Annual Registration: $55 non-refundable fee per student or $95 per family *includes recital tee shirt and copy of recital (2 shirts for family and $15 each additional).

Payment of Fees: Tuition must be paid on the 1st day of each month by automatic bank account debit or credit card for the season. 2023-24 season is September – June with a minimum of a 32 week season. Tuition is based on a yearly rate divided evenly into 10 monthly payments. Payment must be made by pre-authorized automatic monthly payment. Payments are not accepted at our front desk. All declined payments will be charges a $20 fee.

Costume Fees: Recital costume fees are auto-debit on 11/1, see fees page for pricing. Costume fees are non-refundable even if a student withdraws from the school.

Withdrawal: There is a 1-month notice required to discontinue classes. A withdrawal form is available at our front desk. You are required to pay the month ahead from the date of withdrawal notice. Ex. If you withdraw in November you are required to pay for December tuition. Withdrawal must be done with Director Miss Tanya and not with the teacher. No withdrawals accepted after April 1.

Refund: The Dance Center reserves the right to terminate lessons without notice; also, if there are less than four students per class The Dance Center has the right to cancel the class. In such cases refunds for unused lessons are given.

Extreme Weather or Unexpected Interruption of Classes: If the school must cancel classes due to extreme weather or events beyond our control such as power outages, the missed classes will be made up before the Recital. Budgeted into tuition is one cancellation day. We make-up class if a second class is canceled. On bad weather days: We follow the Dedham Public Schools. Please call our school prior to class to check cancellation information.

Substitutions: The school reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher if the regularly scheduled teacher is ill or otherwise unable to teach classes. If a teacher is ill and the school cannot arrange a substitute, any missed classes will be made up.

Photo Release: The school is hereby granted permission to take photographs of the students to use brochures, web sites, posters, advertisements and other promotional materials the school creates. Permission is also hereby granted for the school to copyright such photographs.

Dress Code: Required dancewear and shoes must be worn to class. Failure to wear required dancewear could result in students being asked to sit out the class. Repeated failure to wear required dancewear could result in termination of lessons. Long hair must be tied back (ballet students must be in a bun). For safety reasons dancers are not permitted to wear jewelry. We are not responsible for lost items.

Attendance and Lateness: The school reserves the right to have students who come late to class, sit out the class. Repeated lateness may result in termination of lessons. A minimum attendance is required. Full payment must be made each month regardless of a student’s absence. Make up classes are encouraged.

Parent’s Responsibility to be Aware of Dates and Events: It is the responsibility of the parent or adult student to be aware of all school activities, such as special events, photo-pre registration days, recitals, extra classes, and dates the school is open or closed. The school will email notices, may post in Facebook student-only group, and post in school. It is the parent’s responsibility to regularly check to ensure they are informed. It is the responsibility of the parents or adult students to inform the school of any personal information has changed. Ex. Email

Care of Students: The school is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students. Parents are asked to discipline young siblings in our reception area when it is available. Please respect our front desk and keep noise to a minimum.

Injuries: Parents, legal guardians of minor students and adult students waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on school property resulting from normal dance activity or any other activity conducted by the students before, during or after class time.

Parent Requirements: Do not interrupt a class or discuss issues with an instructor between classes. The next class is waiting and we must be fair to every student. You may schedule a meeting with instructor and/or director for any reason through our front desk. Students and instructors are not allowed to exchange personal contact information.

Student Requirements: Only water bottles and dance shoes are allowed in class with their name clearly marked on both. Students are required to perform in our annual recital and attend a mandatory dress rehearsal. Students should use the restrooms prior to class. Students must respect their instructor and classmates and not talk while the teacher is working with other students. Dancewear should be clean and all dancers over 10 yrs old should use deodorant before class. Proper hygiene is advised.

Miscellaneous: Parents and adult students are to be aware that the school promotes healthy body image among the students. As such we approve if our teachers snack during the course of the teaching day. Please be aware that dancing, as a profession is physically demanding & proper body care is essential.

Please feel free to contact Miss Tanya with any questions or comments. 781-326-1565 

Protocols for Entry:
- By entering The Dance Center, your student attests that they do not have any symptoms of a communicable illness (including COVID-19, seasonal flu, the common cold, strep throat, stomach virus or any other illnesses that can be contagious) and that they have no immediate household family members with symptoms of a communicable illness. For those who have been tested and found positive of COVID-19, they will need to test negative after the recommended wait time.
- Please have students use the bathroom prior to coming to dance, but our bathrooms will be open if they need it.  
- Only water bottles with names on them will be allowed in school. NO other items will be allowed in the school. Students should wear street shoes and carry their dance shoes in the building. Students with more than one class may bring more than one set of dance shoes in with them in their dance bag. Teacher will instruct where to leave them.
- Students cannot be admitted to class more than five minutes before class starts.
- Students can be dropped off at front door or parents can walk them up to our door, and and parents may wait in the lobby during class or outside of the school. Parents can watch classes via Zoom as well.
- Students will change shoes and meet parents at front door or at their car if parents are not inside during class. Staff will NOT allow students to leave until they get visual eye contact from parent. Please arrive promptly to pick up your child.
- It is recommended students wash hands when getting to their destination when they leave The Dance Center.
What are we doing to ensure your safety?
Our only concern is the health and welfare of our students and staff. We will abide by the recommendations set forth by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Board of Health in order to have a safe environment for The Dance Center.
- Studios are being cleaned between classes. Any high-traffic touched areas are being sanitized at intervals throughout the day.
- All teachers and staff are following through with the same health protocols as our students.