Gold Group Athletes will be swimming Monday through Friday, from 6:15pm to 7:45pm. Athletes are expected to attend at least 4 Practices per week, and are expected to attend all swim meets, schedule allowing. Athletes should expect to swim between 3,500 yards to 5,000 yards per practice, and are expected to know all competitive strokes, turns and finishes. Athletes will be working on developing more power, speed, endurance and advanced techniques to improve their race times.

Required Cut Times:

50 Free: 32.00

100 Free: 1:10.00

100 Back: 1:17.00

100 Breast: 1:28.00

100 Fly: 1:17.00

200 IM: 2:50.00


Tuition: $150/Month

Service Year Fee (Charged on Registration, and Jan 1st of each year): $150



Silver Group Athletes will be swimming Monday through Friday, from 5:00pm - 6:15pm. Athletes should expect to swim between 2,500 yards to 3,500 yards per practice, and will be expected to know all four competitive strokes. It is recommended that Athletes attend at least 4 practices per week. Athletes are highly encouraged to attend as many Swim Meets as possible. Athletes will need to be able to swim at least 100 yards of all four strokes without stopping, and should understand the concept of interval training. It is expected that Athletes are proficient in diving from the blocks. Athletes will be working on developing proper technique for their Starts, Turns and Finishes, while building their endurance to improve their race times.

Required Cut Times:

50 Free: 39.00

100 Free: 1:30.00

50 Back: 47.00

50 Breast: 53.00

50 Fly: 48.00

100 IM: 1:43.00


Tuition: $150/Month

Service Year Fee (Charged on Registration, and Jan 1st of each year): $150



Bronze Group Athletes will be swimming Monday through Friday, from 4:00pm - 5:00pm. Athletes should expect to swim between 1,500 yards to 2,000 yards per practice, and will need a general knowledge of all four competitve strokes. Athletes will need to be able to swim at least 50 yards of all four strokes without stopping. Athletes will be working on developing proper technique for all strokes to make sure they are competition legal, and will be working on their Starts, Dives, Turns and Finishes. Athletes will be introduced to the concept of Interval Training.


Tuition: $150/Month

Service Year Fee (Charged on Registration, and Jan 1st of each year): $150