Following are time standards for all qualifying or championship meets SPY could or will participate in throughout the season.
Note: The age of the athlete for all of these meets will be their age on the first day of competition.

2024 USA Swimming Winter Junior Championships 

This is USA Swimming's premier meet for 18&U athletes. Athletes achieving at least one time standard can swim in up to two bonus events provided they have the bonus time standard. The qualifying period begins June 1st of the previous year.

2024 Illini District & Illinois YMCA Swimming Championships

The Illini District and Illinois YMCA Swimming time standards affect three meets, an athlete's Y membership must be in good standing to participate:

Junior District: To be eligible athletes must compete in two closed Y meets during the current season. Eligible athletes can compete in events for which they have NOT achieved an Illini District qualifying time. The qualifying period is March 1st, 2023 through the Monday prior to the meet. This years meet will be in Effingham at the Toledo YMCA on Saturday February 17, 2024

Illini District Time Standards: To be eligible athletes must compete in two closed Y meets during the current season. Eligible athletes can compete in up to six individual events in which they have achieved the Illini District qualifying times. The qualifying period is March 1st, 2023 through the Monday prior to the meet. First day of Meet: 02/24/2024 SPY Girls Qualifiers 2.7.24   SPY Boys Qualifiers 2.7.24

Illinois YMCA State Time Standards: To be eligible athletes must compete in three closed Y meets during the current season. Athletes can compete in up to five (10&U) or six (11-21) individual events in which they have achieved the Illinois State qualifying times. The qualifying period is March 1, 2022 through the Monday prior to the meet. First Day of Meet: 3/8/2024 SPY Girls Qualifiers 2.7.24     SPY Boys Qualifiers 2.7.24 


2024 National YMCA Swimming Championship 

To be eligible for the National meet, athletes must be Y members in good standing. Athletes must also compete in three closed Y meets during the current season and one Y championship sanctioned meet (District or State). Athletes can compete in up to four individual events in which they have achieved the National qualifying times. Additionally, if athletes are qualfied for the National meet, they may compete in time trial events. The qualifying period is February 1 of the previous season through two Mondays prior to the meet. Individual National Qualifiers 2.7.24

2024 Illinois Swimming Championships: Age Group | Winter Senior | Summer Senior

Regionals: For an athlete to be eligilbe in a particular event, he/she must achieve a Regional time standard. However, if the athlete achieves a Championship time standard in an event, they will NOT be eligible for that event. 

Age Group and Senior Champs: The start of the qualifying period for Age Groups and Winter and Summer Senior Champs is February 1 two years prior to the meet. The qualifying period closes the Monday prior to the each specific meet. 


2021-2024 National Age Group Motivational Times

Motivational times are used at various meets for qualifying times or designation for results or awards. The AAA time standard is the Zones qualifying time for both Senior and Age Group swimming under USA Swimming.


Qualifying Time Meets for 2023-24 - IFLY A3 Midwest Challenge (11/3-5) 15-16 A Times required

                                                                                            Rise A+ Meet (2/2-/2024) - BB Times Required