The Makos are a year-round swimming team sanctioned by USA Swimming. We offer training groups for every ability level, led by coaches who believe in making improvements through meaningful practice and creating a fun and exciting team atmosphere. 

Makos Team Goals:

Swimmers: The Makos program strives to provide opportunities for each swimmer to reach their full potential. This includes learning how to set, work towards and surpass both individual and team goals. We also strive to help each swimmer further develop their self-esteem and confidence through positive competitive swimming experiences.

Teams: The Makos program works to teach good sportsmanship, team camaraderie, self-discipline, and physical fitness among all swimmers on the team. The program also works to promote swimming as a major competitive sport. As a team, we strive to compete at a high level at all competitions.

Practice Groups and Expectations:

Senior and Senior Elite
Swimmers in the this group demonstrate a commitment to the sport and train with the purpose to get better every single day. The typical age range is 13 and over unless invited by the head coach. It is recommended that the 13 and Up group swimmers attend 5-6 swim practices per week.

The 12 and Under group is for swimmers who are ready to enter the realm of competitive swimming. This group’s main focus is on stroke mastery and introducing them to technical and competitive swimming along with learning the color system of training. The typical age range is 8 and 12. It is recommended that the 12 and Under group swimmers attend 3-5 practices per week.

The Sharks Group is our most developmental group. Sharks work on the fundamentals and rules of swimming, while they improve all of their strokes, and have some fun! Sharks practice are an hour long and swim in the diving well which has warmer water temperature. The typical age range is 8 and under. It is recommended that the sharks attend 2-4 practices per week.