasseur, Trent          15 Executive Swim C-NE    48.36      48.97        
                  23.12       48.97 (25.85)                                        
 73 Thieroff, Grant           16 Jersey Gators-NJ       48.40      49.00        
                  23.36       49.00 (25.64)                                        
 74 Mangan, Ameleii           16 Una Iswm-NI            48.29      49.03        
                  23.80       49.03 (25.23)                                        
 75 Lutter, Tyler             16 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA    49.07      49.06        
                  23.62       49.06 (25.44)                                        
 76 Franklin, Ryan            19 Frederick Area S-MD    48.46      49.08        
                  23.51       49.08 (25.57)                                        
 77 Bartalo, Nathaniel        18 Sharks & Eagles-NI     47.72      49.09        
                  23.31       49.09 (25.78)                                        
 77 Drew, Keegan              15 Una Bad-MR             48.55      49.09        
                  23.81       49.09 (25.28)                                        
 79 Gentry, Austin            15 Nation's Capital-PV    48.37      49.12        
                  23.54       49.12 (25.58)                                        
 80 Tack, Harrison            18 Team Suffolk-MR        49.16      49.17        
                  23.21       49.17 (25.96)                                        
 80 Wong, Daniel              15 Nation's Capital-PV    48.67      49.17        
                  23.91       49.17 (25.26)                                        
 82 Kane, Kevin               17 Portland Porpois-ME    48.98      49.23        
                  23.56       49.23 (25.67)                                        
 83 Peltz, Noah               17 Portsmouth Swim-NE     49.90      49.27        
                  23.69       49.27 (25.58)                                        
 84 Fruhwirth, Jared          17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    50.15      49.33        
                  23.88       49.33 (25.45)                                        
 85 Liu, Haofeng              16 Badger Swim Club-MR    48.41      49.35        
                  23.80       49.35 (25.55)                                        
 86 Jones, Nicholas           16 South Shore YMCA-NE    49.83      49.37        
                  23.96       49.37 (25.41)                                        
 87 Paquette, Benjamin        18 Skaneateles Ligh-NI    47.60      49.40        
                  22.94       49.40 (26.46)                                        
 88 Laite, Christopher        16 Sea Dragons Swim-NJ    48.62      49.42        
                  23.57       49.42 (25.85)                                        
 89 Fagan, Timothy            15 Condors Swim Clu-MR    48.23      49.43        
                  23.73       49.43 (25.70)                                        
 90 Beucler, Zachary          16 Crimson Aquatics-NE    50.65      49.57        
                  24.18       49.57 (25.39)                                        
 91 Gdula, Nathan             17 Camillus SC-NI         48.95      49.61        
                  23.77       49.61 (25.84)                                        
 92 Boll, Ryan                17 757 Swim-VA            48.95      49.66        
                  23.58       49.66 (26.08)                                        
 93 Adams, Nicholas           17 Sea Dragons Swim-NJ    50.51      49.68        
                  23.86       49.68 (25.82)                                        
 94 Quinn, Hugh               16 Arlington Aquati-PV    48.83      49.70        
                  24.03       49.70 (25.67)                                        
 95 Moy, Christian            15 Manhattan Makos-MR     48.93      49.76        
                  23.75       49.76 (26.01)                                        
 96 Rastelli, Alessandro      18 South Shore YMCA-NE    48.91      49.78        
                  23.78       49.78 (26.00)                                        
 97 Kim, Harris               19 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     48.77      49.81        
                  24.14       49.81 (25.67)                                        
 97 Afolabi-Brown, Gregory    17 Rockville Montgo-PV    49.29      49.81        
                  24.28       49.81 (25.53)                                        
 99 Deverna, Kyle             18 Gael Aquatic Clu-MR    49.47      49.85        
                  23.90       49.85 (25.95)                                        
100 Stevens, Carson           16 Nation's Capital-PV    51.20      49.86        
                  24.06       49.86 (25.80)                                        
101 MacQuarrie, Daniel        25 Unattached-NI          50.38      49.87        
                  24.14       49.87 (25.73)                                        
102 Taylor, Griffin           17 Manhattan Makos-MR     49.33      49.88        
                  23.81       49.88 (26.07)                                        
103 Trozenski, Samuel         18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    49.84      49.92        
                  24.03       49.92 (25.89)                                        
104 Rosenthal, Zach           16 Arlington Aquati-PV    50.10      49.94        
                  23.83       49.94 (26.11)                                        
104 Green, Eric               16 Sailfish Swim Te-NE    48.80      49.94        
                  24.12       49.94 (25.82)                                        
106 Feeley, Andrew            17 Merritt Athletic-MD    49.66      49.95        
                  23.96       49.95 (25.99)                                        
107 Kane, Bruce               16 Sharks & Eagles-NI     48.70      49.99        
                  24.00       49.99 (25.99)                                        
108 Ellison, Samuel           15 York Swim Club-PV      50.15      50.00        
                  23.79       50.00 (26.21)                                        
109 Papsco, Zachary           15 Hauppauge Athlet-MR    50.18      50.04        
                  23.85       50.04 (26.19)                                        
109 Lessiohadi, Jonathan      16 Eastern Express-NJ     50.21      50.04        
                  24.39       50.04 (25.65)                                        
111 Leaman, Alexander         16 Fox Swim Club-MD       50.29      50.05        
                  24.50       50.05 (25.55)                                        
111 Folz, Joseph              18 Pittsburgh Sting-AM    49.54      50.05        
                  24.19       50.05 (25.86)                                        
113 Higgins, John             16 Apex Aquatics As-NE    49.83      50.09        
                  23.90       50.09 (26.19)                                        
114 Liu, Michael              16 Northern Dutches-MR    48.67      50.16        
                  23.93       50.16 (26.23)                                        
115 Regelsberger, Tyler       16 Golden Comets Sw-NI    48.76      50.18        
                  24.02       50.18 (26.16)                                        
116 Bass, Harrison            16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    49.07      50.24        
                  24.30       50.24 (25.94)                                        
116 Horbacz, Justin           18 Monmouth Barracu-NJ    49.56      50.24        
                  23.83       50.24 (26.41)                                        
118 Kim, Justin               16 Rockville Montgo-PV    49.26      50.25        
                  24.56       50.25 (25.69)                                        
119 Toepfer, Nicholas         13 South Shore YMCA-NE    49.99      50.27        
                  24.19       50.27 (26.08)                                        
120 Mescia, Perry             16 Caldwell Center-NJ     49.59      50.34        
                  23.77       50.34 (26.57)                                        
121 Bergan, Jared             16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    49.87      50.39        
                  24.01       50.39 (26.38)                                        
122 McLoughlin, Ryan          18 Newburgh Sharks-MR     51.17      50.42        
                  24.19       50.42 (26.23)                                        
123 Staubi, Kyle              15 Northern Dutches-MR    50.64      50.55        
                  24.58       50.55 (25.97)                                        
124 Dixon, Tristan            17 Duanesburg Elect-AD    48.80      50.61        
                  24.40       50.61 (26.21)                                        
124 Wright, Aidan             16 South Shore YMCA-NE    50.42      50.61        
                  24.36       50.61 (26.25)                                        
126 Mendley, Jonathan         16 Rockville Montgo-PV    49.60      50.72        
                  24.14       50.72 (26.58)                                        
127 Stewart, Luke             15 S70-CT                 51.94      50.76        
                  24.26       50.76 (26.50)                                        
128 Mackey, Ian               15 Rockville Montgo-PV    51.20      50.87        
                  24.10       50.87 (26.77)                                        
129 Isayiw, Luke              14 Merritt Athletic-MD    49.89      50.90        
                  24.51       50.90 (26.39)                                        
130 Jackson, Chase            17 Nation's Capital-PV    49.68      50.91        
                  24.08       50.91 (26.83)                                        
131 Soma, Jason               18 Nation's Capital-PV    48.53      51.10        
                  24.25       51.10 (26.85)                                        
132 Bushnell, Michael         16 Team Pittsburgh-AM     48.46      51.14        
                  24.30       51.14 (26.84)                                        
132 Donnelly, Jack            17 Eastern Express-NJ     50.58      51.14        
                  24.00       51.14 (27.14)                                        
134 Wyche, Tyori              17 Team Suffolk-MR        48.85      51.33        
                  23.99       51.33 (27.34)                                        
135 Ludemann, Ryan            16 Clinton Cudas-AD       49.21      51.59        
                  24.90       51.59 (26.69)                                        
136 McKelvey, Dylan           18 Monmouth Barracu-NJ    51.12      51.95        
                  25.05       51.95 (26.90)                                        
137 Rawl, Jarek               16 Northern Dutches-MR    51.04      52.00        
                  24.82       52.00 (27.18)                                        
138 Casey, Jack               15 Hauppauge Athlet-MR    50.67      52.03        
                  25.14       52.03 (26.89)                                        
139 Mowery, Jack              14 Arlington Aquati-PV    49.43      52.27        
                  24.25       52.27 (28.02)                                        
140 Volaski, Phillip          15 Patriot Swim Tea-MR    51.51      52.37        
                  25.34       52.37 (27.03)                                        
141 Daudier, Aidan            14 Executive Swim C-NE    52.13      52.55        
                  25.14       52.55 (27.41)                                        
142 Lee, Michael              17 York Swim Club-PV      53.40      53.47        
                  25.39       53.47 (28.08)                                        
 -- Zugibe, Matthew           17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     47.13        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Lindros, David            16 Jersey Gators-NJ       49.52        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Levasseur, Grant          17 Executive Swim C-NE    47.82        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Tong, Eric                17 X-Cel Swimming-NJ      47.68        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Wroblewski, Joshua        17 Charter Oak Aqua-CT    48.05        DFS        
      Declared false start
Men 200 Yard Freestyle
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Ramsay, Auston      17 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:41.47    1:39.57         22  
                  23.11       48.32 (25.21)     1:13.77 (25.45)     1:39.57 (25.80)
  2 McIntyre, Jack      17 Eastern Express-NJ   1:41.53    1:40.70         19  
                  24.63       51.03 (26.40)     1:16.15 (25.12)     1:40.70 (24.55)
  3 Wroblewski, Joshua  17 Charter Oak Aqua-CT  1:41.25    1:40.87         18  
                  23.40       48.74 (25.34)     1:14.74 (26.00)     1:40.87 (26.13)
  4 Miller, Kevin       17 Swim Ithaca-NI       1:40.30    1:41.08         17  
                  22.95       48.58 (25.63)     1:14.52 (25.94)     1:41.08 (26.56)
  5 Shakhnazarov, Davi  19 Jersey Gators-NJ     1:40.88    1:41.12         16  
                  22.88       48.55 (25.67)     1:14.88 (26.33)     1:41.12 (26.24)
  6 Otterbein, John     17 Princeton Tiger-NJ   1:42.27    1:41.40         15  
                  23.98       49.64 (25.66)     1:15.65 (26.01)     1:41.40 (25.75)
  7 Okhtenberg, Ariel   18 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    1:41.91    1:41.48         14  
                  23.01       48.99 (25.98)     1:15.64 (26.65)     1:41.48 (25.84)
  8 Song, Keda          16 Kingfish Swimmin-NE  1:42.21    1:41.51         13  
                  23.80       49.39 (25.59)     1:15.47 (26.08)     1:41.51 (26.04)
  9 Barrett, Graham     17 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:42.10    1:41.89         12  
                  24.18       50.18 (26.00)     1:16.14 (25.96)     1:41.89 (25.75)
B - Final
 10 Robey, Hugh         15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:42.73    1:41.16         10  
                  22.68       47.75 (25.07)     1:14.22 (26.47)     1:41.16 (26.94)
 11 Amthor, Brandon     16 Sharks & Eagles-NI   1:42.65    1:41.45          8  
                  23.55       49.24 (25.69)     1:15.12 (25.88)     1:41.45 (26.33)
 12 Dinunzio, Matthew   18 Jewish Community-AM  1:42.75    1:41.88          7  
                  23.55       49.59 (26.04)     1:16.12 (26.53)     1:41.88 (25.76)
 13 Thalblum, Steven    15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:42.94    1:42.00          6  
                  24.00       50.02 (26.02)     1:16.10 (26.08)     1:42.00 (25.90)
 14 O'Donovan, Michael  18 Portland Porpois-ME  1:42.87    1:42.16          5  
                  23.44       49.06 (25.62)     1:15.56 (26.50)     1:42.16 (26.60)
 15 Mihm, Richard       14 Allegheny North-AM   1:42.47    1:42.35          4  
                  23.65       49.45 (25.80)     1:15.88 (26.43)     1:42.35 (26.47)
 16 Wright, Colin       17 757 Swim-VA          1:42.67    1:42.83          3  
                  23.77       49.62 (25.85)     1:16.30 (26.68)     1:42.83 (26.53)
 17 Hanlon, Collin      17 Eastern Express-NJ   1:42.67    1:42.90          2  
                  23.40       49.97 (26.57)     1:16.62 (26.65)     1:42.90 (26.28)
 18 Tretter, Spencer    18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  1:43.28    1:42.98          1  
                  23.68       49.49 (25.81)     1:15.99 (26.50)     1:42.98 (26.99)
C - Final
 19 Farricker, Christi  15 Una Bad-MR           1:44.10    1:43.03        
                  23.75       49.62 (25.87)     1:16.42 (26.80)     1:43.03 (26.61)
 20 Powers, William     17 Badger Swim Club-MR  1:44.30    1:43.18        
                  23.61       49.64 (26.03)     1:16.53 (26.89)     1:43.18 (26.65)
 21 Levasseur, Grant    17 Executive Swim C-NE  1:44.78    1:43.46        
                  23.48       49.97 (26.49)     1:16.92 (26.95)     1:43.46 (26.54)
 22 Cudahy, Brock       18 Nation's Capital-PV  1:44.35    1:44.35        
                  23.39       49.93 (26.54)     1:17.90 (27.97)     1:44.35 (26.45)
 23 Macdonald, Ian      17 Shawmut Aquatic-NE   1:44.49    1:44.75        
                  24.42       51.12 (26.70)     1:18.15 (27.03)     1:44.75 (26.60)
 24 Baker, James        17 Golden Comets Sw-NI  1:45.16    1:45.40        
                  24.59       51.23 (26.64)     1:18.50 (27.27)     1:45.40 (26.90)
 24 Schonbachler, Ryan  16 Pine Richland Aq-AM  1:44.31    1:45.40        
                  24.55       50.99 (26.44)     1:18.31 (27.32)     1:45.40 (27.09)
 26 Simone, James       16 Badger Swim Club-MR  1:44.87    1:45.44        
                  24.42       51.31 (26.89)     1:18.70 (27.39)     1:45.44 (26.74)
 27 Gabidoulline, Rusl  16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:45.07    1:48.92        
                  24.62       51.70 (27.08)     1:19.93 (28.23)     1:48.92 (28.99)
Men 200 Yard Freestyle
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Miller, Kevin             17 Swim Ithaca-NI       1:38.87    1:40.30 q      
                  23.75       49.47 (25.72)     1:14.78 (25.31)     1:40.30 (25.52)
  2 Shakhnazarov, David       19 Jersey Gators-NJ     1:44.52    1:40.88 q      
                  23.15       48.89 (25.74)     1:14.91 (26.02)     1:40.88 (25.97)
  3 Wroblewski, Joshua        17 Charter Oak Aqua-CT  1:43.14    1:41.25 q      
                  23.36       49.02 (25.66)     1:15.29 (26.27)     1:41.25 (25.96)
  4 Ramsay, Auston            17 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:42.30    1:41.47 q      
                  23.63       48.48 (24.85)     1:14.77 (26.29)     1:41.47 (26.70)
  5 McIntyre, Jack            17 Eastern Express-NJ   1:40.46    1:41.53 q      
                  24.07       50.30 (26.23)     1:15.77 (25.47)     1:41.53 (25.76)
  6 Okhtenberg, Ariel         18 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    1:41.34    1:41.91 q      
                  23.38       49.92 (26.54)     1:16.12 (26.20)     1:41.91 (25.79)
  7 Barrett, Graham           17 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:43.00    1:42.10 q      
                  23.97       49.39 (25.42)     1:15.75 (26.36)     1:42.10 (26.35)
  8 Song, Keda                16 Kingfish Swimmin-NE  1:43.11    1:42.21 q      
                  24.01       49.76 (25.75)     1:16.11 (26.35)     1:42.21 (26.10)
  9 Otterbein, John           17 Princeton Tiger-NJ   1:42.20    1:42.27 q      
                  24.33       50.26 (25.93)     1:16.63 (26.37)     1:42.27 (25.64)
 10 Mihm, Richard             14 Allegheny North-AM   1:41.88    1:42.47 q      
                  23.89       49.54 (25.65)     1:15.74 (26.20)     1:42.47 (26.73)
 11 Amthor, Brandon           16 Sharks & Eagles-NI   1:40.94    1:42.65 q      
                  22.94       48.43 (25.49)     1:15.23 (26.80)     1:42.65 (27.42)
 12 Wright, Colin             17 757 Swim-VA          1:42.43    1:42.67 q      
                  23.31       49.25 (25.94)     1:15.66 (26.41)     1:42.67 (27.01)
 12 Hanlon, Collin            17 Eastern Express-NJ   1:43.52    1:42.67 q      
                  23.94       49.83 (25.89)     1:16.67 (26.84)     1:42.67 (26.00)
 14 Robey, Hugh               15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:43.12    1:42.73 q      
                  23.30       48.97 (25.67)     1:15.56 (26.59)     1:42.73 (27.17)
 15 Dinunzio, Matthew         18 Jewish Community-AM  1:47.40    1:42.75 q      
                  23.31       49.44 (26.13)     1:16.03 (26.59)     1:42.75 (26.72)
 16 O'Donovan, Michael        18 Portland Porpois-ME  1:41.82    1:42.87 q      
                  23.84       49.95 (26.11)     1:16.48 (26.53)     1:42.87 (26.39)
 17 Thalblum, Steven          15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:42.89    1:42.94 q      
                  24.27       50.17 (25.90)     1:16.21 (26.04)     1:42.94 (26.73)
 18 Lubinski, Jacob           16 Eastern Express-NJ   1:45.08    1:43.01 q      
                  23.50       49.12 (25.62)     1:16.22 (27.10)     1:43.01 (26.79)
 19 Tretter, Spencer          18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  1:41.97    1:43.28 q      
                  24.07       50.21 (26.14)     1:16.70 (26.49)     1:43.28 (26.58)
 20 So, Tristan               17 Central CT Aquat-CT  1:44.27    1:43.84 q      
                  24.05       49.80 (25.75)     1:17.06 (27.26)     1:43.84 (26.78)
 21 Farricker, Christian      15 Una Bad-MR           1:45.10    1:44.10 q      
                  23.81       49.42 (25.61)     1:16.40 (26.98)     1:44.10 (27.70)
 22 Powers, William           17 Badger Swim Club-MR  1:43.29    1:44.30 q      
                  23.95       50.21 (26.26)     1:17.08 (26.87)     1:44.30 (27.22)
 23 Schonbachler, Ryan        16 Pine Richland Aq-AM  1:44.13    1:44.31 q      
                  24.70       50.83 (26.13)     1:17.63 (26.80)     1:44.31 (26.68)
 24 Bezuglyy, Oleksandr       30 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    1:43.48    1:44.35 q      
                  24.43       51.02 (26.59)     1:17.63 (26.61)     1:44.35 (26.72)
 24 Cudahy, Brock             18 Nation's Capital-PV  1:44.20    1:44.35 q      
                  23.77       50.09 (26.32)     1:17.35 (27.26)     1:44.35 (27.00)
 26 Bernstein, Ross           17 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   1:49.19    1:44.43 q      
                  23.90       49.92 (26.02)     1:17.05 (27.13)     1:44.43 (27.38)
 27 Macdonald, Ian            17 Shawmut Aquatic-NE   1:46.25    1:44.49 q      
                  24.18       50.22 (26.04)     1:17.26 (27.04)     1:44.49 (27.23)
 28 Levasseur, Grant          17 Executive Swim C-NE  1:44.39    1:44.78        
                  23.66       49.95 (26.29)     1:17.23 (27.28)     1:44.78 (27.55)
 29 Simone, James             16 Badger Swim Club-MR  1:44.09    1:44.87        
                  24.28       50.92 (26.64)     1:18.26 (27.34)     1:44.87 (26.61)
 30 Gabidoulline, Ruslan      16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:45.04    1:45.07        
                  24.71       50.60 (25.89)     1:17.49 (26.89)     1:45.07 (27.58)
 31 Baker, James              17 Golden Comets Sw-NI  1:44.74    1:45.16        
                  24.69       51.14 (26.45)     1:18.22 (27.08)     1:45.16 (26.94)
 32 Mooers, Henry             17 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:45.10    1:45.29        
                  25.00       51.47 (26.47)     1:18.31 (26.84)     1:45.29 (26.98)
 33 Vollmer, Ian              15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:44.45    1:45.52        
                  23.67       50.06 (26.39)     1:17.55 (27.49)     1:45.52 (27.97)
 34 Byman, Sean               15 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   1:46.11    1:45.53        
                  24.88       51.46 (26.58)     1:18.24 (26.78)     1:45.53 (27.29)
 35 Lequang, Matthew          14 Princeton Tiger-NJ   1:44.89    1:45.62        
                  24.68       51.54 (26.86)     1:18.63 (27.09)     1:45.62 (26.99)
 36 Weiland, Carter           15 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   1:42.59    1:45.74        
                  24.85       51.65 (26.80)     1:18.87 (27.22)     1:45.74 (26.87)
 36 Din, Connor               15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:45.41    1:45.74        
                  24.85       51.49 (26.64)     1:18.54 (27.05)     1:45.74 (27.20)
 38 Afolabi-Brown, Gregory    17 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:46.22    1:45.81        
                  24.65       51.79 (27.14)     1:19.04 (27.25)     1:45.81 (26.77)
 39 Taylor, Griffin           17 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:44.71    1:45.90        
                  24.39       51.71 (27.32)     1:18.86 (27.15)     1:45.90 (27.04)
 40 Zwijacz, Zachary          16 Schenectady-Sara-AD  1:45.85    1:45.94        
                  24.56       51.28 (26.72)     1:19.13 (27.85)     1:45.94 (26.81)
 41 Gronet, Tim               18 Princeton Tiger-NJ   1:45.33    1:46.00        
                  24.17       50.36 (26.19)     1:17.70 (27.34)     1:46.00 (28.30)
 42 Cosgrove, Liam            17 New Jersey Race-NJ   1:43.59    1:46.03        
                  23.35       49.70 (26.35)     1:17.61 (27.91)     1:46.03 (28.42)
 43 Darhower, Jeb             16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:44.86    1:46.09        
                  24.15       50.94 (26.79)     1:18.20 (27.26)     1:46.09 (27.89)
 44 Bergan, Aidan             17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:46.10    1:46.12        
                  24.30       51.10 (26.80)     1:18.35 (27.25)     1:46.12 (27.77)
 45 Konovalov, Veniamin       17 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    1:44.42    1:46.15        
                  24.15       50.56 (26.41)     1:18.24 (27.68)     1:46.15 (27.91)
 46 Thieroff, Grant           16 Jersey Gators-NJ     1:46.02    1:46.21        
                  24.90       52.56 (27.66)     1:19.77 (27.21)     1:46.21 (26.44)
 47 Folz, Joseph              18 Pittsburgh Sting-AM  1:45.50    1:46.23        
                  24.93       51.99 (27.06)     1:19.24 (27.25)     1:46.23 (26.99)
 48 Zuric, Luka               15 Three Village Sw-MR  1:45.46    1:46.24        
                  24.54       51.28 (26.74)     1:18.77 (27.49)     1:46.24 (27.47)
 49 Crane, Duncan             16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:46.32    1:46.26        
                  24.76       51.83 (27.07)     1:19.07 (27.24)     1:46.26 (27.19)
 50 Drew, Keegan              15 Una Bad-MR           1:45.14    1:46.34        
                  24.39       51.20 (26.81)     1:19.31 (28.11)     1:46.34 (27.03)
 51 Mathews, Gabriel          17 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:46.07    1:46.40        
                  24.48       51.62 (27.14)     1:18.93 (27.31)     1:46.40 (27.47)
 52 Fergus, Jack              17 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:46.05    1:46.44        
                  24.45       52.01 (27.56)     1:19.59 (27.58)     1:46.44 (26.85)
 52 Costanzo, Christopher     17 Richmond Aquatic-MR  1:48.22    1:46.44        
                  24.27       51.31 (27.04)     1:19.63 (28.32)     1:46.44 (26.81)
 54 Moran, Spencer            16 OMNI-CT              1:48.21    1:46.45        
                  24.13       50.40 (26.27)     1:18.06 (27.66)     1:46.45 (28.39)
 55 Krentsa, Gregory          18 Regional YMCA of-CT  1:47.45    1:46.55        
                  24.62       52.42 (27.80)     1:19.97 (27.55)     1:46.55 (26.58)
 55 Beucler, Zachary          16 Crimson Aquatics-NE  1:46.47    1:46.55        
                  25.20       52.23 (27.03)     1:19.68 (27.45)     1:46.55 (26.87)
 57 Turi, Joseph              17 Nation's Capital-PV  1:45.94    1:46.60        
                  24.46       51.13 (26.67)     1:18.75 (27.62)     1:46.60 (27.85)
 58 Mastroianni, Matthew      16 Glastonbury Swim-CT  1:46.37    1:46.62        
                  24.99       52.34 (27.35)     1:20.09 (27.75)     1:46.62 (26.53)
 59 Coleman, Harper           18 Golden Comets Sw-NI  1:46.49    1:46.72        
                  25.46       52.35 (26.89)     1:19.09 (26.74)     1:46.72 (27.63)
 60 Mullin, Connor            16 Laguardia Aquati-MR  1:45.54    1:46.81        
                  24.57       51.54 (26.97)     1:18.74 (27.20)     1:46.81 (28.07)
 61 Kim, Justin               16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:47.48    1:46.87        
                  25.32       53.35 (28.03)     1:20.35 (27.00)     1:46.87 (26.52)
 62 Jagodits, Theodore        16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:45.60    1:46.94        
                  24.87       51.68 (26.81)     1:19.04 (27.36)     1:46.94 (27.90)
 63 Peticco, Juan             17 Newburgh Sharks-MR   1:45.85    1:46.97        
                  24.99       52.49 (27.50)     1:20.23 (27.74)     1:46.97 (26.74)
 64 Feeley, Andrew            17 Merritt Athletic-MD  1:46.54    1:47.06        
                  24.81       51.63 (26.82)     1:19.36 (27.73)     1:47.06 (27.70)
 65 Freeman, John             16 Gael Aquatic Clu-MR  1:45.55    1:47.07        
                  24.28       51.08 (26.80)     1:18.80 (27.72)     1:47.07 (28.27)
 66 Cleworth, Calvin          18 Schenectady-Sara-AD  1:44.46    1:47.13        
                  25.25       52.71 (27.46)     1:20.28 (27.57)     1:47.13 (26.85)
 67 Lu, Eric                  15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:47.55    1:47.25        
                  25.96       53.43 (27.47)     1:20.57 (27.14)     1:47.25 (26.68)
 68 Zimmerman, Eric           16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:48.82    1:47.31        
                  25.25       52.32 (27.07)     1:19.88 (27.56)     1:47.31 (27.43)
 69 Liu, Haofeng              16 Badger Swim Club-MR  1:45.27    1:47.45        
                  24.62       51.76 (27.14)     1:19.67 (27.91)     1:47.45 (27.78)
 70 Douglas, Michael          17 Executive Swim C-NE  1:46.77    1:47.55        
                  25.00       52.24 (27.24)     1:19.97 (27.73)     1:47.55 (27.58)
 71 Crist, Brandon            15 Golden Comets Sw-NI  1:43.73    1:47.66        
                  24.65       51.38 (26.73)     1:19.34 (27.96)     1:47.66 (28.32)
 72 Lynch, Evan               15 757 Swim-VA          1:45.14    1:47.69        
                  24.65       51.51 (26.86)     1:19.48 (27.97)     1:47.69 (28.21)
 73 Meyn, Justin              14 Team Suffolk-MR      1:48.49    1:47.70        
                  24.37       51.48 (27.11)     1:19.46 (27.98)     1:47.70 (28.24)
 74 Ortof, Harry              17 Long Island Expr-MR  1:46.74    1:47.88        
                  25.40       52.93 (27.53)     1:20.93 (28.00)     1:47.88 (26.95)
 75 Moore, Shane              17 Portland Porpois-ME  1:44.83    1:47.95        
                  24.89       52.10 (27.21)     1:20.54 (28.44)     1:47.95 (27.41)
 76 Handy, Evan               15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:46.39    1:47.99        
                  25.55       53.26 (27.71)     1:21.00 (27.74)     1:47.99 (26.99)
 77 Jones, Nicholas           16 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:48.53    1:48.16        
                  24.99       51.85 (26.86)     1:20.04 (28.19)     1:48.16 (28.12)
 77 Kolonko, Macauley         16 Auburn YMCA Stin-NI  1:46.09    1:48.16        
                  25.13       52.23 (27.10)     1:20.62 (28.39)     1:48.16 (27.54)
 79 Rosner, Jacob             14 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:47.22    1:48.48        
                  25.05       52.30 (27.25)     1:20.59 (28.29)     1:48.48 (27.89)
 80 Shideler, Corey           17 757 Swim-VA          1:46.47    1:48.69        
                  25.22       52.50 (27.28)     1:20.53 (28.03)     1:48.69 (28.16)
 81 Jun, Yongchan             16 Condors Swim Clu-MR  1:47.23    1:48.84        
                  25.39       52.99 (27.60)     1:20.82 (27.83)     1:48.84 (28.02)
 82 Southward, Michael        18 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  1:46.70    1:48.89        
                  25.14       52.74 (27.60)     1:21.11 (28.37)     1:48.89 (27.78)
 83 Long, Samuel              14 757 Swim-VA          1:52.40    1:49.04        
                  25.77       52.92 (27.15)     1:21.07 (28.15)     1:49.04 (27.97)
 84 Nutt, John                14 The Atlantic Clu-NJ  1:46.81    1:49.09        
                  25.16       52.85 (27.69)     1:21.35 (28.50)     1:49.09 (27.74)
 85 Lear, Casey               17 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  1:43.91    1:49.20        
                  24.78       52.32 (27.54)     1:20.88 (28.56)     1:49.20 (28.32)
 86 Laite, Christopher        16 Sea Dragons Swim-NJ  1:46.46    1:49.22        
                  25.41       52.11 (26.70)     1:20.50 (28.39)     1:49.22 (28.72)
 87 Kane, Kevin               17 Portland Porpois-ME  1:46.42    1:49.24        
                  24.88       52.13 (27.25)     1:20.22 (28.09)     1:49.24 (29.02)
 88 Bumgarner, Jake           17 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  1:48.62    1:49.29        
                  24.43       52.04 (27.61)     1:20.80 (28.76)     1:49.29 (28.49)
 89 Townsend, Delano          17 Laguardia Aquati-MR  1:47.28    1:49.33        
                  24.03       51.28 (27.25)     1:20.45 (29.17)     1:49.33 (28.88)
 90 Bushnell, Michael         16 Team Pittsburgh-AM   1:48.39    1:49.46        
                  24.49       52.26 (27.77)     1:21.50 (29.24)     1:49.46 (27.96)
 91 Labossiere, Alexandre     15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:50.41    1:49.49        
                  24.59       51.93 (27.34)     1:20.72 (28.79)     1:49.49 (28.77)
 92 Demitz, Connor            16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:48.74    1:49.55        
                  25.45       52.99 (27.54)     1:21.56 (28.57)     1:49.55 (27.99)
 93 Toepfer, Nicholas         13 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:46.50    1:49.60        
                  25.57       52.83 (27.26)     1:21.28 (28.45)     1:49.60 (28.32)
 94 Hamberg, Miles            17 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:46.93    1:49.91        
                  24.95       52.37 (27.42)     1:20.76 (28.39)     1:49.91 (29.15)
 95 Zhong, Michael            16 X-Cel Swimming-NJ    1:48.85    1:50.37        
 96 Mowery, Jack              14 Arlington Aquati-PV  1:46.05    1:51.02        
                  25.65       53.45 (27.80)     1:22.20 (28.75)     1:51.02 (28.82)
 97 Jacome, Sebastian         15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:48.88    1:51.42        
                  25.11       52.75 (27.64)     1:21.71 (28.96)     1:51.42 (29.71)
 98 McHeffey, Christopher     16 New Jersey Race-NJ   1:52.35    1:51.75        
                  26.03       54.60 (28.57)     1:23.73 (29.13)     1:51.75 (28.02)
 99 Swisher, Noah             16 Arlington Aquati-PV  2:01.13    1:52.03        
                  24.96       52.88 (27.92)     1:22.49 (29.61)     1:52.03 (29.54)
100 Kish, Jackson             18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  1:50.63    1:52.58        
                  24.83       52.84 (28.01)     1:21.59 (28.75)     1:52.58 (30.99)
101 Shackley, Oliver          17 Arlington Aquati-PV  1:47.47    1:52.81        
                  25.57       53.42 (27.85)     1:22.66 (29.24)     1:52.81 (30.15)
102 Franklin, Ryan            19 Frederick Area S-MD  1:50.40    1:53.08        
                  25.91       54.21 (28.30)     1:23.52 (29.31)     1:53.08 (29.56)
103 Bertolatus, Brett         16 The Atlantic Clu-NJ  1:51.40    1:55.67        
                  26.71       55.23 (28.52)     1:25.28 (30.05)     1:55.67 (30.39)
 -- Eppinger, Emmanuel        17 Jewish Community-AM  1:50.95        DFS        
      Declared false start
Men 500 Yard Freestyle
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 McIntyre, Jack      17 Eastern Express-NJ   4:38.53    4:30.86         22  
                  25.11       52.23 (27.12)     1:19.77 (27.54)     1:47.67 (27.90)
        2:15.76 (28.09)     2:43.71 (27.95)     3:11.76 (28.05)     3:37.85 (26.09)
        4:04.36 (26.51)     4:30.86 (26.50)                                        
  2 Miller, Kevin       17 Swim Ithaca-NI       4:36.58    4:32.78         19  
                  24.83       51.99 (27.16)     1:19.17 (27.18)     1:46.70 (27.53)
        2:14.59 (27.89)     2:42.56 (27.97)     3:10.38 (27.82)     3:38.40 (28.02)
        4:05.88 (27.48)     4:32.78 (26.90)                                        
  3 Doyle, Connor       17 Eastern Express-NJ   4:33.49    4:34.31         18  
                  24.37       51.34 (26.97)     1:18.94 (27.60)     1:47.13 (28.19)
        2:15.05 (27.92)     2:43.52 (28.47)     3:11.89 (28.37)     3:40.75 (28.86)
        4:08.62 (27.87)     4:34.31 (25.69)                                        
  4 Hillis, Dillon      15 Manhattan Makos-MR   4:34.06    4:34.74         17  
                  24.75       51.80 (27.05)     1:19.30 (27.50)     1:47.51 (28.21)
        2:15.77 (28.26)     2:43.67 (27.90)     3:11.79 (28.12)     3:39.79 (28.00)
        4:08.01 (28.22)     4:34.74 (26.73)                                        
  5 Ortof, Harry        17 Long Island Expr-MR  4:40.25    4:37.62         16  
                  25.01       52.14 (27.13)     1:20.36 (28.22)     1:48.64 (28.28)
        2:16.95 (28.31)     2:45.37 (28.42)     3:13.73 (28.36)     3:42.37 (28.64)
        4:10.47 (28.10)     4:37.62 (27.15)                                        
  6 Hanlon, Collin      17 Eastern Express-NJ   4:39.08    4:37.98         15  
                  25.05       52.64 (27.59)     1:20.96 (28.32)     1:49.38 (28.42)
        2:18.09 (28.71)     2:46.10 (28.01)     3:14.03 (27.93)     3:42.40 (28.37)
        4:11.10 (28.70)     4:37.98 (26.88)                                        
  7 Wroblewski, Joshua  17 Charter Oak Aqua-CT  4:33.97    4:39.13         14  
                  25.25       53.16 (27.91)     1:21.03 (27.87)     1:49.08 (28.05)
        2:17.58 (28.50)     2:46.00 (28.42)     3:14.67 (28.67)     3:43.48 (28.81)
        4:11.75 (28.27)     4:39.13 (27.38)                                        
  8 Loveless, John      16 Badger Swim Club-MR  4:39.60    4:40.57         13  
                  25.95       54.11 (28.16)     1:22.44 (28.33)     1:51.18 (28.74)
        2:19.73 (28.55)     2:48.25 (28.52)     3:16.84 (28.59)     3:45.29 (28.45)
        4:13.49 (28.20)     4:40.57 (27.08)                                        
  9 Quagliato, Douglas  18 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   4:39.45    4:42.04         12  
                  24.99       52.05 (27.06)     1:19.98 (27.93)     1:48.24 (28.26)
        2:16.77 (28.53)     2:45.42 (28.65)     3:14.51 (29.09)     3:43.82 (29.31)
        4:13.23 (29.41)     4:42.04 (28.81)                                        
B - Final
 10 Schonbachler, Ryan  16 Pine Richland Aq-AM  4:40.93    4:36.97         10  
                  25.55       53.05 (27.50)     1:21.03 (27.98)     1:49.28 (28.25)
        2:18.19 (28.91)     2:46.47 (28.28)     3:15.14 (28.67)     3:43.79 (28.65)
        4:11.18 (27.39)     4:36.97 (25.79)                                        
 11 Powers, William     17 Badger Swim Club-MR  4:41.36    4:37.62          8  
                  24.40       51.33 (26.93)     1:19.06 (27.73)     1:47.21 (28.15)
        2:15.61 (28.40)     2:43.83 (28.22)     3:12.13 (28.30)     3:40.67 (28.54)
        4:09.45 (28.78)     4:37.62 (28.17)                                        
 12 O'Donovan, Michael  18 Portland Porpois-ME  4:42.08    4:40.39          7  
                  24.41       51.36 (26.95)     1:19.01 (27.65)     1:47.01 (28.00)
        2:15.61 (28.60)     2:44.65 (29.04)     3:13.97 (29.32)     3:43.45 (29.48)
        4:11.99 (28.54)     4:40.39 (28.40)                                        
 13 Mihm, Richard       14 Allegheny North-AM   4:43.13    4:40.90          6  
                  24.92       52.48 (27.56)     1:20.23 (27.75)     1:48.79 (28.56)
        2:17.91 (29.12)     2:47.22 (29.31)     3:16.22 (29.00)     3:45.27 (29.05)
        4:13.98 (28.71)     4:40.90 (26.92)                                        
 14 Crist, Brandon      15 Golden Comets Sw-NI  4:42.87    4:41.25          5  
                  24.88       52.77 (27.89)     1:21.04 (28.27)     1:49.32 (28.28)
        2:18.17 (28.85)     2:46.29 (28.12)     3:15.13 (28.84)     3:44.20 (29.07)
        4:13.06 (28.86)     4:41.25 (28.19)                                        
 15 Gabidoulline, Rusl  16 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:43.40    4:42.48          4  
                  25.71       53.15 (27.44)     1:21.02 (27.87)     1:49.06 (28.04)
        2:17.68 (28.62)     2:46.36 (28.68)     3:15.42 (29.06)     3:44.65 (29.23)
        4:13.93 (29.28)     4:42.48 (28.55)                                        
 16 Jurman, Jasper      17 Manhattan Makos-MR   4:42.01    4:44.32          3  
                  25.26       53.25 (27.99)     1:21.55 (28.30)     1:50.03 (28.48)
        2:18.53 (28.50)     2:46.79 (28.26)     3:15.51 (28.72)     3:44.90 (29.39)
        4:14.81 (29.91)     4:44.32 (29.51)                                        
 17 Simone, James       16 Badger Swim Club-MR  4:41.50    4:48.06          2  
                  24.97       52.30 (27.33)     1:20.66 (28.36)     1:49.08 (28.42)
        2:18.39 (29.31)     2:47.84 (29.45)     3:17.48 (29.64)     3:47.33 (29.85)
        4:17.92 (30.59)     4:48.06 (30.14)                                        
 18 Stauffer, John      16 Eastern Express-NJ   4:43.85    4:50.47          1  
                  25.15       53.09 (27.94)     1:21.86 (28.77)     1:51.26 (29.40)
        2:20.89 (29.63)     2:50.88 (29.99)     3:20.87 (29.99)     3:50.88 (30.01)
        4:21.02 (30.14)     4:50.47 (29.45)                                        
C - Final
 19 Farricker, Christi  15 Una Bad-MR           4:44.08    4:42.06        
                  24.47       52.04 (27.57)     1:20.32 (28.28)     1:48.77 (28.45)
        2:17.85 (29.08)     2:46.85 (29.00)     3:16.25 (29.40)     3:45.73 (29.48)
        4:14.54 (28.81)     4:42.06 (27.52)                                        
 20 Macdonald, Ian      17 Shawmut Aquatic-NE   4:44.38    4:42.19        
                  25.49       53.55 (28.06)     1:22.00 (28.45)     1:50.81 (28.81)
        2:19.41 (28.60)     2:48.55 (29.14)     3:17.79 (29.24)     3:46.64 (28.85)
        4:14.84 (28.20)     4:42.19 (27.35)                                        
 21 Byman, Sean         15 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   4:45.55    4:42.24        
                  25.80       53.60 (27.80)     1:21.59 (27.99)     1:49.72 (28.13)
        2:17.95 (28.23)     2:46.36 (28.41)     3:15.13 (28.77)     3:44.05 (28.92)
        4:13.31 (29.26)     4:42.24 (28.93)                                        
 22 Haraden, Jesse      18 Schenectady-Sara-AD  4:44.34    4:43.86        
                  26.01       54.07 (28.06)     1:22.79 (28.72)     1:51.67 (28.88)
        2:20.99 (29.32)     2:49.92 (28.93)     3:19.04 (29.12)     3:47.66 (28.62)
        4:16.30 (28.64)     4:43.86 (27.56)                                        
 23 Lu, Eric            15 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:45.70    4:44.80        
                  26.10       54.20 (28.10)     1:22.28 (28.08)     1:50.71 (28.43)
        2:19.62 (28.91)     2:48.88 (29.26)     3:18.11 (29.23)     3:47.63 (29.52)
        4:17.32 (29.69)     4:44.80 (27.48)                                        
 24 Bravo, David        17 Badger Swim Club-MR  4:44.03    4:45.73        
                  25.39       53.19 (27.80)     1:21.73 (28.54)     1:50.58 (28.85)
        2:19.56 (28.98)     2:48.46 (28.90)     3:17.57 (29.11)     3:47.13 (29.56)
        4:16.66 (29.53)     4:45.73 (29.07)                                        
 25 Merrill, Colin      16 Aquabears-CT         4:45.34    4:47.17        
                  26.41       55.02 (28.61)     1:23.52 (28.50)     1:52.17 (28.65)
        2:20.95 (28.78)     2:50.34 (29.39)     3:19.71 (29.37)     3:49.20 (29.49)
        4:18.65 (29.45)     4:47.17 (28.52)                                        
 26 Zimmerman, Eric     16 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:44.87    4:47.96        
                  26.20       54.10 (27.90)     1:22.45 (28.35)     1:51.52 (29.07)
        2:20.82 (29.30)     2:50.08 (29.26)     3:19.42 (29.34)     3:49.50 (30.08)
        4:19.03 (29.53)     4:47.96 (28.93)                                        
 27 Konovalov, Veniami  17 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    4:45.55    4:51.29        
                  25.29       53.35 (28.06)     1:22.15 (28.80)     1:51.37 (29.22)
        2:20.82 (29.45)     2:50.20 (29.38)     3:19.71 (29.51)     3:50.02 (30.31)
        4:20.33 (30.31)     4:51.29 (30.96)                                        
Men 500 Yard Freestyle
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Doyle, Connor             17 Eastern Express-NJ   4:44.73    4:33.49 q      
                  24.18       51.02 (26.84)     1:18.42 (27.40)     1:46.62 (28.20)
        2:14.43 (27.81)     2:42.51 (28.08)     3:10.61 (28.10)     3:38.81 (28.20)
        4:06.54 (27.73)     4:33.49 (26.95)                                        
  2 Wroblewski, Joshua        17 Charter Oak Aqua-CT  4:35.84    4:33.97 q      
                  25.07       52.27 (27.20)     1:19.90 (27.63)     1:47.73 (27.83)
        2:15.80 (28.07)     2:43.82 (28.02)     3:12.07 (28.25)     3:40.25 (28.18)
        4:07.51 (27.26)     4:33.97 (26.46)                                        
  3 Hillis, Dillon            15 Manhattan Makos-MR   4:33.01    4:34.06 q      
                  24.93       52.46 (27.53)     1:20.06 (27.60)     1:47.72 (27.66)
        2:15.77 (28.05)     2:43.83 (28.06)     3:12.04 (28.21)     3:39.94 (27.90)
        4:07.55 (27.61)     4:34.06 (26.51)                                        
  4 Miller, Kevin             17 Swim Ithaca-NI       4:27.29    4:36.58 q      
                  25.49       53.51 (28.02)     1:21.14 (27.63)     1:49.22 (28.08)
        2:17.23 (28.01)     2:45.74 (28.51)     3:13.20 (27.46)     3:41.17 (27.97)
        4:09.53 (28.36)     4:36.58 (27.05)                                        
  5 McIntyre, Jack            17 Eastern Express-NJ   4:29.44    4:38.53 q      
                  24.97       52.76 (27.79)     1:21.05 (28.29)     1:49.18 (28.13)
        2:17.29 (28.11)     2:45.44 (28.15)     3:13.66 (28.22)     3:42.04 (28.38)
        4:10.79 (28.75)     4:38.53 (27.74)                                        
  6 Hanlon, Collin            17 Eastern Express-NJ   4:38.16    4:39.08 q      
                  25.51       54.00 (28.49)     1:22.38 (28.38)     1:51.33 (28.95)
        2:19.42 (28.09)     2:47.32 (27.90)     3:15.89 (28.57)     3:44.51 (28.62)
        4:12.47 (27.96)     4:39.08 (26.61)                                        
  7 Quagliato, Douglas        18 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   4:36.38    4:39.45 q      
                  25.65       53.29 (27.64)     1:21.46 (28.17)     1:49.68 (28.22)
        2:18.15 (28.47)     2:46.54 (28.39)     3:14.95 (28.41)     3:43.55 (28.60)
        4:12.08 (28.53)     4:39.45 (27.37)                                        
  8 Loveless, John            16 Badger Swim Club-MR  4:42.74    4:39.60 q      
                  25.70       53.71 (28.01)     1:22.09 (28.38)     1:50.69 (28.60)
        2:19.14 (28.45)     2:47.71 (28.57)     3:16.34 (28.63)     3:44.65 (28.31)
        4:12.71 (28.06)     4:39.60 (26.89)                                        
  9 Ortof, Harry              17 Long Island Expr-MR  4:39.44    4:40.25 q      
                  25.60       53.15 (27.55)     1:21.31 (28.16)     1:50.19 (28.88)
        2:18.88 (28.69)     2:47.49 (28.61)     3:16.10 (28.61)     3:44.64 (28.54)
        4:13.35 (28.71)     4:40.25 (26.90)                                        
 10 Schonbachler, Ryan        16 Pine Richland Aq-AM  4:36.42    4:40.93 q      
                  25.59       53.18 (27.59)     1:21.42 (28.24)     1:49.84 (28.42)
        2:18.31 (28.47)     2:47.18 (28.87)     3:16.19 (29.01)     3:45.30 (29.11)
        4:14.53 (29.23)     4:40.93 (26.40)                                        
 11 Powers, William           17 Badger Swim Club-MR  4:38.19    4:41.36 q      
                  24.99       52.92 (27.93)     1:20.73 (27.81)     1:49.19 (28.46)
        2:17.73 (28.54)     2:46.62 (28.89)     3:15.62 (29.00)     3:44.59 (28.97)
        4:13.22 (28.63)     4:41.36 (28.14)                                        
 12 Simone, James             16 Badger Swim Club-MR  4:42.43    4:41.50 q      
                  25.44       53.36 (27.92)     1:21.58 (28.22)     1:50.19 (28.61)
        2:18.81 (28.62)     2:47.61 (28.80)     3:16.53 (28.92)     3:45.48 (28.95)
        4:14.35 (28.87)     4:41.50 (27.15)                                        
 13 Jurman, Jasper            17 Manhattan Makos-MR   4:42.13    4:42.01 q      
                  25.58       53.46 (27.88)     1:21.75 (28.29)     1:50.44 (28.69)
        2:19.19 (28.75)     2:47.11 (27.92)     3:15.44 (28.33)     3:44.39 (28.95)
        4:13.70 (29.31)     4:42.01 (28.31)                                        
 14 O'Donovan, Michael        18 Portland Porpois-ME  4:34.52    4:42.08 q      
                  25.59       54.02 (28.43)     1:21.84 (27.82)     1:50.45 (28.61)
        2:19.08 (28.63)     2:47.73 (28.65)     3:16.17 (28.44)     3:45.24 (29.07)
        4:14.56 (29.32)     4:42.08 (27.52)                                        
 15 Crist, Brandon            15 Golden Comets Sw-NI  4:39.38    4:42.87 q      
                  25.25       53.13 (27.88)     1:21.35 (28.22)     1:50.09 (28.74)
        2:18.95 (28.86)     2:47.15 (28.20)     3:15.99 (28.84)     3:45.35 (29.36)
        4:14.42 (29.07)     4:42.87 (28.45)                                        
 16 Mihm, Richard             14 Allegheny North-AM   4:41.03    4:43.13 q      
                  24.73       52.71 (27.98)     1:21.09 (28.38)     1:49.25 (28.16)
        2:17.62 (28.37)     2:46.88 (29.26)     3:16.00 (29.12)     3:45.48 (29.48)
        4:14.98 (29.50)     4:43.13 (28.15)                                        
 17 Gabidoulline, Ruslan      16 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:43.27    4:43.40 q      
                  26.35       54.36 (28.01)     1:23.14 (28.78)     1:51.54 (28.40)
        2:20.50 (28.96)     2:49.40 (28.90)     3:18.17 (28.77)     3:46.89 (28.72)
        4:15.58 (28.69)     4:43.40 (27.82)                                        
 18 Stauffer, John            16 Eastern Express-NJ   4:45.95    4:43.85 q      
                  25.68       53.65 (27.97)     1:21.99 (28.34)     1:50.67 (28.68)
        2:19.43 (28.76)     2:48.36 (28.93)     3:17.54 (29.18)     3:46.60 (29.06)
        4:15.58 (28.98)     4:43.85 (28.27)                                        
 19 Bravo, David              17 Badger Swim Club-MR  4:40.52    4:44.03 q      
                  26.12       54.23 (28.11)     1:22.72 (28.49)     1:51.21 (28.49)
        2:19.98 (28.77)     2:48.79 (28.81)     3:17.68 (28.89)     3:46.88 (29.20)
        4:15.73 (28.85)     4:44.03 (28.30)                                        
 20 Farricker, Christian      15 Una Bad-MR           4:17.39L   4:44.08 q      
                  24.70       52.43 (27.73)     1:20.78 (28.35)     1:49.72 (28.94)
        2:19.03 (29.31)     2:48.09 (29.06)     3:16.73 (28.64)     3:46.32 (29.59)
        4:16.06 (29.74)     4:44.08 (28.02)                                        
 21 Haraden, Jesse            18 Schenectady-Sara-AD  4:41.37    4:44.34 q      
                  26.09       54.24 (28.15)     1:23.23 (28.99)     1:52.04 (28.81)
        2:20.94 (28.90)     2:49.86 (28.92)     3:18.96 (29.10)     3:47.64 (28.68)
        4:16.40 (28.76)     4:44.34 (27.94)                                        
 22 Macdonald, Ian            17 Shawmut Aquatic-NE   4:44.99    4:44.38 q      
                  25.12       53.09 (27.97)     1:21.61 (28.52)     1:50.68 (29.07)
        2:20.02 (29.34)     2:49.26 (29.24)     3:18.49 (29.23)     3:47.93 (29.44)
        4:16.54 (28.61)     4:44.38 (27.84)                                        
 23 Zimmerman, Eric           16 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:48.10    4:44.87 q      
                  26.14       54.26 (28.12)     1:22.48 (28.22)     1:51.38 (28.90)
        2:20.21 (28.83)     2:48.81 (28.60)     3:18.00 (29.19)     3:47.13 (29.13)
        4:16.35 (29.22)     4:44.87 (28.52)                                        
 24 Merrill, Colin            16 Aquabears-CT         4:46.68    4:45.34 q      
                  26.73       55.28 (28.55)     1:24.12 (28.84)     1:53.12 (29.00)
        2:22.25 (29.13)     2:51.22 (28.97)     3:20.15 (28.93)     3:49.09 (28.94)
        4:17.40 (28.31)     4:45.34 (27.94)                                        
 25 Otterbein, John           17 Princeton Tiger-NJ   4:42.02    4:45.37 q      
                  25.77       53.45 (27.68)     1:21.69 (28.24)     1:50.24 (28.55)
        2:19.05 (28.81)     2:47.83 (28.78)     3:17.09 (29.26)     3:46.88 (29.79)
        4:16.54 (29.66)     4:45.37 (28.83)                                        
 26 Konovalov, Veniamin       17 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    4:45.18    4:45.55 q      
                  25.07       52.66 (27.59)     1:21.13 (28.47)     1:49.72 (28.59)
        2:19.00 (29.28)     2:48.27 (29.27)     3:17.72 (29.45)     3:47.59 (29.87)
        4:17.33 (29.74)     4:45.55 (28.22)                                        
 26 Byman, Sean               15 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   4:44.69    4:45.55 q      
                  26.50       54.54 (28.04)     1:22.84 (28.30)     1:51.31 (28.47)
        2:19.98 (28.67)     2:48.46 (28.48)     3:17.58 (29.12)     3:47.04 (29.46)
        4:16.52 (29.48)     4:45.55 (29.03)                                        
 28 Lu, Eric                  15 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:47.12    4:45.70        
                  26.82       55.20 (28.38)     1:24.03 (28.83)     1:53.11 (29.08)
        2:22.37 (29.26)     2:51.58 (29.21)     3:20.99 (29.41)     3:50.34 (29.35)
        4:19.14 (28.80)     4:45.70 (26.56)                                        
 29 Douglas, Michael          17 Executive Swim C-NE  4:47.28    4:46.73        
                  25.74       53.71 (27.97)     1:22.00 (28.29)     1:50.64 (28.64)
        2:19.57 (28.93)     2:48.75 (29.18)     3:18.48 (29.73)     3:48.33 (29.85)
        4:18.13 (29.80)     4:46.73 (28.60)                                        
 30 Rosner, Jacob             14 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:46.38    4:46.90        
                  26.21       55.08 (28.87)     1:24.50 (29.42)     1:53.56 (29.06)
        2:22.24 (28.68)     2:51.15 (28.91)     3:20.53 (29.38)     3:49.66 (29.13)
        4:18.60 (28.94)     4:46.90 (28.30)                                        
 31 Drew, Keegan              15 Una Bad-MR           4:47.62    4:47.40        
                  25.16       52.52 (27.36)     1:21.11 (28.59)     1:50.24 (29.13)
        2:19.64 (29.40)     2:49.15 (29.51)     3:19.15 (30.00)     3:49.12 (29.97)
        4:18.87 (29.75)     4:47.40 (28.53)                                        
 32 McKinley, Timothy         16 Nation's Capital-PV  4:46.12    4:47.73        
                  25.96       54.19 (28.23)     1:23.09 (28.90)     1:52.36 (29.27)
        2:21.60 (29.24)     2:50.98 (29.38)     3:20.50 (29.52)     3:50.16 (29.66)
        4:19.54 (29.38)     4:47.73 (28.19)                                        
 33 Costanzo, Christopher     17 Richmond Aquatic-MR  4:46.34    4:47.87        
                  24.82       52.46 (27.64)     1:20.90 (28.44)     1:50.60 (29.70)
        2:19.97 (29.37)     2:49.96 (29.99)     3:19.98 (30.02)     3:50.10 (30.12)
        4:19.48 (29.38)     4:47.87 (28.39)                                        
 34 Regan, William            15 Regional YMCA of-CT  4:53.97    4:47.98        
                  25.73       53.78 (28.05)     1:22.67 (28.89)     1:52.37 (29.70)
        2:22.10 (29.73)     2:51.50 (29.40)     3:20.78 (29.28)     3:50.18 (29.40)
        4:19.67 (29.49)     4:47.98 (28.31)                                        
 35 Darhower, Jeb             16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  4:48.89    4:48.06        
                  25.29       53.36 (28.07)     1:22.00 (28.64)     1:50.92 (28.92)
        2:20.09 (29.17)     2:49.34 (29.25)     3:19.08 (29.74)     3:49.12 (30.04)
        4:18.79 (29.67)     4:48.06 (29.27)                                        
 36 Taylor, Griffin           17 Manhattan Makos-MR   4:46.90    4:48.69        
                  25.50       53.34 (27.84)     1:21.86 (28.52)     1:50.90 (29.04)
        2:19.97 (29.07)     2:49.66 (29.69)     3:19.17 (29.51)     3:49.04 (29.87)
        4:18.89 (29.85)     4:48.69 (29.80)                                        
 37 Brown, Kyle               13 Aquabears-CT         4:45.80    4:49.42        
                  26.34       54.75 (28.41)     1:23.69 (28.94)     1:52.97 (29.28)
        2:22.14 (29.17)     2:51.54 (29.40)     3:20.88 (29.34)     3:50.34 (29.46)
        4:19.94 (29.60)     4:49.42 (29.48)                                        
 38 Keane, James              17 Eastern Express-NJ   4:42.87    4:49.58        
                  25.64       54.10 (28.46)     1:23.07 (28.97)     1:52.08 (29.01)
        2:21.42 (29.34)     2:50.79 (29.37)     3:20.30 (29.51)     3:50.36 (30.06)
        4:20.57 (30.21)     4:49.58 (29.01)                                        
 39 Bugianesi, Ryan           16 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   4:48.21    4:50.10        
                  26.42       55.33 (28.91)     1:24.56 (29.23)     1:53.97 (29.41)
        2:23.40 (29.43)     2:52.94 (29.54)     3:22.25 (29.31)     3:51.70 (29.45)
        4:21.33 (29.63)     4:50.10 (28.77)                                        
 40 Beucler, Zachary          16 Crimson Aquatics-NE  4:49.74    4:50.50        
                  26.13       54.50 (28.37)     1:23.37 (28.87)     1:52.81 (29.44)
        2:22.13 (29.32)     2:51.45 (29.32)     3:21.29 (29.84)     3:51.21 (29.92)
        4:21.20 (29.99)     4:50.50 (29.30)                                        
 41 Falder, Nicholas          14 Regional YMCA of-CT  4:53.70    4:51.74        
                  26.95       55.77 (28.82)     1:25.11 (29.34)     1:54.79 (29.68)
        2:24.45 (29.66)     2:53.83 (29.38)     3:23.24 (29.41)     3:52.97 (29.73)
        4:22.98 (30.01)     4:51.74 (28.76)                                        
 42 Liu, Haofeng              16 Badger Swim Club-MR  4:46.95    4:52.63        
                  25.94       54.08 (28.14)     1:22.95 (28.87)     1:52.59 (29.64)
        2:22.43 (29.84)     2:52.20 (29.77)     3:22.41 (30.21)     3:53.07 (30.66)
        4:23.36 (30.29)     4:52.63 (29.27)                                        
 43 Folz, Joseph              18 Pittsburgh Sting-AM  4:47.47    4:54.58        
                  25.66       53.43 (27.77)     1:22.37 (28.94)     1:51.87 (29.50)
        2:22.14 (30.27)     2:52.30 (30.16)     3:22.81 (30.51)     3:53.27 (30.46)
        4:24.12 (30.85)     4:54.58 (30.46)                                        
 44 Lequang, Matthew          14 Princeton Tiger-NJ   4:42.75    4:54.80        
                  25.10       53.11 (28.01)     1:21.93 (28.82)     1:51.47 (29.54)
        2:21.73 (30.26)     2:52.05 (30.32)     3:22.21 (30.16)     3:53.00 (30.79)
        4:24.42 (31.42)     4:54.80 (30.38)                                        
 45 Weiland, Carter           15 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   4:37.80    4:55.77        
                  25.68       54.11 (28.43)     1:23.79 (29.68)     1:53.74 (29.95)
        2:23.84 (30.10)     2:54.22 (30.38)     3:24.92 (30.70)     3:55.89 (30.97)
        4:26.44 (30.55)     4:55.77 (29.33)                                        
 46 Hewitt, Jake              20 Duanesburg Elect-AD  4:58.11    4:55.80        
                  27.18       56.63 (29.45)     1:26.50 (29.87)     1:57.04 (30.54)
        2:26.85 (29.81)     2:56.89 (30.04)     3:27.30 (30.41)     3:58.10 (30.80)
        4:27.93 (29.83)     4:55.80 (27.87)                                        
 47 Lanphear, Jack            18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  4:51.12    4:56.02        
                  26.15       55.31 (29.16)     1:25.36 (30.05)     1:55.57 (30.21)
        2:26.11 (30.54)     2:56.40 (30.29)     3:27.03 (30.63)     3:57.42 (30.39)
        4:27.21 (29.79)     4:56.02 (28.81)                                        
 48 Gallant, Will             14 West Hartford Aq-CT  4:55.64    4:57.71        
                  26.52       55.12 (28.60)     1:24.62 (29.50)     1:54.44 (29.82)
        2:24.59 (30.15)     2:54.90 (30.31)     3:25.55 (30.65)     3:56.38 (30.83)
        4:27.22 (30.84)     4:57.71 (30.49)                                        
 49 Sita, John                16 Nation's Capital-PV  4:48.34    4:57.85        
                  25.75       54.65 (28.90)     1:24.46 (29.81)     1:54.96 (30.50)
        2:25.23 (30.27)     2:55.51 (30.28)     3:26.32 (30.81)     3:57.25 (30.93)
        4:28.08 (30.83)     4:57.85 (29.77)                                        
 50 Cummings, James           18 Regional YMCA of-CT  4:53.29    4:57.91        
                  26.83       55.85 (29.02)     1:25.65 (29.80)     1:55.93 (30.28)
        2:26.34 (30.41)     2:56.80 (30.46)     3:27.56 (30.76)     3:57.92 (30.36)
        4:28.09 (30.17)     4:57.91 (29.82)                                        
 50 Demitz, Connor            16 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:46.19    4:57.91        
                  26.19       54.77 (28.58)     1:24.06 (29.29)     1:53.88 (29.82)
        2:23.98 (30.10)     2:54.60 (30.62)     3:25.61 (31.01)     3:56.72 (31.11)
        4:27.89 (31.17)     4:57.91 (30.02)                                        
 52 Anderson, Ethan           15 Eastern Express-NJ   4:53.28    4:59.38        
                  26.78       56.29 (29.51)     1:26.35 (30.06)     1:56.96 (30.61)
        2:27.92 (30.96)     2:58.80 (30.88)     3:29.47 (30.67)     3:59.87 (30.40)
        4:30.13 (30.26)     4:59.38 (29.25)                                        
 53 Lear, Casey               17 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  4:45.51    5:00.30        
                  26.51       55.78 (29.27)     1:25.90 (30.12)     1:56.28 (30.38)
        2:26.63 (30.35)     2:56.79 (30.16)     3:27.60 (30.81)     3:58.54 (30.94)
        4:29.66 (31.12)     5:00.30 (30.64)                                        
 54 Mowery, Jack              14 Arlington Aquati-PV  4:52.61    5:04.00        
                  26.19       55.68 (29.49)     1:25.91 (30.23)     1:56.68 (30.77)
        2:27.91 (31.23)     2:59.47 (31.56)     3:30.47 (31.00)     4:02.05 (31.58)
        4:33.27 (31.22)     5:04.00 (30.73)                                        
 55 Krigeris, Michael         14 X-Cel Swimming-NJ    5:11.06    5:16.75        
                  27.80       58.43 (30.63)     1:30.12 (31.69)     2:02.25 (32.13)
        2:34.72 (32.47)     3:07.30 (32.58)     3:39.99 (32.69)     4:13.00 (33.01)
        4:45.21 (32.21)     5:16.75 (31.54)                                        
 -- Nutt, John                14 The Atlantic Clu-NJ  4:48.21        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Highman, Nicholas         15 York Swim Club-PV    5:02.51        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Casey, Jack               15 Hauppauge Athlet-MR  5:03.63        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Lynch, Evan               15 757 Swim-VA          4:35.81        DFS        
      Declared false start
Men 1000 Yard Freestyle
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 McIntyre, Jack      17 Eastern Express-NJ   9:10.78    9:22.73         22  
                  25.19       52.78 (27.59)     1:20.88 (28.10)     1:48.94 (28.06)
        2:17.37 (28.43)     2:45.63 (28.26)     3:13.95 (28.32)     3:42.61 (28.66)
        4:11.42 (28.81)     4:39.97 (28.55)     5:08.67 (28.70)     5:37.45 (28.78)
        6:06.39 (28.94)     6:35.25 (28.86)     7:04.01 (28.76)     7:31.45 (27.44)
        7:59.16 (27.71)     8:27.11 (27.95)     8:55.02 (27.91)     9:22.73 (27.71)
  2 Miller, Kevin       17 Swim Ithaca-NI       9:20.88    9:30.40         19  
                  25.29       52.87 (27.58)     1:20.82 (27.95)     1:49.01 (28.19)
        2:17.05 (28.04)     2:45.47 (28.42)     3:13.93 (28.46)     3:42.70 (28.77)
        4:11.29 (28.59)     4:39.77 (28.48)     5:08.74 (28.97)     5:37.71 (28.97)
        6:06.76 (29.05)     6:35.88 (29.12)     7:04.83 (28.95)     7:34.41 (29.58)
        8:03.89 (29.48)     8:33.41 (29.52)     9:02.39 (28.98)     9:30.40 (28.01)
  3 Schonbachler, Ryan  16 Pine Richland Aq-AM  9:42.53    9:33.88         18  
                  25.54       53.70 (28.16)     1:22.13 (28.43)     1:50.78 (28.65)
        2:19.80 (29.02)     2:48.81 (29.01)     3:17.93 (29.12)     3:47.04 (29.11)
        4:16.48 (29.44)     4:45.84 (29.36)     5:15.08 (29.24)     5:44.23 (29.15)
        6:13.83 (29.60)     6:43.33 (29.50)     7:12.72 (29.39)     7:41.72 (29.00)
        8:11.35 (29.63)     8:40.78 (29.43)     9:09.16 (28.38)     9:33.88 (24.72)
  4 Lovette, James      16 Swim Ithaca-NI       9:44.60    9:34.05         17  
                  25.39       53.37 (27.98)     1:22.07 (28.70)     1:50.69 (28.62)
        2:19.55 (28.86)     2:48.65 (29.10)     3:17.66 (29.01)     3:46.86 (29.20)
        4:16.17 (29.31)     4:45.50 (29.33)     5:15.06 (29.56)     5:44.25 (29.19)
        6:13.91 (29.66)     6:43.42 (29.51)     7:12.78 (29.36)     7:42.11 (29.33)
        8:11.43 (29.32)     8:40.73 (29.30)     9:08.60 (27.87)     9:34.05 (25.45)
  5 Powers, William     17 Badger Swim Club-MR  9:54.89    9:34.99         16  
                  24.88       52.61 (27.73)     1:21.05 (28.44)     1:49.74 (28.69)
        2:18.33 (28.59)     2:47.13 (28.80)     3:16.35 (29.22)     3:45.35 (29.00)
        4:14.50 (29.15)     4:43.70 (29.20)     5:12.77 (29.07)     5:42.07 (29.30)
        6:11.24 (29.17)     6:40.76 (29.52)     7:10.08 (29.32)     7:39.44 (29.36)
        8:08.85 (29.41)     8:37.91 (29.06)     9:06.94 (29.03)     9:34.99 (28.05)
  6 Simone, James       16 Badger Swim Club-MR  9:02.45L   9:35.13         15  
                  25.49       53.72 (28.23)     1:22.31 (28.59)     1:51.19 (28.88)
        2:19.89 (28.70)     2:48.77 (28.88)     3:17.68 (28.91)     3:46.83 (29.15)
        4:15.93 (29.10)     4:45.05 (29.12)     5:14.25 (29.20)     5:43.47 (29.22)
        6:12.69 (29.22)     6:42.13 (29.44)     7:11.34 (29.21)     7:40.62 (29.28)
        8:09.82 (29.20)     8:39.20 (29.38)     9:08.10 (28.90)     9:35.13 (27.03)
  7 Loveless, John      16 Badger Swim Club-MR  8:48.67L   9:35.37         14  
                  25.88       54.23 (28.35)     1:22.99 (28.76)     1:52.04 (29.05)
        2:21.32 (29.28)     2:50.53 (29.21)     3:19.75 (29.22)     3:49.22 (29.47)
        4:18.20 (28.98)     4:47.40 (29.20)     5:16.40 (29.00)     5:45.53 (29.13)
        6:14.68 (29.15)     6:43.95 (29.27)     7:12.90 (28.95)     7:41.93 (29.03)
        8:10.82 (28.89)     8:39.65 (28.83)     9:08.15 (28.50)     9:35.37 (27.22)
  8 Lequang, Matthew    14 Princeton Tiger-NJ   9:54.54    9:40.19         13  
                  25.43       53.26 (27.83)     1:22.00 (28.74)     1:50.80 (28.80)
        2:19.55 (28.75)     2:48.48 (28.93)     3:17.52 (29.04)     3:46.80 (29.28)
        4:16.27 (29.47)     4:45.83 (29.56)     5:15.27 (29.44)     5:44.89 (29.62)
        6:14.56 (29.67)     6:44.35 (29.79)     7:14.18 (29.83)     7:43.52 (29.34)
        8:13.00 (29.48)     8:42.70 (29.70)     9:12.02 (29.32)     9:40.19 (28.17)
  9 Haraden, Jesse      18 Schenectady-Sara-AD  9:45.88    9:41.04         12  
                  27.15       56.05 (28.90)     1:25.49 (29.44)     1:55.12 (29.63)
        2:24.75 (29.63)     2:54.40 (29.65)     3:24.04 (29.64)     3:53.66 (29.62)
        4:23.07 (29.41)     4:52.17 (29.10)     5:21.25 (29.08)     5:50.56 (29.31)
        6:19.89 (29.33)     6:49.14 (29.25)     7:18.31 (29.17)     7:47.30 (28.99)
        8:16.23 (28.93)     8:45.12 (28.89)     9:13.56 (28.44)     9:41.04 (27.48)
 10 Stauffer, John      16 Eastern Express-NJ   9:40.75    9:42.73         10  
                  25.89       54.39 (28.50)     1:23.17 (28.78)     1:52.40 (29.23)
        2:21.72 (29.32)     2:51.11 (29.39)     3:20.46 (29.35)     3:49.87 (29.41)
        4:19.24 (29.37)     4:48.83 (29.59)     5:18.12 (29.29)     5:47.60 (29.48)
        6:17.14 (29.54)     6:46.53 (29.39)     7:16.02 (29.49)     7:45.50 (29.48)
        8:14.89 (29.39)     8:44.41 (29.52)     9:13.81 (29.40)     9:42.73 (28.92)
 11 Zimmerman, Eric     16 Rockville Montgo-PV  9:53.97    9:44.66          8  
                  26.83       56.11 (29.28)     1:25.59 (29.48)     1:55.27 (29.68)
        2:24.84 (29.57)     2:54.34 (29.50)     3:23.59 (29.25)     3:52.92 (29.33)
        4:22.26 (29.34)     4:51.65 (29.39)     5:21.08 (29.43)     5:50.47 (29.39)
        6:19.81 (29.34)     6:49.42 (29.61)     7:18.74 (29.32)     7:48.24 (29.50)
        8:17.68 (29.44)     8:47.30 (29.62)     9:16.56 (29.26)     9:44.66 (28.10)
 12 Crist, Brandon      15 Golden Comets Sw-NI  9:42.63    9:44.94          7  
                  26.27       55.22 (28.95)     1:24.98 (29.76)     1:54.47 (29.49)
        2:23.79 (29.32)     2:53.28 (29.49)     3:22.71 (29.43)     3:52.42 (29.71)
        4:21.82 (29.40)     4:51.23 (29.41)     5:20.67 (29.44)     5:50.66 (29.99)
        6:20.02 (29.36)     6:49.49 (29.47)     7:19.45 (29.96)     7:49.02 (29.57)
        8:18.59 (29.57)     8:48.10 (29.51)     9:17.14 (29.04)     9:44.94 (27.80)
 13 Gabidoulline, Rusl  16 Rockville Montgo-PV  9:43.04    9:46.85          6  
                  27.06       55.85 (28.79)     1:24.89 (29.04)     1:54.30 (29.41)
        2:23.77 (29.47)     2:53.42 (29.65)     3:22.95 (29.53)     3:52.46 (29.51)
        4:21.84 (29.38)     4:51.41 (29.57)     5:21.07 (29.66)     5:50.77 (29.70)
        6:20.35 (29.58)     6:49.81 (29.46)     7:19.35 (29.54)     7:48.92 (29.57)
        8:18.71 (29.79)     8:48.64 (29.93)     9:18.24 (29.60)     9:46.85 (28.61)
 14 O'Donovan, Michael  18 Portland Porpois-ME  9:40.28    9:48.49          5  
                  25.78       53.65 (27.87)     1:22.07 (28.42)     1:51.28 (29.21)
        2:20.14 (28.86)     2:50.06 (29.92)     3:19.58 (29.52)     3:48.95 (29.37)
        4:18.49 (29.54)     4:47.87 (29.38)     5:18.56 (30.69)     5:48.53 (29.97)
        6:19.19 (30.66)     6:50.06 (30.87)     7:20.44 (30.38)     7:50.90 (30.46)
        8:20.82 (29.92)     8:51.57 (30.75)     9:21.17 (29.60)     9:48.49 (27.32)
 15 Uhlin, Keir         17 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  9:37.87    9:48.70          4  
                  25.62       53.85 (28.23)     1:22.36 (28.51)     1:51.41 (29.05)
        2:20.65 (29.24)     2:49.94 (29.29)     3:19.43 (29.49)     3:48.98 (29.55)
        4:18.48 (29.50)     4:48.28 (29.80)     5:18.10 (29.82)     5:48.02 (29.92)
        6:17.74 (29.72)     6:47.69 (29.95)     7:17.97 (30.28)     7:48.19 (30.22)
        8:18.55 (30.36)     8:49.14 (30.59)     9:20.04 (30.90)     9:48.70 (28.66)
 16 Farricker, Christi  15 Una Bad-MR           8:52.10L   9:48.92          3  
                  25.03       53.76 (28.73)     1:23.31 (29.55)     1:52.78 (29.47)
        2:22.34 (29.56)     2:52.03 (29.69)     3:21.54 (29.51)     3:51.11 (29.57)
        4:20.59 (29.48)     4:50.46 (29.87)     5:20.64 (30.18)     5:50.99 (30.35)
        6:21.33 (30.34)     6:51.12 (29.79)     7:20.62 (29.50)     7:50.65 (30.03)
        8:20.91 (30.26)     8:51.03 (30.12)     9:20.85 (29.82)     9:48.92 (28.07)
 17 McKinley, Timothy   16 Nation's Capital-PV  9:40.99    9:49.26          2  
                  26.16       54.39 (28.23)     1:23.21 (28.82)     1:53.14 (29.93)
        2:22.71 (29.57)     2:52.23 (29.52)     3:22.29 (30.06)     3:51.91 (29.62)
        4:21.99 (30.08)     4:52.02 (30.03)     5:21.90 (29.88)     5:51.94 (30.04)
        6:22.22 (30.28)     6:52.56 (30.34)     7:22.59 (30.03)     7:52.62 (30.03)
        8:22.89 (30.27)     8:52.69 (29.80)     9:22.14 (29.45)     9:49.26 (27.12)
 18 Lu, Eric            15 Rockville Montgo-PV 10:00.25    9:49.51          1  
                  15.31       57.24 (41.93)     1:26.80 (29.56)     1:56.62 (29.82)
        2:26.53 (29.91)     2:56.06 (29.53)     3:26.09 (30.03)     3:55.77 (29.68)
        4:25.74 (29.97)     4:55.90 (30.16)     5:25.38 (29.48)     5:55.49 (30.11)
        6:25.33 (29.84)     6:55.19 (29.86)     7:25.39 (30.20)     7:55.51 (30.12)
        8:25.19 (29.68)     8:54.41 (29.22)     9:23.01 (28.60)     9:49.51 (26.50)
 19 Douglas, Michael    17 Executive Swim C-NE  9:55.67    9:49.94        
                  26.46       55.41 (28.95)     1:25.17 (29.76)     1:54.75 (29.58)
        2:24.69 (29.94)     2:54.87 (30.18)     3:24.92 (30.05)     3:54.92 (30.00)
        4:24.82 (29.90)     4:54.74 (29.92)     5:24.75 (30.01)     5:54.46 (29.71)
        6:24.58 (30.12)     6:54.46 (29.88)     7:24.36 (29.90)     7:54.23 (29.87)
        8:23.84 (29.61)     8:53.15 (29.31)     9:22.01 (28.86)     9:49.94 (27.93)
 20 Keane, James        17 Eastern Express-NJ   9:54.76    9:51.45        
                  26.79       55.64 (28.85)     1:25.25 (29.61)     1:54.97 (29.72)
        2:24.74 (29.77)     2:54.73 (29.99)     3:24.54 (29.81)     3:54.47 (29.93)
        4:24.39 (29.92)     4:54.31 (29.92)     5:24.14 (29.83)     5:54.15 (30.01)
        6:24.10 (29.95)     6:54.03 (29.93)     7:23.76 (29.73)     7:53.61 (29.85)
        8:23.42 (29.81)     8:53.49 (30.07)     9:22.98 (29.49)     9:51.45 (28.47)
 21 Merrill, Colin      16 Aquabears-CT         9:59.99    9:51.93        
                  27.77       58.00 (30.23)     1:27.96 (29.96)     1:58.13 (30.17)
        2:28.25 (30.12)     2:58.05 (29.80)     3:28.19 (30.14)     3:58.00 (29.81)
        4:27.69 (29.69)     4:57.61 (29.92)     5:27.46 (29.85)     5:57.29 (29.83)
        6:27.16 (29.87)     6:56.87 (29.71)     7:26.55 (29.68)     7:56.23 (29.68)
        8:25.84 (29.61)     8:55.19 (29.35)     9:24.14 (28.95)     9:51.93 (27.79)
 22 Byman, Sean         15 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   8:57.68L   9:53.16        
                  27.00       55.98 (28.98)     1:25.44 (29.46)     1:54.98 (29.54)
        2:24.30 (29.32)     2:53.59 (29.29)     3:23.18 (29.59)     3:52.32 (29.14)
        4:21.59 (29.27)     4:50.97 (29.38)     5:20.66 (29.69)     5:50.76 (30.10)
        6:21.00 (30.24)     6:51.30 (30.30)     7:21.63 (30.33)     7:52.07 (30.44)
        8:22.73 (30.66)     8:53.33 (30.60)     9:24.01 (30.68)     9:53.16 (29.15)
 23 Williams, Brendan   14 Three Village Sw-MR  9:04.89L   9:54.45        
                  26.90       55.74 (28.84)     1:25.69 (29.95)     1:55.50 (29.81)
        2:25.18 (29.68)     2:55.09 (29.91)     3:24.88 (29.79)     3:54.94 (30.06)
        4:24.93 (29.99)     4:54.89 (29.96)     5:25.06 (30.17)     5:55.32 (30.26)
        6:25.49 (30.17)     6:55.71 (30.22)     7:25.82 (30.11)     7:55.62 (29.80)
        8:25.86 (30.24)     8:55.82 (29.96)     9:25.80 (29.98)     9:54.45 (28.65)
 24 Lee, Ryan           15 Westchester Aqua-MR  9:57.59    9:54.88        
                  26.69       55.82 (29.13)     1:25.50 (29.68)     1:55.18 (29.68)
        2:25.07 (29.89)     2:55.25 (30.18)     3:25.40 (30.15)     3:55.72 (30.32)
        4:26.22 (30.50)     4:56.20 (29.98)     5:26.60 (30.40)     5:56.83 (30.23)
        6:27.27 (30.44)     6:57.51 (30.24)     7:28.01 (30.50)     7:58.17 (30.16)
        8:28.19 (30.02)     8:58.12 (29.93)     9:27.58 (29.46)     9:54.88 (27.30)
 25 Rosner, Jacob       14 Rockville Montgo-PV  9:56.66    9:54.98        
                  26.50       56.54 (30.04)     1:27.21 (30.67)     1:57.45 (30.24)
        2:28.07 (30.62)     2:58.18 (30.11)     3:28.75 (30.57)     3:59.69 (30.94)
        4:29.33 (29.64)     4:59.35 (30.02)     5:29.50 (30.15)     5:59.43 (29.93)
        6:29.34 (29.91)     6:59.38 (30.04)     7:29.54 (30.16)     7:59.46 (29.92)
        8:29.45 (29.99)     8:59.36 (29.91)     9:28.45 (29.09)     9:54.98 (26.53)
 26 Lawson, Ryan        16 Condors Swim Clu-MR 10:02.74    9:56.06        
                  26.53       55.48 (28.95)     1:25.46 (29.98)     1:55.33 (29.87)
        2:25.11 (29.78)     2:54.95 (29.84)     3:24.68 (29.73)     3:54.57 (29.89)
        4:24.86 (30.29)     4:55.28 (30.42)     5:25.52 (30.24)     5:55.67 (30.15)
        6:25.52 (29.85)     6:56.04 (30.52)     7:25.78 (29.74)     7:56.55 (30.77)
        8:27.09 (30.54)     8:57.20 (30.11)     9:27.09 (29.89)     9:56.06 (28.97)
 27 Eppinger, Emmanuel  17 Jewish Community-AM  9:50.26    9:57.47        
                  26.26       55.12 (28.86)     1:24.41 (29.29)     1:54.43 (30.02)
        2:24.15 (29.72)     2:53.88 (29.73)     3:24.13 (30.25)     3:54.04 (29.91)
        4:24.00 (29.96)     4:53.85 (29.85)     5:23.77 (29.92)     5:54.27 (30.50)
        6:24.16 (29.89)     6:54.37 (30.21)     7:25.11 (30.74)     7:55.46 (30.35)
        8:26.00 (30.54)     8:56.78 (30.78)     9:27.38 (30.60)     9:57.47 (30.09)
 28 Falder, Nicholas    14 Regional YMCA of-CT  9:56.20    9:58.61        
                  27.32       56.53 (29.21)     1:26.27 (29.74)     1:56.09 (29.82)
        2:26.05 (29.96)     2:56.37 (30.32)     3:26.17 (29.80)     3:56.11 (29.94)
        4:26.42 (30.31)     4:56.29 (29.87)     5:26.25 (29.96)     5:56.37 (30.12)
        6:26.40 (30.03)     6:56.75 (30.35)     7:27.39 (30.64)     7:57.36 (29.97)
        8:27.84 (30.48)     8:58.01 (30.17)     9:28.43 (30.42)     9:58.61 (30.18)
 29 Hodes, Ehran        16 OMNI-CT             10:02.10    9:59.08        
                  25.85       53.89 (28.04)     1:23.80 (29.91)     1:54.13 (30.33)
        2:24.75 (30.62)     2:55.12 (30.37)     3:25.32 (30.20)     3:55.61 (30.29)
        4:25.93 (30.32)     4:56.23 (30.30)     5:26.36 (30.13)     5:56.78 (30.42)
        6:27.55 (30.77)     6:58.10 (30.55)     7:28.89 (30.79)     7:59.39 (30.50)
        8:29.95 (30.56)     9:00.29 (30.34)     9:30.71 (30.42)     9:59.08 (28.37)
 30 Jacome, Sebastian   15 Rockville Montgo-PV 10:20.11    9:59.31        
                  26.38       55.32 (28.94)     1:24.93 (29.61)     1:54.60 (29.67)
        2:24.22 (29.62)     2:53.76 (29.54)     3:23.81 (30.05)     3:54.07 (30.26)
        4:24.46 (30.39)     4:54.99 (30.53)     5:25.44 (30.45)     5:55.98 (30.54)
        6:26.80 (30.82)     6:55.79 (28.99)     7:26.26 (30.47)     7:57.09 (30.83)
        8:28.39 (31.30)     8:58.91 (30.52)     9:29.79 (30.88)     9:59.31 (29.52)
 31 Kuster, Cole        14 PVA-NE               9:52.98    9:59.47        
                  26.69       55.76 (29.07)     1:25.51 (29.75)     1:55.55 (30.04)
        2:25.58 (30.03)     2:55.88 (30.30)     3:26.25 (30.37)     3:57.14 (30.89)
        4:27.73 (30.59)     4:58.17 (30.44)     5:28.82 (30.65)     5:58.87 (30.05)
        6:28.80 (29.93)     6:59.34 (30.54)     7:29.62 (30.28)     8:00.25 (30.63)
        8:30.31 (30.06)     9:00.63 (30.32)     9:30.72 (30.09)     9:59.47 (28.75)
 32 Taylor, Griffin     17 Manhattan Makos-MR   9:50.51    9:59.65        
                  27.19       57.10 (29.91)     1:27.03 (29.93)     1:57.06 (30.03)
        2:27.41 (30.35)     2:57.41 (30.00)     3:27.49 (30.08)     3:57.95 (30.46)
        4:28.38 (30.43)     4:58.82 (30.44)     5:29.25 (30.43)     5:59.69 (30.44)
        6:29.82 (30.13)     7:00.25 (30.43)     7:30.68 (30.43)     8:00.99 (30.31)
        8:31.56 (30.57)     9:02.15 (30.59)     9:32.24 (30.09)     9:59.65 (27.41)
 33 Stout, Dawson       17 Regional YMCA of-CT 10:00.05   10:00.84        
                  26.69       55.80 (29.11)     1:25.35 (29.55)     1:55.06 (29.71)
        2:24.90 (29.84)     2:54.88 (29.98)     3:24.80 (29.92)     3:55.01 (30.21)
        4:24.98 (29.97)     4:55.31 (30.33)     5:25.27 (29.96)     5:55.36 (30.09)
        6:26.13 (30.77)     6:56.36 (30.23)     7:26.95 (30.59)     7:57.79 (30.84)
        8:28.61 (30.82)     8:59.65 (31.04)     9:30.66 (31.01)    10:00.84 (30.18)
 34 Guindine, Lawrence  17 Wyckoff Ymca-NJ     10:02.00   10:04.58        
                  27.08       56.66 (29.58)     1:26.58 (29.92)     1:56.89 (30.31)
        2:27.48 (30.59)     2:58.43 (30.95)     3:29.15 (30.72)     3:59.67 (30.52)
        4:29.96 (30.29)     5:00.61 (30.65)     5:31.14 (30.53)     6:01.99 (30.85)
        6:32.74 (30.75)     7:03.57 (30.83)     7:34.53 (30.96)     8:05.65 (31.12)
        8:36.35 (30.70)     9:06.86 (30.51)     9:36.35 (29.49)    10:04.58 (28.23)
 35 Stolarski, Andrew   14 Condors Swim Clu-MR 10:02.10   10:04.69        
                  26.51       55.51 (29.00)     1:25.25 (29.74)     1:55.41 (30.16)
        2:25.91 (30.50)     2:56.44 (30.53)     3:27.12 (30.68)     3:57.86 (30.74)
        4:28.87 (31.01)     5:00.09 (31.22)     5:31.31 (31.22)     6:02.51 (31.20)
        6:33.76 (31.25)     7:04.68 (30.92)     7:35.76 (31.08)     8:06.61 (30.85)
        8:37.04 (30.43)     9:07.21 (30.17)     9:36.84 (29.63)    10:04.69 (27.85)
 36 Beucler, Zachary    16 Crimson Aquatics-NE  9:52.39   10:08.10        
                  27.03       56.51 (29.48)     1:26.83 (30.32)     1:57.38 (30.55)
        2:28.31 (30.93)     2:59.30 (30.99)     3:29.88 (30.58)     4:00.89 (31.01)
        4:31.41 (30.52)     5:02.23 (30.82)     5:32.71 (30.48)     6:03.44 (30.73)
        6:34.18 (30.74)     7:04.71 (30.53)     7:35.41 (30.70)     8:06.22 (30.81)
        8:37.03 (30.81)     9:07.70 (30.67)     9:38.68 (30.98)    10:08.10 (29.42)
 37 Marder, John        15 Nation's Capital-PV  9:58.57   10:08.87        
                  27.52       57.52 (30.00)     1:28.09 (30.57)     1:58.48 (30.39)
        2:29.23 (30.75)     3:00.05 (30.82)     3:30.55 (30.50)     4:00.94 (30.39)
        4:31.86 (30.92)     5:03.20 (31.34)     5:34.18 (30.98)     6:05.71 (31.53)
        6:37.03 (31.32)     7:07.79 (30.76)     7:38.46 (30.67)     8:09.27 (30.81)
        8:39.71 (30.44)     9:10.32 (30.61)     9:40.15 (29.83)    10:08.87 (28.72)
 38 Gallant, Will       14 West Hartford Aq-CT  9:59.07   10:09.67        
                  27.29       56.89 (29.60)     1:27.25 (30.36)     1:58.06 (30.81)
        2:28.95 (30.89)     2:59.67 (30.72)     3:30.39 (30.72)     4:01.17 (30.78)
        4:31.95 (30.78)     5:02.91 (30.96)     5:33.94 (31.03)     6:04.71 (30.77)
        6:35.84 (31.13)     7:06.98 (31.14)     7:37.86 (30.88)     8:08.51 (30.65)
        8:39.59 (31.08)     9:10.22 (30.63)     9:40.48 (30.26)    10:09.67 (29.19)
 39 Demitz, Connor      16 Rockville Montgo-PV  9:56.42   10:16.10        
                  26.93       56.48 (29.55)     1:26.40 (29.92)     1:56.47 (30.07)
        2:26.88 (30.41)     2:57.35 (30.47)     3:28.14 (30.79)     3:58.93 (30.79)
        4:30.22 (31.29)     5:01.61 (31.39)     5:33.12 (31.51)     6:04.77 (31.65)
        6:36.08 (31.31)     7:07.56 (31.48)     7:39.27 (31.71)     8:11.00 (31.73)
        8:42.91 (31.91)     9:14.58 (31.67)     9:45.86 (31.28)    10:16.10 (30.24)
 -- Whiting, Jacob      17 Auburn YMCA Stin-NI  9:57.21        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Macdonald, Ian      17 Shawmut Aquatic-NE   9:56.12        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Wroblewski, Joshua  17 Charter Oak Aqua-CT  9:37.21        DFS        
      Declared false start
Men 1650 Yard Freestyle
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 McIntyre, Jack      17 Eastern Express-NJ  15:34.10   15:24.95         22  
                  24.93       52.01 (27.08)     1:19.64 (27.63)     1:47.42 (27.78)
        2:15.36 (27.94)     2:43.40 (28.04)     3:11.41 (28.01)     3:39.60 (28.19)
        4:07.83 (28.23)     4:36.17 (28.34)     5:04.37 (28.20)     5:32.39 (28.02)
        6:00.40 (28.01)     6:28.56 (28.16)     6:56.85 (28.29)     7:25.15 (28.30)
        7:53.40 (28.25)     8:21.70 (28.30)     8:49.86 (28.16)     9:18.30 (28.44)
        9:46.71 (28.41)    10:15.09 (28.38)    10:43.33 (28.24)    11:11.84 (28.51)
       11:40.17 (28.33)    12:08.53 (28.36)    12:37.15 (28.62)    13:05.56 (28.41)
       13:33.23 (27.67)    14:01.74 (28.51)    14:30.13 (28.39)    14:58.46 (28.33)
       15:24.95 (26.49)
  2 Dinunzio, Matthew   18 Jewish Community-AM 15:59.02   15:36.37         19  
                  24.99       52.33 (27.34)     1:20.21 (27.88)     1:48.19 (27.98)
        2:16.26 (28.07)     2:44.36 (28.10)     3:12.57 (28.21)     3:40.83 (28.26)
        4:09.19 (28.36)     4:37.52 (28.33)     5:06.04 (28.52)     5:34.40 (28.36)
        6:03.08 (28.68)     6:31.90 (28.82)     7:00.68 (28.78)     7:29.37 (28.69)
        7:58.16 (28.79)     8:26.89 (28.73)     8:55.59 (28.70)     9:24.43 (28.84)
        9:53.27 (28.84)    10:22.19 (28.92)    10:50.97 (28.78)    11:20.03 (29.06)
       11:48.69 (28.66)    12:17.64 (28.95)    12:46.32 (28.68)    13:15.12 (28.80)
       13:43.75 (28.63)    14:12.34 (28.59)    14:41.01 (28.67)    15:09.57 (28.56)
       15:36.37 (26.80)
  3 Ortof, Harry        17 Long Island Expr-MR 15:49.98   15:42.83         18  
                  25.62       53.15 (27.53)     1:21.18 (28.03)     1:49.57 (28.39)
        2:18.08 (28.51)     2:46.57 (28.49)     3:15.05 (28.48)     3:43.70 (28.65)
        4:12.45 (28.75)     4:41.09 (28.64)     5:09.99 (28.90)     5:38.55 (28.56)
        6:07.53 (28.98)     6:36.26 (28.73)     7:04.87 (28.61)     7:33.71 (28.84)
        8:02.37 (28.66)     8:31.12 (28.75)     8:59.89 (28.77)     9:28.76 (28.87)
        9:57.50 (28.74)    10:26.49 (28.99)    10:55.15 (28.66)    11:23.84 (28.69)
       11:52.89 (29.05)    12:21.88 (28.99)    12:50.52 (28.64)    13:19.36 (28.84)
       13:48.31 (28.95)    14:17.28 (28.97)    14:46.36 (29.08)    15:15.23 (28.87)
       15:42.83 (27.60)
  4 Schonbachler, Ryan  16 Pine Richland Aq-AM 15:50.40   15:52.22         17  
                  25.26       52.83 (27.57)     1:20.98 (28.15)     1:49.15 (28.17)
        2:17.65 (28.50)     2:46.31 (28.66)     3:15.09 (28.78)     3:43.91 (28.82)
        4:12.80 (28.89)     4:41.77 (28.97)     5:10.76 (28.99)     5:39.67 (28.91)
        6:08.81 (29.14)     6:37.91 (29.10)     7:07.09 (29.18)     7:36.53 (29.44)
        8:06.04 (29.51)     8:35.42 (29.38)     9:04.92 (29.50)     9:34.43 (29.51)
       10:03.10 (28.67)    10:32.06 (28.96)    11:01.25 (29.19)    11:30.61 (29.36)
       12:00.13 (29.52)    12:29.13 (29.00)    12:58.52 (29.39)    13:28.00 (29.48)
       13:57.45 (29.45)    14:26.90 (29.45)    14:56.43 (29.53)    15:24.91 (28.48)
       15:52.22 (27.31)
  5 Loveless, John      16 Badger Swim Club-MR 16:41.43   15:58.43         16  
                  25.95       54.22 (28.27)     1:23.07 (28.85)     1:51.80 (28.73)
        2:20.55 (28.75)     2:49.86 (29.31)     3:18.84 (28.98)     3:48.30 (29.46)
        4:17.69 (29.39)     4:46.96 (29.27)     5:16.25 (29.29)     5:45.42 (29.17)
        6:14.65 (29.23)     6:44.02 (29.37)     7:13.38 (29.36)     7:42.81 (29.43)
        8:11.97 (29.16)     8:41.16 (29.19)     9:10.50 (29.34)     9:40.13 (29.63)
       10:09.52 (29.39)    10:38.98 (29.46)    11:08.34 (29.36)    11:37.62 (29.28)
       12:07.04 (29.42)    12:36.59 (29.55)    13:05.96 (29.37)    13:35.21 (29.25)
       14:04.42 (29.21)    14:33.69 (29.27)    15:02.48 (28.79)    15:31.12 (28.64)
       15:58.43 (27.31)
  6 Powers, William     17 Badger Swim Club-MR 16:47.61L  15:59.85         15  
                  25.24       52.72 (27.48)     1:20.80 (28.08)     1:49.28 (28.48)
        2:17.93 (28.65)     2:46.82 (28.89)     3:15.78 (28.96)     3:44.78 (29.00)
        4:13.89 (29.11)     4:42.92 (29.03)     5:12.00 (29.08)     5:40.98 (28.98)
        6:10.11 (29.13)     6:39.03 (28.92)     7:08.43 (29.40)     7:37.86 (29.43)
        8:07.13 (29.27)     8:36.50 (29.37)     9:06.22 (29.72)     9:35.83 (29.61)
       10:05.30 (29.47)    10:35.07 (29.77)    11:04.51 (29.44)    11:34.28 (29.77)
       12:03.90 (29.62)    12:33.44 (29.54)    13:03.28 (29.84)    13:32.87 (29.59)
       14:02.71 (29.84)    14:32.33 (29.62)    15:01.72 (29.39)    15:31.05 (29.33)
       15:59.85 (28.80)
  7 Simone, James       16 Badger Swim Club-MR 17:10.30L  16:04.53         14  
                  25.70       53.60 (27.90)     1:22.17 (28.57)     1:51.10 (28.93)
        2:20.44 (29.34)     2:49.84 (29.40)     3:19.20 (29.36)     3:48.60 (29.40)
        4:18.62 (30.02)     4:48.07 (29.45)     5:18.13 (30.06)     5:47.63 (29.50)
        6:17.00 (29.37)     6:46.68 (29.68)     7:16.04 (29.36)     7:45.45 (29.41)
        8:15.01 (29.56)     8:44.80 (29.79)     9:14.10 (29.30)     9:43.67 (29.57)
       10:12.96 (29.29)    10:42.64 (29.68)    11:12.06 (29.42)    11:41.40 (29.34)
       12:10.84 (29.44)    12:40.38 (29.54)    13:10.04 (29.66)    13:39.40 (29.36)
       14:08.81 (29.41)    14:38.26 (29.45)    15:07.67 (29.41)    15:37.00 (29.33)
       16:04.53 (27.53)
  8 Quagliato, Douglas  18 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ  16:09.13   16:08.13         13  
                  25.64       53.25 (27.61)     1:21.47 (28.22)     1:50.12 (28.65)
        2:18.83 (28.71)     2:47.53 (28.70)     3:16.53 (29.00)     3:45.52 (28.99)
        4:14.56 (29.04)     4:43.60 (29.04)     5:12.79 (29.19)     5:41.91 (29.12)
        6:11.32 (29.41)     6:40.65 (29.33)     7:10.24 (29.59)     7:39.88 (29.64)
        8:09.50 (29.62)     8:39.12 (29.62)     9:08.94 (29.82)     9:38.78 (29.84)
       10:08.48 (29.70)    10:38.41 (29.93)    11:08.32 (29.91)    11:38.50 (30.18)
       12:08.39 (29.89)    12:38.35 (29.96)    13:08.56 (30.21)    13:38.98 (30.42)
       14:09.07 (30.09)    14:39.51 (30.44)    15:09.57 (30.06)    15:39.40 (29.83)
       16:08.13 (28.73)
  9 Haraden, Jesse      18 Schenectady-Sara-AD 16:09.98   16:08.46         12  
                  26.21       54.91 (28.70)     1:23.98 (29.07)     1:53.50 (29.52)
        2:22.64 (29.14)     2:51.86 (29.22)     3:21.25 (29.39)     3:50.44 (29.19)
        4:19.78 (29.34)     4:49.06 (29.28)     5:18.44 (29.38)     5:48.09 (29.65)
        6:17.30 (29.21)     6:46.72 (29.42)     7:16.37 (29.65)     7:46.01 (29.64)
        8:15.82 (29.81)     8:45.34 (29.52)     9:14.90 (29.56)     9:44.33 (29.43)
       10:13.95 (29.62)    10:43.64 (29.69)    11:13.38 (29.74)    11:43.08 (29.70)
       12:12.64 (29.56)    12:42.27 (29.63)    13:12.22 (29.95)    13:42.13 (29.91)
       14:12.18 (30.05)    14:41.79 (29.61)    15:11.38 (29.59)    15:40.73 (29.35)
       16:08.46 (27.73)
 10 Lequang, Matthew    14 Princeton Tiger-NJ  16:17.96   16:10.71         10  
                  26.27       55.29 (29.02)     1:24.75 (29.46)     1:54.54 (29.79)
        2:24.16 (29.62)     2:54.00 (29.84)     3:23.61 (29.61)     3:53.62 (30.01)
        4:23.49 (29.87)     4:53.06 (29.57)     5:22.68 (29.62)     5:52.63 (29.95)
        6:22.61 (29.98)     6:52.44 (29.83)     7:22.04 (29.60)     7:51.95 (29.91)
        8:21.99 (30.04)     8:51.60 (29.61)     9:21.14 (29.54)     9:51.16 (30.02)
       10:20.92 (29.76)    10:50.79 (29.87)    11:20.74 (29.95)    11:49.99 (29.25)
       12:19.22 (29.23)    12:48.83 (29.61)    13:18.31 (29.48)    13:47.30 (28.99)
       14:16.24 (28.94)    14:44.99 (28.75)    15:13.94 (28.95)    15:43.06 (29.12)
       16:10.71 (27.65)
 11 Stauffer, John      16 Eastern Express-NJ  16:20.49   16:17.16          8  
                  26.14       55.39 (29.25)     1:24.80 (29.41)     1:54.30 (29.50)
        2:24.10 (29.80)     2:53.58 (29.48)     3:23.51 (29.93)     3:53.54 (30.03)
        4:23.48 (29.94)     4:53.32 (29.84)     5:22.82 (29.50)     5:52.50 (29.68)
        6:22.36 (29.86)     6:52.21 (29.85)     7:22.06 (29.85)     7:51.61 (29.55)
        8:21.49 (29.88)     8:51.17 (29.68)     9:20.88 (29.71)     9:50.58 (29.70)
       10:20.32 (29.74)    10:50.15 (29.83)    11:19.79 (29.64)    11:49.36 (29.57)
       12:18.86 (29.50)    12:48.47 (29.61)    13:18.46 (29.99)    13:48.03 (29.57)
       14:17.94 (29.91)    14:47.69 (29.75)    15:17.64 (29.95)    15:47.69 (30.05)
       16:17.16 (29.47)
 12 Lovette, James      16 Swim Ithaca-NI      16:38.83   16:18.62          7  
                  26.17       55.41 (29.24)     1:25.16 (29.75)     1:54.73 (29.57)
        2:24.45 (29.72)     2:54.40 (29.95)     3:24.32 (29.92)     3:54.85 (30.53)
        4:24.03 (29.18)     4:53.54 (29.51)     5:23.73 (30.19)     5:53.42 (29.69)
        6:23.15 (29.73)     6:53.29 (30.14)     7:22.97 (29.68)     7:52.89 (29.92)
        8:23.27 (30.38)     8:53.35 (30.08)     9:23.26 (29.91)     9:53.10 (29.84)
       10:22.94 (29.84)    10:52.85 (29.91)    11:22.45 (29.60)    11:52.38 (29.93)
       12:22.18 (29.80)    12:51.70 (29.52)    13:21.62 (29.92)    13:51.33 (29.71)
       14:21.10 (29.77)    14:50.78 (29.68)    15:20.27 (29.49)    15:50.04 (29.77)
       16:18.62 (28.58)
 13 O'Donovan, Michael  18 Portland Porpois-ME 16:07.63   16:22.07          6  
                  25.09       52.48 (27.39)     1:20.34 (27.86)     1:48.68 (28.34)
        2:17.00 (28.32)     2:45.87 (28.87)     3:15.34 (29.47)     3:44.57 (29.23)
        4:13.60 (29.03)     4:43.23 (29.63)     5:12.86 (29.63)     5:42.31 (29.45)
        6:11.93 (29.62)     6:41.54 (29.61)     7:11.15 (29.61)     7:41.09 (29.94)
        8:11.36 (30.27)     8:41.73 (30.37)     9:11.59 (29.86)     9:42.11 (30.52)
       10:12.96 (30.85)    10:43.09 (30.13)    11:14.29 (31.20)    11:45.44 (31.15)
       12:15.32 (29.88)    12:46.63 (31.31)    13:18.07 (31.44)    13:49.27 (31.20)
       14:19.67 (30.40)    14:51.17 (31.50)    15:21.51 (30.34)    15:52.38 (30.87)
       16:22.07 (29.69)
 14 Lu, Eric            15 Rockville Montgo-PV 16:35.36   16:24.26          5  
                  27.68       56.81 (29.13)     1:26.34 (29.53)     1:56.07 (29.73)
        2:25.90 (29.83)     2:56.06 (30.16)     3:25.97 (29.91)     3:55.96 (29.99)
        4:25.91 (29.95)     4:56.07 (30.16)     5:26.18 (30.11)     5:56.13 (29.95)
        6:26.39 (30.26)     6:56.52 (30.13)     7:26.69 (30.17)     7:56.71 (30.02)
        8:26.85 (30.14)     8:57.09 (30.24)     9:27.35 (30.26)     9:57.54 (30.19)
       10:27.73 (30.19)    10:58.00 (30.27)    11:28.02 (30.02)    11:58.05 (30.03)
       12:28.06 (30.01)    12:58.48 (30.42)    13:28.56 (30.08)    13:59.01 (30.45)
       14:29.33 (30.32)    14:58.73 (29.40)    15:28.91 (30.18)    15:57.95 (29.04)
       16:24.26 (26.31)
 15 Baker, James        17 Golden Comets Sw-NI 16:16.63   16:24.34          4  
                  25.80       53.88 (28.08)     1:22.19 (28.31)     1:50.80 (28.61)
        2:19.65 (28.85)     2:48.57 (28.92)     3:17.48 (28.91)     3:46.45 (28.97)
        4:15.06 (28.61)     4:43.66 (28.60)     5:12.64 (28.98)     5:41.80 (29.16)
        6:11.10 (29.30)     6:40.43 (29.33)     7:10.17 (29.74)     7:39.45 (29.28)
        8:09.05 (29.60)     8:38.94 (29.89)     9:09.03 (30.09)     9:39.35 (30.32)
       10:09.49 (30.14)    10:39.98 (30.49)    11:10.57 (30.59)    11:41.44 (30.87)
       12:12.27 (30.83)    12:43.06 (30.79)    13:14.52 (31.46)    13:45.71 (31.19)
       14:17.29 (31.58)    14:49.00 (31.71)    15:20.91 (31.91)    15:53.47 (32.56)
       16:24.34 (30.87)
 16 Uhlin, Keir         17 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA 16:23.16   16:24.54          3  
                  26.42       55.40 (28.98)     1:24.81 (29.41)     1:54.43 (29.62)
        2:24.23 (29.80)     2:54.26 (30.03)     3:23.94 (29.68)     3:53.92 (29.98)
        4:23.95 (30.03)     4:53.84 (29.89)     5:23.64 (29.80)     5:53.10 (29.46)
        6:22.71 (29.61)     6:52.76 (30.05)     7:22.67 (29.91)     7:52.48 (29.81)
        8:22.53 (30.05)     8:52.50 (29.97)     9:22.29 (29.79)     9:52.30 (30.01)
       10:22.44 (30.14)    10:52.56 (30.12)    11:22.81 (30.25)    11:53.32 (30.51)
       12:23.56 (30.24)    12:53.96 (30.40)    13:24.46 (30.50)    13:55.01 (30.55)
       14:25.57 (30.56)    14:56.11 (30.54)    15:26.22 (30.11)    15:56.13 (29.91)
       16:24.54 (28.41)
 17 Regan, William      15 Regional YMCA of-CT 16:37.88   16:24.95          2  
                  26.30       54.95 (28.65)     1:24.30 (29.35)     1:53.76 (29.46)
        2:23.25 (29.49)     2:53.01 (29.76)     3:22.84 (29.83)     3:52.47 (29.63)
        4:22.35 (29.88)     4:52.36 (30.01)     5:22.65 (30.29)     5:52.94 (30.29)
        6:23.22 (30.28)     6:53.61 (30.39)     7:24.02 (30.41)     7:54.26 (30.24)
        8:24.56 (30.30)     8:54.75 (30.19)     9:24.93 (30.18)     9:55.19 (30.26)
       10:25.47 (30.28)    10:55.66 (30.19)    11:25.71 (30.05)    11:55.79 (30.08)
       12:25.78 (29.99)    12:55.92 (30.14)    13:26.13 (30.21)    13:56.52 (30.39)
       14:26.67 (30.15)    14:56.75 (30.08)    15:26.69 (29.94)    15:56.45 (29.76)
       16:24.95 (28.50)
 18 Falder, Nicholas    14 Regional YMCA of-CT 16:31.67   16:25.96          1  
                  26.87       55.74 (28.87)     1:25.10 (29.36)     1:54.78 (29.68)
        2:24.24 (29.46)     2:53.66 (29.42)     3:23.28 (29.62)     3:53.12 (29.84)
        4:23.21 (30.09)     4:52.94 (29.73)     5:22.84 (29.90)     5:52.79 (29.95)
        6:22.41 (29.62)     6:52.47 (30.06)     7:22.86 (30.39)     7:52.80 (29.94)
        8:22.88 (30.08)     8:52.87 (29.99)     9:23.00 (30.13)     9:52.94 (29.94)
       10:23.02 (30.08)    10:53.07 (30.05)    11:23.04 (29.97)    11:53.23 (30.19)
       12:23.35 (30.12)    12:53.59 (30.24)    13:23.96 (30.37)    13:54.42 (30.46)
       14:25.08 (30.66)    14:55.89 (30.81)    15:26.57 (30.68)    15:56.93 (30.36)
       16:25.96 (29.03)
 19 Crist, Brandon      15 Golden Comets Sw-NI 16:08.09   16:27.93        
                  25.59       53.89 (28.30)     1:23.01 (29.12)     1:52.43 (29.42)
        2:21.99 (29.56)     2:51.48 (29.49)     3:21.34 (29.86)     3:50.70 (29.36)
        4:20.35 (29.65)     4:50.18 (29.83)     5:19.98 (29.80)     5:49.82 (29.84)
        6:19.97 (30.15)     6:50.40 (30.43)     7:20.65 (30.25)     7:50.74 (30.09)
        8:20.97 (30.23)     8:51.29 (30.32)     9:21.89 (30.60)     9:51.89 (30.00)
       10:22.88 (30.99)    10:53.16 (30.28)    11:23.73 (30.57)    11:54.35 (30.62)
       12:24.89 (30.54)    12:55.83 (30.94)    13:26.25 (30.42)    13:56.98 (30.73)
       14:27.45 (30.47)    14:57.61 (30.16)    15:28.30 (30.69)    15:58.60 (30.30)
       16:27.93 (29.33)
 20 Gabidoulline, Rusl  16 Rockville Montgo-PV 16:20.33   16:28.33        
                  27.24       56.23 (28.99)     1:25.77 (29.54)     1:55.17 (29.40)
        2:24.99 (29.82)     2:54.67 (29.68)     3:24.28 (29.61)     3:53.92 (29.64)
        4:23.58 (29.66)     4:53.37 (29.79)     5:23.16 (29.79)     5:52.81 (29.65)
        6:22.53 (29.72)     6:52.45 (29.92)     7:22.16 (29.71)     7:52.24 (30.08)
        8:22.25 (30.01)     8:51.99 (29.74)     9:21.69 (29.70)     9:51.47 (29.78)
       10:21.54 (30.07)    10:51.43 (29.89)    11:21.50 (30.07)    11:51.51 (30.01)
       12:21.40 (29.89)    12:51.57 (30.17)    13:21.63 (30.06)    13:51.83 (30.20)
       14:22.63 (30.80)    14:53.70 (31.07)    15:25.44 (31.74)    15:57.00 (31.56)
       16:28.33 (31.33)
 21 McKinley, Timothy   16 Nation's Capital-PV 16:25.41   16:30.47        
                  26.22       55.24 (29.02)     1:24.73 (29.49)     1:54.10 (29.37)
        2:24.00 (29.90)     2:53.47 (29.47)     3:23.43 (29.96)     3:53.45 (30.02)
        4:23.50 (30.05)     4:53.50 (30.00)     5:23.33 (29.83)     5:53.04 (29.71)
        6:23.04 (30.00)     6:53.15 (30.11)     7:23.40 (30.25)     7:53.61 (30.21)
        8:23.94 (30.33)     8:54.33 (30.39)     9:24.82 (30.49)     9:55.36 (30.54)
       10:25.59 (30.23)    10:55.79 (30.20)    11:26.14 (30.35)    11:56.07 (29.93)
       12:26.23 (30.16)    12:57.05 (30.82)    13:27.89 (30.84)    13:58.39 (30.50)
       14:29.02 (30.63)    14:59.57 (30.55)    15:30.39 (30.82)    16:00.99 (30.60)
       16:30.47 (29.48)
 22 Macdonald, Ian      17 Shawmut Aquatic-NE  16:25.81   16:31.68        
                  26.02       54.95 (28.93)     1:24.57 (29.62)     1:54.47 (29.90)
        2:24.38 (29.91)     2:54.37 (29.99)     3:24.29 (29.92)     3:54.19 (29.90)
        4:24.16 (29.97)     4:54.16 (30.00)     5:24.07 (29.91)     5:54.10 (30.03)
        6:23.92 (29.82)     6:54.11 (30.19)     7:24.47 (30.36)     7:54.92 (30.45)
        8:25.41 (30.49)     8:55.87 (30.46)     9:26.37 (30.50)     9:57.04 (30.67)
       10:27.36 (30.32)    10:57.75 (30.39)    11:28.07 (30.32)    11:58.84 (30.77)
       12:29.41 (30.57)    13:00.11 (30.70)    13:30.89 (30.78)    14:01.67 (30.78)
       14:32.43 (30.76)    15:03.10 (30.67)    15:34.17 (31.07)    16:03.45 (29.28)
       16:31.68 (28.23)
 23 Eppinger, Emmanuel  17 Jewish Community-AM 16:41.06   16:33.48        
                  25.86       54.59 (28.73)     1:23.98 (29.39)     1:53.09 (29.11)
        2:22.57 (29.48)     2:52.01 (29.44)     3:21.59 (29.58)     3:51.38 (29.79)
        4:21.22 (29.84)     4:51.26 (30.04)     5:21.25 (29.99)     5:51.41 (30.16)
        6:21.97 (30.56)     6:53.00 (31.03)     7:23.33 (30.33)     7:53.91 (30.58)
        8:24.20 (30.29)     8:54.60 (30.40)     9:24.89 (30.29)     9:55.25 (30.36)
       10:25.61 (30.36)    10:56.00 (30.39)    11:26.75 (30.75)    11:57.09 (30.34)
       12:27.88 (30.79)    12:58.50 (30.62)    13:29.76 (31.26)    14:00.63 (30.87)
       14:31.24 (30.61)    15:02.27 (31.03)    15:33.39 (31.12)    16:03.97 (30.58)
       16:33.48 (29.51)
 24 Jacome, Sebastian   15 Rockville Montgo-PV 16:32.98   16:37.55        
                  26.53       55.75 (29.22)     1:25.15 (29.40)     1:55.50 (30.35)
        2:25.65 (30.15)     2:55.92 (30.27)     3:26.13 (30.21)     3:56.39 (30.26)
        4:26.78 (30.39)     4:57.16 (30.38)     5:27.73 (30.57)     5:57.99 (30.26)
        6:28.17 (30.18)     6:58.74 (30.57)     7:29.49 (30.75)     8:00.09 (30.60)
        8:30.44 (30.35)     9:00.79 (30.35)     9:31.10 (30.31)    10:01.20 (30.10)
       10:31.24 (30.04)    11:01.64 (30.40)    11:32.22 (30.58)    12:02.54 (30.32)
       12:32.76 (30.22)    13:03.64 (30.88)    13:34.35 (30.71)    14:05.10 (30.75)
       14:36.03 (30.93)    15:07.10 (31.07)    15:37.89 (30.79)    16:08.03 (30.14)
       16:37.55 (29.52)
 25 Kuster, Cole        14 PVA-NE              16:42.25   16:37.84        
                  26.19       55.00 (28.81)     1:24.88 (29.88)     1:55.03 (30.15)
        2:25.12 (30.09)     2:55.31 (30.19)     3:25.76 (30.45)     3:56.05 (30.29)
        4:26.51 (30.46)     4:57.00 (30.49)     5:27.70 (30.70)     5:58.03 (30.33)
        6:28.36 (30.33)     6:58.99 (30.63)     7:29.93 (30.94)     8:00.15 (30.22)
        8:31.18 (31.03)     9:01.42 (30.24)     9:32.26 (30.84)    10:03.11 (30.85)
       10:33.95 (30.84)    11:04.03 (30.08)    11:34.23 (30.20)    12:04.54 (30.31)
       12:34.90 (30.36)    13:05.72 (30.82)    13:36.32 (30.60)    14:06.85 (30.53)
       14:37.32 (30.47)    15:07.83 (30.51)    15:37.84 (30.01)    16:08.19 (30.35)
       16:37.84 (29.65)
 26 Zimmerman, Eric     16 Rockville Montgo-PV 16:29.31   16:38.61        
                  26.65       55.34 (28.69)     1:24.59 (29.25)     1:54.14 (29.55)
        2:23.78 (29.64)     2:53.68 (29.90)     3:23.50 (29.82)     3:53.38 (29.88)
        4:23.12 (29.74)     4:52.84 (29.72)     5:22.51 (29.67)     5:52.62 (30.11)
        6:23.09 (30.47)     6:53.81 (30.72)     7:25.00 (31.19)     7:55.49 (30.49)
        8:25.96 (30.47)     8:56.61 (30.65)     9:27.25 (30.64)     9:57.71 (30.46)
       10:28.36 (30.65)    10:59.51 (31.15)    11:30.62 (31.11)    12:01.46 (30.84)
       12:32.86 (31.40)    13:04.03 (31.17)    13:34.98 (30.95)    14:06.11 (31.13)
       14:36.95 (30.84)    15:07.74 (30.79)    15:38.62 (30.88)    16:09.09 (30.47)
       16:38.61 (29.52)
 27 Fenlon, Matthew     13 Rivertown Aquati-MR 17:16.05L  16:39.67        
                  26.37       55.26 (28.89)     1:24.77 (29.51)     1:54.44 (29.67)
        2:24.18 (29.74)     2:54.02 (29.84)     3:24.09 (30.07)     3:53.89 (29.80)
        4:23.94 (30.05)     4:54.35 (30.41)     5:24.83 (30.48)     5:55.41 (30.58)
        6:26.11 (30.70)     6:56.69 (30.58)     7:27.51 (30.82)     7:58.40 (30.89)
        8:29.42 (31.02)     9:00.12 (30.70)     9:30.77 (30.65)    10:01.75 (30.98)
       10:32.01 (30.26)    11:03.08 (31.07)    11:34.08 (31.00)    12:04.62 (30.54)
       12:35.88 (31.26)    13:07.17 (31.29)    13:37.44 (30.27)    14:08.43 (30.99)
       14:39.10 (30.67)    15:10.05 (30.95)    15:40.81 (30.76)    16:11.60 (30.79)
       16:39.67 (28.07)
 28 Steger, Alex        15 Pine Richland Aq-AM 16:26.30   16:42.12        
                  26.02       55.07 (29.05)     1:24.48 (29.41)     1:54.07 (29.59)
        2:23.93 (29.86)     2:53.67 (29.74)     3:23.58 (29.91)     3:53.41 (29.83)
        4:23.36 (29.95)     4:53.47 (30.11)     5:23.34 (29.87)     5:53.55 (30.21)
        6:23.64 (30.09)     6:53.89 (30.25)     7:24.14 (30.25)     7:54.54 (30.40)
        8:25.14 (30.60)     8:55.85 (30.71)     9:26.81 (30.96)     9:57.78 (30.97)
       10:29.01 (31.23)    11:00.17 (31.16)    11:31.38 (31.21)    12:02.37 (30.99)
       12:33.32 (30.95)    13:04.62 (31.30)    13:36.02 (31.40)    14:07.18 (31.16)
       14:38.45 (31.27)    15:09.78 (31.33)    15:40.87 (31.09)    16:11.89 (31.02)
       16:42.12 (30.23)
 29 Keane, James        17 Eastern Express-NJ  16:36.06   16:42.41        
                  26.39       55.48 (29.09)     1:25.23 (29.75)     1:55.07 (29.84)
        2:25.00 (29.93)     2:55.07 (30.07)     3:25.10 (30.03)     3:54.99 (29.89)
        4:25.48 (30.49)     4:55.70 (30.22)     5:25.95 (30.25)     5:56.57 (30.62)
        6:26.96 (30.39)     6:57.79 (30.83)     7:28.26 (30.47)     7:58.95 (30.69)
        8:29.42 (30.47)     8:59.89 (30.47)     9:30.46 (30.57)    10:00.99 (30.53)
       10:31.71 (30.72)    11:02.43 (30.72)    11:33.18 (30.75)    12:04.07 (30.89)
       12:35.17 (31.10)    13:06.02 (30.85)    13:36.99 (30.97)    14:08.35 (31.36)
       14:39.61 (31.26)    15:10.86 (31.25)    15:41.98 (31.12)    16:12.90 (30.92)
       16:42.41 (29.51)
 30 Mattera, Matthew    17 Team Suffolk-MR     17:10.42L  16:42.77        
                  25.78       54.64 (28.86)     1:24.29 (29.65)     1:54.45 (30.16)
        2:24.75 (30.30)     2:54.98 (30.23)     3:25.44 (30.46)     3:55.98 (30.54)
        4:26.28 (30.30)     4:57.00 (30.72)     5:27.33 (30.33)     5:57.89 (30.56)
        6:28.58 (30.69)     6:59.21 (30.63)     7:30.00 (30.79)     8:00.77 (30.77)
        8:31.54 (30.77)     9:02.10 (30.56)     9:32.72 (30.62)    10:03.39 (30.67)
       10:34.32 (30.93)    11:04.83 (30.51)    11:35.54 (30.71)    12:06.23 (30.69)
       12:37.38 (31.15)    13:08.16 (30.78)    13:39.35 (31.19)    14:10.37 (31.02)
       14:41.37 (31.00)    15:12.00 (30.63)    15:42.78 (30.78)    16:13.29 (30.51)
       16:42.77 (29.48)
 31 Stolarski, Andrew   14 Condors Swim Clu-MR 17:37.42   16:42.82        
                  26.32       54.74 (28.42)     1:24.16 (29.42)     1:53.93 (29.77)
        2:24.01 (30.08)     2:54.23 (30.22)     3:24.52 (30.29)     3:55.07 (30.55)
        4:25.87 (30.80)     4:56.81 (30.94)     5:27.53 (30.72)     5:58.51 (30.98)
        6:29.41 (30.90)     7:00.36 (30.95)     7:31.31 (30.95)     8:02.23 (30.92)
        8:33.17 (30.94)     9:03.96 (30.79)     9:34.79 (30.83)    10:05.42 (30.63)
       10:36.13 (30.71)    11:07.09 (30.96)    11:37.93 (30.84)    12:08.63 (30.70)
       12:39.63 (31.00)    13:10.54 (30.91)    13:41.35 (30.81)    14:12.38 (31.03)
       14:43.00 (30.62)    15:13.57 (30.57)    15:44.00 (30.43)    16:13.87 (29.87)
       16:42.82 (28.95)
 32 Rosner, Jacob       14 Rockville Montgo-PV 16:40.37   16:43.21        
                  27.32       57.98 (30.66)     1:28.35 (30.37)     1:58.94 (30.59)
        2:29.14 (30.20)     2:59.25 (30.11)     3:29.82 (30.57)     4:00.71 (30.89)
        4:31.19 (30.48)     5:00.61 (29.42)     5:31.28 (30.67)     6:01.80 (30.52)
        6:32.21 (30.41)     7:02.64 (30.43)     7:33.48 (30.84)     8:03.97 (30.49)
        8:34.59 (30.62)     9:05.05 (30.46)     9:35.64 (30.59)    10:06.25 (30.61)
       10:36.81 (30.56)    11:07.57 (30.76)    11:38.25 (30.68)    12:08.64 (30.39)
       12:39.24 (30.60)    13:10.35 (31.11)    13:40.74 (30.39)    14:11.87 (31.13)
       14:42.34 (30.47)    15:12.50 (30.16)    15:43.22 (30.72)    16:13.60 (30.38)
       16:43.21 (29.61)
 33 Williams, Brendan   14 Three Village Sw-MR 16:55.13   16:47.47        
                  26.97       56.40 (29.43)     1:26.33 (29.93)     1:56.78 (30.45)
        2:27.16 (30.38)     2:57.52 (30.36)     3:27.87 (30.35)     3:58.38 (30.51)
        4:28.74 (30.36)     4:59.60 (30.86)     5:30.47 (30.87)     6:01.16 (30.69)
        6:31.99 (30.83)     7:02.70 (30.71)     7:33.17 (30.47)     8:04.18 (31.01)
        8:34.99 (30.81)     9:06.09 (31.10)     9:36.41 (30.32)    10:07.48 (31.07)
       10:38.28 (30.80)    11:09.10 (30.82)    11:39.80 (30.70)    12:10.73 (30.93)
       12:41.97 (31.24)    13:13.03 (31.06)    13:44.02 (30.99)    14:15.38 (31.36)
       14:45.80 (30.42)    15:16.92 (31.12)    15:47.61 (30.69)    16:17.73 (30.12)
       16:47.47 (29.74)
 34 Hodes, Ehran        16 OMNI-CT             17:03.15L  16:50.68        
                  26.72       55.93 (29.21)     1:25.88 (29.95)     1:56.04 (30.16)
        2:26.24 (30.20)     2:56.71 (30.47)     3:27.25 (30.54)     3:58.02 (30.77)
        4:28.78 (30.76)     4:59.53 (30.75)     5:30.34 (30.81)     6:00.95 (30.61)
        6:31.59 (30.64)     7:02.26 (30.67)     7:32.97 (30.71)     8:03.44 (30.47)
        8:34.25 (30.81)     9:04.84 (30.59)     9:35.63 (30.79)    10:06.52 (30.89)
       10:37.50 (30.98)    11:08.28 (30.78)    11:39.07 (30.79)    12:10.41 (31.34)
       12:41.30 (30.89)    13:12.42 (31.12)    13:43.64 (31.22)    14:14.91 (31.27)
       14:46.47 (31.56)    15:17.88 (31.41)    15:49.17 (31.29)    16:20.64 (31.47)
       16:50.68 (30.04)
 35 Lawson, Ryan        16 Condors Swim Clu-MR 16:35.27   16:54.08        
                  26.53       55.52 (28.99)     1:25.37 (29.85)     1:55.71 (30.34)
        2:26.03 (30.32)     2:56.31 (30.28)     3:26.52 (30.21)     3:56.38 (29.86)
        4:27.17 (30.79)     4:58.25 (31.08)     5:28.95 (30.70)     6:00.04 (31.09)
        6:31.03 (30.99)     7:02.23 (31.20)     7:33.20 (30.97)     8:04.01 (30.81)
        8:34.17 (30.16)     9:05.06 (30.89)     9:37.14 (32.08)    10:08.80 (31.66)
       10:40.51 (31.71)    11:12.10 (31.59)    11:43.04 (30.94)    12:14.27 (31.23)
       12:45.42 (31.15)    13:16.54 (31.12)    13:47.90 (31.36)    14:18.89 (30.99)
       14:50.27 (31.38)    15:21.41 (31.14)    15:52.90 (31.49)    16:23.99 (31.09)
       16:54.08 (30.09)
 36 Cummings, James     18 Regional YMCA of-CT 17:16.86L  17:01.43        
                  26.55       55.37 (28.82)     1:24.83 (29.46)     1:54.96 (30.13)
        2:25.34 (30.38)     2:55.87 (30.53)     3:26.35 (30.48)     3:57.20 (30.85)
        4:27.99 (30.79)     4:58.67 (30.68)     5:29.43 (30.76)     6:00.43 (31.00)
        6:31.45 (31.02)     7:02.82 (31.37)     7:33.88 (31.06)     8:05.50 (31.62)
        8:36.95 (31.45)     9:08.71 (31.76)     9:40.07 (31.36)    10:11.14 (31.07)
       10:42.50 (31.36)    11:14.49 (31.99)    11:45.95 (31.46)    12:17.24 (31.29)
       12:48.83 (31.59)    13:20.27 (31.44)    13:52.08 (31.81)    14:23.52 (31.44)
       14:55.36 (31.84)    15:27.28 (31.92)    15:58.92 (31.64)    16:30.28 (31.36)
       17:01.43 (31.15)
 37 Marder, John        15 Nation's Capital-PV 17:02.60   17:13.37        
                  26.45       56.38 (29.93)     1:27.22 (30.84)     1:58.51 (31.29)
        2:29.52 (31.01)     3:00.86 (31.34)     3:32.29 (31.43)     4:03.78 (31.49)
        4:35.13 (31.35)     5:06.63 (31.50)     5:38.45 (31.82)     6:10.34 (31.89)
        6:42.04 (31.70)     7:13.79 (31.75)     7:45.98 (32.19)     8:17.33 (31.35)
        8:48.87 (31.54)     9:20.56 (31.69)     9:52.23 (31.67)    10:23.61 (31.38)
       10:55.04 (31.43)    11:26.68 (31.64)    11:58.40 (31.72)    12:29.83 (31.43)
       13:01.75 (31.92)    13:33.89 (32.14)    14:05.66 (31.77)    14:37.45 (31.79)
       15:08.83 (31.38)    15:40.59 (31.76)    16:12.16 (31.57)    16:43.27 (31.11)
       17:13.37 (30.10)
 38 Demitz, Connor      16 Rockville Montgo-PV 16:56.86   17:19.22        
                  27.55       57.95 (30.40)     1:28.63 (30.68)     1:59.47 (30.84)
        2:30.10 (30.63)     3:01.03 (30.93)     3:32.12 (31.09)     4:03.09 (30.97)
        4:34.01 (30.92)     5:05.15 (31.14)     5:36.52 (31.37)     6:08.02 (31.50)
        6:39.58 (31.56)     7:11.08 (31.50)     7:42.76 (31.68)     8:14.41 (31.65)
        8:46.30 (31.89)     9:18.00 (31.70)     9:50.02 (32.02)    10:22.22 (32.20)
       10:54.28 (32.06)    11:26.23 (31.95)    11:58.18 (31.95)    12:30.21 (32.03)
       13:02.19 (31.98)    13:34.39 (32.20)    14:06.65 (32.26)    14:38.91 (32.26)
       15:11.49 (32.58)    15:43.94 (32.45)    16:16.25 (32.31)    16:48.12 (31.87)
       17:19.22 (31.10)
Men 100 Yard Backstroke
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Arthur, Jason       18 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ    50.12      49.04         22  
                  23.86       49.04 (25.18)                                        
  2 Clendenin, Stephen  27 Blue Wave Swim T-PV    50.31      49.91         19  
                  24.43       49.91 (25.48)                                        
  3 Doyle, Connor       17 Eastern Express-NJ     50.51      50.07         18  
                  24.70       50.07 (25.37)                                        
  4 Ramsay, Auston      17 South Shore YMCA-NE    50.92      50.23         17  
                  24.13       50.23 (26.10)                                        
  5 Levasseur, Grant    17 Executive Swim C-NE    50.77      50.33         16  
                  24.52       50.33 (25.81)                                        
  6 Roh, Jin            21 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ    51.46      51.32         15  
                  24.34       51.32 (26.98)                                        
  7 Song, Keda          16 Kingfish Swimmin-NE    51.52      51.49         14  
                  25.04       51.49 (26.45)                                        
  8 Lubinski, Jacob     16 Eastern Express-NJ     51.86      51.98         13  
                  25.07       51.98 (26.91)                                        
  9 Thomas, Christian   17 Red Fox Aquatic-MR     51.89      52.11         12  
                  25.15       52.11 (26.96)                                        
B - Final
 10 Hu, Henry           16 Panther Aquatic-CT     52.06      51.91         10  
                  25.57       51.91 (26.34)                                        
 11 Fortels, Ricards    18 Una JG-NJ              52.13      51.98          8  
                  24.91       51.98 (27.07)                                        
 12 Trzewik-Quinn, Sea  16 Hawks Swimming A-AD    52.19      52.07          7  
                  25.20       52.07 (26.87)                                        
 13 Towne, Garrett      16 Badger Swim Club-MR    52.56      52.23          6  
                  25.51       52.23 (26.72)                                        
 14 Cosgrove, Liam      17 New Jersey Race-NJ     52.14      52.28          5  
                  25.66       52.28 (26.62)                                        
 15 Tartakovsky, Micha  17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     52.23      52.41          4  
                  25.43       52.41 (26.98)                                        
 16 Lindros, David      16 Jersey Gators-NJ       52.07      52.59          3  
                  25.42       52.59 (27.17)                                        
 17 Taber, Alexander    17 Delmar Dolfins-AD      52.58      52.68          2  
                  25.17       52.68 (27.51)                                        
 18 Thomas, Owen        16 PJA-MA                 52.61      53.50          1  
                  26.16       53.50 (27.34)                                        
C - Final
 19 Barrett, Graham     17 South Shore YMCA-NE    52.72      51.80        
                  25.17       51.80 (26.63)                                        
 20 Zhang, Andrew       15 Allegheny North-AM     52.73      52.05        
                  25.49       52.05 (26.56)                                        
 21 Deng, Richard       17 X-Cel Swimming-NJ      52.86      52.28        
                  25.50       52.28 (26.78)                                        
 22 Jackson, Chase      17 Nation's Capital-PV    53.34      52.52        
                  25.63       52.52 (26.89)                                        
 23 Bergan, Aidan       17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    52.96      52.86        
                  25.76       52.86 (27.10)                                        
 24 Ragatz, Jeffrey     17 Regional YMCA of-CT    53.26      53.04        
                  25.82       53.04 (27.22)                                        
 25 Chan, Dylan         16 Hauppauge Athlet-MR    52.66      53.54        
                  25.45       53.54 (28.09)                                        
 26 Mathews, Gabriel    17 Manhattan Makos-MR     53.28      53.64        
                  26.32       53.64 (27.32)                                        
 27 Zhang, Evan         16 Laguardia Aquati-MR    52.84      59.51        
                  28.34       59.51 (31.17)                                        
Men 100 Yard Backstroke
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Arthur, Jason             18 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ    48.86      50.12 q      
                  24.96       50.12 (25.16)                                        
  2 Clendenin, Stephen        27 Blue Wave Swim T-PV    49.32      50.31 q      
                  24.52       50.31 (25.79)                                        
  3 Doyle, Connor             17 Eastern Express-NJ     50.26      50.51 q      
                  24.59       50.51 (25.92)                                        
  4 Levasseur, Grant          17 Executive Swim C-NE    51.12      50.77 q      
                  24.69       50.77 (26.08)                                        
  5 Ramsay, Auston            17 South Shore YMCA-NE    49.70      50.92 q      
                  24.84       50.92 (26.08)                                        
  6 Roh, Jin                  21 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ    50.87      51.46 q      
                  24.69       51.46 (26.77)                                        
  7 Song, Keda                16 Kingfish Swimmin-NE    51.04      51.52 q      
                  25.21       51.52 (26.31)                                        
  8 Lubinski, Jacob           16 Eastern Express-NJ     52.07      51.86 q      
                  25.16       51.86 (26.70)                                        
  9 Thomas, Christian         17 Red Fox Aquatic-MR     52.29      51.89 q      
                  25.23       51.89 (26.66)                                        
 10 Hu, Henry                 16 Panther Aquatic-CT     51.93      52.06 q      
                  25.73       52.06 (26.33)                                        
 11 Lindros, David            16 Jersey Gators-NJ       53.52      52.07 q      
                  25.38       52.07 (26.69)                                        
 12 Fortels, Ricards          18 Una JG-NJ              51.79      52.13 q      
                  25.37       52.13 (26.76)                                        
 13 Cosgrove, Liam            17 New Jersey Race-NJ     51.46      52.14 q      
                  25.22       52.14 (26.92)                                        
 14 Trzewik-Quinn, Seamus     16 Hawks Swimming A-AD    51.98      52.19 q      
                  25.10       52.19 (27.09)                                        
 15 Tartakovsky, Michael      17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     52.08      52.23 q      
                  25.13       52.23 (27.10)                                        
 16 Towne, Garrett            16 Badger Swim Club-MR    51.41      52.56 q      
                  25.42       52.56 (27.14)                                        
 17 Taber, Alexander          17 Delmar Dolfins-AD      51.18      52.58 q      
                  25.43       52.58 (27.15)                                        
 18 Thomas, Owen              16 PJA-MA                 52.25      52.61 q      
                  25.35       52.61 (27.26)                                        
 19 Chan, Dylan               16 Hauppauge Athlet-MR    53.05      52.66 q      
                  25.23       52.66 (27.43)                                        
 20 Barrett, Graham           17 South Shore YMCA-NE    52.76      52.72 q      
                  25.57       52.72 (27.15)                                        
 21 Zhang, Andrew             15 Allegheny North-AM     52.73      52.73 q      
                  25.63       52.73 (27.10)                                        
 22 Bezuglyy, Oleksandr       30 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      52.94      52.74 q      
                  26.02       52.74 (26.72)                                        
 23 Zhang, Evan               16 Laguardia Aquati-MR    51.01      52.84 q      
                  25.85       52.84 (26.99)                                        
 24 Deng, Richard             17 X-Cel Swimming-NJ      52.65      52.86 q      
                  25.70       52.86 (27.16)                                        
 25 Bergan, Aidan             17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    53.10      52.96 q      
                  25.94       52.96 (27.02)                                        
 26 Ragatz, Jeffrey           17 Regional YMCA of-CT    53.15      53.26 q      
                  26.04       53.26 (27.22)                                        
 27 Mathews, Gabriel          17 Manhattan Makos-MR     53.17      53.28 q      
                  26.16       53.28 (27.12)                                        
 28 Jackson, Chase            17 Nation's Capital-PV    53.18      53.34        
                  25.98       53.34 (27.36)                                        
 29 Chernysh, Alexander       16 Mandell Jewish C-CT    53.53      53.39        
                  26.01       53.39 (27.38)                                        
 30 Wright, Colin             17 757 Swim-VA            52.28      53.56        
                  26.36       53.56 (27.20)                                        
 31 Gronet, Tim               18 Princeton Tiger-NJ     53.15     J53.56        
                  25.94       53.56 (27.62)                                        
 32 Zhu, Nicholas             16 Manhattan Makos-MR     53.62      53.59        
                  26.37       53.59 (27.22)                                        
 33 Fergus, Jack              17 Manhattan Makos-MR     52.27      53.60        
                  26.28       53.60 (27.32)                                        
 34 Magness, Matthew          15 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    51.83      53.62        
                  26.11       53.62 (27.51)                                        
 34 Karangekis, Mitchell      17 Charter Oak Aqua-CT    53.92      53.62        
                  25.91       53.62 (27.71)                                        
 36 So, Tristan               17 Central CT Aquat-CT    52.68      53.64        
                  25.94       53.64 (27.70)                                        
 37 McKelvey, Dylan           18 Monmouth Barracu-NJ    54.64      53.66        
                  26.24       53.66 (27.42)                                        
 38 Ho, Timothy               16 Laguardia Aquati-MR    54.05      53.72        
                  25.98       53.72 (27.74)                                        
 38 Mebust, Theodore          16 Clark Sports Cen-AD    52.68      53.72        
                  25.68       53.72 (28.04)                                        
 40 Moran, Spencer            16 OMNI-CT                53.91      53.89        
                  26.24       53.89 (27.65)                                        
 41 Rivero, Santiago          17 Bergen Barracuda-NJ    54.57      53.95        
                  26.24       53.95 (27.71)                                        
 42 Feeley, Andrew            17 Merritt Athletic-MD    53.80      54.04        
                  26.22       54.04 (27.82)                                        
 43 Labossiere, Alexandre     15 Nation's Capital-PV    54.32      54.05        
                  26.32       54.05 (27.73)                                        
 43 Thalblum, Steven          15 Nation's Capital-PV    52.77      54.05        
                  26.00       54.05 (28.05)                                        
 45 Ramjohn, Jalen            15 Badger Swim Club-MR    53.56      54.15        
                  26.20       54.15 (27.95)                                        
 45 Burr, Trenton             14 Hauppauge Athlet-MR    54.13      54.15        
                  26.20       54.15 (27.95)                                        
 47 Gentry, Austin            15 Nation's Capital-PV    54.59      54.17        
                  26.69       54.17 (27.48)                                        
 48 Robey, Hugh               15 Nation's Capital-PV    54.51      54.29        
                  26.41       54.29 (27.88)                                        
 49 Mendley, Jonathan         16 Rockville Montgo-PV    54.96      54.39        
                  26.46       54.39 (27.93)                                        
 50 Gagion, Michael           17 Rivertown Aquati-MR    54.81      54.41        
                  26.31       54.41 (28.10)                                        
 51 Wong, Phillip             16 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     54.17      54.43        
                  26.88       54.43 (27.55)                                        
 52 Wersinger, Maxwell        18 Sharks & Eagles-NI     52.98      54.46        
                  25.82       54.46 (28.64)                                        
 53 Bravo, David              17 Badger Swim Club-MR    54.65      54.56        
                  26.73       54.56 (27.83)                                        
 54 Adayev, Daniel            17 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      54.59      54.58        
                  26.20       54.58 (28.38)                                        
 54 Siebert, Tavis            13 Nys Aquatics, In-MR    54.26      54.58        
                  26.36       54.58 (28.22)                                        
 56 Son, David                15 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ    54.77      54.59        
                  26.51       54.59 (28.08)                                        
 57 Lee, Daniel               16 Team Suffolk-MR        55.21      54.60        
                  26.58       54.60 (28.02)                                        
 58 Mooers, Henry             17 South Shore YMCA-NE    54.75      54.62        
                  26.61       54.62 (28.01)                                        
 59 Lee, Ryan                 15 Westchester Aqua-MR    54.02      54.66        
                  26.65       54.66 (28.01)                                        
 60 Oumarov, Elan             16 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      54.25      54.67        
                  26.78       54.67 (27.89)                                        
 61 Rokos, Timothy            18 Duanesburg Elect-AD    54.58      54.75        
                  26.58       54.75 (28.17)                                        
 62 Dillane, Michael          18 Caldwell Center-NJ     54.69      54.76        
                  26.42       54.76 (28.34)                                        
 63 Kim, Justin               16 Rockville Montgo-PV    53.76      54.78        
                  26.37       54.78 (28.41)                                        
 64 Chang, Sebastian          15 Rockville Montgo-PV    55.35      54.79        
                  26.77       54.79 (28.02)                                        
 64 Douglas, Michael          17 Executive Swim C-NE    54.11      54.79        
                  26.51       54.79 (28.28)                                        
 66 Meyn, Justin              14 Team Suffolk-MR        54.25      54.80        
                  26.59       54.80 (28.21)                                        
 67 Allen, Liam               13 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     54.72      54.94        
                  26.65       54.94 (28.29)                                        
 68 Zuric, Luka               15 Three Village Sw-MR    54.38      54.95        
                  26.86       54.95 (28.09)                                        
 69 Orobinsky, Christopher    15 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      55.78      54.98        
                  26.83       54.98 (28.15)                                        
 70 Long, Samuel              14 757 Swim-VA            53.86      55.01        
                  26.57       55.01 (28.44)                                        
 71 Bass, Harrison            16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    54.47      55.05        
                  26.73       55.05 (28.32)                                        
 71 Green, Eric               16 Sailfish Swim Te-NE    54.71      55.05        
                  26.66       55.05 (28.39)                                        
 73 Truong, Devin             17 Nation's Capital-PV    53.46      55.10        
                  25.96       55.10 (29.14)                                        
 74 Perks, Joseph             18 West Hartford Aq-CT    53.99      55.11        
                  26.43       55.11 (28.68)                                        
 75 Swisher, Noah             16 Arlington Aquati-PV    54.60      55.20        
                  26.39       55.20 (28.81)                                        
 76 Barry, Kyle               17 Team Suffolk-MR        54.43      55.25        
                  26.70       55.25 (28.55)                                        
 77 Shin, Kevin               16 Condors Swim Clu-MR    54.21      55.27        
                  26.59       55.27 (28.68)                                        
 78 De Leon, Jaq              17 757 Swim-VA            54.58      55.28        
                  26.57       55.28 (28.71)                                        
 79 Novitch, Graham           17 Rivertown Aquati-MR    54.85      55.29        
                  26.61       55.29 (28.68)                                        
 80 Wills, John               16 Rockville Montgo-PV    55.43      55.30        
                  27.21       55.30 (28.09)                                        
 81 Doyle, Connor             16 Delmar Dolfins-AD      54.88      55.36        
                  27.19       55.36 (28.17)                                        
 82 Quinn, Hugh               16 Arlington Aquati-PV    54.26      55.45        
                  26.91       55.45 (28.54)                                        
 83 Fenlon, Matthew           13 Rivertown Aquati-MR    54.27      55.49        
                  26.81       55.49 (28.68)                                        
 84 Mattera, Matthew          17 Team Suffolk-MR        55.24      55.51        
                  27.10       55.51 (28.41)                                        
 84 Allen, Colin              15 Executive Swim C-NE    54.84      55.51        
                  26.91       55.51 (28.60)                                        
 86 Liu, Adam                 17 West Hartford Aq-CT    57.20      55.61        
                  26.52       55.61 (29.09)                                        
 87 Liu, Michael              16 Northern Dutches-MR    55.23      55.65        
                  26.67       55.65 (28.98)                                        
 88 Ellis, Tyler              16 Nation's Capital-PV    54.82      55.70        
                  26.79       55.70 (28.91)                                        
 89 Toepfer, Nicholas         13 South Shore YMCA-NE    54.84      55.90        
                  27.14       55.90 (28.76)                                        
 89 Handy, Evan               15 Rockville Montgo-PV    54.71      55.90        
                  27.35       55.90 (28.55)                                        
 89 Hamel, Callum             18 Shawmut Aquatic-NE     55.57      55.90        
                  27.54       55.90 (28.36)                                        
 92 Paquette, Benjamin        18 Skaneateles Ligh-NI    55.33      55.97        
                  26.60       55.97 (29.37)                                        
 93 Freeman, John             16 Gael Aquatic Clu-MR    56.21      55.98        
                  27.07       55.98 (28.91)                                        
 94 Roth, Charlie             17 Arlington Aquati-PV    55.99      56.08        
                  27.30       56.08 (28.78)                                        
 95 Wong, Daniel              15 Nation's Capital-PV    55.47      56.10        
                  27.28       56.10 (28.82)                                        
 96 Madden, Owen              18 Gael Aquatic Clu-MR    54.99      56.13        
                  27.14       56.13 (28.99)                                        
 97 Redmond, Lawrence         15 Nation's Capital-PV    55.86      56.17        
                  27.38       56.17 (28.79)                                        
 98 Kirsis, Janis             14 Condors Swim Clu-MR    55.70      56.19        
                  27.21       56.19 (28.98)                                        
 99 Luu, Ryan                 18 Malden Crocs-NE        54.41      56.30        
                  27.27       56.30 (29.03)                                        
100 Kim, Nathan               16 Rockville Montgo-PV    54.84      56.36        
                  27.47       56.36 (28.89)                                        
101 Fargo, Jordan             15 Long Island Expr-MR    55.74      56.51        
                  27.45       56.51 (29.06)                                        
102 Staubi, Kyle              15 Northern Dutches-MR    56.58      56.72        
                  27.89       56.72 (28.83)                                        
103 Fagan, Timothy            15 Condors Swim Clu-MR    55.50      56.78        
                  27.68       56.78 (29.10)                                        
104 Semak, Bohdan             19 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      55.27      56.83        
                  27.73       56.83 (29.10)                                        
105 Horan, Tommy              16 Shelton Monroe S-CT    54.49      56.93        
                  27.29       56.93 (29.64)                                        
106 Soma, Jason               18 Nation's Capital-PV    54.04      57.03        
                  27.22       57.03 (29.81)                                        
107 Dorobish, John            14 Norwin Aqua Club-AM    55.90      57.04        
                  27.41       57.04 (29.63)                                        
108 Papsco, Zachary           15 Hauppauge Athlet-MR    56.07      57.05        
                  27.70       57.05 (29.35)                                        
109 Yao, Kevin                16 Team Suffolk-MR        54.68      57.10        
                  27.54       57.10 (29.56)                                        
110 Zoda, Mark                16 Southern New Ham-NE    56.56      57.15        
                  27.65       57.15 (29.50)                                        
111 Sullivan, William         16 Panther Aquatic-CT     56.74      57.16        
                  27.55       57.16 (29.61)                                        
112 Reilly, Connor            18 Delmar Dolfins-AD      55.94      57.24        
                  27.78       57.24 (29.46)                                        
113 Laite, Christopher        16 Sea Dragons Swim-NJ    56.21      57.31        
                  27.79       57.31 (29.52)                                        
114 Ludemann, Ryan            16 Clinton Cudas-AD       55.55      57.32        
                  28.25       57.32 (29.07)                                        
115 Bergan, Jared             16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    56.78      57.48        
                  27.87       57.48 (29.61)                                        
116 Fimmano, John             16 Panther Aquatic-CT     58.84      59.58        
                  28.58       59.58 (31.00)                                        
Men 200 Yard Backstroke
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Arthur, Jason       18 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  1:51.75    1:45.64         22  
                  25.35       51.62 (26.27)     1:18.24 (26.62)     1:45.64 (27.40)
  2 Clendenin, Stephen  27 Blue Wave Swim T-PV  1:46.83    1:47.14         19  
                  25.43       52.26 (26.83)     1:19.47 (27.21)     1:47.14 (27.67)
  3 Levasseur, Grant    17 Executive Swim C-NE  1:50.43    1:49.07         18  
                  25.35       52.77 (27.42)     1:21.02 (28.25)     1:49.07 (28.05)
  4 Doyle, Connor       17 Eastern Express-NJ   1:50.95    1:50.72         17  
                  26.30       54.19 (27.89)     1:22.82 (28.63)     1:50.72 (27.90)
  5 Song, Keda          16 Kingfish Swimmin-NE  1:52.44    1:51.73         16  
                  26.59       55.30 (28.71)     1:23.89 (28.59)     1:51.73 (27.84)
  6 Bezuglyy, Oleksand  30 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    1:53.38    1:52.47         15  
                  26.77       55.38 (28.61)     1:24.54 (29.16)     1:52.47 (27.93)
  7 Deng, Richard       17 X-Cel Swimming-NJ    1:54.10    1:55.08         14  
                  26.75       55.53 (28.78)     1:24.95 (29.42)     1:55.08 (30.13)
  8 Feeley, Andrew      17 Merritt Athletic-MD  1:53.56    1:55.12         13  
                  26.66       55.53 (28.87)     1:25.32 (29.79)     1:55.12 (29.80)
  9 Roh, Jin            21 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  1:53.09    1:58.48         12  
                  26.41       55.89 (29.48)     1:27.21 (31.32)     1:58.48 (31.27)
B - Final
 10 Fergus, Jack        17 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:55.03    1:53.12         10  
                  26.21       54.59 (28.38)     1:24.41 (29.82)     1:53.12 (28.71)
 11 Zhang, Evan         16 Laguardia Aquati-MR  1:54.90    1:54.26          8  
                  25.68       54.04 (28.36)     1:24.08 (30.04)     1:54.26 (30.18)
 12 Lubinski, Jacob     16 Eastern Express-NJ   1:55.84    1:55.11          7  
                  27.15       56.43 (29.28)     1:26.29 (29.86)     1:55.11 (28.82)
 13 Chernysh, Alexande  16 Mandell Jewish C-CT  1:54.43    1:55.26          5.5
                  28.08       58.15 (30.07)     1:26.98 (28.83)     1:55.26 (28.28)
 13 Mooers, Henry       17 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:55.49    1:55.26          5.5
                  27.02       55.82 (28.80)     1:25.27 (29.45)     1:55.26 (29.99)
 15 Fenlon, Matthew     13 Rivertown Aquati-MR  1:55.57    1:56.12          4  
                  26.73       55.71 (28.98)     1:26.00 (30.29)     1:56.12 (30.12)
 16 Ragatz, Jeffrey     17 Regional YMCA of-CT  1:54.74    1:56.29          3  
                  26.61       55.27 (28.66)     1:25.47 (30.20)     1:56.29 (30.82)
 17 Bravo, David        17 Badger Swim Club-MR  1:55.55    1:56.52          2  
                  27.51       56.88 (29.37)     1:26.93 (30.05)     1:56.52 (29.59)
 18 Hillis, Dillon      15 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:55.10    1:56.73          1  
                  27.52       56.93 (29.41)     1:26.85 (29.92)     1:56.73 (29.88)
C - Final
 19 Barrett, Graham     17 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:55.89    1:54.27        
                  27.43       56.71 (29.28)     1:25.22 (28.51)     1:54.27 (29.05)
 20 Karangekis, Mitche  17 Charter Oak Aqua-CT  1:56.40    1:55.24        
                  27.00       56.05 (29.05)     1:25.74 (29.69)     1:55.24 (29.50)
 21 Moran, Spencer      16 OMNI-CT              1:56.50    1:55.72        
                  27.33       56.67 (29.34)     1:25.90 (29.23)     1:55.72 (29.82)
 22 Thalblum, Steven    15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:57.17    1:55.75        
                  26.28       55.34 (29.06)     1:25.23 (29.89)     1:55.75 (30.52)
 22 Towne, Garrett      16 Badger Swim Club-MR  1:56.88    1:55.75        
                  26.79       55.95 (29.16)     1:26.16 (30.21)     1:55.75 (29.59)
 24 Labossiere, Alexan  15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:57.26    1:56.08        
                  26.82       56.20 (29.38)     1:26.05 (29.85)     1:56.08 (30.03)
 25 Stauffer, John      16 Eastern Express-NJ   1:56.01    1:57.23        
                  27.63       57.14 (29.51)     1:27.23 (30.09)     1:57.23 (30.00)
 26 Zhu, Nicholas       16 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:57.01    1:58.94        
                  27.45       57.27 (29.82)     1:28.16 (30.89)     1:58.94 (30.78)
 27 Wong, Phillip       16 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   1:57.31    1:59.60        
                  27.39       57.41 (30.02)     1:27.97 (30.56)     1:59.60 (31.63)
Men 200 Yard Backstroke
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Clendenin, Stephen        27 Blue Wave Swim T-PV  1:46.84    1:46.83 q      
                  25.15       52.28 (27.13)     1:19.70 (27.42)     1:46.83 (27.13)
  2 Levasseur, Grant          17 Executive Swim C-NE  1:52.43    1:50.43 q      
                  25.42       52.85 (27.43)     1:21.71 (28.86)     1:50.43 (28.72)
  3 Doyle, Connor             17 Eastern Express-NJ   1:49.52    1:50.95 q      
                  26.50       54.56 (28.06)     1:22.72 (28.16)     1:50.95 (28.23)
  4 Arthur, Jason             18 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  1:46.78    1:51.75 q      
                  27.05       55.77 (28.72)     1:22.99 (27.22)     1:51.75 (28.76)
  5 Song, Keda                16 Kingfish Swimmin-NE  1:50.66    1:52.44 q      
                  26.79       55.24 (28.45)     1:23.55 (28.31)     1:52.44 (28.89)
  6 Roh, Jin                  21 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  1:50.75    1:53.09 q      
                  26.60       55.35 (28.75)     1:24.21 (28.86)     1:53.09 (28.88)
  7 Bezuglyy, Oleksandr       30 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    1:52.91    1:53.38 q      
                  26.93       55.77 (28.84)     1:24.90 (29.13)     1:53.38 (28.48)
  8 Feeley, Andrew            17 Merritt Athletic-MD  1:53.61    1:53.56 q      
                  26.27       54.87 (28.60)     1:24.10 (29.23)     1:53.56 (29.46)
  9 Deng, Richard             17 X-Cel Swimming-NJ    1:55.33    1:54.10 q      
                  27.07       55.82 (28.75)     1:24.80 (28.98)     1:54.10 (29.30)
 10 Chernysh, Alexander       16 Mandell Jewish C-CT  1:53.04    1:54.43 q      
                  27.43       56.77 (29.34)     1:25.41 (28.64)     1:54.43 (29.02)
 11 Trzewik-Quinn, Seamus     16 Hawks Swimming A-AD  1:50.33    1:54.62 q      
                  26.49       56.06 (29.57)     1:25.64 (29.58)     1:54.62 (28.98)
 12 Ragatz, Jeffrey           17 Regional YMCA of-CT  2:13.62L   1:54.74 q      
                  26.53       54.77 (28.24)     1:24.34 (29.57)     1:54.74 (30.40)
 13 Zhang, Evan               16 Laguardia Aquati-MR  1:55.17    1:54.90 q      
                  26.71       55.65 (28.94)     1:25.25 (29.60)     1:54.90 (29.65)
 14 Cosgrove, Liam            17 New Jersey Race-NJ   1:53.13    1:54.91 q      
                  26.51       56.01 (29.50)     1:25.27 (29.26)     1:54.91 (29.64)
 15 Taber, Alexander          17 Delmar Dolfins-AD    1:51.42    1:55.02 q      
                  26.94       55.95 (29.01)     1:25.35 (29.40)     1:55.02 (29.67)
 16 Fergus, Jack              17 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:52.94    1:55.03 q      
                  26.99       55.89 (28.90)     1:25.73 (29.84)     1:55.03 (29.30)
 17 Jurman, Jasper            17 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:54.57    1:55.09 q      
                  26.83       56.04 (29.21)     1:25.18 (29.14)     1:55.09 (29.91)
 18 Hillis, Dillon            15 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:56.73    1:55.10 q      
                  27.35       56.78 (29.43)     1:26.45 (29.67)     1:55.10 (28.65)
 19 Zhang, Andrew             15 Allegheny North-AM   1:59.07    1:55.17 q      
                  26.44       55.44 (29.00)     1:25.29 (29.85)     1:55.17 (29.88)
 20 Thomas, Christian         17 Red Fox Aquatic-MR   1:56.90    1:55.40 q      
                  27.19       56.55 (29.36)     1:26.50 (29.95)     1:55.40 (28.90)
 21 Mooers, Henry             17 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:55.87    1:55.49 q      
                  27.23       56.26 (29.03)     1:25.72 (29.46)     1:55.49 (29.77)
 22 Otterbein, John           17 Princeton Tiger-NJ   1:59.17    1:55.51 q      
                  27.51       56.33 (28.82)     1:25.79 (29.46)     1:55.51 (29.72)
 23 Bravo, David              17 Badger Swim Club-MR  1:56.46    1:55.55 q      
                  27.24       56.10 (28.86)     1:25.72 (29.62)     1:55.55 (29.83)
 24 Fenlon, Matthew           13 Rivertown Aquati-MR  1:56.57    1:55.57 q      
                  26.86       55.74 (28.88)     1:25.79 (30.05)     1:55.57 (29.78)
 25 Lubinski, Jacob           16 Eastern Express-NJ   1:55.47    1:55.84 q      
                  26.53       55.45 (28.92)     1:25.53 (30.08)     1:55.84 (30.31)
 26 Barrett, Graham           17 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:55.42    1:55.89 q      
                  26.45       55.44 (28.99)     1:25.66 (30.22)     1:55.89 (30.23)
 27 Stauffer, John            16 Eastern Express-NJ   1:57.01    1:56.01 q      
                  27.89       57.21 (29.32)     1:26.74 (29.53)     1:56.01 (29.27)
 28 Karangekis, Mitchell      17 Charter Oak Aqua-CT  1:55.92    1:56.40        
                  27.06       55.73 (28.67)     1:25.66 (29.93)     1:56.40 (30.74)
 29 Moran, Spencer            16 OMNI-CT              1:55.71    1:56.50        
                  27.00       56.03 (29.03)     1:25.76 (29.73)     1:56.50 (30.74)
 30 Zuric, Luka               15 Three Village Sw-MR  1:57.16    1:56.65        
                  27.34       56.92 (29.58)     1:27.00 (30.08)     1:56.65 (29.65)
 31 Lee, Ryan                 15 Westchester Aqua-MR  1:56.83    1:56.69        
                  27.37       56.89 (29.52)     1:27.13 (30.24)     1:56.69 (29.56)
 32 Zwijacz, Zachary          16 Schenectady-Sara-AD  1:59.06    1:56.86        
                  27.59       57.26 (29.67)     1:27.17 (29.91)     1:56.86 (29.69)
 33 Towne, Garrett            16 Badger Swim Club-MR  1:56.26    1:56.88        
                  27.10       56.40 (29.30)     1:26.21 (29.81)     1:56.88 (30.67)
 34 Zhu, Nicholas             16 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:57.46    1:57.01        
                  27.27       56.88 (29.61)     1:27.33 (30.45)     1:57.01 (29.68)
 35 Gronet, Tim               18 Princeton Tiger-NJ   1:56.51    1:57.03        
                  26.63       55.69 (29.06)     1:26.12 (30.43)     1:57.03 (30.91)
 36 Mihm, Richard             14 Allegheny North-AM   1:54.99    1:57.14        
                  27.43       57.05 (29.62)     1:27.14 (30.09)     1:57.14 (30.00)
 37 Chang, Sebastian          15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:57.02    1:57.15        
                  26.91       56.12 (29.21)     1:26.59 (30.47)     1:57.15 (30.56)
 38 Thalblum, Steven          15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:56.43    1:57.17        
                  26.90       56.24 (29.34)     1:26.72 (30.48)     1:57.17 (30.45)
 39 Labossiere, Alexandre     15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:57.30    1:57.26        
                  26.89       56.77 (29.88)     1:27.16 (30.39)     1:57.26 (30.10)
 40 Wong, Phillip             16 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   1:57.95    1:57.31        
                  27.59       57.11 (29.52)     1:26.65 (29.54)     1:57.31 (30.66)
 41 Perks, Joseph             18 West Hartford Aq-CT  1:56.54    1:57.33        
                  27.18       56.27 (29.09)     1:26.20 (29.93)     1:57.33 (31.13)
 42 Long, Samuel              14 757 Swim-VA          1:57.66    1:57.48        
                  27.62       56.69 (29.07)     1:26.69 (30.00)     1:57.48 (30.79)
 43 Bergan, Aidan             17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:57.66    1:57.56        
                  26.99       56.31 (29.32)     1:26.62 (30.31)     1:57.56 (30.94)
 44 Bugianesi, Ryan           16 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   1:55.74    1:57.60        
                  28.73       58.27 (29.54)     1:27.98 (29.71)     1:57.60 (29.62)
 45 Barry, Kyle               17 Team Suffolk-MR      1:58.21    1:57.67        
                  26.96       55.95 (28.99)     1:26.10 (30.15)     1:57.67 (31.57)
 46 Thomas, Owen              16 PJA-MA               2:02.92    1:57.73        
                  27.01       56.98 (29.97)     1:27.36 (30.38)     1:57.73 (30.37)
 46 Doyle, Connor             16 Delmar Dolfins-AD    1:56.70    1:57.73        
                  28.52       58.11 (29.59)     1:27.72 (29.61)     1:57.73 (30.01)
 48 Siebert, Tavis            13 Nys Aquatics, In-MR  1:58.80    1:57.96        
                  27.85       57.95 (30.10)     1:28.52 (30.57)     1:57.96 (29.44)
 49 Haraden, Jesse            18 Schenectady-Sara-AD  1:57.17    1:58.08        
                  28.09       58.07 (29.98)     1:28.25 (30.18)     1:58.08 (29.83)
 50 Toepfer, Nicholas         13 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:58.14    1:58.11        
                  28.19       57.88 (29.69)     1:28.40 (30.52)     1:58.11 (29.71)
 51 Wills, John               16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:58.20    1:58.13        
                  28.65       58.74 (30.09)     1:28.83 (30.09)     1:58.13 (29.30)
 52 Mattera, Matthew          17 Team Suffolk-MR      1:57.95    1:58.62        
                  27.76       57.62 (29.86)     1:28.48 (30.86)     1:58.62 (30.14)
 53 Jackson, Chase            17 Nation's Capital-PV  1:57.38    1:58.81        
                  27.59       57.91 (30.32)     1:28.45 (30.54)     1:58.81 (30.36)
 54 Orobinsky, Christopher    15 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    1:58.74    1:58.97        
                  27.40       57.03 (29.63)     1:27.87 (30.84)     1:58.97 (31.10)
 55 Brown, Kyle               13 Aquabears-CT         1:58.60    1:59.23        
                  27.73       57.43 (29.70)     1:28.70 (31.27)     1:59.23 (30.53)
 56 Rokos, Timothy            18 Duanesburg Elect-AD  1:58.58    1:59.34        
                  27.69       58.10 (30.41)     1:29.03 (30.93)     1:59.34 (30.31)
 57 Novitch, Graham           17 Rivertown Aquati-MR  1:58.83    1:59.40        
                  27.45       57.73 (30.28)     1:28.36 (30.63)     1:59.40 (31.04)
 58 Gagion, Michael           17 Rivertown Aquati-MR  1:58.51    1:59.73        
                  28.21       58.48 (30.27)     1:29.29 (30.81)     1:59.73 (30.44)
 59 Fargo, Jordan             15 Long Island Expr-MR  1:56.67    1:59.94        
                  28.04       57.51 (29.47)     1:28.20 (30.69)     1:59.94 (31.74)
 59 Soma, Jason               18 Nation's Capital-PV  1:58.82    1:59.94        
                  27.53       57.45 (29.92)     1:28.72 (31.27)     1:59.94 (31.22)
 61 Kim, Nathan               16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:58.93    1:59.98        
                  28.30       57.86 (29.56)     1:28.82 (30.96)     1:59.98 (31.16)
 62 Hamel, Callum             18 Shawmut Aquatic-NE   2:01.84    1:59.99        
                  28.30       58.61 (30.31)     1:29.11 (30.50)     1:59.99 (30.88)
 62 Sita, John                16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:59.11    1:59.99        
                  27.96       57.72 (29.76)     1:28.93 (31.21)     1:59.99 (31.06)
 64 Handy, Evan               15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:57.83    2:00.00        
                  28.80       58.46 (29.66)     1:28.96 (30.50)     2:00.00 (31.04)
 64 Sukach, Alexander         16 Eastern Express-NJ   1:57.54    2:00.00        
                  28.60       58.54 (29.94)     1:29.09 (30.55)     2:00.00 (30.91)
 66 Burr, Trenton             14 Hauppauge Athlet-MR  1:58.26    2:00.07        
                  28.17       58.64 (30.47)     1:29.68 (31.04)     2:00.07 (30.39)
 67 Volaski, Phillip          15 Patriot Swim Tea-MR  1:59.17    2:00.18        
                  28.54       58.24 (29.70)     1:28.92 (30.68)     2:00.18 (31.26)
 68 Macdonald, Ian            17 Shawmut Aquatic-NE   1:57.92    2:00.22        
                  28.14       58.71 (30.57)     1:29.83 (31.12)     2:00.22 (30.39)
 69 Stout, Dawson             17 Regional YMCA of-CT  2:02.99    2:00.30        
                  27.88       57.47 (29.59)     1:28.80 (31.33)     2:00.30 (31.50)
 70 McKelvey, Dylan           18 Monmouth Barracu-NJ  1:59.26    2:00.38        
                  27.93       58.33 (30.40)     1:29.49 (31.16)     2:00.38 (30.89)
 71 Mendley, Jonathan         16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:58.57    2:00.44        
                  27.67       57.89 (30.22)     1:29.53 (31.64)     2:00.44 (30.91)
 72 King, Eric                18 Regional YMCA of-CT  2:01.93    2:00.45        
                  27.86       58.39 (30.53)     1:29.64 (31.25)     2:00.45 (30.81)
 73 Kim, Justin               16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:58.70    2:00.55        
                  29.12       59.60 (30.48)     1:30.46 (30.86)     2:00.55 (30.09)
 74 Chan, Dylan               16 Hauppauge Athlet-MR  1:57.15    2:00.66        
                  26.77       56.83 (30.06)     1:28.39 (31.56)     2:00.66 (32.27)
 75 Stevens, William          17 Nation's Capital-PV  2:00.18    2:00.67        
                  28.84       59.49 (30.65)     1:30.56 (31.07)     2:00.67 (30.11)
 76 Lamb, Logan               17 Executive Swim C-NE  2:12.37S   2:00.77        
                  28.68       58.96 (30.28)     1:29.27 (30.31)     2:00.77 (31.50)
 77 Ramjohn, Jalen            15 Badger Swim Club-MR  1:57.99    2:00.78        
                  27.35       57.45 (30.10)     1:29.13 (31.68)     2:00.78 (31.65)
 78 Mathews, Gabriel          17 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:56.84    2:00.86        
                  28.39       58.39 (30.00)     1:29.65 (31.26)     2:00.86 (31.21)
 79 Redmond, Lawrence         15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:58.27    2:00.98        
                  27.86       58.01 (30.15)     1:29.40 (31.39)     2:00.98 (31.58)
 80 Madden, Owen              18 Gael Aquatic Clu-MR  1:59.28    2:01.00        
                  28.94       59.48 (30.54)     1:30.16 (30.68)     2:01.00 (30.84)
 81 Zhong, Michael            16 X-Cel Swimming-NJ    2:01.27    2:01.13        
                  28.31       58.44 (30.13)     1:29.36 (30.92)     2:01.13 (31.77)
 82 Lindros, David            16 Jersey Gators-NJ     1:58.56    2:01.21        
                  27.91       58.36 (30.45)     1:30.08 (31.72)     2:01.21 (31.13)
 83 Meyn, Justin              14 Team Suffolk-MR      1:57.98    2:01.28        
                  27.73       57.47 (29.74)     1:28.70 (31.23)     2:01.28 (32.58)
 84 Allen, Liam               13 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   2:05.77    2:01.31        
                  27.35       57.99 (30.64)     1:29.81 (31.82)     2:01.31 (31.50)
 85 Farmer, Noah              18 Clinton Cudas-AD     1:59.46    2:01.84        
                  28.74       59.25 (30.51)     1:30.45 (31.20)     2:01.84 (31.39)
 86 Swisher, Noah             16 Arlington Aquati-PV  1:57.75    2:01.92        
                  27.68       58.11 (30.43)     1:29.66 (31.55)     2:01.92 (32.26)
 87 Verheyen, Maximilian      15 Mariner Swim Clu-MD  1:59.86    2:02.36        
                  28.89       59.72 (30.83)     1:31.41 (31.69)     2:02.36 (30.95)
 88 Quinn, Hugh               16 Arlington Aquati-PV  1:59.20    2:02.78        
                  29.39     1:01.37 (31.98)     1:31.33 (29.96)     2:02.78 (31.45)
 89 Steger, Alex              15 Pine Richland Aq-AM  1:59.03    2:02.86        
                  27.87       59.12 (31.25)     1:31.19 (32.07)     2:02.86 (31.67)
 90 Allen, Colin              15 Executive Swim C-NE  1:59.83    2:02.92        
                  28.88     1:00.02 (31.14)     1:31.59 (31.57)     2:02.92 (31.33)
 91 Shin, Kevin               16 Condors Swim Clu-MR  2:03.93    2:03.86        
                  28.67       59.77 (31.10)     1:31.81 (32.04)     2:03.86 (32.05)
 92 Kirsis, Janis             14 Condors Swim Clu-MR  1:59.36    2:03.91        
                  28.80       59.92 (31.12)     1:32.07 (32.15)     2:03.91 (31.84)
 93 Daudier, Aidan            14 Executive Swim C-NE  1:58.66    2:05.77        
                  28.75     1:00.07 (31.32)     1:33.14 (33.07)     2:05.77 (32.63)
 94 Yao, Kevin                16 Team Suffolk-MR      2:03.63    2:07.08        
                  28.62     1:00.01 (31.39)     1:33.33 (33.32)     2:07.08 (33.75)
 95 O'Brien, Morgan           14 Blue Eagle Swimm-MA  2:06.02    2:07.41        
                  29.72     1:01.81 (32.09)     1:34.24 (32.43)     2:07.41 (33.17)
 96 Shideler, Corey           17 757 Swim-VA          2:05.95    2:08.72        
                  28.43       59.31 (30.88)     1:33.08 (33.77)     2:08.72 (35.64)
 97 Lynch, Evan               15 757 Swim-VA          1:59.21    2:09.97        
                  29.57     1:02.43 (32.86)     1:36.53 (34.10)     2:09.97 (33.44)
 98 Liu, Michael              16 Northern Dutches-MR  2:05.95    2:11.66        
                  29.41     1:01.62 (32.21)     1:35.90 (34.28)     2:11.66 (35.76)
Men 100 Yard Breaststroke
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Tong, Eric          17 X-Cel Swimming-NJ      56.49      55.48         22  
                  25.89       55.48 (29.59)                                        
  2 Hillis, Dillon      15 Manhattan Makos-MR     56.45      55.81         19  
                  26.37       55.81 (29.44)                                        
  3 Zhang, Evan         16 Laguardia Aquati-MR    56.80      55.83         18  
                  26.31       55.83 (29.52)                                        
  4 Zugibe, Matthew     17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     56.69      56.16         17  
                  26.14       56.16 (30.02)                                        
  5 Lanphear, Jack      18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    57.40      56.91         16  
                  26.63       56.91 (30.28)                                        
  6 Doyle, Connor       17 Eastern Express-NJ     57.28      57.55         15  
                  27.37       57.55 (30.18)                                        
  7 Okhtenberg, Ariel   18 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      57.54      57.76         14  
                  27.13       57.76 (30.63)                                        
  8 Garbee, Stefan      17 Weston Swimming-CT     57.52      57.89         13  
                  27.44       57.89 (30.45)                                        
  9 Wells, Geoff        33 UN-04-NI               58.29      59.19         12  
                  28.03       59.19 (31.16)                                        
B - Final
 10 Casey, Jack         15 Hauppauge Athlet-MR    58.59      57.93         10  
                  27.33       57.93 (30.60)                                        
 11 Palsho, Charles     15 Weston Swimming-CT     58.49      57.96          8  
                  27.52       57.96 (30.44)                                        
 12 Donnelly, Jack      17 Eastern Express-NJ     58.31      58.05          7  
                  27.28       58.05 (30.77)                                        
 13 Davenport, Nathani  17 Kingfish Swimmin-NE    58.33      58.58          6  
                  27.80       58.58 (30.78)                                        
 14 Klingener, Hunter   16 Sea Dragons Swim-NJ    58.93      58.84          5  
                  27.87       58.84 (30.97)                                        
 15 Hrabovsky, Kyle     18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    59.10      59.10          4  
                  27.38       59.10 (31.72)                                        
 16 Mebust, Sean        18 Clark Sports Cen-AD    59.15      59.14          3  
                  27.54       59.14 (31.60)                                        
 17 Ellis, Tyler        16 Nation's Capital-PV    59.16      59.70          2  
                  27.84       59.70 (31.86)                                        
 18 Shakhnazarov, Davi  19 Jersey Gators-NJ       58.37    1:01.25          1  
                  28.97     1:01.25 (32.28)                                        
C - Final
 19 Tretter, Spencer    18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    59.74      58.76        
                  27.73       58.76 (31.03)                                        
 20 Boll, Ryan          17 757 Swim-VA            59.71      58.93        
                  27.44       58.93 (31.49)                                        
 21 Gallion, David      16 Arlington Aquati-PV    59.70      59.32        
                  27.33       59.32 (31.99)                                        
 22 Stevens, Carson     16 Nation's Capital-PV    59.70      59.95        
                  28.31       59.95 (31.64)                                        
 23 Renaud, Ean         16 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ    59.98    1:00.05        
                  28.44     1:00.05 (31.61)                                        
 24 Allen, Andrew       16 Executive Swim C-NE    59.99    1:00.19        
                  28.40     1:00.19 (31.79)                                        
 25 Zanki, Tyler        18 Bergen Barracuda-NJ    59.39    1:00.23        
                  28.34     1:00.23 (31.89)                                        
 26 McLoughlin, Ryan    18 Newburgh Sharks-MR   1:00.14    1:00.27        
                  28.46     1:00.27 (31.81)                                        
 -- Loveless, Liam      14 Badger Swim Club-MR    59.94         DQ        
      Double pull / kicks
                  27.78          DQ (32.26)                                        
Men 100 Yard Breaststroke
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Hillis, Dillon            15 Manhattan Makos-MR     55.43      56.45 q      
                  26.63       56.45 (29.82)                                        
  2 Arthur, Jason             18 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ    57.04      56.46 q      
                  26.40       56.46 (30.06)                                        
  3 Tong, Eric                17 X-Cel Swimming-NJ      55.84      56.49 q      
                  26.41       56.49 (30.08)                                        
  4 Zugibe, Matthew           17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     55.62      56.69 q      
                  26.63       56.69 (30.06)                                        
  5 Zhang, Evan               16 Laguardia Aquati-MR    55.62      56.80 q      
                  26.88       56.80 (29.92)                                        
  6 Doyle, Connor             17 Eastern Express-NJ     58.43      57.28 q      
                  27.07       57.28 (30.21)                                        
  7 Lanphear, Jack            18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    54.82      57.40 q      
                  27.01       57.40 (30.39)                                        
  8 Garbee, Stefan            17 Weston Swimming-CT     57.58      57.52 q      
                  27.28       57.52 (30.24)                                        
  9 Okhtenberg, Ariel         18 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      56.63      57.54 q      
                  27.19       57.54 (30.35)                                        
 10 Wells, Geoff              33 UN-04-NI               57.17      58.29 q      
                  27.69       58.29 (30.60)                                        
 11 Donnelly, Jack            17 Eastern Express-NJ     58.95      58.31 q      
                  27.10       58.31 (31.21)                                        
 12 Davenport, Nathaniel      17 Kingfish Swimmin-NE    59.24      58.33 q      
                  27.54       58.33 (30.79)                                        
 13 Shakhnazarov, David       19 Jersey Gators-NJ       58.81      58.37 q      
                  27.93       58.37 (30.44)                                        
 14 Palsho, Charles           15 Weston Swimming-CT     59.91      58.49 q      
                  27.82       58.49 (30.67)                                        
 15 Casey, Jack               15 Hauppauge Athlet-MR  1:01.19      58.59 q      
                  27.56       58.59 (31.03)                                        
 16 Klingener, Hunter         16 Sea Dragons Swim-NJ    59.01      58.93 q      
                  28.17       58.93 (30.76)                                        
 17 Hrabovsky, Kyle           18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    58.13      59.10 q      
                  27.54       59.10 (31.56)                                        
 18 Mebust, Sean              18 Clark Sports Cen-AD    57.43      59.15 q      
                  27.70       59.15 (31.45)                                        
 19 Ellis, Tyler              16 Nation's Capital-PV    59.94      59.16 q      
                  27.62       59.16 (31.54)                                        
 20 MacQuarrie, Daniel        25 Unattached-NI        1:00.79      59.22 q      
                  27.16       59.22 (32.06)                                        
 21 Zanki, Tyler              18 Bergen Barracuda-NJ    59.94      59.39 q      
                  27.92       59.39 (31.47)                                        
 22 Gallion, David            16 Arlington Aquati-PV  1:01.17      59.70 q      
                  27.64       59.70 (32.06)                                        
 22 Stevens, Carson           16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:00.24      59.70 q      
                  28.29       59.70 (31.41)                                        
 24 Boll, Ryan                17 757 Swim-VA            58.83      59.71 q      
                  27.74       59.71 (31.97)                                        
 25 Tretter, Spencer          18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    59.92      59.74 q      
                  28.06       59.74 (31.68)                                        
 26 Ramsay, Auston            17 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:01.20      59.94 q      
                  27.98       59.94 (31.96)                                        
 26 Loveless, Liam            14 Badger Swim Club-MR  1:01.40      59.94 q      
                  27.93       59.94 (32.01)                                        
 28 Renaud, Ean               16 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  1:00.21      59.98        
                  28.38       59.98 (31.60)                                        
 29 Allen, Andrew             16 Executive Swim C-NE  1:00.44      59.99        
                  28.13       59.99 (31.86)                                        
 30 McLoughlin, Ryan          18 Newburgh Sharks-MR   1:00.99    1:00.14        
                  28.26     1:00.14 (31.88)                                        
 31 Tirone, Michael           17 Manhattan Makos-MR     59.61    1:00.16        
                  27.86     1:00.16 (32.30)                                        
 32 Higgins, John             16 Apex Aquatics As-NE    59.82    1:00.20        
                  28.35     1:00.20 (31.85)                                        
 33 Lessiohadi, Jonathan      16 Eastern Express-NJ     59.99    1:00.23        
                  28.26     1:00.23 (31.97)                                        
 33 Ho, Timothy               16 Laguardia Aquati-MR  1:00.05    1:00.23        
                  28.07     1:00.23 (32.16)                                        
 35 Econopouly, Elias         16 Northern Dutches-MR  1:00.22    1:00.28        
                  28.69     1:00.28 (31.59)                                        
 36 Rinald, John              18 West Hartford Aq-CT  1:00.20    1:00.31        
                  28.21     1:00.31 (32.10)                                        
 37 Zoda, Mark                16 Southern New Ham-NE  1:02.15    1:00.45        
                  28.16     1:00.45 (32.29)                                        
 37 Farmer, Noah              18 Clinton Cudas-AD     1:00.90    1:00.45        
                  28.76     1:00.45 (31.69)                                        
 39 Cudahy, Brock             18 Nation's Capital-PV  1:00.42    1:00.59        
                  28.68     1:00.59 (31.91)                                        
 40 Watson, Taylor            16 757 Swim-VA          1:01.18    1:00.62        
                  28.70     1:00.62 (31.92)                                        
 41 Quagliato, Douglas        18 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   1:01.04    1:00.63        
                  29.32     1:00.63 (31.31)                                        
 42 Gentry, Richard           15 Arlington Aquati-PV    59.99    1:00.64        
                  27.81     1:00.64 (32.83)                                        
 43 Rosenthal, Zach           16 Arlington Aquati-PV    59.94    1:00.67        
                  28.26     1:00.67 (32.41)                                        
 44 Davis, Miguel             15 DC Dept Of  Park-PV    59.48    1:00.68        
                  28.76     1:00.68 (31.92)                                        
 45 De Leon, Jaq              17 757 Swim-VA          1:01.07    1:00.72        
                  28.44     1:00.72 (32.28)                                        
 45 McCarthy, Gregory         16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:00.87    1:00.72        
                  28.85     1:00.72 (31.87)                                        
 47 Li, Michael               17 Regional YMCA of-CT  1:00.19    1:00.77        
                  28.48     1:00.77 (32.29)                                        
 48 Molinaro, Conrad          15 Team Pittsburgh-AM   1:00.27    1:00.86        
                  28.28     1:00.86 (32.58)                                        
 49 Chan, Dylan               16 Hauppauge Athlet-MR  1:01.38    1:00.93        
                  28.30     1:00.93 (32.63)                                        
 50 Cho, Edward               13 Waverunners-NJ       1:00.97    1:00.94        
                  28.45     1:00.94 (32.49)                                        
 51 Rachamallu, Manish        16 Princeton Tiger-NJ   1:00.38    1:01.01        
                  28.85     1:01.01 (32.16)                                        
 52 Sita, John                16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:00.36    1:01.02        
                  28.92     1:01.02 (32.10)                                        
 53 Antiles, Michael          16 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  1:02.16    1:01.05        
                  28.48     1:01.05 (32.57)                                        
 54 Keane, Matt               15 Patriot Swim Tea-MR  1:00.93    1:01.09        
                  28.54     1:01.09 (32.55)                                        
 55 Moreno, Gabriel           17 Merritt Athletic-MD  1:00.79    1:01.13        
                  28.86     1:01.13 (32.27)                                        
 56 Hamel, Callum             18 Shawmut Aquatic-NE   1:01.28    1:01.17        
                  29.00     1:01.17 (32.17)                                        
 57 Leaman, Alexander         16 Fox Swim Club-MD     1:01.83    1:01.24        
                  29.46     1:01.24 (31.78)                                        
 58 Ramjohn, Jalen            15 Badger Swim Club-MR  1:00.49    1:01.25        
                  28.44     1:01.25 (32.81)                                        
 59 Moore, Shane              17 Portland Porpois-ME  1:03.53    1:01.27        
                  28.77     1:01.27 (32.50)                                        
 60 Hutcherson, Ryan          15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:01.34    1:01.35        
                  28.74     1:01.35 (32.61)                                        
 61 Kuhlkin, Patrick          14 Nation's Capital-PV  1:00.17    1:01.36        
                  28.90     1:01.36 (32.46)                                        
 61 Gong, Phillip             15 Nys Aquatics, In-MR  1:01.98    1:01.36        
                  28.86     1:01.36 (32.50)                                        
 63 Amthor, Brandon           16 Sharks & Eagles-NI   1:00.59    1:01.45        
                  28.76     1:01.45 (32.69)                                        
 64 Jinapin, Pete             16 Malden Crocs-NE      1:00.17    1:01.50        
                  28.74     1:01.50 (32.76)                                        
 65 Trozenski, Samuel         18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  1:00.65    1:01.52        
                  28.52     1:01.52 (33.00)                                        
 66 Krigeris, Michael         14 X-Cel Swimming-NJ    1:01.93    1:01.64        
                  29.19     1:01.64 (32.45)                                        
 67 Levasseur, Trent          15 Executive Swim C-NE  1:02.12    1:01.77        
                  28.88     1:01.77 (32.89)                                        
 68 Wersinger, Maxwell        18 Sharks & Eagles-NI     59.81    1:01.80        
                  29.02     1:01.80 (32.78)                                        
 69 Smith, Andrew             15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:03.42    1:01.82        
                  29.41     1:01.82 (32.41)                                        
 70 Chen, Jerry               15 Allegheny North-AM   1:01.71    1:01.85        
                  29.31     1:01.85 (32.54)                                        
 71 King, Eric                18 Regional YMCA of-CT  1:01.86    1:01.91        
                  29.49     1:01.91 (32.42)                                        
 72 Regan, William            15 Regional YMCA of-CT  1:02.14    1:01.95        
                  29.46     1:01.95 (32.49)                                        
 72 McHeffey, Christopher     16 New Jersey Race-NJ   1:00.89    1:01.95        
                  29.04     1:01.95 (32.91)                                        
 74 Vantasel, Benjamin        18 757 Swim-VA          1:00.13    1:01.99        
                  29.05     1:01.99 (32.94)                                        
 75 Turi, Joseph              17 Nation's Capital-PV  1:01.75    1:02.05        
                  29.58     1:02.05 (32.47)                                        
 76 Rivero, Santiago          17 Bergen Barracuda-NJ  1:01.34    1:02.06        
                  29.18     1:02.06 (32.88)                                        
 77 Reilly, Connor            18 Delmar Dolfins-AD    1:02.09    1:02.08        
                  29.23     1:02.08 (32.85)                                        
 78 Hodes, Ehran              16 OMNI-CT              1:01.63    1:02.14        
                  29.43     1:02.14 (32.71)                                        
 79 Xia, Luke                 15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:02.90    1:02.19        
                  29.30     1:02.19 (32.89)                                        
 80 Milburn, Daniel           16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:01.82    1:02.25        
                  29.39     1:02.25 (32.86)                                        
 80 Cho, William              16 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   1:01.70    1:02.25        
                  28.71     1:02.25 (33.54)                                        
 82 Doyle, Connor             16 Delmar Dolfins-AD    1:01.51    1:02.32        
                  29.22     1:02.32 (33.10)                                        
 83 Coury, Sergio             14 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  1:02.07    1:02.34        
                  29.18     1:02.34 (33.16)                                        
 84 Fergus, Jack              17 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:00.56    1:02.48        
                  29.51     1:02.48 (32.97)                                        
 85 Sawyer, Christian         16 Seneca Valley Sw-AM  1:01.68    1:02.65        
                  29.71     1:02.65 (32.94)                                        
 86 O'Connor, Elias           17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   1:00.69    1:02.66        
                  29.23     1:02.66 (33.43)                                        
 87 Thompson, Matthew         14 Fox Swim Club-MD     1:00.83    1:02.77        
                  29.69     1:02.77 (33.08)                                        
 88 Highman, Nicholas         15 York Swim Club-PV    1:01.59    1:02.87        
                  29.71     1:02.87 (33.16)                                        
 89 Makarov, Aleksey          14 Newburgh Sharks-MR   1:01.79    1:02.93        
                  29.26     1:02.93 (33.67)                                        
 90 Nutt, John                14 The Atlantic Clu-NJ  1:01.55    1:02.95        
                  29.48     1:02.95 (33.47)                                        
 91 Weiland, Ethan            18 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   1:01.06    1:02.97        
                  29.42     1:02.97 (33.55)                                        
 92 Mastroianni, Matthew      16 Glastonbury Swim-CT  1:07.08    1:03.06        
                  30.07     1:03.06 (32.99)                                        
 93 Townsend, Delano          17 Laguardia Aquati-MR  1:02.62    1:03.08        
                  29.58     1:03.08 (33.50)                                        
 93 Cullen, Ronald            17 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  1:01.66    1:03.08        
                  29.25     1:03.08 (33.83)                                        
 95 Lucas, Gregory            17 Manchester Swim-CT   1:01.91    1:03.13        
                  29.74     1:03.13 (33.39)                                        
 96 Zhang, Nicholas           17 757 Swim-VA          1:01.17    1:03.15        
                  29.45     1:03.15 (33.70)                                        
 97 Jamilkowski, Blake        16 92nd Street Flyi-MR  1:01.53    1:03.17        
                  28.81     1:03.17 (34.36)                                        
 97 Wyche, Tyori              17 Team Suffolk-MR      1:01.57    1:03.17        
                  29.79     1:03.17 (33.38)                                        
 99 Devore, Luke              15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:02.80    1:03.27        
                  29.52     1:03.27 (33.75)                                        
100 Battikha, John            16 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   1:01.08    1:03.42        
                  29.93     1:03.42 (33.49)                                        
101 Kim, Hunter               13 Westchester Aqua-MR  1:02.10    1:03.45        
                  29.80     1:03.45 (33.65)                                        
102 Stewart, Luke             15 S70-CT               1:04.51    1:03.49        
                  29.79     1:03.49 (33.70)                                        
103 Isayiw, Luke              14 Merritt Athletic-MD    59.86    1:03.51        
                  29.60     1:03.51 (33.91)                                        
104 Brock, Harrison           18 Arlington Aquati-PV  1:02.23    1:03.61        
                  30.07     1:03.61 (33.54)                                        
105 Patten, Bryan             14 Nation's Capital-PV  1:02.47    1:03.65        
                  29.89     1:03.65 (33.76)                                        
106 Penafiel, Michael         14 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:02.57    1:03.71        
                  30.12     1:03.71 (33.59)                                        
107 Southward, Michael        18 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  1:05.70    1:04.49        
                  30.58     1:04.49 (33.91)                                        
108 Lee, Michael              17 York Swim Club-PV    1:01.49    1:04.92        
                  29.88     1:04.92 (35.04)                                        
109 Fisher, Alexander         16 Hauppauge Athlet-MR  1:01.87    1:05.05        
                  30.18     1:05.05 (34.87)                                        
110 Coleman, Harper           18 Golden Comets Sw-NI  1:02.13    1:05.20        
                  30.66     1:05.20 (34.54)                                        
111 Buckingham, Erik          18 Clinton Cudas-AD     1:01.85    1:05.47        
                  31.05     1:05.47 (34.42)                                        
112 Nicholas, Charles         17 Devilfish Aquati-MR  1:04.02    1:05.82        
                  31.01     1:05.82 (34.81)                                        
113 Kahn, Alec                16 92nd Street Flyi-MR  1:04.13    1:05.94        
                  31.06     1:05.94 (34.88)                                        
 -- Katz, Nathan              15 Weston Swimming-CT   1:01.82         DQ        
      Double pull / kicks
                  28.66          DQ (31.51)                                        
 -- Bunt, Andrew              17 Monmouth Barracu-NJ  1:01.77         DQ        
      Double pull / kicks
                  29.05          DQ (33.17)                                        
 -- Truong, Devin             17 Nation's Capital-PV    59.85         DQ        
      Double pull / kicks
                  28.04          DQ (31.95)                                        
 -- Chiang, Christian         18 X-Cel Swimming-NJ    1:01.16        DFS        
      Declared false start
Men 200 Yard Breaststroke
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Zhang, Evan         16 Laguardia Aquati-MR  2:04.01    2:02.08         22  
                  27.70       58.41 (30.71)     1:30.01 (31.60)     2:02.08 (32.07)
  2 Bezuglyy, Oleksand  30 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    2:05.22    2:02.37         19  
                  27.75       59.05 (31.30)     1:30.96 (31.91)     2:02.37 (31.41)
  3 Garbee, Stefan      17 Weston Swimming-CT   2:06.49    2:03.40         18  
                  28.44       59.67 (31.23)     1:31.54 (31.87)     2:03.40 (31.86)
  4 Tong, Eric          17 X-Cel Swimming-NJ    2:08.14    2:04.71         17  
                  26.93       57.63 (30.70)     1:29.98 (32.35)     2:04.71 (34.73)
  5 Shakhnazarov, Davi  19 Jersey Gators-NJ     2:06.71    2:04.78         16  
                  28.44     1:00.15 (31.71)     1:32.71 (32.56)     2:04.78 (32.07)
  6 Lanphear, Jack      18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  2:07.78    2:05.58         15  
                  27.39       59.12 (31.73)     1:32.37 (33.25)     2:05.58 (33.21)
  7 Okhtenberg, Ariel   18 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    2:07.15    2:06.65         14  
                  27.78       59.47 (31.69)     1:32.66 (33.19)     2:06.65 (33.99)
  8 Palsho, Charles     15 Weston Swimming-CT   2:06.48    2:06.71         13  
                  28.34     1:00.06 (31.72)     1:33.31 (33.25)     2:06.71 (33.40)
  9 Casey, Jack         15 Hauppauge Athlet-MR  2:09.18    2:08.12         12  
                  28.85     1:01.52 (32.67)     1:34.88 (33.36)     2:08.12 (33.24)
B - Final
 10 Truong, Devin       17 Nation's Capital-PV  2:09.49    2:07.95         10  
                  29.48     1:01.88 (32.40)     1:34.77 (32.89)     2:07.95 (33.18)
 11 Donnelly, Jack      17 Eastern Express-NJ   2:09.71    2:08.42          8  
                  28.62     1:01.32 (32.70)     1:35.37 (34.05)     2:08.42 (33.05)
 12 Katz, Nathan        15 Weston Swimming-CT   2:09.55    2:08.95          7  
                  29.36     1:02.07 (32.71)     1:35.46 (33.39)     2:08.95 (33.49)
 13 Boll, Ryan          17 757 Swim-VA          2:10.84    2:09.53          6  
                  28.99     1:01.39 (32.40)     1:34.83 (33.44)     2:09.53 (34.70)
 14 Klingener, Hunter   16 Sea Dragons Swim-NJ  2:09.23    2:09.72          4.5
                  28.70     1:01.15 (32.45)     1:35.12 (33.97)     2:09.72 (34.60)
 14 Farmer, Noah        18 Clinton Cudas-AD     2:11.20    2:09.72          4.5
                  29.48     1:02.30 (32.82)     1:35.93 (33.63)     2:09.72 (33.79)
 16 Renaud, Ean         16 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  2:09.43    2:10.26          3  
                  28.97     1:01.92 (32.95)     1:35.80 (33.88)     2:10.26 (34.46)
 17 Kim, Hunter         13 Westchester Aqua-MR  2:11.42    2:10.70          2  
                  29.73     1:03.17 (33.44)     1:36.31 (33.14)     2:10.70 (34.39)
 18 Highman, Nicholas   15 York Swim Club-PV    2:10.51    2:12.66          1  
                  29.70     1:03.13 (33.43)     1:37.63 (34.50)     2:12.66 (35.03)
C - Final
 19 Sita, John          16 Nation's Capital-PV  2:12.34    2:10.35        
                  28.99     1:01.35 (32.36)     1:34.92 (33.57)     2:10.35 (35.43)
 20 Mebust, Sean        18 Clark Sports Cen-AD  2:11.58    2:10.38        
                  29.06     1:01.63 (32.57)     1:35.98 (34.35)     2:10.38 (34.40)
 21 Cudahy, Brock       18 Nation's Capital-PV  2:12.31    2:10.99        
                  28.98     1:02.37 (33.39)     1:36.49 (34.12)     2:10.99 (34.50)
 22 Fruhwirth, Jared    17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  2:11.74    2:11.52        
                  29.98     1:03.38 (33.40)     1:37.22 (33.84)     2:11.52 (34.30)
 23 Mikhailichenko, An  17 Ithaca Aquatics-NI   2:11.65    2:12.85        
                  28.93     1:01.49 (32.56)     1:36.14 (34.65)     2:12.85 (36.71)
 24 Lessiohadi, Jonath  16 Eastern Express-NJ   2:11.74    2:12.89        
                  30.04     1:03.54 (33.50)     1:37.89 (34.35)     2:12.89 (35.00)
 25 Li, Michael         17 Regional YMCA of-CT  2:12.26    2:12.90        
                  29.64     1:03.39 (33.75)     1:38.17 (34.78)     2:12.90 (34.73)
 26 Moreno, Gabriel     17 Merritt Athletic-MD  2:11.96    2:13.04        
                  29.42     1:02.95 (33.53)     1:37.54 (34.59)     2:13.04 (35.50)
 27 Econopouly, Elias   16 Northern Dutches-MR  2:11.81    2:13.12        
                  29.55     1:02.74 (33.19)     1:37.13 (34.39)     2:13.12 (35.99)
Men 200 Yard Breaststroke
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Zhang, Evan               16 Laguardia Aquati-MR  2:00.58    2:04.01 q      
                  28.43     1:00.04 (31.61)     1:32.27 (32.23)     2:04.01 (31.74)
  2 Bezuglyy, Oleksandr       30 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    2:04.79    2:05.22 q      
                  28.28     1:00.08 (31.80)     1:32.49 (32.41)     2:05.22 (32.73)
  3 Palsho, Charles           15 Weston Swimming-CT   2:09.28    2:06.48 q      
                  28.31     1:00.46 (32.15)     1:33.99 (33.53)     2:06.48 (32.49)
  4 Garbee, Stefan            17 Weston Swimming-CT   2:04.49    2:06.49 q      
                  28.94     1:00.81 (31.87)     1:33.18 (32.37)     2:06.49 (33.31)
  5 Shakhnazarov, David       19 Jersey Gators-NJ     2:05.96    2:06.71 q      
                  28.36     1:01.06 (32.70)     1:33.97 (32.91)     2:06.71 (32.74)
  6 Okhtenberg, Ariel         18 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    2:06.19    2:07.15 q      
                  28.08     1:00.99 (32.91)     1:34.63 (33.64)     2:07.15 (32.52)
  7 Lanphear, Jack            18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  2:01.23    2:07.78 q      
                  28.02     1:00.54 (32.52)     1:33.91 (33.37)     2:07.78 (33.87)
  8 Tong, Eric                17 X-Cel Swimming-NJ    2:02.78    2:08.14 q      
                  28.41     1:00.86 (32.45)     1:34.28 (33.42)     2:08.14 (33.86)
  9 Casey, Jack               15 Hauppauge Athlet-MR  2:13.70    2:09.18 q      
                  29.25     1:02.01 (32.76)     1:35.61 (33.60)     2:09.18 (33.57)
 10 Klingener, Hunter         16 Sea Dragons Swim-NJ  2:07.21    2:09.23 q      
                  28.47     1:00.74 (32.27)     1:34.96 (34.22)     2:09.23 (34.27)
 11 Renaud, Ean               16 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  2:11.12    2:09.43 q      
                  29.00     1:02.56 (33.56)     1:35.75 (33.19)     2:09.43 (33.68)
 12 Truong, Devin             17 Nation's Capital-PV  2:10.25    2:09.49 q      
                  29.61     1:03.20 (33.59)     1:36.55 (33.35)     2:09.49 (32.94)
 13 Katz, Nathan              15 Weston Swimming-CT   2:13.06    2:09.55 q      
                  29.76     1:02.18 (32.42)     1:35.88 (33.70)     2:09.55 (33.67)
 14 Donnelly, Jack            17 Eastern Express-NJ   2:12.91    2:09.71 q      
                  28.30     1:00.42 (32.12)     1:33.97 (33.55)     2:09.71 (35.74)
 15 Quagliato, Douglas        18 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   2:13.27    2:09.78 q      
                  29.56     1:02.51 (32.95)     1:36.37 (33.86)     2:09.78 (33.41)
 16 Highman, Nicholas         15 York Swim Club-PV    2:09.99    2:10.51 q      
                  29.34     1:02.02 (32.68)     1:35.87 (33.85)     2:10.51 (34.64)
 17 Boll, Ryan                17 757 Swim-VA          2:08.79    2:10.84 q      
                  29.84     1:03.30 (33.46)     1:36.13 (32.83)     2:10.84 (34.71)
 18 Farmer, Noah              18 Clinton Cudas-AD     2:12.88    2:11.20 q      
                  29.38     1:02.23 (32.85)     1:36.08 (33.85)     2:11.20 (35.12)
 19 Kim, Hunter               13 Westchester Aqua-MR  2:13.45    2:11.42 q      
                  30.30     1:04.00 (33.70)     1:37.46 (33.46)     2:11.42 (33.96)
 20 Mebust, Sean              18 Clark Sports Cen-AD  2:07.59    2:11.58 q      
                  28.69     1:01.85 (33.16)     1:35.87 (34.02)     2:11.58 (35.71)
 21 Mikhailichenko, Andrew    17 Ithaca Aquatics-NI   2:06.09    2:11.65 q      
                  29.50     1:02.14 (32.64)     1:36.30 (34.16)     2:11.65 (35.35)
 22 Lessiohadi, Jonathan      16 Eastern Express-NJ   2:14.74    2:11.74 q      
                  29.33     1:02.80 (33.47)     1:36.92 (34.12)     2:11.74 (34.82)
 22 Fruhwirth, Jared          17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  2:11.61    2:11.74 q      
                  30.50     1:03.95 (33.45)     1:37.44 (33.49)     2:11.74 (34.30)
 24 Econopouly, Elias         16 Northern Dutches-MR  2:16.08    2:11.81 q      
                  29.46     1:02.00 (32.54)     1:36.15 (34.15)     2:11.81 (35.66)
 25 Moreno, Gabriel           17 Merritt Athletic-MD  2:11.57    2:11.96 q      
                  29.44     1:02.16 (32.72)     1:36.20 (34.04)     2:11.96 (35.76)
 26 Li, Michael               17 Regional YMCA of-CT  2:12.18    2:12.26 q      
                  29.76     1:03.40 (33.64)     1:38.07 (34.67)     2:12.26 (34.19)
 27 Cudahy, Brock             18 Nation's Capital-PV  2:12.89    2:12.31 q      
                  29.71     1:03.12 (33.41)     1:37.71 (34.59)     2:12.31 (34.60)
 28 Sita, John                16 Nation's Capital-PV  2:10.00    2:12.34        
                  29.59     1:02.86 (33.27)     1:37.34 (34.48)     2:12.34 (35.00)
 29 Barrett, Graham           17 South Shore YMCA-NE  2:08.19    2:12.35        
                  29.81     1:02.78 (32.97)     1:37.30 (34.52)     2:12.35 (35.05)
 30 Lee, Ryan                 15 Westchester Aqua-MR  2:14.57    2:12.36        
                  29.91     1:03.55 (33.64)     1:37.82 (34.27)     2:12.36 (34.54)
 31 Cho, William              16 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   2:13.94    2:12.38        
                  30.70     1:04.63 (33.93)     1:38.13 (33.50)     2:12.38 (34.25)
 32 Ho, Timothy               16 Laguardia Aquati-MR  2:12.91    2:12.39        
                  30.03     1:03.95 (33.92)     1:38.00 (34.05)     2:12.39 (34.39)
 33 McHeffey, Christopher     16 New Jersey Race-NJ   2:11.10    2:12.41        
                  30.04     1:03.49 (33.45)     1:37.86 (34.37)     2:12.41 (34.55)
 34 Leaman, Alexander         16 Fox Swim Club-MD     2:13.00    2:12.44        
                  29.95     1:02.95 (33.00)     1:36.79 (33.84)     2:12.44 (35.65)
 35 McLoughlin, Ryan          18 Newburgh Sharks-MR   2:14.65    2:12.59        
                  29.63     1:03.40 (33.77)     1:37.59 (34.19)     2:12.59 (35.00)
 36 Hamel, Callum             18 Shawmut Aquatic-NE   2:13.46    2:12.92        
                  29.54     1:02.54 (33.00)     1:37.73 (35.19)     2:12.92 (35.19)
 37 McCarthy, Gregory         16 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:10.36    2:12.95        
                  30.06     1:04.70 (34.64)     1:38.79 (34.09)     2:12.95 (34.16)
 38 Zanki, Tyler              18 Bergen Barracuda-NJ  2:12.51    2:13.01        
                  28.59     1:00.21 (31.62)     1:34.99 (34.78)     2:13.01 (38.02)
 39 Bryant, Joshua            15 Newburgh Sharks-MR   2:11.47    2:13.09        
                  29.92     1:02.59 (32.67)     1:37.34 (34.75)     2:13.09 (35.75)
 40 Amthor, Brandon           16 Sharks & Eagles-NI   2:12.57    2:13.36        
                  30.38     1:05.29 (34.91)     1:39.36 (34.07)     2:13.36 (34.00)
 41 Weiland, Carter           15 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   2:18.12    2:13.59        
                  29.49     1:02.65 (33.16)     1:37.28 (34.63)     2:13.59 (36.31)
 42 Loveless, Liam            14 Badger Swim Club-MR  2:16.85    2:13.87        
                  28.93     1:02.85 (33.92)     1:38.13 (35.28)     2:13.87 (35.74)
 43 Kuhlkin, Patrick          14 Nation's Capital-PV  2:13.05    2:13.96        
                  29.77     1:03.76 (33.99)     1:38.94 (35.18)     2:13.96 (35.02)
 44 Conway, Joseph            18 Schenectady-Sara-AD  2:13.45    2:14.12        
                  31.35     1:05.70 (34.35)     1:39.76 (34.06)     2:14.12 (34.36)
 45 Davenport, Nathaniel      17 Kingfish Swimmin-NE  2:14.30    2:14.27        
                  29.92     1:04.11 (34.19)     1:39.07 (34.96)     2:14.27 (35.20)
 46 Molinaro, Conrad          15 Team Pittsburgh-AM   2:15.55    2:14.38        
                  29.90     1:03.82 (33.92)     1:39.16 (35.34)     2:14.38 (35.22)
 47 King, Eric                18 Regional YMCA of-CT  2:14.71    2:14.39        
                  29.76     1:03.78 (34.02)     1:39.47 (35.69)     2:14.39 (34.92)
 47 Higgins, John             16 Apex Aquatics As-NE  2:14.81    2:14.39        
                  29.42     1:03.39 (33.97)     1:38.74 (35.35)     2:14.39 (35.65)
 49 Trozenski, Samuel         18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  2:14.46    2:14.41        
                  29.08     1:02.29 (33.21)     1:38.20 (35.91)     2:14.41 (36.21)
 50 Devore, Luke              15 Nation's Capital-PV  2:13.67    2:14.60        
                  30.26     1:04.47 (34.21)     1:39.52 (35.05)     2:14.60 (35.08)
 51 Tenpas, William           15 Nation's Capital-PV  2:15.06    2:14.75        
                  30.94     1:04.78 (33.84)     1:39.53 (34.75)     2:14.75 (35.22)
 52 Chen, Jerry               15 Allegheny North-AM   2:14.04    2:14.81        
                  30.69     1:05.24 (34.55)     1:39.84 (34.60)     2:14.81 (34.97)
 53 Krigeris, Michael         14 X-Cel Swimming-NJ    2:14.22    2:14.90        
                  31.12     1:04.87 (33.75)     1:39.81 (34.94)     2:14.90 (35.09)
 54 Sukach, Alexander         16 Eastern Express-NJ   2:15.06    2:14.97        
                  30.81     1:05.31 (34.50)     1:40.05 (34.74)     2:14.97 (34.92)
 55 Xia, Luke                 15 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:15.14    2:15.00        
                  29.88     1:03.39 (33.51)     1:38.40 (35.01)     2:15.00 (36.60)
 56 Rinald, John              18 West Hartford Aq-CT  2:13.42    2:15.01        
                  30.14     1:04.20 (34.06)     1:39.50 (35.30)     2:15.01 (35.51)
 57 Gallion, David            16 Arlington Aquati-PV  2:15.65    2:15.02        
                  30.57     1:05.30 (34.73)     1:39.69 (34.39)     2:15.02 (35.33)
 58 O'Brien, Morgan           14 Blue Eagle Swimm-MA  2:14.10    2:15.03        
                  30.43     1:04.38 (33.95)     1:39.22 (34.84)     2:15.03 (35.81)
 59 Rosenthal, Zach           16 Arlington Aquati-PV  2:10.57    2:15.20        
                  29.67     1:03.12 (33.45)     1:38.55 (35.43)     2:15.20 (36.65)
 60 Jinapin, Pete             16 Malden Crocs-NE      2:13.55    2:15.23        
                  30.81     1:04.75 (33.94)     1:39.56 (34.81)     2:15.23 (35.67)
 61 Milburn, Daniel           16 Nation's Capital-PV  2:13.65    2:15.42        
                  30.75     1:04.92 (34.17)     1:40.03 (35.11)     2:15.42 (35.39)
 62 Keane, Matt               15 Patriot Swim Tea-MR  2:16.11    2:15.56        
                  30.11     1:04.18 (34.07)     1:39.57 (35.39)     2:15.56 (35.99)
 63 Hrabovsky, Kyle           18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  2:10.39    2:15.90        
                  30.23     1:05.14 (34.91)     1:41.10 (35.96)     2:15.90 (34.80)
 64 Penafiel, Michael         14 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:14.54    2:16.12        
                  29.99     1:04.02 (34.03)     1:39.77 (35.75)     2:16.12 (36.35)
 65 Stevens, Carson           16 Nation's Capital-PV  2:14.19    2:16.35        
                  29.51     1:02.43 (32.92)     1:37.83 (35.40)     2:16.35 (38.52)
 66 Doyle, Connor             16 Delmar Dolfins-AD    2:15.13    2:16.48        
                  30.73     1:05.60 (34.87)     1:41.20 (35.60)     2:16.48 (35.28)
 67 Patten, Bryan             14 Nation's Capital-PV  2:13.87    2:16.54        
                  30.42     1:04.47 (34.05)     1:39.97 (35.50)     2:16.54 (36.57)
 68 Smith, Andrew             15 Nation's Capital-PV  2:15.24    2:16.60        
                  30.81     1:04.70 (33.89)     1:40.33 (35.63)     2:16.60 (36.27)
 68 Brock, Harrison           18 Arlington Aquati-PV  2:15.29    2:16.60        
                  30.24     1:04.19 (33.95)     1:39.89 (35.70)     2:16.60 (36.71)
 70 Wong, Phillip             16 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   2:14.00    2:16.66        
                  30.03     1:03.96 (33.93)     1:39.86 (35.90)     2:16.66 (36.80)
 71 Antiles, Michael          16 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  2:15.41    2:16.88        
                  29.73     1:04.00 (34.27)     1:39.96 (35.96)     2:16.88 (36.92)
 72 Hodes, Ehran              16 OMNI-CT              2:13.29    2:16.89        
                  30.21     1:04.51 (34.30)     1:40.13 (35.62)     2:16.89 (36.76)
 73 Gentry, Richard           15 Arlington Aquati-PV  2:15.36    2:16.96        
                                1:04.44 ( )     1:40.55 (36.11)     2:16.96 (36.41)
 74 Verheyen, Maximilian      15 Mariner Swim Clu-MD  2:15.15    2:16.98        
                  30.91     1:05.82 (34.91)     1:41.44 (35.62)     2:16.98 (35.54)
 75 Gong, Phillip             15 Nys Aquatics, In-MR  2:15.77    2:18.01        
                  29.28     1:03.70 (34.42)     1:40.15 (36.45)     2:18.01 (37.86)
 76 Kahn, Alec                16 92nd Street Flyi-MR  2:14.82    2:19.16        
                  31.86     1:06.70 (34.84)     1:42.57 (35.87)     2:19.16 (36.59)
 77 Isayiw, Luke              14 Merritt Athletic-MD  2:26.77    2:19.38        
                  30.86     1:06.06 (35.20)     1:42.10 (36.04)     2:19.38 (37.28)
 78 Din, Connor               15 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:19.58    2:19.60        
                  31.32     1:06.89 (35.57)     1:42.95 (36.06)     2:19.60 (36.65)
 79 Nutt, John                14 The Atlantic Clu-NJ  2:17.18    2:19.62        
                  30.44     1:05.40 (34.96)     1:42.13 (36.73)     2:19.62 (37.49)
 80 Fisher, Alexander         16 Hauppauge Athlet-MR  2:17.11    2:19.95        
                  29.80     1:03.81 (34.01)     1:41.64 (37.83)     2:19.95 (38.31)
 81 Sawyer, Christian         16 Seneca Valley Sw-AM  2:21.19    2:20.29        
                  30.66     1:05.96 (35.30)     1:43.41 (37.45)     2:20.29 (36.88)
 82 Lucas, Gregory            17 Manchester Swim-CT   2:19.03L   2:20.38        
                  31.69     1:06.98 (35.29)     1:43.30 (36.32)     2:20.38 (37.08)
 83 Coury, Sergio             14 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  2:22.19    2:20.56        
                  30.78     1:06.04 (35.26)     1:42.88 (36.84)     2:20.56 (37.68)
 84 Zhang, Nicholas           17 757 Swim-VA          2:19.22    2:21.47        
                  31.62     1:06.88 (35.26)     1:43.61 (36.73)     2:21.47 (37.86)
 85 Weiland, Ethan            18 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   2:15.44    2:21.82        
                  30.43     1:06.25 (35.82)     1:43.91 (37.66)     2:21.82 (37.91)
 86 Thompson, Matthew         14 Fox Swim Club-MD     2:15.90    2:21.97        
                  31.60     1:06.68 (35.08)     1:43.81 (37.13)     2:21.97 (38.16)
 -- Tirone, Michael           17 Manhattan Makos-MR   2:12.22         DQ        
      Arms not in same horizontal plane
                  29.03     1:02.11 (33.08)     1:36.80 (34.69)          DQ (35.83)
 -- Van Paassen, Benjamin     16 Greenwood Swimmi-NE  2:16.84        DFS        
      Declared false start
 -- Simkin, Leonid            17 Richmond Aquatic-MR  2:16.40        DFS        
      Declared false start
Men 100 Yard Butterfly
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Zugibe, Matthew     17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     49.75      48.98         22  
                  22.91       48.98 (26.07)                                        
  2 Clendenin, Stephen  27 Blue Wave Swim T-PV    49.05      49.45         19  
                  23.19       49.45 (26.26)                                        
  3 Hillis, Dillon      15 Manhattan Makos-MR     50.07      49.65         18  
                  23.52       49.65 (26.13)                                        
  4 Oumarov, Elan       16 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      49.84      50.10         17  
                  23.58       50.10 (26.52)                                        
  5 Song, Keda          16 Kingfish Swimmin-NE    50.61      50.22         16  
                  23.69       50.22 (26.53)                                        
  6 Wright, Colin       17 757 Swim-VA            50.89      50.41         15  
                  23.76       50.41 (26.65)                                        
  7 Shakhnazarov, Davi  19 Jersey Gators-NJ       50.16      50.49         14  
                  23.41       50.49 (27.08)                                        
  8 Lubinski, Jacob     16 Eastern Express-NJ     50.83      50.56         13  
                  23.73       50.56 (26.83)                                        
  9 Fortels, Ricards    18 Una JG-NJ              50.59      51.16         12  
                  23.47       51.16 (27.69)                                        
B - Final
 10 Cosgrove, Liam      17 New Jersey Race-NJ     51.02      50.61         10  
                  23.53       50.61 (27.08)                                        
 11 Zwijacz, Zachary    16 Schenectady-Sara-AD    51.52      50.83          8  
                  24.06       50.83 (26.77)                                        
 12 Doyle, Connor       17 Eastern Express-NJ     51.54      51.08          6.5
                  24.04       51.08 (27.04)                                        
 12 Ramsay, Auston      17 South Shore YMCA-NE    51.27      51.08          6.5
                  23.63       51.08 (27.45)                                        
 14 Otterbein, John     17 Princeton Tiger-NJ     51.34      51.10          5  
                  24.12       51.10 (26.98)                                        
 15 Robey, Hugh         15 Nation's Capital-PV    51.30      51.28          4  
                  24.03       51.28 (27.25)                                        
 16 Roh, Jin            21 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ    51.20      51.42          3  
                  23.82       51.42 (27.60)                                        
 17 Mullin, Connor      16 Laguardia Aquati-MR    51.51      51.47          2  
                  23.75       51.47 (27.72)                                        
 18 Dillane, Michael    18 Caldwell Center-NJ     51.40      51.77          1  
                  24.12       51.77 (27.65)                                        
C - Final
 19 Levasseur, Grant    17 Executive Swim C-NE    51.72      51.16        
                  23.71       51.16 (27.45)                                        
 20 Krentsa, Gregory    18 Regional YMCA of-CT    51.64      51.42        
                  23.92       51.42 (27.50)                                        
 21 So, Tristan         17 Central CT Aquat-CT    51.76      51.51        
                  23.71       51.51 (27.80)                                        
 22 Davenport, Nathani  17 Kingfish Swimmin-NE    52.05      51.77        
                  24.22       51.77 (27.55)                                        
 23 Thieroff, Grant     16 Jersey Gators-NJ       52.18      51.96        
                  23.87       51.96 (28.09)                                        
 24 Zhang, Andrew       15 Allegheny North-AM     52.02      52.20        
                  24.45       52.20 (27.75)                                        
 25 Tretter, Spencer    18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    52.01      52.28        
                  24.35       52.28 (27.93)                                        
 26 Ellis, Tyler        16 Nation's Capital-PV    52.05      52.40        
                  24.48       52.40 (27.92)                                        
 27 Towne, Garrett      16 Badger Swim Club-MR    51.95      52.95        
                  24.29       52.95 (28.66)                                        
Men 100 Yard Butterfly
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Clendenin, Stephen        27 Blue Wave Swim T-PV    49.28      49.05 q      
                  23.05       49.05 (26.00)                                        
  2 Zugibe, Matthew           17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     50.46      49.75 q      
                  23.32       49.75 (26.43)                                        
  3 Oumarov, Elan             16 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      49.80      49.84 q      
                  23.60       49.84 (26.24)                                        
  4 Hillis, Dillon            15 Manhattan Makos-MR     49.00      50.07 q      
                  23.65       50.07 (26.42)                                        
  5 Shakhnazarov, David       19 Jersey Gators-NJ       50.08      50.16 q      
                  23.67       50.16 (26.49)                                        
  6 Fortels, Ricards          18 Una JG-NJ              52.12      50.59 q      
                  23.33       50.59 (27.26)                                        
  7 Song, Keda                16 Kingfish Swimmin-NE    50.29      50.61 q      
                  24.02       50.61 (26.59)                                        
  8 Lubinski, Jacob           16 Eastern Express-NJ     50.37      50.83 q      
                  23.85       50.83 (26.98)                                        
  9 Wright, Colin             17 757 Swim-VA            50.41      50.89 q      
                  24.27       50.89 (26.62)                                        
 10 Cosgrove, Liam            17 New Jersey Race-NJ     50.32      51.02 q      
                  23.88       51.02 (27.14)                                        
 11 Roh, Jin                  21 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ    50.62      51.20 q      
                  23.70       51.20 (27.50)                                        
 12 Ramsay, Auston            17 South Shore YMCA-NE    51.99      51.27 q      
                  24.28       51.27 (26.99)                                        
 13 Robey, Hugh               15 Nation's Capital-PV    51.76      51.30 q      
                  23.90       51.30 (27.40)                                        
 14 Otterbein, John           17 Princeton Tiger-NJ     52.13      51.34 q      
                  24.12       51.34 (27.22)                                        
 15 Dillane, Michael          18 Caldwell Center-NJ     51.87      51.40 q      
                  24.05       51.40 (27.35)                                        
 16 Mullin, Connor            16 Laguardia Aquati-MR    51.46      51.51 q      
                  23.82       51.51 (27.69)                                        
 17 Zwijacz, Zachary          16 Schenectady-Sara-AD    51.52      51.52 q      
                  24.08       51.52 (27.44)                                        
 18 Doyle, Connor             17 Eastern Express-NJ     51.59      51.54 q      
                  24.40       51.54 (27.14)                                        
 19 Krentsa, Gregory          18 Regional YMCA of-CT    52.77      51.64 q      
                  24.45       51.64 (27.19)                                        
 20 Levasseur, Grant          17 Executive Swim C-NE    51.32      51.72 q      
                  24.20       51.72 (27.52)                                        
 21 So, Tristan               17 Central CT Aquat-CT    52.29      51.76 q      
                  24.19       51.76 (27.57)                                        
 22 Towne, Garrett            16 Badger Swim Club-MR    54.05      51.95 q      
                  24.09       51.95 (27.86)                                        
 23 Tretter, Spencer          18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    52.47      52.01 q      
                  24.17       52.01 (27.84)                                        
 24 Zhang, Andrew             15 Allegheny North-AM     53.52      52.02 q      
                  24.26       52.02 (27.76)                                        
 25 Davenport, Nathaniel      17 Kingfish Swimmin-NE    52.90      52.05 q      
                  24.42       52.05 (27.63)                                        
 25 Ellis, Tyler              16 Nation's Capital-PV    51.90      52.05 q      
                  24.49       52.05 (27.56)                                        
 27 Thieroff, Grant           16 Jersey Gators-NJ       52.67      52.18 q      
                  24.37       52.18 (27.81)                                        
 28 Chan, Dylan               16 Hauppauge Athlet-MR    53.60      52.29        
                  24.29       52.29 (28.00)                                        
 29 Rastelli, Alessandro      18 South Shore YMCA-NE    51.22      52.35        
                  23.81       52.35 (28.54)                                        
 30 Luu, Ryan                 18 Malden Crocs-NE        52.36      52.37        
                  24.51       52.37 (27.86)                                        
 31 Truong, Devin             17 Nation's Capital-PV    51.48      52.38        
                  24.27       52.38 (28.11)                                        
 32 Baltaytis, Jacob          16 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ    53.06      52.40        
                  24.18       52.40 (28.22)                                        
 33 Allen, Andrew             16 Executive Swim C-NE    51.79      52.58        
                  24.19       52.58 (28.39)                                        
 34 Son, David                15 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ    52.88      52.60        
                  25.06       52.60 (27.54)                                        
 35 Staubi, Kyle              15 Northern Dutches-MR    53.22      52.66        
                  24.34       52.66 (28.32)                                        
 36 Magness, Matthew          15 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    52.02      52.80        
                  24.74       52.80 (28.06)                                        
 36 Chang, Justin             17 Hauppauge Athlet-MR    52.99      52.80        
                  24.60       52.80 (28.20)                                        
 38 Stevens, William          17 Nation's Capital-PV    51.93      52.83        
                  24.94       52.83 (27.89)                                        
 39 Vantasel, Benjamin        18 757 Swim-VA            52.20      52.84        
                  24.48       52.84 (28.36)                                        
 40 Novitch, Graham           17 Rivertown Aquati-MR    52.93      52.95        
                  24.54       52.95 (28.41)                                        
 41 Fallows, Nicholas         17 Nation's Capital-PV    53.14      53.00        
                  24.24       53.00 (28.76)                                        
 42 Siebert, Tavis            13 Nys Aquatics, In-MR    53.47      53.06        
                  24.91       53.06 (28.15)                                        
 43 Levasseur, Trent          15 Executive Swim C-NE    52.54      53.07        
                  24.51       53.07 (28.56)                                        
 44 Chang, David              16 Rockville Montgo-PV    54.70      53.12        
                  25.37       53.12 (27.75)                                        
 45 Uhlin, Keir               17 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA    53.15      53.14        
                  24.75       53.14 (28.39)                                        
 46 Cleworth, Calvin          18 Schenectady-Sara-AD    51.61      53.15        
                  25.06       53.15 (28.09)                                        
 47 Watson, Taylor            16 757 Swim-VA            53.31      53.16        
                  25.02       53.16 (28.14)                                        
 48 Bergan, Jared             16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    53.25      53.18        
                  24.79       53.18 (28.39)                                        
 48 Hewitt, Jake              20 Duanesburg Elect-AD    53.22      53.18        
                  25.25       53.18 (27.93)                                        
 50 Zuric, Luka               15 Three Village Sw-MR    53.28      53.24        
                  24.77       53.24 (28.47)                                        
 51 Tirone, Michael           17 Manhattan Makos-MR     52.54      53.25        
                  24.75       53.25 (28.50)                                        
 52 Fruhwirth, Jared          17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    53.41      53.26        
                  25.29       53.26 (27.97)                                        
 53 Tartakovsky, Michael      17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     53.71      53.27        
                  24.61       53.27 (28.66)                                        
 54 Zhu, Nicholas             16 Manhattan Makos-MR     53.34      53.29        
                  24.72       53.29 (28.57)                                        
 55 Barrett, Graham           17 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:00.87L     53.32        
                  25.41       53.32 (27.91)                                        
 56 Mohlenbrok, Gabriel       17 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      53.32      53.33        
                  25.15       53.33 (28.18)                                        
 57 Ludemann, Ryan            16 Clinton Cudas-AD       53.02      53.46        
                  25.17       53.46 (28.29)                                        
 58 Wells, Geoff              33 UN-04-NI               54.07      53.49        
                  24.88       53.49 (28.61)                                        
 59 Page, Hunter              17 PJA-MA                 53.98      53.50        
                  25.07       53.50 (28.43)                                        
 60 Darhower, Jeb             16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    53.11      53.53        
                  24.95       53.53 (28.58)                                        
 60 Mooers, Henry             17 South Shore YMCA-NE    52.61      53.53        
                  25.08       53.53 (28.45)                                        
 62 Bugianesi, Ryan           16 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ     53.32      53.54        
                  25.34       53.54 (28.20)                                        
 63 Lindros, David            16 Jersey Gators-NJ       53.43      53.56        
                  24.76       53.56 (28.80)                                        
 63 Nicholas, Charles         17 Devilfish Aquati-MR    52.69      53.56        
                  24.93       53.56 (28.63)                                        
 65 Fatta, Alec               15 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA    54.73      53.62        
                  25.38       53.62 (28.24)                                        
 66 Chuang, Matthew           18 Rockville Montgo-PV    54.65      53.63        
                  25.31       53.63 (28.32)                                        
 66 Papsco, Zachary           15 Hauppauge Athlet-MR    53.78      53.63        
                  24.69       53.63 (28.94)                                        
 68 Kane, Kevin               17 Portland Porpois-ME  1:00.51L     53.65        
                  25.23       53.65 (28.42)                                        
 69 Gagion, Michael           17 Rivertown Aquati-MR    53.31      53.66        
                  24.75       53.66 (28.91)                                        
 69 Jones, Nicholas           16 South Shore YMCA-NE    53.22      53.66        
                  25.27       53.66 (28.39)                                        
 71 Hanlon, Collin            17 Eastern Express-NJ     53.13      53.67        
                  24.95       53.67 (28.72)                                        
 72 Wersinger, Maxwell        18 Sharks & Eagles-NI     52.75      53.71        
                  25.13       53.71 (28.58)                                        
 73 He, David                 15 Three Village Sw-MR    53.86      53.74        
                  25.36       53.74 (28.38)                                        
 74 Orobinsky, Christopher    15 Matchpoint Nyc-MR      53.28      53.77        
                  24.43       53.77 (29.34)                                        
 74 Klingener, Hunter         16 Sea Dragons Swim-NJ    53.44      53.77        
                  25.44       53.77 (28.33)                                        
 76 Bartalo, Nathaniel        18 Sharks & Eagles-NI     52.55      53.79        
                  24.97       53.79 (28.82)                                        
 77 Burr, Trenton             14 Hauppauge Athlet-MR    53.66      53.81        
                  24.98       53.81 (28.83)                                        
 78 Branchflower, Jacob       18 Regional YMCA of-CT    53.49      53.84        
                  25.21       53.84 (28.63)                                        
 78 Baker, James              17 Golden Comets Sw-NI    54.84      53.84        
                  25.36       53.84 (28.48)                                        
 78 Liu, Adam                 17 West Hartford Aq-CT    53.42      53.84        
                  25.26       53.84 (28.58)                                        
 81 Lee, Daniel               16 Team Suffolk-MR        53.19      53.86        
                  25.00       53.86 (28.86)                                        
 82 Ramjohn, Jalen            15 Badger Swim Club-MR    53.76      53.88        
                  24.76       53.88 (29.12)                                        
 83 Ye, Vincent               14 Golden Ram Aquat-MA    54.50      53.92        
                  25.13       53.92 (28.79)                                        
 84 Kish, Jackson             18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM    53.28      53.94        
                  24.53       53.94 (29.41)                                        
 85 Dodd, Austin              15 Fox Swim Club-MD       53.69      53.95        
                  24.86       53.95 (29.09)                                        
 86 Bushnell, Michael         16 Team Pittsburgh-AM     53.20      54.06        
                  24.98       54.06 (29.08)                                        
 87 Afolabi-Brown, Gregory    17 Rockville Montgo-PV    54.47      54.08        
                  25.45       54.08 (28.63)                                        
 88 Gentry, Austin            15 Nation's Capital-PV    53.10      54.09        
                  26.14       54.09 (27.95)                                        
 89 Farricker, Christian      15 Una Bad-MR             53.65      54.16        
                  25.51       54.16 (28.65)                                        
 90 Adams, Nicholas           17 Sea Dragons Swim-NJ    54.75      54.19        
                  25.88       54.19 (28.31)                                        
 91 Lamb, Logan               17 Executive Swim C-NE    54.45      54.33        
                  25.79       54.33 (28.54)                                        
 92 Steger, Alex              15 Pine Richland Aq-AM    53.64      54.34        
                  25.25       54.34 (29.09)                                        
 93 Drew, Keegan              15 Una Bad-MR             55.45      54.37        
                  25.61       54.37 (28.76)                                        
 94 Cho, Edward               13 Waverunners-NJ         53.92      54.40        
                  25.67       54.40 (28.73)                                        
 94 Kim, Harris               19 Phoenix Aquatic-MR     53.87      54.40        
                  25.32       54.40 (29.08)                                        
 96 Hewitt, Charles           15 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ     53.68      54.48        
                  25.71       54.48 (28.77)                                        
 97 Dixon, Tristan            17 Duanesburg Elect-AD    55.42      54.51        
                  25.48       54.51 (29.03)                                        
 98 Jagodits, Theodore        16 Rockville Montgo-PV    53.66      54.53        
                  25.58       54.53 (28.95)                                        
 99 Kim, Nathan               16 Rockville Montgo-PV    53.98      54.60        
                  25.74       54.60 (28.86)                                        
100 Bergstrom, Caleb          15 Eastern Express-NJ     54.09      54.62        
                  25.44       54.62 (29.18)                                        
101 Smith, Andrew             15 Nation's Capital-PV    54.96      54.63        
                  25.67       54.63 (28.96)                                        
101 Zhong, Michael            16 X-Cel Swimming-NJ      54.02      54.63        
                  25.84       54.63 (28.79)                                        
103 Chung, Colby              15 Rockville Montgo-PV    54.77      54.68        
                  25.44       54.68 (29.24)                                        
104 Fimmano, John             16 Panther Aquatic-CT     53.71      54.72        
                  26.08       54.72 (28.64)                                        
105 De Leon, Jaq              17 757 Swim-VA            54.19      54.74        
                  25.46       54.74 (29.28)                                        
106 Vollmer, Ian              15 Nation's Capital-PV    53.07      54.79        
                  25.73       54.79 (29.06)                                        
107 Greeson, William          16 Arlington Aquati-PV    54.34      54.87        
                  25.47       54.87 (29.40)                                        
108 Labossiere, Alexandre     15 Nation's Capital-PV    54.43      54.89        
                  25.34       54.89 (29.55)                                        
109 Barry, Kyle               17 Team Suffolk-MR        53.70      54.98        
                  25.50       54.98 (29.48)                                        
110 McCarthy, Michael         17 Long Beach Aquat-MR    55.08      55.01        
                  25.99       55.01 (29.02)                                        
111 Stewart, Luke             15 S70-CT                 53.78      55.05        
                  25.24       55.05 (29.81)                                        
112 Warshaw, Peter            16 Monmouth Barracu-NJ    54.74      55.18        
                  25.55       55.18 (29.63)                                        
113 Roth, Charlie             17 Arlington Aquati-PV    53.50      55.21        
                  24.88       55.21 (30.33)                                        
113 Rokos, Timothy            18 Duanesburg Elect-AD    55.94      55.21        
                  25.74       55.21 (29.47)                                        
115 Ragatz, Jeffrey           17 Regional YMCA of-CT  1:10.42L     55.36        
                  25.45       55.36 (29.91)                                        
116 Bozzi, Joseph             16 Jersey Gators-NJ       54.64      55.43        
                  25.98       55.43 (29.45)                                        
117 Idank, Patrick            14 The Atlantic Clu-NJ    55.77      55.45        
                  26.23       55.45 (29.22)                                        
118 Torrington, Bradley       17 York Swim Club-PV      55.07      55.47        
                  25.95       55.47 (29.52)                                        
119 Jinapin, Pete             16 Malden Crocs-NE        54.07      55.68        
                  25.97       55.68 (29.71)                                        
120 Whoriskey, Matthew        17 Arlington Aquati-PV    55.33      55.85        
                  25.77       55.85 (30.08)                                        
121 Gentry, Richard           15 Arlington Aquati-PV    55.43      56.20        
                  26.05       56.20 (30.15)                                        
122 Moreno, Gabriel           17 Merritt Athletic-MD    55.33      56.22        
                  26.13       56.22 (30.09)                                        
123 Cullen, Ronald            17 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ    54.19      56.24        
                  25.66       56.24 (30.58)                                        
124 Makarov, Aleksey          14 Newburgh Sharks-MR     55.51      56.35        
                  26.26       56.35 (30.09)                                        
125 Shackley, Oliver          17 Arlington Aquati-PV    55.08      56.51        
                  25.39       56.51 (31.12)                                        
126 McKelvey, Dylan           18 Monmouth Barracu-NJ    57.24      56.61        
                  26.06       56.61 (30.55)                                        
127 Franklin, Ryan            19 Frederick Area S-MD    57.03      57.07        
                  26.32       57.07 (30.75)                                        
128 Chen, Jerry               15 Allegheny North-AM     57.20      57.44        
                  27.51       57.44 (29.93)                                        
129 Peticco, Juan             17 Newburgh Sharks-MR   1:02.13      58.76        
                  27.81       58.76 (30.95)                                        
130 Zanki, Tyler              18 Bergen Barracuda-NJ    58.65      58.86        
                  27.50       58.86 (31.36)                                        
 -- Perks, Joseph             18 West Hartford Aq-CT    54.03         DQ        
      No Show Penalty Event
 -- Morales, Diego            15 Rockville Montgo-PV    54.31         DQ        
      False start
                  25.57          DQ (28.95)                                        
 -- Chiang, Christian         18 X-Cel Swimming-NJ      55.28        DFS        
      Declared false start
Men 200 Yard Butterfly
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Arthur, Jason       18 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  1:51.60    1:50.26         22  
                  24.03       51.77 (27.74)     1:20.94 (29.17)     1:50.26 (29.32)
  2 Robey, Hugh         15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:51.40    1:50.75         19  
                  23.79       51.89 (28.10)     1:20.64 (28.75)     1:50.75 (30.11)
  3 Zugibe, Matthew     17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   1:53.35    1:50.96         18  
                  24.38       52.79 (28.41)     1:21.83 (29.04)     1:50.96 (29.13)
  4 Dinunzio, Matthew   18 Jewish Community-AM  1:51.98    1:51.03         17  
                  25.01       53.20 (28.19)     1:22.37 (29.17)     1:51.03 (28.66)
  5 Bernstein, Ross     17 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   1:52.84    1:51.07         16  
                  25.12       53.32 (28.20)     1:22.54 (29.22)     1:51.07 (28.53)
  6 Otterbein, John     17 Princeton Tiger-NJ   1:52.49    1:51.96         15  
                  24.77       52.41 (27.64)     1:21.26 (28.85)     1:51.96 (30.70)
  7 Song, Keda          16 Kingfish Swimmin-NE  1:53.28    1:52.98         14  
                  25.15       53.72 (28.57)     1:22.83 (29.11)     1:52.98 (30.15)
  8 Zwijacz, Zachary    16 Schenectady-Sara-AD  1:53.11    1:53.51         13  
                  24.67       53.39 (28.72)     1:23.31 (29.92)     1:53.51 (30.20)
  9 Oumarov, Elan       16 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    1:53.38    1:55.02         12  
                  25.48       54.86 (29.38)     1:25.05 (30.19)     1:55.02 (29.97)
B - Final
 10 Lubinski, Jacob     16 Eastern Express-NJ   1:53.72    1:53.29         10  
                  25.00       54.38 (29.38)     1:23.92 (29.54)     1:53.29 (29.37)
 11 Thalblum, Steven    15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:55.47    1:53.35          8  
                  24.85       52.91 (28.06)     1:22.28 (29.37)     1:53.35 (31.07)
 12 McIntyre, Jack      17 Eastern Express-NJ   1:54.33    1:53.66          7  
                  26.75       55.07 (28.32)     1:24.06 (28.99)     1:53.66 (29.60)
 13 Jurman, Jasper      17 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:53.70    1:54.05          6  
                  25.82       55.43 (29.61)     1:24.64 (29.21)     1:54.05 (29.41)
 14 Rastelli, Alessand  18 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:54.83    1:54.71          5  
                  25.45       53.92 (28.47)     1:23.56 (29.64)     1:54.71 (31.15)
 15 Loveless, John      16 Badger Swim Club-MR  1:54.85    1:54.74          4  
                  25.85       55.33 (29.48)     1:25.13 (29.80)     1:54.74 (29.61)
 16 McCarthy, Gregory   16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:54.64    1:54.87          3  
                  25.87       55.30 (29.43)     1:24.62 (29.32)     1:54.87 (30.25)
 17 Levasseur, Trent    15 Executive Swim C-NE  1:56.22    1:55.29          2  
                  25.69       54.80 (29.11)     1:24.86 (30.06)     1:55.29 (30.43)
 18 Siebert, Tavis      13 Nys Aquatics, In-MR  1:56.01    1:56.31          1  
                  25.52       55.53 (30.01)     1:25.83 (30.30)     1:56.31 (30.48)
C - Final
 19 Schonbachler, Ryan  16 Pine Richland Aq-AM  1:56.45    1:53.56        
                  25.78       54.77 (28.99)     1:24.33 (29.56)     1:53.56 (29.23)
 20 Truong, Devin       17 Nation's Capital-PV  1:56.57    1:55.36        
                  25.54       54.38 (28.84)     1:23.81 (29.43)     1:55.36 (31.55)
 21 Uhlin, Keir         17 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  1:56.84    1:56.28        
                  25.65       55.16 (29.51)     1:25.39 (30.23)     1:56.28 (30.89)
 22 Chuang, Matthew     18 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:56.63    1:56.35        
                  25.48       55.17 (29.69)     1:24.90 (29.73)     1:56.35 (31.45)
 23 Baker, James        17 Golden Comets Sw-NI  1:57.21    1:56.50        
                  25.72       55.54 (29.82)     1:25.61 (30.07)     1:56.50 (30.89)
 24 Farricker, Christi  15 Una Bad-MR           1:56.71    1:56.51        
                  25.53       55.12 (29.59)     1:25.50 (30.38)     1:56.51 (31.01)
 25 Magness, Matthew    15 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:56.73    1:56.83        
                  25.25       54.47 (29.22)     1:25.39 (30.92)     1:56.83 (31.44)
 26 Baltaytis, Jacob    16 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  1:56.64    1:58.54        
                  25.52       55.98 (30.46)     1:26.39 (30.41)     1:58.54 (32.15)
 27 Staubi, Kyle        15 Northern Dutches-MR  1:57.40    2:01.14        
                  25.37       55.01 (29.64)     1:26.87 (31.86)     2:01.14 (34.27)
Men 200 Yard Butterfly
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Robey, Hugh               15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:52.70    1:51.40 q      
                  24.61       52.94 (28.33)     1:21.63 (28.69)     1:51.40 (29.77)
  2 Arthur, Jason             18 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  1:50.57    1:51.60 q      
                  24.92       53.30 (28.38)     1:22.85 (29.55)     1:51.60 (28.75)
  3 Dinunzio, Matthew         18 Jewish Community-AM  1:51.89    1:51.98 q      
                  25.07       53.60 (28.53)     1:22.95 (29.35)     1:51.98 (29.03)
  4 Otterbein, John           17 Princeton Tiger-NJ   1:55.44    1:52.49 q      
                  24.86       52.73 (27.87)     1:21.48 (28.75)     1:52.49 (31.01)
  5 Bernstein, Ross           17 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   1:53.90    1:52.84 q      
                  25.53       54.22 (28.69)     1:23.46 (29.24)     1:52.84 (29.38)
  6 Zwijacz, Zachary          16 Schenectady-Sara-AD  1:54.81    1:53.11 q      
                  24.66       53.15 (28.49)     1:22.92 (29.77)     1:53.11 (30.19)
  7 Song, Keda                16 Kingfish Swimmin-NE  1:52.92    1:53.28 q      
                  25.00       53.42 (28.42)     1:22.54 (29.12)     1:53.28 (30.74)
  8 Zugibe, Matthew           17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   1:52.25    1:53.35 q      
                  24.80       53.82 (29.02)     1:23.88 (30.06)     1:53.35 (29.47)
  9 Oumarov, Elan             16 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    1:56.96    1:53.38 q      
                  25.34       54.83 (29.49)     1:24.63 (29.80)     1:53.38 (28.75)
 10 Jurman, Jasper            17 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:53.04    1:53.70 q      
                  25.33       54.35 (29.02)     1:23.36 (29.01)     1:53.70 (30.34)
 11 Lubinski, Jacob           16 Eastern Express-NJ   1:53.32    1:53.72 q      
                  24.81       53.57 (28.76)     1:23.56 (29.99)     1:53.72 (30.16)
 12 McIntyre, Jack            17 Eastern Express-NJ   1:53.02    1:54.33 q      
                  25.83       54.97 (29.14)     1:24.55 (29.58)     1:54.33 (29.78)
 13 McCarthy, Gregory         16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:56.23    1:54.64 q      
                  26.21       54.89 (28.68)     1:24.19 (29.30)     1:54.64 (30.45)
 14 Rastelli, Alessandro      18 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:55.78    1:54.83 q      
                  25.64       54.55 (28.91)     1:24.27 (29.72)     1:54.83 (30.56)
 15 Loveless, John            16 Badger Swim Club-MR  1:56.30    1:54.85 q      
                  26.01       55.24 (29.23)     1:24.87 (29.63)     1:54.85 (29.98)
 16 Thalblum, Steven          15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:53.31    1:55.47 q      
                  25.41       53.96 (28.55)     1:24.19 (30.23)     1:55.47 (31.28)
 17 Siebert, Tavis            13 Nys Aquatics, In-MR  1:58.63    1:56.01 q      
                  25.80       55.17 (29.37)     1:25.69 (30.52)     1:56.01 (30.32)
 18 Levasseur, Trent          15 Executive Swim C-NE  1:56.99    1:56.22 q      
                  25.73       54.79 (29.06)     1:25.10 (30.31)     1:56.22 (31.12)
 19 Schonbachler, Ryan        16 Pine Richland Aq-AM  1:56.32    1:56.45 q      
                  26.24       55.81 (29.57)     1:26.22 (30.41)     1:56.45 (30.23)
 20 Hewitt, Jake              20 Duanesburg Elect-AD  1:55.92    1:56.54 q      
                  26.71       56.19 (29.48)     1:26.58 (30.39)     1:56.54 (29.96)
 21 Truong, Devin             17 Nation's Capital-PV  1:55.67    1:56.57 q      
                  25.48       54.80 (29.32)     1:24.93 (30.13)     1:56.57 (31.64)
 22 Chuang, Matthew           18 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:58.43    1:56.63 q      
                  25.42       54.51 (29.09)     1:24.90 (30.39)     1:56.63 (31.73)
 23 Baltaytis, Jacob          16 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  1:59.02    1:56.64 q      
                  25.86       55.28 (29.42)     1:25.19 (29.91)     1:56.64 (31.45)
 24 Farricker, Christian      15 Una Bad-MR           1:57.04    1:56.71 q      
                  25.81       55.05 (29.24)     1:25.69 (30.64)     1:56.71 (31.02)
 25 Magness, Matthew          15 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:54.62    1:56.73 q      
                  25.40       54.90 (29.50)     1:25.42 (30.52)     1:56.73 (31.31)
 26 Powers, William           17 Badger Swim Club-MR  2:14.57L   1:56.76 q      
                  25.98       55.28 (29.30)     1:25.86 (30.58)     1:56.76 (30.90)
 27 Uhlin, Keir               17 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  1:59.41    1:56.84 q      
                  26.05       55.68 (29.63)     1:26.22 (30.54)     1:56.84 (30.62)
 28 Baker, James              17 Golden Comets Sw-NI  1:58.73    1:57.21        
                  26.30       56.19 (29.89)     1:27.00 (30.81)     1:57.21 (30.21)
 29 Staubi, Kyle              15 Northern Dutches-MR  1:59.55    1:57.40        
                  25.94       55.26 (29.32)     1:26.44 (31.18)     1:57.40 (30.96)
 30 Lee, Ryan                 15 Westchester Aqua-MR  2:00.18    1:57.49        
                  25.79       55.73 (29.94)     1:26.48 (30.75)     1:57.49 (31.01)
 31 Simone, James             16 Badger Swim Club-MR  1:57.94    1:57.50        
                  25.66       55.13 (29.47)     1:26.10 (30.97)     1:57.50 (31.40)
 32 Bergan, Jared             16 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:57.70    1:57.57        
                  26.37       55.66 (29.29)     1:25.95 (30.29)     1:57.57 (31.62)
 33 Cho, Edward               13 Waverunners-NJ       1:58.79    1:57.79        
                  26.42       55.79 (29.37)     1:26.22 (30.43)     1:57.79 (31.57)
 34 Milburn, Daniel           16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:57.63    1:57.86        
                  26.47       55.87 (29.40)     1:26.40 (30.53)     1:57.86 (31.46)
 35 Chang, Justin             17 Hauppauge Athlet-MR  1:59.17    1:58.20        
                  25.82                             1:26.09 ( )     1:58.20 (32.11)
 36 Stout, Dawson             17 Regional YMCA of-CT  1:58.99    1:58.21        
                  26.01       55.70 (29.69)     1:26.64 (30.94)     1:58.21 (31.57)
 36 Novitch, Graham           17 Rivertown Aquati-MR  2:00.33    1:58.21        
                  25.86       55.89 (30.03)     1:26.82 (30.93)     1:58.21 (31.39)
 38 Dillane, Michael          18 Caldwell Center-NJ   2:00.76    1:58.31        
                  26.14       55.97 (29.83)     1:27.23 (31.26)     1:58.31 (31.08)
 39 Kane, Kevin               17 Portland Porpois-ME  1:57.37    1:58.33        
                  26.40       56.05 (29.65)     1:26.70 (30.65)     1:58.33 (31.63)
 40 Ellis, Tyler              16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:58.05    1:58.37        
                  25.94       55.64 (29.70)     1:26.74 (31.10)     1:58.37 (31.63)
 41 Mullin, Connor            16 Laguardia Aquati-MR  1:58.47    1:58.40        
                  26.37       56.01 (29.64)     1:27.05 (31.04)     1:58.40 (31.35)
 42 Stevens, William          17 Nation's Capital-PV  2:00.53    1:58.43        
                  26.24       56.01 (29.77)     1:26.80 (30.79)     1:58.43 (31.63)
 43 Bugianesi, Ryan           16 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   1:55.82    1:58.54        
                  27.61       56.98 (29.37)     1:28.22 (31.24)     1:58.54 (30.32)
 44 Zhong, Michael            16 X-Cel Swimming-NJ    1:58.65    1:58.59        
                  26.66       56.53 (29.87)     1:26.85 (30.32)     1:58.59 (31.74)
 45 Sawyer, Casey             17 Syracuse Charger-NI  1:59.46    1:58.77        
                  25.41       55.45 (30.04)     1:27.18 (31.73)     1:58.77 (31.59)
 46 Keane, James              17 Eastern Express-NJ   1:58.72    1:58.82        
                  26.42       56.43 (30.01)     1:27.38 (30.95)     1:58.82 (31.44)
 47 Papsco, Zachary           15 Hauppauge Athlet-MR  1:58.51    1:58.91        
                  26.52       57.20 (30.68)     1:27.83 (30.63)     1:58.91 (31.08)
 48 Son, David                15 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  1:57.61    1:58.95        
                  26.37       56.10 (29.73)     1:26.83 (30.73)     1:58.95 (32.12)
 49 Byman, Sean               15 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   1:58.50    1:59.05        
                  26.55       56.58 (30.03)     1:27.28 (30.70)     1:59.05 (31.77)
 50 Cho, William              16 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   2:01.28    1:59.07        
                  26.52       56.57 (30.05)     1:26.97 (30.40)     1:59.07 (32.10)
 51 Kim, Nathan               16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:57.36    1:59.16        
                  26.63       56.08 (29.45)     1:27.39 (31.31)     1:59.16 (31.77)
 52 Lamb, Logan               17 Executive Swim C-NE  1:58.14    1:59.26        
                  27.04       57.25 (30.21)     1:28.13 (30.88)     1:59.26 (31.13)
 53 Stauffer, John            16 Eastern Express-NJ   1:59.81    1:59.44        
                  26.50       56.26 (29.76)     1:27.63 (31.37)     1:59.44 (31.81)
 54 Gentry, Austin            15 Nation's Capital-PV  2:01.15    1:59.49        
                  26.69       57.25 (30.56)     1:28.03 (30.78)     1:59.49 (31.46)
 55 Burr, Trenton             14 Hauppauge Athlet-MR  2:00.29    1:59.58        
                  26.64       57.24 (30.60)     1:28.36 (31.12)     1:59.58 (31.22)
 56 He, David                 15 Three Village Sw-MR  1:59.60    1:59.71        
                  27.08       56.92 (29.84)     1:28.68 (31.76)     1:59.71 (31.03)
 57 Cleworth, Calvin          18 Schenectady-Sara-AD  1:59.25    1:59.76        
                  26.59       57.70 (31.11)     1:29.05 (31.35)     1:59.76 (30.71)
 58 Hewitt, Charles           15 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   1:58.93    1:59.85        
                  27.37       57.65 (30.28)     1:29.02 (31.37)     1:59.85 (30.83)
 58 Ye, Vincent               14 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:58.94    1:59.85        
                  26.63       56.24 (29.61)     1:27.45 (31.21)     1:59.85 (32.40)
 60 Brown, Kyle               13 Aquabears-CT         2:00.93    1:59.93        
                  26.94       57.39 (30.45)     1:28.77 (31.38)     1:59.93 (31.16)
 61 Long, Samuel              14 757 Swim-VA          1:57.76    1:59.96        
                  26.23       56.28 (30.05)     1:27.61 (31.33)     1:59.96 (32.35)
 62 Steger, Alex              15 Pine Richland Aq-AM  1:59.59    2:00.11        
                  25.49       55.47 (29.98)     1:26.80 (31.33)     2:00.11 (33.31)
 63 Wersinger, Maxwell        18 Sharks & Eagles-NI   1:58.20    2:00.13        
                  27.30       58.05 (30.75)     1:29.28 (31.23)     2:00.13 (30.85)
 64 Smith, Andrew             15 Nation's Capital-PV  2:01.09    2:00.15        
                  26.36       56.26 (29.90)     1:28.55 (32.29)     2:00.15 (31.60)
 65 Mooers, Henry             17 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:55.22    2:00.21        
                  26.71       56.18 (29.47)     1:27.21 (31.03)     2:00.21 (33.00)
 66 Macdonald, Ian            17 Shawmut Aquatic-NE   2:00.44    2:00.28        
                  26.76       57.20 (30.44)     1:28.78 (31.58)     2:00.28 (31.50)
 67 Towne, Garrett            16 Badger Swim Club-MR  1:57.46    2:00.36        
                  25.46       55.55 (30.09)     1:27.70 (32.15)     2:00.36 (32.66)
 68 Chung, Colby              15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:59.43    2:00.38        
                  27.67       58.13 (30.46)     1:28.13 (30.00)     2:00.38 (32.25)
 68 Kim, Harris               19 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   1:59.34    2:00.38        
                  26.14       55.69 (29.55)     1:26.66 (30.97)     2:00.38 (33.72)
 70 Mowery, Jack              14 Arlington Aquati-PV  2:00.12    2:00.41        
                  26.84       57.07 (30.23)     1:27.90 (30.83)     2:00.41 (32.51)
 71 Gagion, Michael           17 Rivertown Aquati-MR  2:03.37    2:00.44        
                  26.97       56.71 (29.74)     1:27.33 (30.62)     2:00.44 (33.11)
 72 Adams, Nicholas           17 Sea Dragons Swim-NJ  2:00.62    2:00.48        
                  26.28       56.32 (30.04)     1:28.55 (32.23)     2:00.48 (31.93)
 73 Watson, Taylor            16 757 Swim-VA          2:01.35    2:00.67        
                  26.22       55.86 (29.64)     1:27.12 (31.26)     2:00.67 (33.55)
 74 Conway, Joseph            18 Schenectady-Sara-AD  2:01.00    2:00.77        
                  27.59       59.16 (31.57)     1:29.83 (30.67)     2:00.77 (30.94)
 75 Fenlon, Matthew           13 Rivertown Aquati-MR  1:59.85    2:00.87        
                  25.68       55.07 (29.39)     1:26.97 (31.90)     2:00.87 (33.90)
 76 Whoriskey, Matthew        17 Arlington Aquati-PV  2:01.08    2:01.13        
                  26.90       56.89 (29.99)     1:28.12 (31.23)     2:01.13 (33.01)
 77 Morales, Diego            15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:59.42    2:01.23        
                  26.46       56.83 (30.37)     1:28.61 (31.78)     2:01.23 (32.62)
 78 Thomas, Owen              16 PJA-MA               2:00.65    2:01.27        
                  25.74       56.34 (30.60)     1:28.49 (32.15)     2:01.27 (32.78)
 79 Idank, Patrick            14 The Atlantic Clu-NJ  2:00.83    2:01.29        
                  27.15       57.32 (30.17)     1:29.10 (31.78)     2:01.29 (32.19)
 80 Jones, Nicholas           16 South Shore YMCA-NE  2:00.09    2:01.49        
                  26.96       56.80 (29.84)     1:27.83 (31.03)     2:01.49 (33.66)
 81 Rubenstein, David         17 Nation's Capital-PV  2:00.37    2:01.50        
                  27.31       57.97 (30.66)     1:29.72 (31.75)     2:01.50 (31.78)
 82 Page, Hunter              17 PJA-MA               2:01.07    2:01.52        
                  26.23       56.42 (30.19)     1:28.06 (31.64)     2:01.52 (33.46)
 83 Dixon, Tristan            17 Duanesburg Elect-AD  2:00.60    2:01.53        
                  25.97       56.37 (30.40)     1:28.35 (31.98)     2:01.53 (33.18)
 84 Jacome, Sebastian         15 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:58.71    2:01.58        
                  27.04       57.15 (30.11)     1:28.90 (31.75)     2:01.58 (32.68)
 85 Torrington, Bradley       17 York Swim Club-PV    2:00.36    2:01.63        
                  26.71       57.44 (30.73)     1:29.39 (31.95)     2:01.63 (32.24)
 86 Greeson, William          16 Arlington Aquati-PV  2:01.05    2:02.24        
                  26.36       57.18 (30.82)     1:29.31 (32.13)     2:02.24 (32.93)
 87 Fatta, Alec               15 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  2:00.89    2:02.32        
                  26.93       57.85 (30.92)     1:29.89 (32.04)     2:02.32 (32.43)
 88 Bozzi, Joseph             16 Jersey Gators-NJ     1:58.85    2:02.54        
                  27.17       57.84 (30.67)     1:29.49 (31.65)     2:02.54 (33.05)
 89 Jun, Yongchan             16 Condors Swim Clu-MR  2:00.61    2:02.66        
                  27.10       57.39 (30.29)     1:29.44 (32.05)     2:02.66 (33.22)
 90 Bertolatus, Brett         16 The Atlantic Clu-NJ  2:00.91    2:02.84        
                  27.54       58.10 (30.56)     1:29.67 (31.57)     2:02.84 (33.17)
 91 Donohue, Matthew          18 Aquabears-CT         1:58.95    2:02.91        
                  27.21       58.16 (30.95)     1:30.46 (32.30)     2:02.91 (32.45)
 92 Dodd, Austin              15 Fox Swim Club-MD     2:02.37    2:03.09        
                  26.43       57.49 (31.06)     1:29.96 (32.47)     2:03.09 (33.13)
 93 Vantasel, Benjamin        18 757 Swim-VA          2:00.47    2:03.18        
                  26.04       57.12 (31.08)     1:29.19 (32.07)     2:03.18 (33.99)
 94 Ludemann, Ryan            16 Clinton Cudas-AD     2:00.14    2:03.48        
                  26.98       58.18 (31.20)     1:30.58 (32.40)     2:03.48 (32.90)
 95 Bergstrom, Caleb          15 Eastern Express-NJ   2:01.05    2:03.56        
                  27.05       58.50 (31.45)     1:31.20 (32.70)     2:03.56 (32.36)
 96 Thieroff, Grant           16 Jersey Gators-NJ     1:59.37    2:03.65        
                  25.67       56.35 (30.68)     1:28.21 (31.86)     2:03.65 (35.44)
 97 McCarthy, Michael         17 Long Beach Aquat-MR  2:01.01    2:03.68        
                  27.20       58.27 (31.07)     1:29.92 (31.65)     2:03.68 (33.76)
 98 Anderson, Ethan           15 Eastern Express-NJ   2:00.37    2:03.76        
                  27.40       58.74 (31.34)     1:30.88 (32.14)     2:03.76 (32.88)
 99 Lashua, Matthew           14 YMCA of Greater-NE   2:04.22    2:03.80        
100 Dorobish, John            14 Norwin Aqua Club-AM  2:01.18    2:07.71        
                  27.03       59.02 (31.99)     1:33.14 (34.12)     2:07.71 (34.57)
101 Lynch, Evan               15 757 Swim-VA          2:00.59    2:08.56        
                  27.66       59.88 (32.22)     1:33.83 (33.95)     2:08.56 (34.73)
 -- Lee, Daniel               16 Team Suffolk-MR      2:00.38        DFS        
      Declared false start
Men 200 Yard IM
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Arthur, Jason       18 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  1:49.06    1:48.47         22  
                  23.74       50.95 (27.21)     1:22.14 (31.19)     1:48.47 (26.33)
  2 Clendenin, Stephen  27 Blue Wave Swim T-PV  1:49.43    1:50.25         19  
                  23.93       51.51 (27.58)     1:23.38 (31.87)     1:50.25 (26.87)
  3 Doyle, Connor       17 Eastern Express-NJ   1:53.29    1:51.55         18  
                  24.85       52.82 (27.97)     1:25.27 (32.45)     1:51.55 (26.28)
  4 Bezuglyy, Oleksand  30 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    1:53.67    1:51.63         17  
                  24.69       53.41 (28.72)     1:26.14 (32.73)     1:51.63 (25.49)
  5 McIntyre, Jack      17 Eastern Express-NJ   1:54.83    1:53.62         16  
                  25.78       55.89 (30.11)     1:27.61 (31.72)     1:53.62 (26.01)
  6 Garbee, Stefan      17 Weston Swimming-CT   1:55.07    1:54.45         15  
                  24.22       53.47 (29.25)     1:26.43 (32.96)     1:54.45 (28.02)
  7 Song, Keda          16 Kingfish Swimmin-NE  1:55.21    1:54.79         14  
                  25.05       54.15 (29.10)     1:28.41 (34.26)     1:54.79 (26.38)
  8 McCarthy, Gregory   16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:55.14    1:55.48         13  
                  25.83       54.58 (28.75)     1:27.84 (33.26)     1:55.48 (27.64)
  9 Shakhnazarov, Davi  19 Jersey Gators-NJ     1:54.49    2:03.51         12  
                  24.29       56.52 (32.23)     1:33.37 (36.85)     2:03.51 (30.14)
B - Final
 10 Zugibe, Matthew     17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   1:55.71    1:53.90         10  
                  24.24       54.68 (30.44)     1:27.41 (32.73)     1:53.90 (26.49)
 11 Zwijacz, Zachary    16 Schenectady-Sara-AD  1:55.88    1:55.31          8  
                  24.58       54.51 (29.93)     1:28.71 (34.20)     1:55.31 (26.60)
 12 Levasseur, Grant    17 Executive Swim C-NE  1:57.40    1:56.51          7  
                  24.62       52.65 (28.03)     1:28.98 (36.33)     1:56.51 (27.53)
 13 Thalblum, Steven    15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:57.68    1:56.59          6  
                  25.09       54.68 (29.59)     1:29.69 (35.01)     1:56.59 (26.90)
 14 Zhang, Evan         16 Laguardia Aquati-MR  1:55.89    1:56.98          5  
                  25.11       56.31 (31.20)     1:28.58 (32.27)     1:56.98 (28.40)
 15 Robey, Hugh         15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:57.43    1:57.40          4  
                  24.49       55.15 (30.66)     1:30.45 (35.30)     1:57.40 (26.95)
 16 Wright, Colin       17 757 Swim-VA          1:57.33    1:57.55          3  
                  24.83       55.10 (30.27)     1:30.81 (35.71)     1:57.55 (26.74)
 17 Roh, Jin            21 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  1:56.88    1:57.64          2  
                  24.76       53.70 (28.94)     1:29.22 (35.52)     1:57.64 (28.42)
 18 Allen, Andrew       16 Executive Swim C-NE  1:57.56    2:02.45          1  
                  25.15       55.03 (29.88)     1:31.93 (36.90)     2:02.45 (30.52)
C - Final
 19 Barrett, Graham     17 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:58.88    1:55.75        
                  25.89       54.88 (28.99)     1:28.99 (34.11)     1:55.75 (26.76)
 20 Truong, Devin       17 Nation's Capital-PV  1:58.13    1:56.19        
                  24.34       53.33 (28.99)     1:27.45 (34.12)     1:56.19 (28.74)
 21 Ramsay, Auston      17 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:58.06    1:56.26        
                  24.96       54.84 (29.88)     1:29.60 (34.76)     1:56.26 (26.66)
 22 Milburn, Daniel     16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:59.09    1:58.64        
                  26.08       56.78 (30.70)     1:30.81 (34.03)     1:58.64 (27.83)
 23 Vollmer, Ian        15 Nation's Capital-PV  2:00.24    1:58.90        
                  25.22       55.20 (29.98)     1:31.40 (36.20)     1:58.90 (27.50)
 24 De Leon, Jaq        17 757 Swim-VA          1:58.36    1:59.12        
                  25.43       55.79 (30.36)     1:30.61 (34.82)     1:59.12 (28.51)
 25 Cho, Edward         13 Waverunners-NJ       1:59.42    1:59.21        
                  25.60       56.35 (30.75)     1:30.74 (34.39)     1:59.21 (28.47)
 26 Devore, Luke        15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:59.86    2:00.64        
                  25.65       57.30 (31.65)     1:32.80 (35.50)     2:00.64 (27.84)
 27 Levasseur, Trent    15 Executive Swim C-NE  1:59.40    2:02.93        
                  25.28       57.38 (32.10)     1:34.29 (36.91)     2:02.93 (28.64)
Men 200 Yard IM
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Arthur, Jason             18 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  1:48.64    1:49.06 q      
                  23.43       50.19 (26.76)     1:22.47 (32.28)     1:49.06 (26.59)
  2 Clendenin, Stephen        27 Blue Wave Swim T-PV  1:50.28    1:49.43 q      
                  23.75       51.26 (27.51)     1:22.77 (31.51)     1:49.43 (26.66)
  3 Bernstein, Ross           17 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   1:54.39    1:52.91 q      
                  25.07       53.56 (28.49)     1:25.97 (32.41)     1:52.91 (26.94)
  4 Doyle, Connor             17 Eastern Express-NJ   1:50.79    1:53.29 q      
                  24.93       53.65 (28.72)     1:26.51 (32.86)     1:53.29 (26.78)
  5 Bezuglyy, Oleksandr       30 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    1:53.63    1:53.67 q      
                  25.06       54.29 (29.23)     1:27.01 (32.72)     1:53.67 (26.66)
  6 Shakhnazarov, David       19 Jersey Gators-NJ     1:57.47    1:54.49 q      
                  23.90       54.17 (30.27)     1:27.53 (33.36)     1:54.49 (26.96)
  7 McIntyre, Jack            17 Eastern Express-NJ   1:54.40    1:54.83 q      
                  26.08       55.68 (29.60)     1:27.61 (31.93)     1:54.83 (27.22)
  8 Hillis, Dillon            15 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:52.02    1:55.00 q      
                  24.28       54.56 (30.28)     1:27.52 (32.96)     1:55.00 (27.48)
  9 Garbee, Stefan            17 Weston Swimming-CT   1:57.70    1:55.07 q      
                  24.50       53.69 (29.19)     1:26.51 (32.82)     1:55.07 (28.56)
 10 McCarthy, Gregory         16 Rockville Montgo-PV  1:55.97    1:55.14 q      
                  25.95       55.76 (29.81)     1:28.10 (32.34)     1:55.14 (27.04)
 11 Song, Keda                16 Kingfish Swimmin-NE  1:53.33    1:55.21 q      
                  25.09       53.84 (28.75)     1:28.92 (35.08)     1:55.21 (26.29)
 12 Quagliato, Douglas        18 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   1:55.76    1:55.31 q      
                  25.61       55.48 (29.87)     1:28.62 (33.14)     1:55.31 (26.69)
 13 Zugibe, Matthew           17 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   1:51.22    1:55.71 q      
                  24.13       55.36 (31.23)     1:27.98 (32.62)     1:55.71 (27.73)
 14 Otterbein, John           17 Princeton Tiger-NJ   1:55.43    1:55.76 q      
                  24.60       54.11 (29.51)     1:28.54 (34.43)     1:55.76 (27.22)
 15 Zwijacz, Zachary          16 Schenectady-Sara-AD  1:53.60    1:55.88 q      
                  25.20       54.63 (29.43)     1:28.57 (33.94)     1:55.88 (27.31)
 16 Zhang, Evan               16 Laguardia Aquati-MR  1:52.60    1:55.89 q      
                  25.15       55.86 (30.71)     1:28.00 (32.14)     1:55.89 (27.89)
 17 Okhtenberg, Ariel         18 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    1:55.03    1:56.10 q      
                  24.37       54.88 (30.51)     1:28.50 (33.62)     1:56.10 (27.60)
 18 So, Tristan               17 Central CT Aquat-CT  1:56.93    1:56.38 q      
                  24.58       54.60 (30.02)     1:29.31 (34.71)     1:56.38 (27.07)
 19 Farricker, Christian      15 Una Bad-MR           1:55.86    1:56.68 q      
                  25.20       54.61 (29.41)     1:29.79 (35.18)     1:56.68 (26.89)
 20 Jurman, Jasper            17 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:55.26    1:56.72 q      
                  25.40       56.20 (30.80)     1:29.00 (32.80)     1:56.72 (27.72)
 21 Tretter, Spencer          18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  1:56.40    1:56.78 q      
                  25.15       55.21 (30.06)     1:29.30 (34.09)     1:56.78 (27.48)
 22 Klingener, Hunter         16 Sea Dragons Swim-NJ  1:56.58    1:56.87 q      
                  25.51       55.07 (29.56)     1:29.21 (34.14)     1:56.87 (27.66)
 23 Roh, Jin                  21 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  1:54.55    1:56.88 q      
                  25.30       54.86 (29.56)     1:29.62 (34.76)     1:56.88 (27.26)
 24 Wright, Colin             17 757 Swim-VA          1:54.65    1:57.33 q      
                  24.65       54.71 (30.06)     1:30.03 (35.32)     1:57.33 (27.30)
 25 Levasseur, Grant          17 Executive Swim C-NE  1:55.47    1:57.40 q      
                  24.49       52.77 (28.28)     1:28.84 (36.07)     1:57.40 (28.56)
 26 Robey, Hugh               15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:58.18    1:57.43 q      
                  24.29       55.08 (30.79)     1:30.35 (35.27)     1:57.43 (27.08)
 27 Tirone, Michael           17 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:56.82    1:57.52 q      
                  24.87       55.36 (30.49)     1:29.02 (33.66)     1:57.52 (28.50)
 28 Allen, Andrew             16 Executive Swim C-NE  1:59.54    1:57.56        
                  24.94       53.80 (28.86)     1:28.56 (34.76)     1:57.56 (29.00)
 29 Thalblum, Steven          15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:56.07    1:57.68        
                  25.57       55.54 (29.97)     1:30.60 (35.06)     1:57.68 (27.08)
 30 Zhang, Andrew             15 Allegheny North-AM   1:59.63    1:58.04        
                  25.45       54.91 (29.46)     1:30.99 (36.08)     1:58.04 (27.05)
 31 Ramsay, Auston            17 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:54.79    1:58.06        
                  25.47       55.08 (29.61)     1:29.20 (34.12)     1:58.06 (28.86)
 32 Mihm, Richard             14 Allegheny North-AM   1:56.09    1:58.09        
                  25.48       55.75 (30.27)     1:31.41 (35.66)     1:58.09 (26.68)
 33 Truong, Devin             17 Nation's Capital-PV  1:55.15    1:58.13        
                  25.22       55.22 (30.00)     1:29.60 (34.38)     1:58.13 (28.53)
 34 Oumarov, Elan             16 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    1:59.18    1:58.23        
                  25.14       55.56 (30.42)     1:30.73 (35.17)     1:58.23 (27.50)
 35 Amthor, Brandon           16 Sharks & Eagles-NI   1:58.32    1:58.25        
                  25.62       57.64 (32.02)     1:31.50 (33.86)     1:58.25 (26.75)
 36 Son, David                15 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  1:58.40    1:58.27        
                  26.06       55.60 (29.54)     1:30.66 (35.06)     1:58.27 (27.61)
 37 De Leon, Jaq              17 757 Swim-VA          2:00.03    1:58.36        
                  25.33       55.56 (30.23)     1:29.97 (34.41)     1:58.36 (28.39)
 38 Lee, Ryan                 15 Westchester Aqua-MR  1:57.72    1:58.52        
                  25.32       55.29 (29.97)     1:30.76 (35.47)     1:58.52 (27.76)
 39 Barrett, Graham           17 South Shore YMCA-NE  1:55.01    1:58.88        
                  26.24       55.76 (29.52)     1:30.54 (34.78)     1:58.88 (28.34)
 40 Magness, Matthew          15 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:55.14    1:58.90        
                  25.43       55.62 (30.19)     1:31.16 (35.54)     1:58.90 (27.74)
 41 Milburn, Daniel           16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:59.58    1:59.09        
                  26.23       57.17 (30.94)     1:30.76 (33.59)     1:59.09 (28.33)
 42 Baltaytis, Jacob          16 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  2:00.79    1:59.11        
                  25.06       54.70 (29.64)     1:30.18 (35.48)     1:59.11 (28.93)
 43 Lubinski, Jacob           16 Eastern Express-NJ   1:55.98    1:59.20        
                  24.63       54.92 (30.29)     1:31.38 (36.46)     1:59.20 (27.82)
 44 Orobinsky, Christopher    15 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    1:58.50    1:59.40        
                  24.59       54.42 (29.83)     1:30.87 (36.45)     1:59.40 (28.53)
 44 Levasseur, Trent          15 Executive Swim C-NE  1:59.05    1:59.40        
                  25.06       57.10 (32.04)     1:32.27 (35.17)     1:59.40 (27.13)
 46 Hewitt, Charles           15 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   2:01.63    1:59.41        
                  25.70       56.72 (31.02)     1:31.87 (35.15)     1:59.41 (27.54)
 46 Hu, Henry                 16 Panther Aquatic-CT   1:58.48    1:59.41        
                  26.33       54.81 (28.48)     1:31.42 (36.61)     1:59.41 (27.99)
 48 Cho, Edward               13 Waverunners-NJ       2:00.17    1:59.42        
                  25.78       56.86 (31.08)     1:30.79 (33.93)     1:59.42 (28.63)
 49 Fruhwirth, Jared          17 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  1:58.27    1:59.56        
                  25.43       57.00 (31.57)     1:31.29 (34.29)     1:59.56 (28.27)
 50 Cho, William              16 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   2:02.85    1:59.59        
                  26.44       58.20 (31.76)     1:31.40 (33.20)     1:59.59 (28.19)
 51 Zuric, Luka               15 Three Village Sw-MR  1:59.70    1:59.67        
                  24.80       54.95 (30.15)     1:32.06 (37.11)     1:59.67 (27.61)
 52 Lee, Daniel               16 Team Suffolk-MR      1:58.08    1:59.82        
                  25.88       55.83 (29.95)     1:31.72 (35.89)     1:59.82 (28.10)
 53 Devore, Luke              15 Nation's Capital-PV  2:00.20    1:59.86        
                  25.47       56.43 (30.96)     1:31.85 (35.42)     1:59.86 (28.01)
 54 King, Eric                18 Regional YMCA of-CT  2:00.46    1:59.94        
                  26.77       56.67 (29.90)     1:32.03 (35.36)     1:59.94 (27.91)
 55 Mastroianni, Matthew      16 Glastonbury Swim-CT  1:56.70    2:00.08        
                  25.98       56.79 (30.81)     1:32.20 (35.41)     2:00.08 (27.88)
 56 Sita, John                16 Nation's Capital-PV  1:58.49    2:00.09        
                  27.08       58.72 (31.64)     1:32.34 (33.62)     2:00.09 (27.75)
 57 Taber, Alexander          17 Delmar Dolfins-AD    1:59.03    2:00.15        
                  26.28       55.45 (29.17)     1:31.11 (35.66)     2:00.15 (29.04)
 58 Vollmer, Ian              15 Nation's Capital-PV  1:59.37    2:00.24        
                  26.07       56.89 (30.82)     1:33.01 (36.12)     2:00.24 (27.23)
 59 Bravo, David              17 Badger Swim Club-MR  1:58.05    2:00.38        
                  25.82       55.51 (29.69)     1:31.56 (36.05)     2:00.38 (28.82)
 60 Katz, Nathan              15 Weston Swimming-CT   2:01.43    2:00.45        
                  25.58       57.08 (31.50)     1:31.40 (34.32)     2:00.45 (29.05)
 61 Davenport, Nathaniel      17 Kingfish Swimmin-NE  1:59.79    2:00.52        
                  25.51       56.60 (31.09)     1:32.34 (35.74)     2:00.52 (28.18)
 62 Lanphear, Jack            18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  1:55.46    2:00.57        
                  26.06       58.42 (32.36)     1:31.05 (32.63)     2:00.57 (29.52)
 63 Din, Connor               15 Rockville Montgo-PV  2:02.82    2:00.59        
                  26.07       58.45 (32.38)     1:33.64 (35.19)     2:00.59 (26.95)
 64 Fergus, Jack              17 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:59.01    2:00.65        
                  26.30       56.60 (30.30)     1:32.48 (35.88)     2:00.65 (28.17)
 65 Merrill, Colin            16 Aquabears-CT         2:01.20    2:00.79        
                  26.11       56.57 (30.46)     1:32.66 (36.09)     2:00.79 (28.13)
 66 Lessiohadi, Jonathan      16 Eastern Express-NJ   2:00.05    2:00.81        
                  27.10       59.21 (32.11)     1:32.61 (33.40)     2:00.81 (28.20)
 67 Leaman, Alexander         16 Fox Swim Club-MD     2:03.93    2:00.83        
                  26.93       59.71 (32.78)     1:32.58 (32.87)     2:00.83 (28.25)
 68 Chan, Dylan               16 Hauppauge Athlet-MR  1:57.79    2:00.85        
                  24.92       54.68 (29.76)     1:30.96 (36.28)     2:00.85 (29.89)
 69 Kuhlkin, Patrick          14 Nation's Capital-PV  2:01.58    2:00.86        
                  26.91       58.53 (31.62)     1:33.22 (34.69)     2:00.86 (27.64)
 70 Bugianesi, Ryan           16 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   1:59.49    2:00.87        
                  25.86       55.58 (29.72)     1:32.82 (37.24)     2:00.87 (28.05)
 71 Hanlon, Collin            17 Eastern Express-NJ   1:59.73    2:00.89        
                  25.76       57.34 (31.58)     1:35.14 (37.80)     2:00.89 (25.75)
 72 Siebert, Tavis            13 Nys Aquatics, In-MR  1:59.76    2:00.92        
                  25.67       55.14 (29.47)     1:32.97 (37.83)     2:00.92 (27.95)
 73 Sullivan, William         16 Panther Aquatic-CT   1:59.32    2:00.98        
                  26.67       58.38 (31.71)     1:33.00 (34.62)     2:00.98 (27.98)
 74 Wong, Phillip             16 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   2:00.62    2:01.13        
                  26.97       57.29 (30.32)     1:31.97 (34.68)     2:01.13 (29.16)
 75 Meyn, Justin              14 Team Suffolk-MR      2:00.21    2:01.18        
                  25.92       56.40 (30.48)     1:32.50 (36.10)     2:01.18 (28.68)
 76 Brown, Kyle               13 Aquabears-CT         1:58.33    2:01.19        
                  26.54       56.99 (30.45)     1:32.52 (35.53)     2:01.19 (28.67)
 77 Hutcherson, Ryan          15 Nation's Capital-PV  2:00.85    2:01.30        
                  26.09       57.36 (31.27)     1:33.30 (35.94)     2:01.30 (28.00)
 78 Doyle, Connor             16 Delmar Dolfins-AD    1:58.23    2:01.41        
                  27.82       58.00 (30.18)     1:32.42 (34.42)     2:01.41 (28.99)
 79 Zanki, Tyler              18 Bergen Barracuda-NJ  2:01.14    2:01.55        
                  26.42       58.15 (31.73)     1:31.97 (33.82)     2:01.55 (29.58)
 80 Mosier, John              18 Duanesburg Elect-AD  1:58.93    2:01.59        
                  25.93       56.89 (30.96)     1:32.47 (35.58)     2:01.59 (29.12)
 81 Palsho, Charles           15 Weston Swimming-CT   2:02.71    2:01.60        
                  26.18       57.27 (31.09)     1:32.08 (34.81)     2:01.60 (29.52)
 82 Kim, Hunter               13 Westchester Aqua-MR  2:03.04    2:01.75        
                  26.03       58.03 (32.00)     1:32.80 (34.77)     2:01.75 (28.95)
 83 Molinaro, Conrad          15 Team Pittsburgh-AM   1:59.56    2:01.76        
                  26.08       58.08 (32.00)     1:32.36 (34.28)     2:01.76 (29.40)
 84 Stewart, Luke             15 S70-CT               1:58.84    2:02.05        
                  26.62       57.76 (31.14)     1:32.89 (35.13)     2:02.05 (29.16)
 85 Moran, Spencer            16 OMNI-CT              2:01.10    2:02.19        
                  26.19       55.92 (29.73)     1:33.97 (38.05)     2:02.19 (28.22)
 86 Coleman, Harper           18 Golden Comets Sw-NI  2:47.28L   2:02.60        
                  26.85       59.48 (32.63)     1:34.93 (35.45)     2:02.60 (27.67)
 87 Zhu, Nicholas             16 Manhattan Makos-MR   2:01.32    2:02.64        
                  26.32       57.17 (30.85)     1:34.51 (37.34)     2:02.64 (28.13)
 88 Rinald, John              18 West Hartford Aq-CT  2:03.51    2:02.81        
                  26.87       58.71 (31.84)     1:32.87 (34.16)     2:02.81 (29.94)
 89 Hrabovsky, Kyle           18 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  2:03.45    2:03.09        
                  27.23     1:00.27 (33.04)     1:34.91 (34.64)     2:03.09 (28.18)
 90 Moreno, Gabriel           17 Merritt Athletic-MD  2:01.54    2:03.17        
                  25.91       57.10 (31.19)     1:32.07 (34.97)     2:03.17 (31.10)
 91 Rosenthal, Zach           16 Arlington Aquati-PV  2:01.74    2:03.40        
                  26.79       58.74 (31.95)     1:34.14 (35.40)     2:03.40 (29.26)
 92 Sukach, Alexander         16 Eastern Express-NJ   2:02.48    2:03.42        
                  27.12       56.89 (29.77)     1:33.75 (36.86)     2:03.42 (29.67)
 93 Donnelly, Jack            17 Eastern Express-NJ   2:05.48    2:03.61        
                  26.17       58.16 (31.99)     1:32.74 (34.58)     2:03.61 (30.87)
 94 Conway, Joseph            18 Schenectady-Sara-AD  1:59.53    2:03.63        
                  27.15     1:01.24 (34.09)     1:35.47 (34.23)     2:03.63 (28.16)
 95 Hamberg, Miles            17 Manhattan Makos-MR   1:59.69    2:03.67        
                  26.49       59.81 (33.32)     1:35.14 (35.33)     2:03.67 (28.53)
 96 Watson, Taylor            16 757 Swim-VA          1:57.56    2:03.75        
                  25.09       56.56 (31.47)     1:33.47 (36.91)     2:03.75 (30.28)
 97 McLoughlin, Ryan          18 Newburgh Sharks-MR   2:02.50    2:03.93        
                  26.84       59.19 (32.35)     1:33.90 (34.71)     2:03.93 (30.03)
 98 Weiland, Ethan            18 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   1:58.87    2:04.14        
                  26.28       59.07 (32.79)     1:34.47 (35.40)     2:04.14 (29.67)
 99 Stevens, William          17 Nation's Capital-PV  2:08.02    2:04.21        
                  26.43       56.99 (30.56)     1:35.10 (38.11)     2:04.21 (29.11)
100 Gentry, Richard           15 Arlington Aquati-PV  2:01.69    2:04.25        
                  26.14       56.63 (30.49)     1:32.89 (36.26)     2:04.25 (31.36)
101 Jinapin, Pete             16 Malden Crocs-NE      2:02.73    2:04.31        
                  26.20       58.98 (32.78)     1:34.69 (35.71)     2:04.31 (29.62)
102 Stevens, Carson           16 Nation's Capital-PV  2:01.44    2:04.33        
                  26.95       59.04 (32.09)     1:35.08 (36.04)     2:04.33 (29.25)
103 Fagan, Timothy            15 Condors Swim Clu-MR  2:01.27    2:04.53        
                  26.25       57.17 (30.92)     1:35.27 (38.10)     2:04.53 (29.26)
104 Jamilkowski, Blake        16 92nd Street Flyi-MR       NT    2:04.74        
                  24.57       56.45 (31.88)     1:33.50 (37.05)     2:04.74 (31.24)
105 Boll, Ryan                17 757 Swim-VA          2:04.29    2:05.16        
                  26.94     1:01.13 (34.19)     1:36.15 (35.02)     2:05.16 (29.01)
106 Turi, Joseph              17 Nation's Capital-PV  1:57.82    2:05.36        
                  26.91       59.54 (32.63)     1:36.72 (37.18)     2:05.36 (28.64)
107 McHeffey, Christopher     16 New Jersey Race-NJ   2:08.09    2:05.55        
                  26.58     1:01.17 (34.59)     1:36.18 (35.01)     2:05.55 (29.37)
108 Fallows, Nicholas         17 Nation's Capital-PV  2:06.53    2:05.66        
                  26.18       57.73 (31.55)     1:36.71 (38.98)     2:05.66 (28.95)
109 Chen, Jerry               15 Allegheny North-AM   2:06.10    2:05.88        
                  27.37     1:01.22 (33.85)     1:36.01 (34.79)     2:05.88 (29.87)
110 Krigeris, Michael         14 X-Cel Swimming-NJ    2:06.02    2:06.07        
                  27.80     1:01.64 (33.84)     1:37.17 (35.53)     2:06.07 (28.90)
111 Verheyen, Maximilian      15 Mariner Swim Clu-MD  2:03.32    2:06.11        
                  28.49     1:00.25 (31.76)     1:36.61 (36.36)     2:06.11 (29.50)
112 Bunt, Andrew              17 Monmouth Barracu-NJ  2:08.29    2:06.32        
                  26.71       58.32 (31.61)     1:35.60 (37.28)     2:06.32 (30.72)
113 Adayev, Daniel            17 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    2:04.32    2:06.81        
                  27.62       59.00 (31.38)     1:37.00 (38.00)     2:06.81 (29.81)
114 Li, Michael               17 Regional YMCA of-CT  2:05.31    2:08.88        
                  27.40     1:02.46 (35.06)     1:36.74 (34.28)     2:08.88 (32.14)
115 Bumgarner, Jake           17 Mount Lebanon Aq-AM  2:03.07    2:09.26        
                  26.91       59.30 (32.39)     1:37.33 (38.03)     2:09.26 (31.93)
 -- Tong, Eric                17 X-Cel Swimming-NJ    1:59.79        DFS        
      Declared false start - Misc
 -- Trzewik-Quinn, Seamus     16 Hawks Swimming A-AD  1:57.08        DFS        
      Declared false start - Misc
Men 400 Yard IM
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Arthur, Jason       18 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  3:59.02    3:53.68         22  
                  23.63       50.95 (27.32)     1:20.34 (29.39)     1:48.81 (28.47)
        2:21.97 (33.16)     2:56.34 (34.37)     3:25.46 (29.12)     3:53.68 (28.22)
  2 McIntyre, Jack      17 Eastern Express-NJ   4:02.50    3:53.96         19  
                  26.21       56.01 (29.80)     1:27.46 (31.45)     1:57.84 (30.38)
        2:30.03 (32.19)     3:02.21 (32.18)     3:29.15 (26.94)     3:53.96 (24.81)
  3 Bezuglyy, Oleksand  30 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    4:03.26    3:54.52         18  
                  24.57       53.19 (28.62)     1:23.48 (30.29)     1:52.73 (29.25)
        2:26.21 (33.48)     2:59.22 (33.01)     3:27.59 (28.37)     3:54.52 (26.93)
  4 Bernstein, Ross     17 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   3:59.15    3:59.90         17  
                  25.25       53.42 (28.17)     1:24.72 (31.30)     1:55.74 (31.02)
        2:29.83 (34.09)     3:04.48 (34.65)     3:32.58 (28.10)     3:59.90 (27.32)
  5 Jurman, Jasper      17 Manhattan Makos-MR   4:03.18    4:02.62         16  
                  25.23       54.55 (29.32)     1:25.79 (31.24)     1:56.28 (30.49)
        2:30.61 (34.33)     3:05.90 (35.29)     3:34.42 (28.52)     4:02.62 (28.20)
  6 McCarthy, Gregory   16 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:04.69    4:02.98         15  
                  25.52       55.25 (29.73)     1:26.20 (30.95)     1:58.21 (32.01)
        2:31.22 (33.01)     3:06.25 (35.03)     3:34.79 (28.54)     4:02.98 (28.19)
  7 Quagliato, Douglas  18 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   4:03.33    4:03.18         14  
                  26.24       55.74 (29.50)     1:27.73 (31.99)     1:58.71 (30.98)
        2:33.23 (34.52)     3:07.71 (34.48)     3:36.02 (28.31)     4:03.18 (27.16)
  8 Loveless, John      16 Badger Swim Club-MR  4:07.13    4:07.33         13  
                  26.38       55.89 (29.51)     1:28.26 (32.37)     2:00.09 (31.83)
        2:36.04 (35.95)     3:12.31 (36.27)     3:40.41 (28.10)     4:07.33 (26.92)
  9 Stauffer, John      16 Eastern Express-NJ   4:07.41    4:08.50         12  
                  26.58       56.66 (30.08)     1:27.88 (31.22)     1:58.99 (31.11)
        2:34.74 (35.75)     3:11.01 (36.27)     3:40.40 (29.39)     4:08.50 (28.10)
B - Final
 10 Magness, Matthew    15 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  4:07.94    4:04.32         10  
                  25.79       55.56 (29.77)     1:27.51 (31.95)     1:58.23 (30.72)
        2:33.63 (35.40)     3:09.00 (35.37)     3:37.60 (28.60)     4:04.32 (26.72)
 11 Thalblum, Steven    15 Nation's Capital-PV  4:11.07    4:05.03          8  
                  25.11       53.84 (28.73)     1:25.44 (31.60)     1:56.74 (31.30)
        2:32.35 (35.61)     3:08.39 (36.04)     3:37.25 (28.86)     4:05.03 (27.78)
 12 Merrill, Colin      16 Aquabears-CT         4:09.73    4:05.67          7  
                  27.03       57.17 (30.14)     1:27.73 (30.56)     1:58.25 (30.52)
        2:33.20 (34.95)     3:08.70 (35.50)     3:37.81 (29.11)     4:05.67 (27.86)
 13 Bravo, David        17 Badger Swim Club-MR  4:10.60    4:09.16          6  
                  26.25       56.38 (30.13)     1:28.27 (31.89)     1:59.81 (31.54)
        2:35.84 (36.03)     3:12.07 (36.23)     3:41.22 (29.15)     4:09.16 (27.94)
 14 Klingener, Hunter   16 Sea Dragons Swim-NJ  4:07.77    4:09.89          5  
                  25.81       55.64 (29.83)     1:27.89 (32.25)     2:00.33 (32.44)
        2:35.45 (35.12)     3:11.33 (35.88)     3:41.34 (30.01)     4:09.89 (28.55)
 15 Mihm, Richard       14 Allegheny North-AM   4:11.45    4:11.30          4  
                  25.70       55.98 (30.28)     1:28.11 (32.13)     1:59.50 (31.39)
        2:37.87 (38.37)     3:16.49 (38.62)     3:44.69 (28.20)     4:11.30 (26.61)
 16 Garbee, Stefan      17 Weston Swimming-CT   4:10.08    4:11.49          3  
                  25.77       55.27 (29.50)     1:27.98 (32.71)     2:00.97 (32.99)
        2:35.61 (34.64)     3:11.54 (35.93)     3:41.85 (30.31)     4:11.49 (29.64)
 17 Uhlin, Keir         17 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  4:12.03    4:11.52          2  
                  25.65       55.02 (29.37)     1:27.58 (32.56)     1:59.50 (31.92)
        2:37.17 (37.67)     3:15.41 (38.24)     3:43.74 (28.33)     4:11.52 (27.78)
 18 Truong, Devin       17 Nation's Capital-PV  4:10.03    4:14.84          1  
                  25.72       55.17 (29.45)     1:28.70 (33.53)     2:01.89 (33.19)
        2:36.73 (34.84)     3:12.94 (36.21)     3:43.95 (31.01)     4:14.84 (30.89)
C - Final
 19 Zhang, Evan         16 Laguardia Aquati-MR  4:12.13    4:04.87        
                  26.69       57.42 (30.73)     1:28.79 (31.37)     2:01.01 (32.22)
        2:33.58 (32.57)     3:06.63 (33.05)     3:36.38 (29.75)     4:04.87 (28.49)
 20 Byman, Sean         15 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   4:12.80    4:05.68        
                  26.61       57.00 (30.39)     1:28.47 (31.47)     1:59.39 (30.92)
        2:32.94 (33.55)     3:07.94 (35.00)     3:37.03 (29.09)     4:05.68 (28.65)
 21 Bugianesi, Ryan     16 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   4:13.35    4:12.07        
                  26.13       56.69 (30.56)     1:27.69 (31.00)     1:58.20 (30.51)
        2:35.62 (37.42)     3:14.26 (38.64)     3:43.73 (29.47)     4:12.07 (28.34)
 22 Regan, William      15 Regional YMCA of-CT  4:13.71    4:12.48        
                  27.67       58.91 (31.24)     1:32.71 (33.80)     2:05.61 (32.90)
        2:40.62 (35.01)     3:15.78 (35.16)     3:44.78 (29.00)     4:12.48 (27.70)
 23 McKinley, Timothy   16 Nation's Capital-PV  4:12.79    4:12.50        
                  27.10       58.01 (30.91)     1:30.17 (32.16)     2:02.59 (32.42)
        2:38.37 (35.78)     3:14.58 (36.21)     3:44.30 (29.72)     4:12.50 (28.20)
 24 Macdonald, Ian      17 Shawmut Aquatic-NE   4:13.07    4:12.96        
                  26.94       57.61 (30.67)     1:30.88 (33.27)     2:02.76 (31.88)
        2:40.67 (37.91)     3:18.44 (37.77)     3:46.84 (28.40)     4:12.96 (26.12)
 25 Doyle, Connor       16 Delmar Dolfins-AD    4:13.97    4:13.42        
                  27.29       58.92 (31.63)     1:30.40 (31.48)     2:00.89 (30.49)
        2:36.84 (35.95)     3:12.85 (36.01)     3:43.41 (30.56)     4:13.42 (30.01)
 26 Chernysh, Alexande  16 Mandell Jewish C-CT  4:13.95    4:13.57        
                  27.63       59.30 (31.67)     1:30.84 (31.54)     2:02.49 (31.65)
        2:39.07 (36.58)     3:16.52 (37.45)     3:45.91 (29.39)     4:13.57 (27.66)
 27 Siebert, Tavis      13 Nys Aquatics, In-MR  4:14.53    4:15.08        
                  25.61       56.77 (31.16)     1:27.95 (31.18)     1:59.98 (32.03)
        2:38.37 (38.39)     3:16.41 (38.04)     3:46.96 (30.55)     4:15.08 (28.12)
Men 400 Yard IM
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Arthur, Jason             18 Jersey Flyers Aq-NJ  3:55.20    3:59.02 q      
                  24.67       52.60 (27.93)     1:23.04 (30.44)     1:52.02 (28.98)
        2:25.50 (33.48)     2:59.64 (34.14)     3:29.92 (30.28)     3:59.02 (29.10)
  2 Bernstein, Ross           17 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   4:07.95    3:59.15 q      
                  25.35       53.18 (27.83)     1:23.91 (30.73)     1:54.41 (30.50)
        2:28.12 (33.71)     3:03.03 (34.91)     3:31.68 (28.65)     3:59.15 (27.47)
  3 McIntyre, Jack            17 Eastern Express-NJ   4:00.93    4:02.50 q      
                  26.58       56.81 (30.23)     1:28.47 (31.66)     1:59.32 (30.85)
        2:32.56 (33.24)     3:05.63 (33.07)     3:34.47 (28.84)     4:02.50 (28.03)
  4 Jurman, Jasper            17 Manhattan Makos-MR   4:03.06    4:03.18 q      
                  25.67       55.31 (29.64)     1:26.56 (31.25)     1:57.62 (31.06)
        2:31.33 (33.71)     3:06.62 (35.29)     3:35.15 (28.53)     4:03.18 (28.03)
  5 Bezuglyy, Oleksandr       30 Matchpoint Nyc-MR    4:01.98    4:03.26 q      
                  25.77       55.32 (29.55)     1:26.83 (31.51)     1:57.99 (31.16)
        2:32.14 (34.15)     3:06.31 (34.17)     3:35.46 (29.15)     4:03.26 (27.80)
  6 Quagliato, Douglas        18 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   4:04.78    4:03.33 q      
                  26.69       56.36 (29.67)     1:28.07 (31.71)     1:59.43 (31.36)
        2:33.81 (34.38)     3:08.06 (34.25)     3:36.43 (28.37)     4:03.33 (26.90)
  7 McCarthy, Gregory         16 Rockville Montgo-PV  4:03.30    4:04.69 q      
                  26.30       55.84 (29.54)     1:26.18 (30.34)     1:56.53 (30.35)
        2:30.93 (34.40)     3:06.36 (35.43)     3:35.47 (29.11)     4:04.69 (29.22)
  8 Loveless, John            16 Badger Swim Club-MR  4:12.91    4:07.13 q      
                  25.96       55.53 (29.57)     1:27.85 (32.32)     1:59.53 (31.68)
        2:35.75 (36.22)     3:12.30 (36.55)     3:40.17 (27.87)     4:07.13 (26.96)
  9 Stauffer, John            16 Eastern Express-NJ   4:08.49    4:07.41 q      
                  26.60       56.29 (29.69)     1:27.51 (31.22)     1:57.45 (29.94)
        2:33.58 (36.13)     3:09.71 (36.13)     3:38.87 (29.16)     4:07.41 (28.54)
 10 Klingener, Hunter         16 Sea Dragons Swim-NJ  4:09.06    4:07.77 q      
                  25.96       55.21 (29.25)     1:26.14 (30.93)     1:57.68 (31.54)
        2:32.84 (35.16)     3:08.65 (35.81)     3:38.80 (30.15)     4:07.77 (28.97)
 11 Magness, Matthew          15 Golden Ram Aquat-MA  4:03.79    4:07.94 q      
                  26.47       55.86 (29.39)     1:28.52 (32.66)     2:00.10 (31.58)
        2:36.59 (36.49)     3:12.69 (36.10)     3:40.79 (28.10)     4:07.94 (27.15)
 12 Barrett, Graham           17 South Shore YMCA-NE  3:58.18    4:08.41 q      
                  26.72       56.95 (30.23)     1:28.41 (31.46)     1:59.69 (31.28)
        2:34.61 (34.92)     3:11.67 (37.06)     3:40.66 (28.99)     4:08.41 (27.75)
 13 Merrill, Colin            16 Aquabears-CT         4:09.01    4:09.73 q      
                  26.92       56.80 (29.88)     1:28.06 (31.26)     1:59.23 (31.17)
        2:35.62 (36.39)     3:11.77 (36.15)     3:41.48 (29.71)     4:09.73 (28.25)
 14 Truong, Devin             17 Nation's Capital-PV  4:08.86    4:10.03 q      
                  26.54       56.98 (30.44)     1:29.70 (32.72)     2:02.32 (32.62)
        2:36.20 (33.88)     3:11.16 (34.96)     3:40.72 (29.56)     4:10.03 (29.31)
 15 Garbee, Stefan            17 Weston Swimming-CT   4:09.07    4:10.08 q      
                  25.64       55.43 (29.79)     1:27.71 (32.28)     1:59.21 (31.50)
        2:34.40 (35.19)     3:10.31 (35.91)     3:40.90 (30.59)     4:10.08 (29.18)
 16 Bravo, David              17 Badger Swim Club-MR  4:10.20    4:10.60 q      
                  26.28       56.34 (30.06)     1:27.63 (31.29)     1:58.49 (30.86)
        2:35.63 (37.14)     3:13.05 (37.42)     3:42.35 (29.30)     4:10.60 (28.25)
 17 Thalblum, Steven          15 Nation's Capital-PV  4:09.12    4:11.07 q      
                  25.77       55.05 (29.28)     1:27.09 (32.04)     1:58.35 (31.26)
        2:35.06 (36.71)     3:12.72 (37.66)     3:42.31 (29.59)     4:11.07 (28.76)
 18 Mihm, Richard             14 Allegheny North-AM   4:10.70    4:11.45 q      
                  25.99       55.88 (29.89)     1:27.87 (31.99)     1:59.05 (31.18)
        2:36.59 (37.54)     3:15.21 (38.62)     3:43.61 (28.40)     4:11.45 (27.84)
 19 Uhlin, Keir               17 Diplomat Swim Cl-MA  4:11.87    4:12.03 q      
                  26.25       56.54 (30.29)     1:28.99 (32.45)     2:00.82 (31.83)
        2:38.23 (37.41)     3:15.49 (37.26)     3:44.02 (28.53)     4:12.03 (28.01)
 20 Zhang, Evan               16 Laguardia Aquati-MR  4:06.91    4:12.13 q      
                  26.01       56.66 (30.65)     1:29.59 (32.93)     2:02.36 (32.77)
        2:35.80 (33.44)     3:10.86 (35.06)     3:41.74 (30.88)     4:12.13 (30.39)
 21 McKinley, Timothy         16 Nation's Capital-PV  4:09.29    4:12.79 q      
                  27.39       57.77 (30.38)     1:30.96 (33.19)     2:02.42 (31.46)
        2:38.44 (36.02)     3:15.36 (36.92)     3:44.78 (29.42)     4:12.79 (28.01)
 22 Byman, Sean               15 Phoenix Aquatic-MR   4:11.42    4:12.80 q      
                  25.80       55.07 (29.27)     1:27.50 (32.43)     1:59.40 (31.90)
        2:34.77 (35.37)     3:12.04 (37.27)     3:42.73 (30.69)     4:12.80 (30.07)
 23 Macdonald, Ian            17 Shawmut Aquatic-NE   4:13.95    4:13.07 q      
                  26.80       57.18 (30.38)     1:30.02 (32.84)     2:02.21 (32.19)
        2:40.36 (38.15)     3:17.77 (37.41)     3:46.22 (28.45)     4:13.07 (26.85)
 24 Bugianesi, Ryan           16 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   4:12.15    4:13.35 q      
                  26.97       57.05 (30.08)     1:28.13 (31.08)     1:58.69 (30.56)
        2:36.88 (38.19)     3:14.82 (37.94)     3:44.28 (29.46)     4:13.35 (29.07)
 25 Regan, William            15 Regional YMCA of-CT  4:17.21    4:13.71 q      
                  27.75       59.13 (31.38)     1:33.25 (34.12)     2:06.00 (32.75)
        2:41.38 (35.38)     3:16.93 (35.55)     3:46.06 (29.13)     4:13.71 (27.65)
 26 Chernysh, Alexander       16 Mandell Jewish C-CT  4:14.18    4:13.95 q      
                  27.52       59.20 (31.68)     1:29.77 (30.57)     2:00.43 (30.66)
        2:36.78 (36.35)     3:14.75 (37.97)     3:45.08 (30.33)     4:13.95 (28.87)
 27 Doyle, Connor             16 Delmar Dolfins-AD    4:13.57    4:13.97 q      
                  27.50       59.77 (32.27)     1:31.05 (31.28)     2:01.18 (30.13)
        2:36.87 (35.69)     3:12.80 (35.93)     3:44.17 (31.37)     4:13.97 (29.80)
 28 Siebert, Tavis            13 Nys Aquatics, In-MR  4:12.66    4:14.53        
                  26.64       56.91 (30.27)     1:28.94 (32.03)     2:00.52 (31.58)
        2:39.39 (38.87)     3:16.50 (37.11)     3:46.20 (29.70)     4:14.53 (28.33)
 29 Devore, Luke              15 Nation's Capital-PV  4:13.07    4:14.61        
                  26.68       57.70 (31.02)     1:30.43 (32.73)     2:03.46 (33.03)
        2:39.03 (35.57)     3:15.37 (36.34)     3:45.00 (29.63)     4:14.61 (29.61)
 30 Eppinger, Emmanuel        17 Jewish Community-AM  4:22.11    4:14.81        
                  27.30       57.90 (30.60)     1:30.60 (32.70)     2:03.03 (32.43)
        2:40.47 (37.44)     3:17.89 (37.42)     3:46.42 (28.53)     4:14.81 (28.39)
 31 Zuric, Luka               15 Three Village Sw-MR  4:14.16    4:15.34        
                  26.71       57.23 (30.52)     1:29.86 (32.63)     2:01.81 (31.95)
        2:39.85 (38.04)     3:18.13 (38.28)     3:47.23 (29.10)     4:15.34 (28.11)
 32 Trzewik-Quinn, Seamus     16 Hawks Swimming A-AD  4:09.77    4:15.41        
                  25.62       56.33 (30.71)     1:28.40 (32.07)     1:59.93 (31.53)
        2:37.35 (37.42)     3:15.43 (38.08)     3:45.94 (30.51)     4:15.41 (29.47)
 33 Katz, Nathan              15 Weston Swimming-CT   4:24.02    4:16.56        
                  26.61       58.12 (31.51)     1:31.62 (33.50)     2:04.76 (33.14)
        2:39.71 (34.95)     3:16.04 (36.33)     3:46.86 (30.82)     4:16.56 (29.70)
 34 Mattera, Matthew          17 Team Suffolk-MR      4:16.02    4:16.67        
                  26.95       59.15 (32.20)     1:30.85 (31.70)     2:02.99 (32.14)
        2:39.94 (36.95)     3:17.20 (37.26)     3:47.46 (30.26)     4:16.67 (29.21)
 35 Brown, Kyle               13 Aquabears-CT         4:10.88    4:17.19        
                  26.69       57.47 (30.78)     1:29.64 (32.17)     2:02.33 (32.69)
        2:39.51 (37.18)     3:17.23 (37.72)     3:47.75 (30.52)     4:17.19 (29.44)
 36 Kuhlkin, Patrick          14 Nation's Capital-PV  4:20.04    4:17.37        
                  27.40       59.82 (32.42)     1:34.31 (34.49)     2:08.99 (34.68)
        2:44.28 (35.29)     3:20.27 (35.99)     3:49.50 (29.23)     4:17.37 (27.87)
 37 Kim, Hunter               13 Westchester Aqua-MR  4:13.46    4:17.61        
                  27.29       58.25 (30.96)     1:32.28 (34.03)     2:06.41 (34.13)
        2:40.07 (33.66)     3:16.87 (36.80)     3:47.61 (30.74)     4:17.61 (30.00)
 38 Hewitt, Jake              20 Duanesburg Elect-AD  4:17.68    4:17.63        
                  27.12       58.34 (31.22)     1:32.50 (34.16)     2:05.77 (33.27)
        2:43.79 (38.02)     3:21.17 (37.38)     3:50.33 (29.16)     4:17.63 (27.30)
 39 Hewitt, Charles           15 Jcc Bridgewater-NJ   4:16.79    4:17.98        
                  26.67       57.34 (30.67)     1:30.55 (33.21)     2:02.47 (31.92)
        2:39.94 (37.47)     3:17.47 (37.53)     3:48.55 (31.08)     4:17.98 (29.43)
 40 Stout, Dawson             17 Regional YMCA of-CT  4:21.56    4:18.23        
                  26.11       56.44 (30.33)     1:28.64 (32.20)     1:59.82 (31.18)
        2:39.12 (39.30)     3:18.12 (39.00)     3:48.74 (30.62)     4:18.23 (29.49)
 41 Karangekis, Mitchell      17 Charter Oak Aqua-CT  4:27.50    4:19.50        
                  26.51       58.20 (31.69)     1:28.64 (30.44)     1:58.92 (30.28)
        2:37.68 (38.76)     3:17.80 (40.12)     3:48.98 (31.18)     4:19.50 (30.52)
 42 Donohue, Matthew          18 Aquabears-CT         4:16.95    4:19.73        
                  26.98       58.04 (31.06)     1:31.26 (33.22)     2:04.18 (32.92)
        2:42.39 (38.21)     3:21.83 (39.44)     3:51.19 (29.36)     4:19.73 (28.54)
 43 Rubenstein, David         17 Nation's Capital-PV  4:17.75    4:19.81        
                  27.31       58.09 (30.78)     1:31.72 (33.63)     2:04.34 (32.62)
        2:41.84 (37.50)     3:19.26 (37.42)     3:50.24 (30.98)     4:19.81 (29.57)
 44 Tenpas, William           15 Nation's Capital-PV  4:22.26    4:20.32        
                  28.36     1:00.58 (32.22)     1:34.18 (33.60)     2:07.30 (33.12)
        2:43.08 (35.78)     3:18.98 (35.90)     3:49.71 (30.73)     4:20.32 (30.61)
 45 Wong, Daniel              15 Nation's Capital-PV  4:18.09    4:20.78        
                  27.58       59.39 (31.81)     1:32.30 (32.91)     2:05.20 (32.90)
        2:42.38 (37.18)     3:20.48 (38.10)     3:51.31 (30.83)     4:20.78 (29.47)
 46 Farmer, Noah              18 Clinton Cudas-AD     4:19.75    4:20.98        
                  26.86       58.23 (31.37)     1:31.97 (33.74)     2:04.44 (32.47)
        2:40.49 (36.05)     3:17.96 (37.47)     3:50.01 (32.05)     4:20.98 (30.97)
 47 Steger, Alex              15 Pine Richland Aq-AM  4:13.48    4:21.80        
                  27.00       57.46 (30.46)     1:31.07 (33.61)     2:04.60 (33.53)
        2:42.29 (37.69)     3:21.11 (38.82)     3:52.18 (31.07)     4:21.80 (29.62)
 48 Verheyen, Maximilian      15 Mariner Swim Clu-MD  4:14.95    4:21.84        
                  28.56     1:01.84 (33.28)     1:35.35 (33.51)     2:07.55 (32.20)
        2:43.74 (36.19)     3:20.65 (36.91)     3:52.11 (31.46)     4:21.84 (29.73)
 48 Barry, Kyle               17 Team Suffolk-MR      4:19.73    4:21.84        
                  26.62       57.83 (31.21)     1:30.52 (32.69)     2:02.04 (31.52)
        2:41.27 (39.23)     3:21.41 (40.14)     3:51.68 (30.27)     4:21.84 (30.16)
 50 Sukach, Alexander         16 Eastern Express-NJ   4:16.08    4:22.41        
                  27.07       58.29 (31.22)     1:31.05 (32.76)     2:04.25 (33.20)
        2:40.88 (36.63)     3:18.92 (38.04)     3:51.66 (32.74)     4:22.41 (30.75)
 51 Mosier, John              18 Duanesburg Elect-AD  4:16.28    4:22.86        
                  26.92       58.28 (31.36)     1:31.37 (33.09)     2:05.02 (33.65)
        2:42.13 (37.11)     3:20.24 (38.11)     3:51.68 (31.44)     4:22.86 (31.18)
 52 Palsho, Charles           15 Weston Swimming-CT   4:26.92    4:24.43        
                  27.03       58.81 (31.78)     1:33.27 (34.46)     2:08.10 (34.83)
        2:42.73 (34.63)     3:19.07 (36.34)     3:52.52 (33.45)     4:24.43 (31.91)
 53 Conway, Joseph            18 Schenectady-Sara-AD  4:23.04    4:25.08        
                  27.62       59.20 (31.58)     1:34.90 (35.70)     2:10.42 (35.52)
        2:46.03 (35.61)     3:23.74 (37.71)     3:55.16 (31.42)     4:25.08 (29.92)
 54 Ramjohn, Jalen            15 Badger Swim Club-MR  4:14.80    4:25.60        
                  27.08       58.96 (31.88)     1:32.37 (33.41)     2:04.55 (32.18)
        2:43.98 (39.43)     3:23.93 (39.95)     3:55.10 (31.17)     4:25.60 (30.50)
 55 Highman, Nicholas         15 York Swim Club-PV    4:18.76    4:27.52        
                  27.74     1:00.12 (32.38)     1:35.85 (35.73)     2:10.85 (35.00)
        2:47.51 (36.66)     3:24.94 (37.43)     3:56.78 (31.84)     4:27.52 (30.74)
 56 Lamb, Logan               17 Executive Swim C-NE  4:33.52    4:28.71        
                  26.66       56.75 (30.09)     1:30.74 (33.99)     2:04.59 (33.85)
        2:44.07 (39.48)     3:24.89 (40.82)     3:57.09 (32.20)     4:28.71 (31.62)
 -- Robey, Hugh               15 Nation's Capital-PV  4:14.16         DQ        
      Other - Misc
                  25.44       55.17 (29.73)     1:28.80 (33.63)     2:00.69 (31.89)
        2:37.23 (36.54)     3:15.06 (37.83)     3:45.59 (30.53)          DQ (27.18)
 -- Falder, Nicholas          14 Regional YMCA of-CT  4:27.73         DQ        
      Not on back off wall - back
                  28.68     1:00.06 (31.38)     1:33.95 (33.89)     2:08.27 (34.32)
        2:46.56 (38.29)     3:26.31 (39.75)     3:56.38 (30.07)          DQ (29.22)
Men 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Laguardia Aquatic Club-MR  'A'              1:26.39    1:25.62         44  
     1) Ho, Timothy 16                  2) Mullin, Connor 16              
     3) Zhang, Evan 16                  4) Townsend, Delano 17            
                  21.79       43.52 (21.73)     1:04.71 (21.19)     1:25.62 (20.91)
  2 Eastern Express Swim Team-NJ  'A'           1:27.02    1:26.20         38  
     1) Hanlon, Collin 17               2) Lubinski, Jacob 16             
     3) McIntyre, Jack 17               4) Doyle, Connor 17               
                  21.90       43.82 (21.92)     1:05.36 (21.54)     1:26.20 (20.84)
  3 Jersey Flyers Aquatic Club-NJ  'A'          1:29.50    1:26.23         36  
     1) Arthur, Jason 18                2) Highet, Tristan 18             
     3) Roh, Jin 21                     4) Cullen, Ronald 17              
                  21.19       42.89 (21.70)     1:03.84 (20.95)     1:26.23 (22.39)
  4 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'A'          1:25.50    1:26.51         34  
     1) Robey, Hugh 15                  2) Cudahy, Brock 18               
     3) Soma, Jason 18                  4) Turi, Joseph 17                
                  21.57       43.26 (21.69)     1:05.03 (21.77)     1:26.51 (21.48)
  5 Matchpoint Nyc-MR  'A'                      1:27.74    1:26.65         32  
     1) Okhtenberg, Ariel 18            2) Semak, Bohdan 19               
     3) Konovalov, Veniamin 17          4) Bezuglyy, Oleksandr 30         
                  21.54       43.26 (21.72)     1:04.84 (21.58)     1:26.65 (21.81)
  6 757 Swim-VA  'A'                            1:27.28    1:26.71         30  
     1) Watson, Taylor 16               2) Boll, Ryan 17                  
     3) De Leon, Jaq 17                 4) Wright, Colin 17               
                  22.50       43.90 (21.40)     1:05.90 (22.00)     1:26.71 (20.81)
  7 Phoenix Aquatic Club-MR  'A'                1:25.49    1:27.10         28  
     1) Tartakovsky, Michael 17         2) Zugibe, Matthew 17             
     3) Kim, Harris 19                  4) Byman, Sean 15                 
                  22.13       43.40 (21.27)     1:05.35 (21.95)     1:27.10 (21.75)
  8 Mount Lebanon Aqua Club-AM  'A'             1:26.10    1:27.11         26  
     1) Tretter, Spencer 18             2) Hrabovsky, Kyle 18             
     3) Bumgarner, Jake 17              4) Kish, Jackson 18               
                  22.14       44.16 (22.02)     1:05.90 (21.74)     1:27.11 (21.21)
  9 Executive Swim Club-NE  'A'                 1:26.77    1:27.25         24  
     1) Allen, Andrew 16                2) Levasseur, Grant 17            
     3) Douglas, Michael 17             4) Levasseur, Trent 15            
                  21.49       43.35 (21.86)     1:05.55 (22.20)     1:27.25 (21.70)
 10 Manhattan Makos-MR  'A'                     1:29.37    1:27.26         20  
     1) Hamberg, Miles 17               2) Tirone, Michael 17             
     3) Hillis, Dillon 15               4) Mathews, Gabriel 17            
                  22.36       44.10 (21.74)     1:05.75 (21.65)     1:27.26 (21.51)
 11 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'B'          1:26.50    1:27.54         16  
     1) Ellis, Tyler 16                 2) Hutcherson, Ryan 15            
     3) Fallows, Nicholas 17            4) Wong, Daniel 15                
                  22.27       44.47 (22.20)     1:06.12 (21.65)     1:27.54 (21.42)
 12 South Shore YMCA Strypers-NE  'A'           1:27.48    1:28.17         14  
     1) Barrett, Graham 17              2) Ramsay, Auston 17              
     3) Toepfer, Nicholas 13            4) Wright, Aidan 16               
                  22.11       43.32 (21.21)     1:05.99 (22.67)     1:28.17 (22.18)
 13 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'A'      1:27.48    1:28.37         12  
     1) Afolabi-Brown, Gregory 17       2) Mendley, Jonathan 16           
     3) Crane, Duncan 16                4) Chang, David 16                
                  22.07       43.95 (21.88)     1:06.51 (22.56)     1:28.37 (21.86)
 14 Princeton Tiger Aquatic Club-NJ  'A'        1:29.60    1:28.60         10  
     1) Otterbein, John 17              2) Rachamallu, Manish 16          
     3) Lequang, Matthew 14             4) Gronet, Tim 18                 
                  22.08       44.70 (22.62)     1:07.09 (22.39)     1:28.60 (21.51)
 15 Jersey Gators-NJ  'A'                       1:25.03    1:28.67          8  
     1) Thieroff, Grant 16              2) Shakhnazarov, David 19         
     3) Lindros, David 16               4) Bozzi, Joseph 16               
                  22.36       43.09 (20.73)     1:05.28 (22.19)     1:28.67 (23.39)
 16 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'B'      1:28.15    1:29.10          6  
     1) Mackey, Ian 15                  2) Handy, Evan 15                 
     3) Gabidoulline, Ruslan 16         4) Chang, Sebastian 15            
                  22.53       45.03 (22.50)     1:07.08 (22.05)     1:29.10 (22.02)
 17 Sharks & Eagles Aquatic Sports-NI  'A'      1:27.35    1:29.25          4  
     1) Kane, Bruce 16                  2) Bartalo, Nathaniel 18          
     3) Wersinger, Maxwell 18           4) Amthor, Brandon 16             
                  22.57       44.95 (22.38)     1:07.87 (22.92)     1:29.25 (21.38)
 18 Regional YMCA of Western Conne-CT  'A'      1:44.00L   1:29.27          2  
     1) Ragatz, Jeffrey 17              2) Branchflower, Jacob 18         
     3) King, Eric 18                   4) Krentsa, Gregory 18            
                  22.78       45.43 (22.65)     1:08.01 (22.58)     1:29.27 (21.26)
 19 Diplomat Swim Club-MA  'A'                  1:29.15    1:29.34        
     1) Southward, Michael 18           2) Uhlin, Keir 17                 
     3) Lear, Casey 17                  4) Lutter, Tyler 16               
                  22.76       45.04 (22.28)     1:07.28 (22.24)     1:29.34 (22.06)
 20 Blue Wave Swim Team-PV  'A'                 1:31.60    1:29.47        
     1) Wall, Trace 14                  2) Yang, Dennis 17                
     3) Vanik, Alexander 17             4) Clendenin, Stephen 27          
                  22.89       45.91 (23.02)     1:08.37 (22.46)     1:29.47 (21.10)
 21 Schenectady-Saratoga Swim Club-AD  'A'      1:30.38    1:29.55        
     1) Zwijacz, Zachary 16             2) Conway, Joseph 18              
     3) Cleworth, Calvin 18             4) Haraden, Jesse 18              
                  22.23       44.98 (22.75)     1:06.70 (21.72)     1:29.55 (22.85)
 22 Hauppauge Athletic Association-MR  'A'      1:31.52    1:29.82        
     1) Chang, Justin 17                2) Papsco, Zachary 15             
     3) Burr, Trenton 14                4) Chan, Dylan 16                 
                  22.55       45.08 (22.53)     1:07.66 (22.58)     1:29.82 (22.16)
 23 Golden Ram Aquatics-MA  'A'                 1:30.75    1:29.89        
     1) Magness, Matthew 15             2) Darhower, Jeb 16               
     3) Bass, Harrison 16               4) Fruhwirth, Jared 17            
                  22.32       44.35 (22.03)     1:07.23 (22.88)     1:29.89 (22.66)
 24 Sea Dragons Swimming Club-NJ  'A'           1:31.13    1:29.90        
     1) Adams, Nicholas 17              2) Laite, Christopher 16          
     3) Dionne, Chris 17                4) Klingener, Hunter 16           
                  22.12       44.76 (22.64)     1:07.39 (22.63)     1:29.90 (22.51)
 25 Team Suffolk-MR  'A'                        1:31.85    1:29.98        
     1) Tack, Harrison 18               2) Lee, Daniel 16                 
     3) Wyche, Tyori 17                 4) Meyn, Justin 14                
                  22.30       44.88 (22.58)     1:07.41 (22.53)     1:29.98 (22.57)
 26 Manhattan Makos-MR  'B'                     1:43.52L   1:29.99        
     1) Fergus, Jack 17                 2) Moy, Christian 15              
     3) Zhu, Nicholas 16                4) Jurman, Jasper 17              
                  22.56       44.97 (22.41)     1:07.51 (22.54)     1:29.99 (22.48)
 27 Rivertown Aquatics-MR  'A'                  1:32.11    1:30.02        
     1) Gagion, Michael 17              2) Novitch, Graham 17             
     3) Ritchie, Ellis 15               4) Rabadi, Nicholas 17            
                  23.08       44.83 (21.75)     1:07.52 (22.69)     1:30.02 (22.50)
 28 Northern Dutchess Aquatic Club-MR  'A'      1:31.34    1:30.74        
     1) Liu, Michael 16                 2) Econopouly, Elias 16           
     3) Staubi, Kyle 15                 4) Rawl, Jarek 16                 
                  22.14       44.73 (22.59)     1:07.71 (22.98)     1:30.74 (23.03)
 29 Arlington Aquatic Club-PV  'A'              1:30.79    1:30.76        
     1) Quinn, Hugh 16                  2) Rosenthal, Zach 16             
     3) Mowery, Jack 14                 4) Shackley, Oliver 17            
                  23.10       45.83 (22.73)     1:08.99 (23.16)     1:30.76 (21.77)
 30 Eastern Express Swim Team-NJ  'B'           1:29.34    1:30.90        
     1) Donnelly, Jack 17               2) Lessiohadi, Jonathan 16        
     3) Keane, James 17                 4) Bergstrom, Caleb 15            
                  22.55       45.37 (22.82)     1:08.23 (22.86)     1:30.90 (22.67)
 31 Clark Sports Center-AD  'A'                 1:32.67    1:30.97        
     1) Geci, Joshua 14                 2) Kern, Michael 18               
     3) Mebust, Theodore 16             4) Mebust, Sean 18                
                  24.73       47.59 (22.86)     1:09.63 (22.04)     1:30.97 (21.34)
 32 Golden Comets Swim Club-NI  'A'             1:31.11    1:30.99        
     1) Regelsberger, Tyler 16          2) Coleman, Harper 18             
     3) Baker, James 17                 4) Crist, Brandon 15              
                  22.96       45.41 (22.45)     1:08.01 (22.60)     1:30.99 (22.98)
 33 Monmouth Barracudas Swim Club-NJ  'A'       1:31.27    1:31.04        
     1) Riozzi-Bodine, Ethan 16         2) Warshaw, Peter 16              
     3) Bunt, Andrew 17                 4) Horbacz, Justin 18             
                  22.97       45.69 (22.72)     1:08.73 (23.04)     1:31.04 (22.31)
 34 Southern New Hampshire Fins-NE  'A'         1:31.80    1:31.12        
     1) Shusta, Michael 16              2) Downey, Matthew 16             
     3) Ferrick, Maxwell 17             4) Zoda, Mark 16                  
                  22.86       46.91 (24.05)     1:09.60 (22.69)     1:31.12 (21.52)
 35 Frederick Area Swim Team-MD  'A'            1:31.86    1:31.32        
     1) Locke, Nikita 17                2) Wells, Thomas 17               
     3) Carden, James 16                4) Franklin, Ryan 19              
                  23.43       45.97 (22.54)     1:09.05 (23.08)     1:31.32 (22.27)
 36 Duanesburg Electric Eels-AD  'A'            1:32.05    1:31.53        
     1) Mosier, John 18                 2) Rokos, Timothy 18              
     3) Hewitt, Jake 20                 4) Dixon, Tristan 17              
                  23.79       46.22 (22.43)     1:09.03 (22.81)     1:31.53 (22.50)
 37 Mount Lebanon Aqua Club-AM  'B'             1:29.49    1:31.67        
     1) Morton, John 19                 2) Coury, Sergio 14               
     3) Lanphear, Jack 18               4) Trozenski, Samuel 18           
                  23.32       46.36 (23.04)     1:09.59 (23.23)     1:31.67 (22.08)
 38 Arlington Aquatic Club-PV  'B'              1:31.99    1:31.96        
     1) Gallion, David 16               2) Swisher, Michael 18            
     3) Greeson, William 16             4) Gentry, Richard 15             
                  23.47       46.25 (22.78)     1:09.00 (22.75)     1:31.96 (22.96)
 39 Merritt Athletic Swimming-MD  'A'           1:29.48    1:32.07        
     1) Mennonna, William 16            2) Feeley, Daniel 17              
     3) Isayiw, Luke 14                 4) Feeley, Andrew 17              
                  23.47       46.56 (23.09)     1:09.51 (22.95)     1:32.07 (22.56)
 40 West Hartford Aquatic Team-CT  'A'          1:45.18L   1:32.25        
     1) Liu, Adam 17                    2) Perks, Joseph 18               
     3) Gallant, Will 14                4) Rinald, John 18                
                  22.35       45.72 (23.37)     1:09.77 (24.05)     1:32.25 (22.48)
 41 Hawks Swimming Association-AD  'A'          1:31.72    1:32.30        
     1) Valentino, Andrew 17            2) Trzewik-Quinn, Seamus 16       
     3) Catania, Chad 16                4) Kuyl, Leo 15                   
                  23.16       45.03 (21.87)     1:08.79 (23.76)     1:32.30 (23.51)
 42 Clinton Cudas-AD  'A'                       1:32.00    1:32.39        
     1) Ludemann, Ryan 16               2) Noga, Matthew 16               
     3) Farmer, Noah 18                 4) Buckingham, Erik 18            
                  22.95       45.89 (22.94)     1:09.12 (23.23)     1:32.39 (23.27)
 43 Phoenix Aquatic Club-MR  'B'                1:32.60    1:32.55        
     1) O'Connor, Elias 17              2) Allen, Liam 13                 
     3) Wong, Phillip 16                4) Cho, William 16                
                  22.66       45.93 (23.27)     1:09.15 (23.22)     1:32.55 (23.40)
 44 Condors Swim Club of Clarkstow-MR  'A'      1:30.17    1:32.77        
     1) Fagan, Timothy 15               2) Kirsis, Janis 14               
     3) Lawson, Ryan 16                 4) Shin, Kevin 16                 
                  22.74       45.98 (23.24)     1:09.56 (23.58)     1:32.77 (23.21)
 45 Malden Crocs-NE  'A'                        1:32.25    1:32.87        
     1) Connolly, Joseph 17             2) Ochoa, Kevin 15                
     3) Luu, Kevin 16                   4) Luu, Ryan 18                   
                  23.57       47.18 (23.61)     1:10.46 (23.28)     1:32.87 (22.41)
 46 757 Swim-VA  'B'                            1:31.12    1:33.02        
     1) Zhang, Nicholas 17              2) Shideler, Corey 17             
     3) Lynch, Evan 15                  4) Vantasel, Benjamin 18          
                  23.77       46.59 (22.82)     1:10.60 (24.01)     1:33.02 (22.42)
 47 York Swim Club-PV  'A'                      1:29.05    1:33.23        
     1) Mennitt, Benjamin 16            2) Rehr, Andrew 17                
     3) Godin, Matthew 17               4) Ellison, Samuel 15             
                  24.22       48.24 (24.02)     1:11.36 (23.12)     1:33.23 (21.87)
 48 Hauppauge Athletic Association-MR  'B'      1:32.51    1:33.25        
     1) Millkey, Nicholas 15            2) Fisher, Alexander 16           
     3) Chang, Oscar 16                 4) Hawkins, Michael 15            
                  23.15       46.55 (23.40)     1:09.67 (23.12)     1:33.25 (23.58)
 49 Auburn YMCA Stingrays-NI  'A'               1:29.26    1:33.34        
     1) Kolonko, Macauley 16            2) Whiting, Jacob 17              
     3) Fenzl, Max 16                   4) Mason, Tyler 18                
                  23.41       46.56 (23.15)     1:10.05 (23.49)     1:33.34 (23.29)
 50 Richmond Aquatic Club-MR  'A'               1:30.59    1:34.03        
     1) Shteynvarts, Daniel 17          2) Ciccarelli, Jared 17           
     3) Gorizia, Lucca 17               4) Costanzo, Christopher 17       
                  23.04       47.65 (24.61)     1:11.37 (23.72)     1:34.03 (22.66)
 51 York Swim Club-PV  'B'                      1:31.45    1:35.91        
     1) Torrington, Bradley 17          2) Lee, Michael 17                
     3) Pilcher, Trent 18               4) Highman, Nicholas 15           
                  23.94       48.47 (24.53)     1:12.73 (24.26)     1:35.91 (23.18)
 -- Charter Oak Aquatics-CT  'A'                1:32.53        DFS        
      Declared false start
Men 400 Yard Freestyle Relay
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Eastern Express Swim Team-NJ  'A'           3:06.09    3:06.21         44  
     1) Hanlon, Collin 17               2) Lubinski, Jacob 16             
     3) McIntyre, Jack 17               4) Doyle, Connor 17               
                  22.77       47.15 (47.15)     1:09.67 (22.52)     1:34.19 (47.04)
        1:56.27 (22.08)     2:20.04 (45.85)     2:42.43 (22.39)     3:06.21 (46.17)
  2 Matchpoint Nyc-MR  'A'                      3:14.59    3:07.49         38  
     1) Bezuglyy, Oleksandr 30          2) Adayev, Daniel 17              
     3) Konovalov, Veniamin 17          4) Okhtenberg, Ariel 18           
                  23.05       47.26 (47.26)     1:09.90 (22.64)     1:34.88 (47.62)
        1:57.14 (22.26)     2:21.99 (47.11)     2:43.72 (21.73)     3:07.49 (45.50)
  3 Jersey Flyers Aquatic Club-NJ  'A'          3:14.74    3:08.73         36  
     1) Arthur, Jason 18                2) Highet, Tristan 18             
     3) Baltaytis, Jacob 16             4) Roh, Jin 21                    
                  21.83       45.22 (45.22)     1:08.04 (22.82)     1:32.88 (47.66)
        1:56.07 (23.19)     2:22.13 (49.25)     2:44.18 (22.05)     3:08.73 (46.60)
  4 Laguardia Aquatic Club-MR  'A'              3:11.38    3:09.31         34  
     1) Zhang, Evan 16                  2) Ho, Timothy 16                 
     3) Mullin, Connor 16               4) Townsend, Delano 17            
                  22.74       48.15 (48.15)     1:10.06 (21.91)     1:35.13 (46.98)
        1:57.46 (22.33)     2:22.81 (47.68)     2:44.75 (21.94)     3:09.31 (46.50)
  5 Golden Ram Aquatics-MA  'A'                 3:14.47    3:10.58         32  
     1) Darhower, Jeb 16                2) Magness, Matthew 15            
     3) Bergan, Aidan 17                4) Bass, Harrison 16              
                  23.03       48.63 (48.63)     1:10.72 (22.09)     1:35.29 (46.66)
        1:57.64 (22.35)     2:22.12 (46.83)     2:45.17 (23.05)     3:10.58 (48.46)
  6 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'A'          3:07.00    3:10.64         30  
     1) Cudahy, Brock 18                2) Robey, Hugh 15                 
     3) Ellis, Tyler 16                 4) Soma, Jason 18                 
                  22.93       48.07 (48.07)     1:09.94 (21.87)     1:34.31 (46.24)
        1:56.75 (22.44)     2:22.09 (47.78)     2:44.56 (22.47)     3:10.64 (48.55)
  7 Mount Lebanon Aqua Club-AM  'A'             3:07.12    3:10.75         28  
     1) Tretter, Spencer 18             2) Hrabovsky, Kyle 18             
     3) Bumgarner, Jake 17              4) Kish, Jackson 18               
                  22.63       47.13 (47.13)     1:09.71 (22.58)     1:35.41 (48.28)
        1:58.11 (22.70)     2:23.41 (48.00)     2:45.67 (22.26)     3:10.75 (47.34)
  8 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'B'          3:11.50    3:11.93         26  
     1) Gentry, Austin 15               2) Thalblum, Steven 15            
     3) Vollmer, Ian 15                 4) Turi, Joseph 17                
                  23.15       48.74 (48.74)     1:11.42 (22.68)     1:36.05 (47.31)
        1:58.34 (22.29)     2:23.99 (47.94)     2:46.56 (22.57)     3:11.93 (47.94)
  9 757 Swim-VA  'A'                            3:13.29    3:12.24         24  
     1) Vantasel, Benjamin 18           2) Boll, Ryan 17                  
     3) Watson, Taylor 16               4) Wright, Colin 17               
                  23.60       49.23 (49.23)     1:12.05 (22.82)     1:38.02 (48.79)
        2:00.87 (22.85)     2:26.25 (48.23)     2:48.20 (21.95)     3:12.24 (45.99)
 10 South Shore YMCA Strypers-NE  'A'           3:13.16    3:13.03         20  
     1) Ramsay, Auston 17               2) Rastelli, Alessandro 18        
     3) Wright, Aidan 16                4) Barrett, Graham 17             
                  22.29       46.50 (46.50)     1:09.72 (23.22)     1:35.81 (49.31)
        1:58.82 (23.01)     2:25.58 (49.77)     2:48.30 (22.72)     3:13.03 (47.45)
 11 Jersey Gators-NJ  'A'                       3:09.40    3:13.04         16  
     1) Lindros, David 16               2) Shakhnazarov, David 19         
     3) Thieroff, Grant 16              4) Bozzi, Joseph 16               
                  23.53       48.91 (48.91)     1:10.33 (21.42)     1:34.39 (45.48)
        1:57.06 (22.67)     2:22.60 (48.21)     2:46.68 (24.08)     3:13.04 (50.44)
 12 Phoenix Aquatic Club-MR  'A'                3:07.38    3:13.11         14  
     1) Tartakovsky, Michael 17         2) Kim, Harris 19                 
     3) O'Connor, Elias 17              4) Zugibe, Matthew 17             
                  23.09       48.43 (48.43)     1:11.17 (22.74)     1:37.41 (48.98)
        2:00.10 (22.69)     2:26.33 (48.92)     2:48.33 (22.00)     3:13.11 (46.78)
 13 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'A'      3:13.22    3:13.30         12  
     1) Afolabi-Brown, Gregory 17       2) Handy, Evan 15                 
     3) Gabidoulline, Ruslan 16         4) Jagodits, Theodore 16          
                  23.24       48.55 (48.55)     1:11.76 (23.21)     1:37.77 (49.22)
        2:00.43 (22.66)     2:26.01 (48.24)     2:48.37 (22.36)     3:13.30 (47.29)
 14 Sharks & Eagles Aquatic Sports-NI  'A'      3:14.77    3:13.32         10  
     1) Bartalo, Nathaniel 18           2) Wersinger, Maxwell 18          
     3) Kane, Bruce 16                  4) Amthor, Brandon 16             
                  22.68       47.99 (47.99)     1:11.56 (23.57)     1:39.13 (51.14)
        2:01.05 (21.92)     2:27.24 (48.11)     2:48.77 (21.53)     3:13.32 (46.08)
 15 Schenectady-Saratoga Swim Club-AD  'A'      3:16.41    3:14.23          8  
     1) Zwijacz, Zachary 16             2) Conway, Joseph 18              
     3) Cleworth, Calvin 18             4) Haraden, Jesse 18              
                  23.14       47.85 (47.85)     1:10.59 (22.74)     1:35.91 (48.06)
        1:59.57 (23.66)     2:25.23 (49.32)     2:48.92 (23.69)     3:14.23 (49.00)
 16 Diplomat Swim Club-MA  'A'                  3:15.18    3:14.24          6  
     1) Uhlin, Keir 17                  2) Lutter, Tyler 16               
     3) Southward, Michael 18           4) Lear, Casey 17                 
                  23.08       48.42 (48.42)     1:11.21 (22.79)     1:37.80 (49.38)
        2:00.41 (22.61)     2:25.70 (47.90)     2:48.46 (22.76)     3:14.24 (48.54)
 17 Manhattan Makos-MR  'A'                     3:12.92    3:14.78          4  
     1) Hillis, Dillon 15               2) Hamberg, Miles 17              
     3) Tirone, Michael 17              4) Mathews, Gabriel 17            
                  23.53       48.40 (48.40)     1:11.80 (23.40)     1:37.63 (49.23)
        2:00.37 (22.74)     2:26.30 (48.67)     2:49.09 (22.79)     3:14.78 (48.48)
 18 Hauppauge Athletic Association-MR  'A'      3:18.17    3:15.06          2  
     1) Millkey, Nicholas 15            2) Burr, Trenton 14               
     3) Chan, Dylan 16                  4) Chang, Justin 17               
                  23.93       49.70 (49.70)     1:12.91 (23.21)     1:38.34 (48.64)
        2:01.17 (22.83)     2:27.15 (48.81)     2:49.88 (22.73)     3:15.06 (47.91)
 19 Regional YMCA of Western Conne-CT  'A'      3:44.53L   3:15.50        
     1) Branchflower, Jacob 18          2) Ragatz, Jeffrey 17             
     3) King, Eric 18                   4) Krentsa, Gregory 18            
                  23.75       49.66 (49.66)     1:12.95 (23.29)     1:38.20 (48.54)
        2:01.89 (23.69)     2:28.04 (49.84)     2:50.41 (22.37)     3:15.50 (47.46)
 20 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'B'      3:18.74    3:15.64        
     1) Crane, Duncan 16                2) Kim, Justin 16                 
     3) Mendley, Jonathan 16            4) Din, Connor 15                 
                  23.46       49.30 (49.30)     1:12.95 (23.65)     1:38.86 (49.56)
        2:01.75 (22.89)     2:27.56 (48.70)     2:50.60 (23.04)     3:15.64 (48.08)
 21 Manhattan Makos-MR  'B'                     3:19.42    3:17.09        
     1) Zhu, Nicholas 16                2) Moy, Christian 15              
     3) Taylor, Griffin 17              4) Fergus, Jack 17                
                  24.04       49.49 (49.49)     1:12.73 (23.24)     1:38.55 (49.06)
        2:02.04 (23.49)     2:27.78 (49.23)     2:50.94 (23.16)     3:17.09 (49.31)
 22 Golden Comets Swim Club-NI  'A'             3:17.80    3:17.59        
     1) Baker, James 17                 2) Coleman, Harper 18             
     3) Crist, Brandon 15               4) Regelsberger, Tyler 16         
                  24.16       49.58 (49.58)     1:13.00 (23.42)     1:38.37 (48.79)
        2:02.01 (23.64)     2:28.00 (49.63)     2:51.55 (23.55)     3:17.59 (49.59)
 23 Blue Wave Swim Team-PV  'A'                 3:17.34    3:18.03        
     1) Vanik, Alexander 17             2) Yang, Dennis 17                
     3) Wall, Trace 14                  4) Clendenin, Stephen 27          
                  24.40       49.70 (49.70)     1:14.04 (24.34)     1:41.07 (51.37)
        2:04.47 (23.40)     2:31.58 (50.51)     2:53.59 (22.01)     3:18.03 (46.45)
 24 Team Suffolk-MR  'A'                        3:21.52    3:18.34        
     1) Lee, Daniel 16                  2) Tack, Harrison 18              
     3) Wyche, Tyori 17                 4) Meyn, Justin 14                
                  23.74       49.58 (49.58)     1:12.43 (22.85)     1:39.38 (49.80)
        2:02.79 (23.41)     2:29.85 (50.47)     2:52.98 (23.13)     3:18.34 (48.49)
 25 X-Cel Swimming-NJ  'A'                      3:11.71    3:18.37        
     1) Deng, Richard 17                2) Zhong, Michael 16              
     3) Krigeris, Michael 14            4) Tong, Eric 17                  
                  22.84       47.09 (47.09)     1:11.17 (24.08)     1:37.68 (50.59)
        2:03.12 (25.44)     2:31.12 (53.44)     2:53.16 (22.04)     3:18.37 (47.25)
 26 Charter Oak Aquatics-CT  'A'                3:21.06    3:19.30        
     1) Ringquist, Jackson 15           2) Wroblewski, Joshua 17          
     3) Karangekis, Mitchell 17         4) Worley, Logan 18               
                  24.43       50.22 (50.22)     1:13.23 (23.01)     1:38.36 (48.14)
        2:01.48 (23.12)     2:27.56 (49.20)     2:52.23 (24.67)     3:19.30 (51.74)
 27 Northern Dutchess Aquatic Club-MR  'A'      3:20.21    3:19.36        
     1) Liu, Michael 16                 2) Econopouly, Elias 16           
     3) Staubi, Kyle 15                 4) Rawl, Jarek 16                 
                  23.23       48.75 (48.75)     1:12.55 (23.80)     1:38.57 (49.82)
        2:02.33 (23.76)     2:28.57 (50.00)     2:52.58 (24.01)     3:19.36 (50.79)
 28 Eastern Express Swim Team-NJ  'B'           3:21.07    3:19.65        
     1) Keane, James 17                 2) Lessiohadi, Jonathan 16        
     3) Sukach, Alexander 16            4) Stauffer, John 16              
                  24.45       50.23 (50.23)     1:14.06 (23.83)     1:39.81 (49.58)
        2:03.83 (24.02)     2:30.21 (50.40)     2:53.91 (23.70)     3:19.65 (49.44)
 29 Arlington Aquatic Club-PV  'A'              3:17.02    3:19.86        
     1) Quinn, Hugh 16                  2) Mowery, Jack 14                
     3) Greeson, William 16             4) Shackley, Oliver 17            
                  24.03       49.74 (49.74)     1:14.01 (24.27)     1:41.47 (51.73)
        2:05.11 (23.64)     2:31.55 (50.08)     2:54.19 (22.64)     3:19.86 (48.31)
 30 Rivertown Aquatics-MR  'A'                  3:19.44    3:20.22        
     1) Fenlon, Matthew 13              2) Novitch, Graham 17             
     3) Ritchie, Ellis 15               4) Rabadi, Nicholas 17            
                  23.97       50.47 (50.47)     1:13.15 (22.68)     1:39.64 (49.17)
        2:03.19 (23.55)     2:29.40 (49.76)     2:53.20 (23.80)     3:20.22 (50.82)
 31 Sea Dragons Swimming Club-NJ  'A'           3:18.92    3:20.46        
     1) Klingener, Hunter 16            2) Adams, Nicholas 17             
     3) Laite, Christopher 16           4) Dionne, Chris 17               
                  23.63       49.06 (49.06)     1:13.00 (23.94)     1:39.35 (50.29)
        2:02.73 (23.38)     2:28.80 (49.45)     2:53.12 (24.32)     3:20.46 (51.66)
 32 Condors Swim Club of Clarkstow-MR  'A'      3:19.68    3:21.45        
     1) Jun, Yongchan 16                2) Shin, Kevin 16                 
     3) Kirsis, Janis 14                4) Fagan, Timothy 15              
                  24.00       49.96 (49.96)     1:13.96 (24.00)     1:40.83 (50.87)
        2:04.97 (24.14)     2:31.38 (50.55)     2:54.85 (23.47)     3:21.45 (50.07)
 33 Monmouth Barracudas Swim Club-NJ  'A'       3:20.66    3:21.51        
     1) McKelvey, Dylan 18              2) Riozzi-Bodine, Ethan 16        
     3) Warshaw, Peter 16               4) Horbacz, Justin 18             
                  24.86       51.53 (51.53)     1:15.39 (23.86)     1:41.09 (49.56)
        2:05.05 (23.96)     2:31.63 (50.54)     2:54.94 (23.31)     3:21.51 (49.88)
 34 Merritt Athletic Swimming-MD  'A'           3:16.41    3:21.58        
     1) Mennonna, William 16            2) Feeley, Daniel 17              
     3) Isayiw, Luke 14                 4) Feeley, Andrew 17              
                  24.28       51.90 (51.90)     1:15.30 (23.40)     1:42.01 (50.11)
        2:05.74 (23.73)     2:32.37 (50.36)     2:55.45 (23.08)     3:21.58 (49.21)
 35 Auburn YMCA Stingrays-NI  'A'               3:19.50    3:21.62        
     1) Kolonko, Macauley 16            2) Whiting, Jacob 17              
     3) Fenzl, Max 16                   4) Angotti, Joseph 13             
                  24.54       50.59 (50.59)     1:13.99 (23.40)     1:39.24 (48.65)
        2:03.48 (24.24)     2:29.98 (50.74)     2:54.40 (24.42)     3:21.62 (51.64)
 36 757 Swim-VA  'B'                            3:21.80    3:21.80        
     1) Shideler, Corey 17              2) Long, Samuel 14                
     3) De Leon, Jaq 17                 4) Lynch, Evan 15                 
                  24.13       50.41 (50.41)     1:14.41 (24.00)     1:41.76 (51.35)
        2:04.70 (22.94)     2:30.28 (48.52)     2:54.78 (24.50)     3:21.80 (51.52)
 37 Southern New Hampshire Fins-NE  'A'         3:20.58    3:21.89        
     1) Ferrick, Maxwell 17             2) Downey, Matthew 16             
     3) Shusta, Michael 16              4) Zoda, Mark 16                  
                  24.20       50.28 (50.28)     1:15.04 (24.76)     1:43.61 (53.33)
        2:06.68 (23.07)     2:33.67 (50.06)     2:56.09 (22.42)     3:21.89 (48.22)
 38 West Hartford Aquatic Team-CT  'A'          3:20.03    3:22.31        
     1) Rinald, John 18                 2) Gallant, Will 14               
     3) Perks, Joseph 18                4) Liu, Adam 17                   
                  24.36       51.12 (51.12)     1:15.92 (24.80)     1:43.44 (52.32)
        2:07.42 (23.98)     2:33.97 (50.53)     2:56.36 (22.39)     3:22.31 (48.34)
 39 Richmond Aquatic Club-MR  'A'               3:17.40    3:22.69        
     1) Shteynvarts, Daniel 17          2) Ciccarelli, Jared 17           
     3) Gorizia, Lucca 17               4) Costanzo, Christopher 17       
                  23.52       49.49 (49.49)     1:14.60 (25.11)     1:41.60 (52.11)
        2:05.91 (24.31)     2:33.05 (51.45)     2:56.87 (23.82)     3:22.69 (49.64)
 40 Mount Lebanon Aqua Club-AM  'B'             3:18.71    3:22.99        
     1) Morton, John 19                 2) Lanphear, Jack 18              
     3) Coury, Sergio 14                4) Trozenski, Samuel 18           
                  24.33       50.98 (50.98)     1:15.11 (24.13)     1:41.15 (50.17)
        2:05.55 (24.40)     2:32.84 (51.69)     2:56.17 (23.33)     3:22.99 (50.15)
 41 Duanesburg Electric Eels-AD  'A'            3:21.67    3:23.50        
     1) Mosier, John 18                 2) Rokos, Timothy 18              
     3) Hewitt, Jake 20                 4) Dixon, Tristan 17              
                  24.49       51.08 (51.08)     1:14.54 (23.46)     1:40.61 (49.53)
        2:05.13 (24.52)     2:32.92 (52.31)     2:56.69 (23.77)     3:23.50 (50.58)
 42 Malden Crocs-NE  'A'                        3:21.88    3:24.19        
     1) Connolly, Joseph 17             2) Ochoa, Kevin 15                
     3) Luu, Kevin 16                   4) Luu, Ryan 18                   
                  24.60       51.37 (51.37)     1:15.96 (24.59)     1:43.39 (52.02)
        2:07.84 (24.45)     2:35.01 (51.62)     2:58.68 (23.67)     3:24.19 (49.18)
 43 Hawks Swimming Association-AD  'A'          3:18.80    3:25.22        
     1) Valentino, Andrew 17            2) Trzewik-Quinn, Seamus 16       
     3) Catania, Chad 16                4) Kuyl, Leo 15                   
                  24.41       50.83 (50.83)     1:13.52 (22.69)     1:39.26 (48.43)
        2:03.95 (24.69)     2:31.90 (52.64)     2:56.75 (24.85)     3:25.22 (53.32)
 44 Hauppauge Athletic Association-MR  'B'      3:21.71    3:25.57        
     1) Nicola, Frank 17                2) Chang, Oscar 16                
     3) Papsco, Zachary 15              4) Fisher, Alexander 16           
                  24.65       51.93 (51.93)     1:16.26 (24.33)     1:44.00 (52.07)
        2:08.17 (24.17)     2:34.66 (50.66)     2:58.66 (24.00)     3:25.57 (50.91)
 45 York Swim Club-PV  'B'                      3:20.45    3:25.69        
     1) Highman, Nicholas 15            2) Lee, Michael 17                
     3) Torrington, Bradley 17          4) Godin, Matthew 17              
                  24.85       51.72 (51.72)     1:16.92 (25.20)     1:44.75 (53.03)
        2:08.78 (24.03)     2:35.41 (50.66)     2:59.17 (23.76)     3:25.69 (50.28)
 46 Clinton Cudas-AD  'A'                       3:20.56    3:26.29        
     1) Noga, Matthew 16                2) Ludemann, Ryan 16              
     3) Farmer, Noah 18                 4) Buckingham, Erik 18            
                  24.00       50.44 (50.44)     1:14.66 (24.22)     1:41.66 (51.22)
        2:05.38 (23.72)     2:31.79 (50.13)     2:57.40 (25.61)     3:26.29 (54.50)
 47 York Swim Club-PV  'A'                      3:21.56    3:26.51        
     1) Rehr, Andrew 17                 2) Mennitt, Benjamin 16           
     3) Ellison, Samuel 15              4) Pilcher, Trent 18              
                  25.36       53.49 (53.49)     1:17.89 (24.40)     1:44.77 (51.28)
        2:07.64 (22.87)     2:33.94 (49.17)     2:58.74 (24.80)     3:26.51 (52.57)
Men 800 Yard Freestyle Relay
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Eastern Express Swim Team-NJ  'A'           6:49.78    6:43.34         44  
     1) Doyle, Connor 17                2) Lubinski, Jacob 16             
     3) McIntyre, Jack 17               4) Hanlon, Collin 17              
                  23.53       49.07 (49.07)   1:14.83 (1:14.83)   1:40.36 (1:40.36)
        2:03.33 (22.97)     2:29.15 (48.79)   2:56.00 (1:15.64)   3:22.94 (1:42.58)
        3:45.73 (22.79)     4:11.13 (48.19)   4:36.56 (1:13.62)   5:01.46 (1:38.52)
        5:24.07 (22.61)     5:49.99 (48.53)   6:16.89 (1:15.43)   6:43.34 (1:41.88)
  2 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'A'          6:50.00    6:55.25         38  
     1) Vollmer, Ian 15                 2) Robey, Hugh 15                 
     3) Cudahy, Brock 18                4) Thalblum, Steven 15            
                  23.64       49.98 (49.98)   1:17.38 (1:17.38)   1:45.34 (1:45.34)
        2:08.35 (23.01)     2:34.76 (49.42)   3:01.07 (1:15.73)   3:27.55 (1:42.21)
        3:51.12 (23.57)     4:17.76 (50.21)   4:44.83 (1:17.28)   5:11.72 (1:44.17)
        5:35.57 (23.85)     6:02.09 (50.37)   6:28.58 (1:16.86)   6:55.25 (1:43.53)
  3 South Shore YMCA Strypers-NE  'A'           6:56.90    6:57.66         36  
     1) Barrett, Graham 17              2) Ramsay, Auston 17              
     3) Toepfer, Nicholas 13            4) Mooers, Henry 17               
                  24.21       49.93 (49.93)   1:16.96 (1:16.96)   1:44.31 (1:44.31)
        2:07.23 (22.92)     2:32.60 (48.29)   2:58.97 (1:14.66)   3:25.88 (1:41.57)
        3:50.04 (24.16)     4:17.07 (51.19)   4:44.99 (1:19.11)   5:13.02 (1:47.14)
        5:37.18 (24.16)     6:03.64 (50.62)   6:30.55 (1:17.53)   6:57.66 (1:44.64)
  4 Manhattan Makos-MR  'A'                     7:06.34    6:59.57         34  
     1) Hillis, Dillon 15               2) Taylor, Griffin 17             
     3) Fergus, Jack 17                 4) Jurman, Jasper 17              
                  24.21       50.65 (50.65)   1:17.01 (1:17.01)   1:42.65 (1:42.65)
        2:06.48 (23.83)     2:33.59 (50.94)   3:01.08 (1:18.43)   3:28.61 (1:45.96)
        3:53.02 (24.41)     4:20.14 (51.53)   4:47.61 (1:19.00)   5:15.03 (1:46.42)
        5:38.69 (23.66)     6:05.03 (50.00)   6:31.87 (1:16.84)   6:59.57 (1:44.54)
  5 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'A'      7:00.04    7:01.04         32  
     1) Gabidoulline, Ruslan 16         2) Din, Connor 15                 
     3) Afolabi-Brown, Gregory 17       4) Crane, Duncan 16               
                  24.92       51.06 (51.06)   1:17.82 (1:17.82)   1:44.77 (1:44.77)
        2:08.01 (23.24)     2:34.16 (49.39)   3:01.36 (1:16.59)   3:29.49 (1:44.72)
        3:52.88 (23.39)     4:20.04 (50.55)   4:47.76 (1:18.27)   5:15.26 (1:45.77)
        5:39.12 (23.86)     6:05.96 (50.70)   6:33.73 (1:18.47)   7:01.04 (1:45.78)
  6 Schenectady-Saratoga Swim Club-AD  'A'      7:09.61    7:04.88         30  
     1) Zwijacz, Zachary 16             2) Haraden, Jesse 18              
     3) Cleworth, Calvin 18             4) Conway, Joseph 18              
                  23.70       49.95 (49.95)   1:17.60 (1:17.60)   1:45.22 (1:45.22)
        2:09.98 (24.76)     2:37.55 (52.33)   3:04.61 (1:19.39)   3:31.08 (1:45.86)
        3:54.52 (23.44)     4:21.15 (50.07)   4:48.79 (1:17.71)   5:16.48 (1:45.40)
        5:39.91 (23.43)     6:07.17 (50.69)   6:35.97 (1:19.49)   7:04.88 (1:48.40)
  7 Phoenix Aquatic Club-MR  'A'                7:00.21    7:05.09         28  
     1) Zugibe, Matthew 17              2) Byman, Sean 15                 
     3) Kim, Harris 19                  4) Wong, Phillip 16               
                  23.39       49.54 (49.54)   1:16.28 (1:16.28)   1:42.06 (1:42.06)
        2:07.29 (25.23)     2:34.18 (52.12)   3:00.87 (1:18.81)   3:27.79 (1:45.73)
        3:52.07 (24.28)     4:20.31 (52.52)   4:49.01 (1:21.22)   5:17.74 (1:49.95)
        5:42.17 (24.43)     6:08.94 (51.20)   6:36.62 (1:18.88)   7:05.09 (1:47.35)
  8 Diplomat Swim Club-MA  'A'                  7:06.84    7:06.14         26  
     1) Uhlin, Keir 17                  2) Fatta, Alec 15                 
     3) Southward, Michael 18           4) Lear, Casey 17                 
                  24.21       50.52 (50.52)   1:17.73 (1:17.73)   1:44.49 (1:44.49)
        2:08.62 (24.13)     2:35.90 (51.41)   3:04.88 (1:20.39)   3:34.44 (1:49.95)
        3:57.64 (23.20)     4:24.33 (49.89)   4:52.13 (1:17.69)   5:20.03 (1:45.59)
        5:43.26 (23.23)     6:09.78 (49.75)   6:37.94 (1:17.91)   7:06.14 (1:46.11)
  9 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'B'      7:08.63    7:06.59         24  
     1) Kim, Justin 16                  2) Jagodits, Theodore 16          
     3) Lu, Eric 15                     4) Zimmerman, Eric 16             
                  24.94       52.47 (52.47)   1:19.85 (1:19.85)   1:47.42 (1:47.42)
        2:10.23 (22.81)     2:36.63 (49.21)   3:04.19 (1:16.77)   3:31.99 (1:44.57)
        3:57.47 (25.48)     4:24.00 (52.01)   4:51.46 (1:19.47)   5:18.67 (1:46.68)
        5:42.89 (24.22)     6:10.18 (51.51)   6:38.32 (1:19.65)   7:06.59 (1:47.92)
 10 Charter Oak Aquatics-CT  'A'                7:12.76    7:09.33         20  
     1) Worley, Logan 18                2) Ringquist, Jackson 15          
     3) Karangekis, Mitchell 17         4) Wroblewski, Joshua 17          
                  26.22       54.12 (54.12)   1:23.33 (1:23.33)   1:52.59 (1:52.59)
        2:17.32 (24.73)     2:45.29 (52.70)   3:13.47 (1:20.88)   3:40.03 (1:47.44)
        4:03.83 (23.80)     4:30.88 (50.85)   4:59.22 (1:19.19)   5:28.02 (1:47.99)
        5:50.69 (22.67)     6:16.18 (48.16)   6:42.68 (1:14.66)   7:09.33 (1:41.31)
 11 Jersey Gators-NJ  'A'                       7:05.73    7:09.72         16  
     1) Thieroff, Grant 16              2) Shakhnazarov, David 19         
     3) Lindros, David 16               4) Bozzi, Joseph 16               
                  24.31       51.34 (51.34)   1:18.30 (1:18.30)   1:44.92 (1:44.92)
        2:07.89 (22.97)     2:33.43 (48.51)   3:00.66 (1:15.74)   3:28.77 (1:43.85)
        3:53.16 (24.39)     4:20.90 (52.13)   4:49.80 (1:21.03)   5:18.37 (1:49.60)
        5:42.84 (24.47)     6:10.31 (51.94)   6:39.76 (1:21.39)   7:09.72 (1:51.35)
 12 Hauppauge Athletic Association-MR  'A'      7:14.35    7:09.75         14  
     1) Burr, Trenton 14                2) Millkey, Nicholas 15           
     3) Chan, Dylan 16                  4) Chang, Justin 17               
                  24.23       51.30 (51.30)   1:19.87 (1:19.87)   1:47.38 (1:47.38)
        2:11.87 (24.49)     2:39.27 (51.89)   3:08.16 (1:20.78)   3:36.60 (1:49.22)
        4:00.07 (23.47)     4:27.34 (50.74)   4:56.39 (1:19.79)   5:23.85 (1:47.25)
        5:48.68 (24.83)     6:15.98 (52.13)   6:42.79 (1:18.94)   7:09.75 (1:45.90)
 13 757 Swim-VA  'A'                            7:01.92    7:10.35         12  
     1) Shideler, Corey 17              2) Wright, Colin 17               
     3) Long, Samuel 14                 4) Lynch, Evan 15                 
                  25.00       51.83 (51.83)   1:19.91 (1:19.91)   1:48.94 (1:48.94)
        2:11.86 (22.92)     2:38.17 (49.23)   3:06.31 (1:17.37)   3:33.34 (1:44.40)
        3:57.30 (23.96)     4:24.60 (51.26)   4:52.96 (1:19.62)   5:21.26 (1:47.92)
        5:45.98 (24.72)     6:13.93 (52.67)   6:42.41 (1:21.15)   7:10.35 (1:49.09)
 14 Matchpoint Nyc-MR  'A'                      7:14.97    7:12.35         10  
     1) Orobinsky, Christopher 15       2) Oumarov, Elan 16               
     3) Mohlenbrok, Gabriel 17          4) Konovalov, Veniamin 17         
                  24.05       50.94 (50.94)   1:19.06 (1:19.06)   1:47.49 (1:47.49)
        2:12.24 (24.75)     2:39.95 (52.46)   3:07.99 (1:20.50)   3:35.21 (1:47.72)
        3:59.67 (24.46)     4:27.26 (52.05)   4:56.98 (1:21.77)   5:27.01 (1:51.80)
        5:51.30 (24.29)     6:18.20 (51.19)   6:45.44 (1:18.43)   7:12.35 (1:45.34)
 15 Mount Lebanon Aqua Club-AM  'A'             6:55.16    7:12.36          8  
     1) Lanphear, Jack 18               2) Bumgarner, Jake 17             
     3) Kish, Jackson 18                4) Morton, John 19                
                  24.30       51.10 (51.10)   1:19.42 (1:19.42)   1:47.40 (1:47.40)
        2:11.36 (23.96)     2:39.37 (51.97)   3:08.50 (1:21.10)   3:37.16 (1:49.76)
        4:00.62 (23.46)     4:28.07 (50.91)   4:57.02 (1:19.86)   5:27.31 (1:50.15)
        5:50.61 (23.30)     6:16.70 (49.39)   6:44.23 (1:16.92)   7:12.36 (1:45.05)
 16 Eastern Express Swim Team-NJ  'B'           7:10.73    7:12.55          6  
     1) Stauffer, John 16               2) Lessiohadi, Jonathan 16        
     3) Sukach, Alexander 16            4) Keane, James 17                
                  24.86       52.03 (52.03)   1:20.01 (1:20.01)   1:48.10 (1:48.10)
        2:12.47 (24.37)     2:40.01 (51.91)   3:08.06 (1:19.96)   3:36.73 (1:48.63)
        4:00.97 (24.24)     4:27.89 (51.16)   4:56.52 (1:19.79)   5:25.32 (1:48.59)
        5:49.37 (24.05)     6:16.79 (51.47)   6:44.92 (1:19.60)   7:12.55 (1:47.23)
 17 Laguardia Aquatic Club-MR  'A'              7:08.03    7:13.42          4  
     1) Ho, Timothy 16                  2) Townsend, Delano 17            
     3) Zhang, Evan 16                  4) Mullin, Connor 16              
                  24.48       51.63 (51.63)   1:19.28 (1:19.28)   1:46.91 (1:46.91)
        2:09.91 (23.00)     2:37.60 (50.69)   3:06.86 (1:19.95)   3:36.94 (1:50.03)
        4:01.56 (24.62)     4:28.80 (51.86)   4:57.04 (1:20.10)   5:24.71 (1:47.77)
        5:48.77 (24.06)     6:16.26 (51.55)   6:44.67 (1:19.96)   7:13.42 (1:48.71)
 18 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'B'          6:59.00    7:14.38          2  
     1) Turi, Joseph 17                 2) Soma, Jason 18                 
     3) Hutcherson, Ryan 15             4) McKinley, Timothy 16           
                  24.15       51.23 (51.23)   1:19.53 (1:19.53)   1:47.21 (1:47.21)
        2:11.10 (23.89)     2:37.75 (50.54)   3:06.03 (1:18.82)   3:35.01 (1:47.80)
        3:59.69 (24.68)     4:27.63 (52.62)   4:56.22 (1:21.21)   5:24.30 (1:49.29)
        5:48.10 (23.80)     6:16.32 (52.02)   6:45.65 (1:21.35)   7:14.38 (1:50.08)
 19 Golden Ram Aquatics-MA  'A'                 7:02.25    7:16.59        
     1) Ye, Vincent 14                  2) Fruhwirth, Jared 17            
     3) Bergan, Jared 16                4) Bass, Harrison 16              
                  25.15       52.13 (52.13)   1:20.27 (1:20.27)   1:48.99 (1:48.99)
        2:13.21 (24.22)     2:39.91 (50.92)   3:07.78 (1:18.79)   3:36.13 (1:47.14)
        4:01.03 (24.90)     4:29.04 (52.91)   4:57.40 (1:21.27)   5:26.84 (1:50.71)
        5:51.55 (24.71)     6:19.43 (52.59)   6:47.96 (1:21.12)   7:16.59 (1:49.75)
 20 Arlington Aquatic Club-PV  'A'              7:11.65    7:19.58        
     1) Mowery, Jack 14                 2) Quinn, Hugh 16                 
     3) Greeson, William 16             4) Shackley, Oliver 17            
                  24.69       51.94 (51.94)   1:21.01 (1:21.01)   1:50.78 (1:50.78)
        2:14.72 (23.94)     2:42.26 (51.48)   3:10.20 (1:19.42)   3:39.14 (1:48.36)
        4:03.72 (24.58)     4:31.71 (52.57)   5:00.58 (1:21.44)   5:30.34 (1:51.20)
        5:54.42 (24.08)     6:22.07 (51.73)   6:50.22 (1:19.88)   7:19.58 (1:49.24)
 21 Blue Wave Swim Team-PV  'A'                 7:13.68    7:20.28        
     1) Yang, Dennis 17                 2) Wall, Trace 14                 
     3) Vanik, Alexander 17             4) Clendenin, Stephen 27          
                  25.27       53.52 (53.52)   1:22.97 (1:22.97)   1:52.41 (1:52.41)
        2:16.23 (23.82)     2:44.74 (52.33)   3:16.14 (1:23.73)   3:48.14 (1:55.73)
        4:12.86 (24.72)     4:40.89 (52.75)   5:09.82 (1:21.68)   5:37.78 (1:49.64)
        6:00.59 (22.81)     6:26.43 (48.65)   6:53.19 (1:15.41)   7:20.28 (1:42.50)
 22 Sea Dragons Swimming Club-NJ  'A'           7:14.80    7:21.85        
     1) Klingener, Hunter 16            2) Laite, Christopher 16          
     3) Adams, Nicholas 17              4) Dionne, Chris 17               
                  24.88       51.93 (51.93)   1:19.61 (1:19.61)   1:46.56 (1:46.56)
        2:11.65 (25.09)     2:39.48 (52.92)   3:07.91 (1:21.35)   3:35.87 (1:49.31)
        4:00.25 (24.38)     4:28.31 (52.44)   4:57.88 (1:22.01)   5:27.32 (1:51.45)
        5:51.96 (24.64)     6:20.23 (52.91)   6:50.42 (1:23.10)   7:21.85 (1:54.53)
 23 Duanesburg Electric Eels-AD  'A'            7:18.62    7:23.14        
     1) Mosier, John 18                 2) Rokos, Timothy 18              
     3) Hewitt, Jake 20                 4) Dixon, Tristan 17              
                  25.61       53.73 (53.73)   1:22.69 (1:22.69)   1:51.18 (1:51.18)
        2:15.27 (24.09)     2:43.57 (52.39)   3:13.40 (1:22.22)   3:42.19 (1:51.01)
        4:07.49 (25.30)     4:35.96 (53.77)   5:05.34 (1:23.15)   5:33.62 (1:51.43)
        5:58.63 (25.01)     6:26.63 (53.01)   6:55.18 (1:21.56)   7:23.14 (1:49.52)
 24 Regional YMCA of Western Conne-CT  'A'      7:17.59    7:24.39        
     1) King, Eric 18                   2) Branchflower, Jacob 18         
     3) Krentsa, Gregory 18             4) Regan, William 15              
                  24.81       52.38 (52.38)   1:21.56 (1:21.56)   1:50.05 (1:50.05)
        2:15.22 (25.17)     2:44.14 (54.09)   3:14.31 (1:24.26)   3:43.40 (1:53.35)
        4:06.88 (23.48)     4:35.27 (51.87)   5:04.99 (1:21.59)   5:34.01 (1:50.61)
        5:59.16 (25.15)     6:27.31 (53.30)   6:56.14 (1:22.13)   7:24.39 (1:50.38)
 25 Merritt Athletic Swimming-MD  'A'           7:14.04    7:26.85        
     1) Mennonna, William 16            2) Feeley, Daniel 17              
     3) Isayiw, Luke 14                 4) Feeley, Andrew 17              
                  25.53       53.63 (53.63)   1:23.35 (1:23.35)   1:53.58 (1:53.58)
        2:17.79 (24.21)     2:45.80 (52.22)   3:15.69 (1:22.11)   3:45.75 (1:52.17)
        4:11.17 (25.42)     4:40.12 (54.37)   5:09.82 (1:24.07)   5:39.57 (1:53.82)
        6:03.46 (23.89)     6:30.51 (50.94)   6:58.75 (1:19.18)   7:26.85 (1:47.28)
 26 York Swim Club-PV  'A'                      7:16.60    7:27.00        
     1) Mennitt, Benjamin 16            2) Highman, Nicholas 15           
     3) Torrington, Bradley 17          4) Godin, Matthew 17              
                  25.53       53.98 (53.98)   1:23.48 (1:23.48)   1:52.93 (1:52.93)
        2:17.58 (24.65)     2:45.51 (52.58)   3:14.63 (1:21.70)   3:44.09 (1:51.16)
        4:09.54 (25.45)     4:38.05 (53.96)   5:06.28 (1:22.19)   5:34.52 (1:50.43)
        5:59.09 (24.57)     6:26.79 (52.27)   6:56.61 (1:22.09)   7:27.00 (1:52.48)
 27 Hauppauge Athletic Association-MR  'B'      7:21.53    7:32.01        
     1) Fisher, Alexander 16            2) Chang, Oscar 16                
     3) Papsco, Zachary 15              4) Nicola, Frank 17               
                  25.57       54.27 (54.27)   1:23.68 (1:23.68)   1:52.71 (1:52.71)
        2:18.42 (25.71)     2:46.69 (53.98)   3:16.27 (1:23.56)   3:44.76 (1:52.05)
        4:09.22 (24.46)     4:37.61 (52.85)   5:07.86 (1:23.10)   5:37.17 (1:52.41)
        6:02.37 (25.20)     6:31.47 (54.30)   7:01.78 (1:24.61)   7:32.01 (1:54.84)
Men 200 Yard Medley Relay
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Eastern Express Swim Team-NJ  'A'           3:26.61    1:33.62         44  
     1) Doyle, Connor 17                2) Donnelly, Jack 17              
     3) Lubinski, Jacob 16              4) Hanlon, Collin 17              
                  23.75       49.63 (25.88)     1:12.39 (22.76)     1:33.62 (21.23)
  2 Laguardia Aquatic Club-MR  'A'              3:29.39    1:34.39         38  
     1) Ho, Timothy 16                  2) Zhang, Evan 16                 
     3) Mullin, Connor 16               4) Townsend, Delano 17            
                  24.67       50.86 (26.19)     1:13.79 (22.93)     1:34.39 (20.60)
  3 Jersey Flyers Aquatic Club-NJ  'A'          3:29.60    1:34.41         36  
     1) Arthur, Jason 18                2) Renaud, Ean 16                 
     3) Roh, Jin 21                     4) Highet, Tristan 18             
                  22.83       50.44 (27.61)     1:12.87 (22.43)     1:34.41 (21.54)
  4 Matchpoint Nyc-MR  'A'                      3:29.47    1:34.86         34  
     1) Bezuglyy, Oleksandr 30          2) Okhtenberg, Ariel 18           
     3) Oumarov, Elan 16                4) Konovalov, Veniamin 17         
                  24.18       50.53 (26.35)     1:13.58 (23.05)     1:34.86 (21.28)
  5 Phoenix Aquatic Club-MR  'A'                3:30.03    1:34.92         32  
     1) Tartakovsky, Michael 17         2) Zugibe, Matthew 17             
     3) Byman, Sean 15                  4) Kim, Harris 19                 
                  24.24       49.85 (25.61)     1:13.55 (23.70)     1:34.92 (21.37)
  6 Manhattan Makos-MR  'A'                     3:28.07    1:35.35         30  
     1) Fergus, Jack 17                 2) Hillis, Dillon 15              
     3) Jurman, Jasper 17               4) Mathews, Gabriel 17            
                  25.11       50.91 (25.80)     1:14.39 (23.48)     1:35.35 (20.96)
  7 South Shore YMCA Strypers-NE  'A'           3:32.20    1:35.46         28  
     1) Barrett, Graham 17              2) Ramsay, Auston 17              
     3) Rastelli, Alessandro 18         4) Wright, Aidan 16               
                  23.86       49.91 (26.05)     1:13.58 (23.67)     1:35.46 (21.88)
  8 757 Swim-VA  'A'                            3:30.54    1:35.69         26  
     1) Long, Samuel 14                 2) Boll, Ryan 17                  
     3) Vantasel, Benjamin 18           4) Wright, Colin 17               
                  25.41       51.84 (26.43)     1:15.40 (23.56)     1:35.69 (20.29)
  9 Mount Lebanon Aqua Club-AM  'A'             3:26.02    1:36.15         24  
     1) Bumgarner, Jake 17              2) Lanphear, Jack 18              
     3) Kish, Jackson 18                4) Tretter, Spencer 18            
                  26.15       51.92 (25.77)     1:15.11 (23.19)     1:36.15 (21.04)
 10 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'A'          3:26.00    1:36.22         20  
     1) Jackson, Chase 17               2) Ellis, Tyler 16                
     3) Robey, Hugh 15                  4) Cudahy, Brock 18               
                  24.86       51.79 (26.93)     1:14.58 (22.79)     1:36.22 (21.64)
 11 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'B'          3:29.50    1:36.53         16  
     1) Thalblum, Steven 15             2) Stevens, Carson 16             
     3) Truong, Devin 17                4) Soma, Jason 18                 
                  24.66       52.23 (27.57)     1:15.19 (22.96)     1:36.53 (21.34)
 12 Executive Swim Club-NE  'A'                 3:34.65    1:37.09         14  
     1) Levasseur, Grant 17             2) Allen, Andrew 16               
     3) Levasseur, Trent 15             4) Douglas, Michael 17            
                  23.89       51.17 (27.28)     1:14.70 (23.53)     1:37.09 (22.39)
 13 Hauppauge Athletic Association-MR  'A'      3:31.24    1:37.73         12  
     1) Chan, Dylan 16                  2) Casey, Jack 15                 
     3) Chang, Justin 17                4) Burr, Trenton 14               
                  24.74       51.63 (26.89)     1:15.46 (23.83)     1:37.73 (22.27)
 14 Princeton Tiger Aquatic Club-NJ  'A'        3:34.80    1:38.22         10  
                  25.38       52.85 (27.47)     1:16.21 (23.36)     1:38.22 (22.01)
 15 Sharks & Eagles Aquatic Sports-NI  'A'      3:38.99    1:38.31          8  
     1) Wersinger, Maxwell 18           2) Amthor, Brandon 16             
     3) Bartalo, Nathaniel 18           4) Kane, Bruce 16                 
                  24.73       52.45 (27.72)     1:16.46 (24.01)     1:38.31 (21.85)
 16 Golden Ram Aquatics-MA  'A'                 3:32.37    1:38.50          6  
     1) Bergan, Aidan 17                2) Fruhwirth, Jared 17            
     3) Darhower, Jeb 16                4) Bass, Harrison 16              
                  25.26       52.59 (27.33)     1:16.65 (24.06)     1:38.50 (21.85)
 17 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'A'      3:33.44    1:38.69          4  
     1) Kim, Justin 16                  2) McCarthy, Gregory 16           
     3) Chang, David 16                 4) Afolabi-Brown, Gregory 17      
                  25.68       54.03 (28.35)     1:17.45 (23.42)     1:38.69 (21.24)
 18 Northern Dutchess Aquatic Club-MR  'A'      3:39.71    1:39.42          2  
     1) Liu, Michael 16                 2) Econopouly, Elias 16           
     3) Staubi, Kyle 15                 4) Rawl, Jarek 16                 
                  25.56       53.30 (27.74)     1:17.25 (23.95)     1:39.42 (22.17)
 19 Regional YMCA of Western Conne-CT  'A'      4:12.23L   1:39.61        
     1) Ragatz, Jeffrey 17              2) Li, Michael 17                 
     3) Krentsa, Gregory 18             4) Branchflower, Jacob 18         
                  25.84       53.96 (28.12)     1:16.90 (22.94)     1:39.61 (22.71)
 20 Mount Lebanon Aqua Club-AM  'B'             3:38.68    1:39.73        
     1) Coury, Sergio 14                2) Hrabovsky, Kyle 18             
     3) Trozenski, Samuel 18            4) Morton, John 19                
                  26.35       53.02 (26.67)     1:16.97 (23.95)     1:39.73 (22.76)
 21 Manhattan Makos-MR  'B'                     3:35.22    1:39.77        
     1) Zhu, Nicholas 16                2) Tirone, Michael 17             
     3) Taylor, Griffin 17              4) Hamberg, Miles 17              
                  25.46       52.97 (27.51)     1:17.61 (24.64)     1:39.77 (22.16)
 22 Arlington Aquatic Club-PV  'A'              3:36.36    1:39.87        
     1) Quinn, Hugh 16                  2) Rosenthal, Zach 16             
     3) Roth, Charlie 17                4) Shackley, Oliver 17            
                  26.40       54.42 (28.02)     1:18.19 (23.77)     1:39.87 (21.68)
 23 Arlington Aquatic Club-PV  'B'              3:37.96    1:40.20        
     1) Swisher, Noah 16                2) Gentry, Richard 15             
     3) Gallion, David 16               4) Mowery, Jack 14                
                  25.66       53.07 (27.41)     1:17.56 (24.49)     1:40.20 (22.64)
 24 Jersey Gators-NJ  'A'                       3:33.83    1:40.28        
     1) Lindros, David 16               2) Shakhnazarov, David 19         
     3) Bozzi, Joseph 16                4) Thieroff, Grant 16             
                  25.73       52.77 (27.04)     1:18.09 (25.32)     1:40.28 (22.19)
 25 Team Suffolk-MR  'A'                        3:39.70    1:40.78        
     1) Meyn, Justin 14                 2) Lee, Daniel 16                 
     3) Barry, Kyle 17                  4) Tack, Harrison 18              
                  26.00       54.32 (28.32)     1:18.95 (24.63)     1:40.78 (21.83)
 26 Blue Wave Swim Team-PV  'A'                 3:36.69    1:40.86        
     1) Clendenin, Stephen 27           2) Zapp, John 14                  
     3) Vanik, Alexander 17             4) Wall, Trace 14                 
                  23.85       54.04 (30.19)     1:18.49 (24.45)     1:40.86 (22.37)
 27 Monmouth Barracudas Swim Club-NJ  'A'       3:46.14    1:41.30        
     1) McKelvey, Dylan 18              2) Bunt, Andrew 17                
     3) Warshaw, Peter 16               4) Horbacz, Justin 18             
                  25.53       54.42 (28.89)     1:19.03 (24.61)     1:41.30 (22.27)
 28 Diplomat Swim Club-MA  'A'                  3:45.35    1:41.44        
     1) Southward, Michael 18           2) Lutter, Tyler 16               
     3) Uhlin, Keir 17                  4) Lear, Casey 17                 
                  26.39       54.97 (28.58)     1:19.34 (24.37)     1:41.44 (22.10)
 29 West Hartford Aquatic Team-CT  'A'          3:40.43    1:41.46        
     1) Perks, Joseph 18                2) Rinald, John 18                
     3) Liu, Adam 17                    4) Gallant, Will 14               
                  26.22       54.18 (27.96)     1:17.73 (23.55)     1:41.46 (23.73)
 30 Duanesburg Electric Eels-AD  'A'            3:43.88    1:41.48        
     1) Rokos, Timothy 18               2) Mosier, John 18                
     3) Hewitt, Jake 20                 4) Dixon, Tristan 17              
                  25.85       54.29 (28.44)     1:18.66 (24.37)     1:41.48 (22.82)
 31 Eastern Express Swim Team-NJ  'B'           3:36.82    1:41.49        
     1) Sukach, Alexander 16            2) Lessiohadi, Jonathan 16        
     3) Bergstrom, Caleb 15             4) McIntyre, Jack 17              
                  26.33       54.57 (28.24)     1:19.65 (25.08)     1:41.49 (21.84)
 32 Sea Dragons Swimming Club-NJ  'A'           3:39.24    1:41.61        
     1) Laite, Christopher 16           2) Klingener, Hunter 16           
     3) Dionne, Chris 17                4) Adams, Nicholas 17             
                  27.01       54.26 (27.25)     1:18.90 (24.64)     1:41.61 (22.71)
 33 Malden Crocs-NE  'A'                        3:39.44    1:41.74        
     1) Connolly, Joseph 17             2) Jinapin, Pete 16               
     3) Luu, Ryan 18                    4) Luu, Kevin 16                  
                  26.56       54.75 (28.19)     1:18.66 (23.91)     1:41.74 (23.08)
 34 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'B'      3:34.69    1:41.85        
     1) Chang, Sebastian 15             2) Xia, Luke 15                   
     3) Chuang, Matthew 18              4) Mendley, Jonathan 16           
                  26.20       54.83 (28.63)     1:19.39 (24.56)     1:41.85 (22.46)
 35 Condors Swim Club of Clarkstow-MR  'A'      3:43.21    1:42.04        
     1) Shin, Kevin 16                  2) Stolarski, Andrew 14           
     3) Kirsis, Janis 14                4) Fagan, Timothy 15              
                  25.47       55.14 (29.67)     1:19.75 (24.61)     1:42.04 (22.29)
 36 Fox Swim Club-MD  'A'                       3:40.18    1:42.15        
     1) Pecher, Alex 16                 2) Thompson, Matthew 14           
     3) Dodd, Austin 15                 4) Leaman, Alexander 16           
                  26.08       55.23 (29.15)     1:19.43 (24.20)     1:42.15 (22.72)
 37 Hauppauge Athletic Association-MR  'B'      3:40.89    1:42.19        
     1) Chang, Oscar 16                 2) Fisher, Alexander 16           
     3) Papsco, Zachary 15              4) Millkey, Nicholas 15           
                  26.35       55.07 (28.72)     1:19.48 (24.41)     1:42.19 (22.71)
 38 Charter Oak Aquatics-CT  'A'                3:46.26    1:42.25        
     1) Karangekis, Mitchell 17         2) Ringquist, Jackson 15          
     3) Worley, Logan 18                4) Wroblewski, Joshua 17          
                  25.41       54.55 (29.14)     1:20.72 (26.17)     1:42.25 (21.53)
 39 Rivertown Aquatics-MR  'A'                  3:42.89    1:42.26        
     1) Fenlon, Matthew 13              2) Ritchie, Ellis 15              
     3) Novitch, Graham 17              4) Rabadi, Nicholas 17            
                  25.94       55.81 (29.87)     1:19.69 (23.88)     1:42.26 (22.57)
 40 Merritt Athletic Swimming-MD  'A'           3:36.62    1:42.29        
     1) Feeley, Andrew 17               2) Moreno, Gabriel 17             
     3) Mennonna, William 16            4) Isayiw, Luke 14                
                  25.99       54.50 (28.51)     1:19.84 (25.34)     1:42.29 (22.45)
 41 York Swim Club-PV  'A'                      3:31.13    1:42.44        
     1) Godin, Matthew 17               2) Highman, Nicholas 15           
     3) Torrington, Bradley 17          4) Ellison, Samuel 15             
                  26.25       54.53 (28.28)     1:20.06 (25.53)     1:42.44 (22.38)
 42 Clinton Cudas-AD  'A'                       3:41.88    1:42.89        
     1) Noga, Matthew 16                2) Farmer, Noah 18                
     3) Ludemann, Ryan 16               4) Buckingham, Erik 18            
                  27.25       54.97 (27.72)     1:19.49 (24.52)     1:42.89 (23.40)
 43 Phoenix Aquatic Club-MR  'B'                3:44.38    1:43.37        
     1) Wong, Phillip 16                2) O'Connor, Elias 17             
     3) Cho, William 16                 4) Allen, Liam 13                 
                  25.84       55.56 (29.72)     1:20.39 (24.83)     1:43.37 (22.98)
 44 Bergen Barracudas Swim Team-NJ  'A'         3:46.38    1:43.63        
     1) Stewart, Daniel 15              2) Zanki, Tyler 18                
     3) Young, Justin 14                4) Rivero, Santiago 17            
                  27.19       55.07 (27.88)     1:21.36 (26.29)     1:43.63 (22.27)
 45 757 Swim-VA  'B'                            3:43.77    1:43.64        
     1) De Leon, Jaq 17                 2) Watson, Taylor 16              
     3) Lynch, Evan 15                  4) Shideler, Corey 17             
                  26.12       54.12 (28.00)     1:20.48 (26.36)     1:43.64 (23.16)
 46 Team Suffolk-MR  'B'                        3:42.94    1:43.66        
     1) Yao, Kevin 16                   2) Wyche, Tyori 17                
     3) Cono, Graham 17                 4) Mattera, Matthew 17            
                  27.15       55.55 (28.40)     1:20.56 (25.01)     1:43.66 (23.10)
 47 Hawks Swimming Association-AD  'A'          3:44.71    1:44.17        
     1) Trzewik-Quinn, Seamus 16        2) Reinhardt, Hunter 16           
     3) Valentino, Andrew 17            4) Kuyl, Leo 15                   
                  24.25       55.40 (31.15)     1:19.84 (24.44)     1:44.17 (24.33)
 48 Southern New Hampshire Fins-NE  'A'         3:45.82    1:44.69        
     1) Zoda, Mark 16                   2) Shusta, Michael 16             
     3) Ferrick, Maxwell 17             4) Downey, Matthew 16             
                  26.21       54.86 (28.65)     1:20.54 (25.68)     1:44.69 (24.15)
 49 Richmond Aquatic Club-MR  'A'               3:40.29    1:45.30        
     1) Costanzo, Christopher 17        2) Gorizia, Lucca 17              
     3) Ciccarelli, Jared 17            4) Shteynvarts, Daniel 17         
                  26.63       56.29 (29.66)     1:22.62 (26.33)     1:45.30 (22.68)
 50 York Swim Club-PV  'B'                      3:41.79    1:48.33        
     1) Rehr, Andrew 17                 2) Lee, Michael 17                
     3) Mennitt, Benjamin 16            4) Pilcher, Trent 18              
                  28.43       58.28 (29.85)     1:24.23 (25.95)     1:48.33 (24.10)
Men 400 Yard Medley Relay
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Eastern Express Swim Team-NJ  'A'           3:26.61    3:24.38         44  
     1) Doyle, Connor 17                2) Donnelly, Jack 17              
     3) Lubinski, Jacob 16              4) McIntyre, Jack 17              
                  24.84       50.79 (50.79)     1:17.28 (26.49)     1:47.76 (56.97)
        2:11.02 (23.26)     2:38.14 (50.38)     3:00.38 (22.24)     3:24.38 (46.24)
  2 Matchpoint Nyc-MR  'A'                      3:29.47    3:26.54         38  
     1) Bezuglyy, Oleksandr 30          2) Okhtenberg, Ariel 18           
     3) Oumarov, Elan 16                4) Konovalov, Veniamin 17         
                  25.81       52.37 (52.37)     1:18.93 (26.56)     1:49.66 (57.29)
        2:13.22 (23.56)     2:39.86 (50.20)     3:01.65 (21.79)     3:26.54 (46.68)
  3 Laguardia Aquatic Club-MR  'A'              3:29.39    3:28.50         36  
     1) Ho, Timothy 16                  2) Zhang, Evan 16                 
     3) Mullin, Connor 16               4) Townsend, Delano 17            
                  25.80       53.73 (53.73)     1:20.34 (26.61)     1:50.55 (56.82)
        2:14.01 (23.46)     2:41.40 (50.85)     3:03.62 (22.22)     3:28.50 (47.10)
  4 Jersey Flyers Aquatic Club-NJ  'A'          3:29.60    3:29.81         34  
     1) Roh, Jin 21                     2) Renaud, Ean 16                 
     3) Arthur, Jason 18                4) Highet, Tristan 18             
                  24.99       51.37 (51.37)     1:19.36 (27.99)   1:51.45 (1:00.08)
        2:14.95 (23.50)     2:41.61 (50.16)     3:04.23 (22.62)     3:29.81 (48.20)
  5 Phoenix Aquatic Club-MR  'A'                3:30.03    3:30.30         32  
     1) Tartakovsky, Michael 17         2) Zugibe, Matthew 17             
     3) Byman, Sean 15                  4) Wong, Phillip 16               
                  25.03       52.13 (52.13)     1:19.29 (27.16)     1:48.90 (56.77)
        2:12.73 (23.83)     2:41.24 (52.34)     3:04.61 (23.37)     3:30.30 (49.06)
  6 Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'B'          3:29.50    3:31.29         30  
     1) Thalblum, Steven 15             2) Stevens, Carson 16             
     3) Truong, Devin 17                4) Fallows, Nicholas 17           
                  25.42       52.55 (52.55)     1:20.29 (27.74)     1:52.21 (59.66)
        2:15.85 (23.64)     2:43.41 (51.20)     3:06.01 (22.60)     3:31.29 (47.88)
  7 757 Swim-VA  'A'                            3:30.54    3:33.33         28  
     1) De Leon, Jaq 17                 2) Boll, Ryan 17                  
     3) Watson, Taylor 16               4) Wright, Colin 17               
                  26.34       54.93 (54.93)     1:21.47 (26.54)     1:53.68 (58.75)
        2:17.99 (24.31)     2:46.27 (52.59)     3:08.66 (22.39)     3:33.33 (47.06)
  8 Manhattan Makos-MR  'A'                     3:28.07    3:34.22         26  
     1) Fergus, Jack 17                 2) Hillis, Dillon 15              
     3) Jurman, Jasper 17               4) Mathews, Gabriel 17            
                  26.34       54.03 (54.03)     1:10.69 (16.66)     1:53.21 (59.18)
        2:17.09 (23.88)     2:45.33 (52.12)     3:08.25 (22.92)     3:34.22 (48.89)
  9 South Shore YMCA Strypers-NE  'A'           3:30.44    3:34.26         24  
     1) Barrett, Graham 17              2) Ramsay, Auston 17              
     3) Rastelli, Alessandro 18         4) Mooers, Henry 17               
                  25.60       53.35 (53.35)     1:20.89 (27.54)     1:52.42 (59.07)
        2:16.83 (24.41)     2:45.45 (53.03)     3:08.56 (23.11)     3:34.26 (48.81)
 10 Hauppauge Athletic Association-MR  'A'      3:31.24    3:34.31         20  
     1) Chan, Dylan 16                  2) Casey, Jack 15                 
     3) Chang, Justin 17                4) Burr, Trenton 14               
                  26.14       54.63 (54.63)     1:10.02 (15.39)     1:53.41 (58.78)
        2:17.26 (23.85)     2:45.40 (51.99)     3:08.80 (23.40)     3:34.31 (48.91)
 11 Regional YMCA of Western Conne-CT  'A'      4:12.23L   3:36.24         16  
     1) Ragatz, Jeffrey 17              2) Li, Michael 17                 
     3) Krentsa, Gregory 18             4) Branchflower, Jacob 18         
                  26.09       53.82 (53.82)     1:22.50 (28.68)   1:55.28 (1:01.46)
        2:18.31 (23.03)     2:46.15 (50.87)     3:09.54 (23.39)     3:36.24 (50.09)
 12 Schenectady-Saratoga Swim Club-AD  'A'      3:39.01    3:36.40         14  
     1) Haraden, Jesse 18               2) Conway, Joseph 18              
     3) Zwijacz, Zachary 16             4) Cleworth, Calvin 18            
                  27.01       55.14 (55.14)     1:24.03 (28.89)   1:56.89 (1:01.75)
        2:20.87 (23.98)     2:48.60 (51.71)     3:11.28 (22.68)     3:36.40 (47.80)
 13 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'A'      3:33.44    3:37.03         12  
     1) Mendley, Jonathan 16            2) McCarthy, Gregory 16           
     3) Chang, David 16                 4) Jagodits, Theodore 16          
                  27.27       55.92 (55.92)     1:24.41 (28.49)   1:57.04 (1:01.12)
        2:21.64 (24.60)     2:49.47 (52.43)     3:11.96 (22.49)     3:37.03 (47.56)
 14 Eastern Express Swim Team-NJ  'B'           3:36.82    3:37.31         10  
     1) Sukach, Alexander 16            2) Lessiohadi, Jonathan 16        
     3) Bergstrom, Caleb 15             4) Hanlon, Collin 17              
                  27.30       56.25 (56.25)     1:23.96 (27.71)   1:56.35 (1:00.10)
        2:21.43 (25.08)     2:50.28 (53.93)     3:12.46 (22.18)     3:37.31 (47.03)
 15 Arlington Aquatic Club-PV  'A'              3:36.36    3:37.87          8  
     1) Quinn, Hugh 16                  2) Rosenthal, Zach 16             
     3) Roth, Charlie 17                4) Shackley, Oliver 17            
                  26.51       55.14 (55.14)     1:24.10 (28.96)   1:57.03 (1:01.89)
        2:21.08 (24.05)     2:50.45 (53.42)     3:12.58 (22.13)     3:37.87 (47.42)
 16 Northern Dutchess Aquatic Club-MR  'A'      3:39.71    3:38.63          6  
     1) Liu, Michael 16                 2) Econopouly, Elias 16           
     3) Staubi, Kyle 15                 4) Rawl, Jarek 16                 
                  26.59       55.15 (55.15)     1:23.32 (28.17)     1:55.10 (59.95)
        2:19.66 (24.56)     2:48.03 (52.93)     3:11.33 (23.30)     3:38.63 (50.60)
 17 Jersey Gators-NJ  'A'                       3:33.83    3:38.88          4  
     1) Lindros, David 16               2) Shakhnazarov, David 19         
     3) Bozzi, Joseph 16                4) Thieroff, Grant 16             
                  25.52       52.32 (52.32)     1:20.99 (28.67)   1:53.01 (1:00.69)
        2:19.17 (26.16)     2:48.87 (55.86)     3:12.05 (23.18)     3:38.88 (50.01)
 18 Mount Lebanon Aqua Club-AM  'A'             3:26.02    3:38.90          2  
     1) Tretter, Spencer 18             2) Lanphear, Jack 18              
     3) Kish, Jackson 18                4) Bumgarner, Jake 17             
                  26.66       55.19 (55.19)     1:22.18 (26.99)     1:53.85 (58.66)
        2:17.81 (23.96)     2:48.47 (54.62)     3:11.90 (23.43)     3:38.90 (50.43)
 19 Rockville Montgomery Swim Club-PV  'B'      3:34.69    3:38.97        
     1) Kim, Justin 16                  2) Xia, Luke 15                   
     3) Chuang, Matthew 18              4) Crane, Duncan 16               
                  27.11       55.68 (55.68)     1:23.87 (28.19)   1:56.82 (1:01.14)
        2:21.87 (25.05)     2:50.66 (53.84)     3:13.83 (23.17)     3:38.97 (48.31)
 20 Golden Ram Aquatics-MA  'A'                 3:32.37    3:39.07        
     1) Bass, Harrison 16               2) Fruhwirth, Jared 17            
     3) Ye, Vincent 14                  4) Darhower, Jeb 16               
                  27.34       56.62 (56.62)     1:24.03 (27.41)     1:55.41 (58.79)
        2:20.18 (24.77)     2:49.91 (54.50)     3:13.26 (23.35)     3:39.07 (49.16)
 21 Phoenix Aquatic Club-MR  'B'                3:44.38    3:39.75        
     1) Allen, Liam 13                  2) Cho, William 16                
     3) Kim, Harris 19                  4) O'Connor, Elias 17             
                  26.50       54.52 (54.52)     1:23.09 (28.57)   1:56.19 (1:01.67)
        2:21.04 (24.85)     2:50.90 (54.71)     3:13.76 (22.86)     3:39.75 (48.85)
 22 Duanesburg Electric Eels-AD  'A'            3:43.88    3:40.04        
     1) Rokos, Timothy 18               2) Mosier, John 18                
     3) Hewitt, Jake 20                 4) Dixon, Tristan 17              
                  26.76       55.19 (55.19)     1:23.66 (28.47)   1:57.11 (1:01.92)
        2:21.28 (24.17)     2:49.87 (52.76)     3:13.86 (23.99)     3:40.04 (50.17)
 23 Manhattan Makos-MR  'B'                     3:35.22    3:40.17        
     1) Zhu, Nicholas 16                2) Tirone, Michael 17             
     3) Taylor, Griffin 17              4) Hamberg, Miles 17              
                  26.52       54.27 (54.27)     1:22.61 (28.34)   1:56.00 (1:01.73)
        2:21.02 (25.02)     2:51.68 (55.68)     3:14.42 (22.74)     3:40.17 (48.49)
 24 Team Suffolk-MR  'A'                        3:39.70    3:40.98        
     1) Meyn, Justin 14                 2) Lee, Daniel 16                 
     3) Barry, Kyle 17                  4) Tack, Harrison 18              
                  26.55       55.14 (55.14)     1:24.19 (29.05)   1:57.09 (1:01.95)
        2:22.76 (25.67)     2:52.51 (55.42)     3:15.14 (22.63)     3:40.98 (48.47)
 25 757 Swim-VA  'B'                            3:43.77    3:41.65        
     1) Long, Samuel 14                 2) Zhang, Nicholas 17             
     3) Vantasel, Benjamin 18           4) Shideler, Corey 17             
                  26.96       56.22 (56.22)     1:25.74 (29.52)   2:00.04 (1:03.82)
        2:23.97 (23.93)     2:52.21 (52.17)     3:15.78 (23.57)     3:41.65 (49.44)
 26 Merritt Athletic Swimming-MD  'A'           3:36.62    3:42.27        
     1) Feeley, Andrew 17               2) Isayiw, Luke 14                
     3) Moreno, Gabriel 17              4) Feeley, Daniel 17              
                  26.23       53.57 (53.57)     1:23.49 (29.92)   1:55.36 (1:01.79)
        2:21.35 (25.99)     2:51.82 (56.46)     3:15.43 (23.61)     3:42.27 (50.45)
 27 West Hartford Aquatic Team-CT  'A'          3:40.43    3:42.56        
     1) Perks, Joseph 18                2) Rinald, John 18                
     3) Liu, Adam 17                    4) Gallant, Will 14               
                  26.62       54.75 (54.75)     1:23.67 (28.92)   1:57.41 (1:02.66)
        2:22.16 (24.75)     2:50.78 (53.37)     3:15.17 (24.39)     3:42.56 (51.78)
 28 Fox Swim Club-MD  'A'                       3:40.18    3:42.73        
     1) Pecher, Alex 16                 2) Thompson, Matthew 14           
     3) Dodd, Austin 15                 4) Leaman, Alexander 16           
                  27.48       56.51 (56.51)     1:25.47 (28.96)   1:59.08 (1:02.57)
        2:23.80 (24.72)     2:52.78 (53.70)     3:17.06 (24.28)     3:42.73 (49.95)
 29 Sea Dragons Swimming Club-NJ  'A'           3:39.24    3:42.85        
     1) Laite, Christopher 16           2) Klingener, Hunter 16           
     3) Dionne, Chris 17                4) Adams, Nicholas 17             
                  27.82       57.30 (57.30)     1:25.92 (28.62)   1:57.77 (1:00.47)
        2:23.26 (25.49)     2:52.12 (54.35)     3:15.93 (23.81)     3:42.85 (50.73)
 30 Rivertown Aquatics-MR  'A'                  3:43.80    3:42.98        
     1) Gagion, Michael 17              2) Ritchie, Ellis 15              
     3) Novitch, Graham 17              4) Rabadi, Nicholas 17            
                  26.39       54.48 (54.48)     1:24.95 (30.47)   2:01.08 (1:06.60)
        2:25.05 (23.97)     2:53.41 (52.33)     3:16.77 (23.36)     3:42.98 (49.57)
 31 Diplomat Swim Club-MA  'A'                  3:45.35    3:43.19        
     1) Southward, Michael 18           2) Lutter, Tyler 16               
     3) Fatta, Alec 15                  4) Lear, Casey 17                 
                  28.43       58.47 (58.47)     1:27.52 (29.05)   2:01.16 (1:02.69)
        2:25.78 (24.62)     2:54.57 (53.41)     3:17.54 (22.97)     3:43.19 (48.62)
 32 Monmouth Barracudas Swim Club-NJ  'A'       3:46.14    3:44.48        
     1) McKelvey, Dylan 18              2) Bunt, Andrew 17                
     3) Warshaw, Peter 16               4) Horbacz, Justin 18             
                  26.86       55.22 (55.22)     1:24.91 (29.69)   1:59.62 (1:04.40)
        2:25.09 (25.47)     2:54.95 (55.33)     3:18.04 (23.09)     3:44.48 (49.53)
 33 Bergen Barracudas Swim Team-NJ  'A'         3:46.08    3:44.57        
     1) Stewart, Daniel 15              2) Zanki, Tyler 18                
     3) Hoody, Conrad 14                4) Rivero, Santiago 17            
                  27.60       56.73 (56.73)     1:24.94 (28.21)   1:58.03 (1:01.30)
        2:24.32 (26.29)     2:56.48 (58.45)     3:19.06 (22.58)     3:44.57 (48.09)
 34 Richmond Aquatic Club-MR  'A'               3:40.29    3:45.02        
     1) Costanzo, Christopher 17        2) Gorizia, Lucca 17              
     3) Ciccarelli, Jared 17            4) Shteynvarts, Daniel 17         
                  26.80       54.98 (54.98)     1:24.44 (29.46)   1:58.28 (1:03.30)
        2:24.91 (26.63)     2:56.25 (57.97)     3:19.68 (23.43)     3:45.02 (48.77)
 35 Arlington Aquatic Club-PV  'B'              3:37.96    3:45.41        
     1) Swisher, Noah 16                2) Gentry, Richard 15             
     3) Gallion, David 16               4) Mowery, Jack 14                
                  26.61       55.77 (55.77)     1:24.00 (28.23)   1:57.00 (1:01.23)
        2:21.94 (24.94)     2:52.44 (55.44)     3:16.87 (24.43)     3:45.41 (52.97)
 36 Mount Lebanon Aqua Club-AM  'B'             3:38.68    3:45.64        
     1) Coury, Sergio 14                2) Hrabovsky, Kyle 18             
     3) Trozenski, Samuel 18            4) Morton, John 19                
                  27.96       58.15 (58.15)     1:25.72 (27.57)     1:57.68 (59.53)
        2:22.35 (24.67)     2:53.63 (55.95)     3:18.25 (24.62)     3:45.64 (52.01)
 36 York Swim Club-PV  'A'                      3:31.13    3:45.64        
     1) Godin, Matthew 17               2) Highman, Nicholas 15           
     3) Torrington, Bradley 17          4) Ellison, Samuel 15             
                  27.17       57.89 (57.89)     1:26.56 (28.67)   2:00.33 (1:02.44)
        2:25.72 (25.39)     2:55.34 (55.01)     3:18.82 (23.48)     3:45.64 (50.30)
 38 Team Suffolk-MR  'B'                        3:42.94    3:45.71        
     1) Mattera, Matthew 17             2) Wyche, Tyori 17                
     3) Cono, Graham 17                 4) Yao, Kevin 16                  
                  27.04       55.56 (55.56)     1:24.70 (29.14)   1:58.94 (1:03.38)
        2:24.20 (25.26)     2:54.63 (55.69)     3:18.72 (24.09)     3:45.71 (51.08)
 39 Southern New Hampshire Fins-NE  'A'         3:45.82    3:45.86        
     1) Ferrick, Maxwell 17             2) Zoda, Mark 16                  
     3) Shusta, Michael 16              4) Downey, Matthew 16             
                  27.66       57.56 (57.56)     1:25.47 (27.91)   1:59.17 (1:01.61)
        2:24.06 (24.89)     2:53.80 (54.63)     3:17.88 (24.08)     3:45.86 (52.06)
 40 Malden Crocs-NE  'A'                        3:39.44    3:46.30        
     1) Connolly, Joseph 17             2) Jinapin, Pete 16               
     3) Luu, Kevin 16                   4) Luu, Ryan 18                   
                  27.58       56.78 (56.78)     1:26.06 (29.28)   2:00.60 (1:03.82)
        2:26.13 (25.53)     2:56.21 (55.61)     3:20.18 (23.97)     3:46.30 (50.09)
 41 Hawks Swimming Association-AD  'A'          3:44.71    3:47.60        
     1) Trzewik-Quinn, Seamus 16        2) Reinhardt, Hunter 16           
     3) Valentino, Andrew 17            4) Kuyl, Leo 15                   
                  25.33       52.38 (52.38)     1:22.90 (30.52)   1:58.39 (1:06.01)
        2:23.52 (25.13)     2:54.26 (55.87)     3:19.18 (24.92)     3:47.60 (53.34)
 42 York Swim Club-PV  'B'                      3:41.79    3:59.13        
     1) Rehr, Andrew 17                 2) Lee, Michael 17                
     3) Mennitt, Benjamin 16            4) Pilcher, Trent 18              
                  30.10   1:03.36 (1:03.36)     1:33.07 (29.71)   2:08.38 (1:05.02)
        2:34.65 (26.27)     3:05.68 (57.30)     3:30.71 (25.03)     3:59.13 (53.45)
 -- Nation's Capital Swim Club-PV  'A'          3:26.00         DQ        
      Stroke Infraction swimmer #3: Not toward the breast off wall - fly
     1) Jackson, Chase 17               2) Ellis, Tyler 16                
     3) Robey, Hugh 15                  4) Cudahy, Brock 18               
                  25.46       52.91 (52.91)     1:20.28 (27.37)     1:52.68 (59.77)
        2:15.91 (23.23)     2:43.44 (50.76)     3:05.52 (22.08)          DQ (46.63)
 -- Clinton Cudas-AD  'A'                       3:41.88         DQ        
      Stroke Infraction swimmer #2: One hand touch - breast
     1) Noga, Matthew 16                2) Farmer, Noah 18                
     3) Ludemann, Ryan 16               4) Buckingham, Erik 18            
                  27.49       57.57 (57.57)     1:25.95 (28.38)   1:58.48 (1:00.91)
        2:23.95 (25.47)     2:53.15 (54.67)     3:17.37 (24.22)          DQ (51.57)
 -- Sharks & Eagles Aquatic Sports-NI  'A'      3:38.99         DQ        
      Stroke Infraction swimmer #1: Head did not break the surface by 15 meters - back
     1) Wersinger, Maxwell 18           2) Amthor, Brandon 16             
     3) Bartalo, Nathaniel 18           4) Kane, Bruce 16                 
                  26.06       54.65 (54.65)     1:22.57 (27.92)   1:54.70 (1:00.05)
        2:19.62 (24.92)     2:48.74 (54.04)     3:10.98 (22.24)          DQ (48.22)
 -- Hauppauge Athletic Association-MR  'B'      3:40.89         DQ        
      Early take-off swimmer #2
     1) Chang, Oscar 16                 2) Fisher, Alexander 16           
     3) Papsco, Zachary 15              4) Millkey, Nicholas 15           
                  27.06       57.38 (57.38)     1:26.69 (29.31)   2:00.82 (1:03.44)
        2:26.28 (25.46)     2:54.87 (54.05)     3:18.35 (23.48)          DQ (49.48)
 -- Blue Wave Swim Team-PV  'A'                 3:36.69         DQ        
      Early take-off swimmer #2
     1) Clendenin, Stephen 27           2) Zapp, John 14                  
     3) Vanik, Alexander 17             4) Wall, Trace 14                 
                  24.42       50.40 (50.40)     1:20.17 (29.77)   1:54.68 (1:04.28)
        2:19.65 (24.97)     2:49.46 (54.78)     3:12.68 (23.22)          DQ (49.68)
 -- Charter Oak Aquatics-CT  'A'                3:46.26        DFS        
      Declared false start - Misc