2023 - 2024 GS Swim Team Schedule & Information

Gwinnett Swim

2023 - 2024 GS Swim Team Schedule

(including updated practice group names)


Important information to note:

  • Monday, August 7th is the first day of this schedule.
  • Unless your swimmer leveled up or you requested a change of day; your practice days, times and tuition cost stayed the same. The only thing that has changed is the name of the groups to help better separate the swimmers by abililty and to offer them an offical move when they gain new skills and endurance to level up.
  • An example of this will be our Travelers group, now split into Junior Bronze, Junior Silver and Junior Gold. There will be some movement and adjustment as the first month of practice gets started but the list below can give you a general idea.
  • Junior Bronze = Travelers swimmers currently in lanes 1 & 2
  • Junior Silver = Travelers swimmers currently in lanes 3 & 4
  • Junior Gold = Travelers swimmers currently in lanes 4 & 5
  • The Junior groups (Travelers) and the Red/Blue groups (Quest) will still be split into Mon/Wed/Fri and Tues/Thurs/Fri groups as shown with the gray spaces, it will just not be listed that way on the schedule. It will be shown correctly in the swimmer's roster in their account.