Weekly Update: 6/24/24 - 6/30/24
Jessica Colby
Hello Red Dragon Families!
Practice this Week
We have practice Monday-Friday this week! We will no longer have Friday PM practice due to the summer. Gold AM practice: Parents please be on time to pick up your athletes.
Summer Practice Times
Summer is here! Please take note some days we do not have practice throughout the summer. Below is our general summer practice schedule. Please reference our SportsEngine calendar for updated practice days.
Beginner Minis |
--- | 6:50-7:30PM | --- | 6:50-7:30PM | --- |
Advanced Minis |
--- | 6:50-7:50PM | --- | 6:50-7:50PM | --- |
Bronze |
6:50-8:20PM | 6:50-8:20PM | 6:50-8:20PM | 6:50-8:20PM | --- |
Silver |
6:50-8:20PM |
6:50-8:20PM |
6:50-8:20PM |
6:50-8:20PM |
--- |
Gold |
6:00-7:30AM 6:50-8:50PM |
6:00-7:30AM 7:30-9PM |
6:00-7:30AM 6:50-8:50PM |
6:00-7:30AM 7:30-9PM |
6:00-7:30AM |
Summer Meet Schedule Entries Due Dates
MRC - Entries due this Tuesday, 6/25!
Senior State - Entries due 7/2
10 & Under State -
Entries due 7/2
11-14 State - E
ntries due 7/2
Our first long course home meet was a SUCCESS! THANK YOU to all the families who helped at the meet! We received many POSITIVE feedback from other teams and families! THANK YOU everyone for helping put on a great long course meet! Ribbons will be at the pool!
Athletes who are attending the training trip this weekend, please attend practice Friday morning this week. Also please be on the lookout for an email with an updated itinerary.
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is EXPLODING! Please take time to check it out and see if your athlete has forgotten something or things. All items left after practice this Thursday night will be donated.
Team Pictures are IN!
Our team pictures are in! Make sure to take time to pick them up sometime this week!
Dont forget to sign upt for our Red Dragon Olympics, Campout and our banquet! The Red Dragon Olympics is open to all ages and is on August 10th. The campout, 12 and older only, will be on August 10th and the banquet will be on August 11th. All athletes attending the Red Dragon Olympics or Campout need to register. Please go to the Meets/Events page and register there.
Taking a Break?
If you are taking a break this month please let me know by the 25th for your payments to be paused. To know if your payments have been paused go into the GoMotion App and your athlete should be listed as "suspended".
If you have any questions or concerns please let me know,
Jessica Colby
Head Coach
Red Dragon Swimming