A few more good reasons...

We are most importantly a swim team that is family. We pride ourselves in providing opportunities for swimmers at all levels, and their parents, to grow and experience success in a positive, supportive environment. Our swim program includes instruction, training, and education for kids 5 and up. Our groups are structured to facilitate and support swimmers from the beginner to elite.

CRUZ incorporates a varity of progressive techniques to develop advnaced skills in swimming.  Basic skills are mastered then strengthened through repetive practice and direct guidance from coaches. We regularly discuss with swimmers the benefits of goal setting, time management, proper nutrition, and self determination, once these skills are mastered the outcome is a well-rounded and successful athletes.

We organize social activities throughout the year to promote team camaraderie as well as to just have fun. Swimmers are highly encouraged to be involved with our out the water activies, as friends make the work more rewarding.

As a parent of an CRUZ swimmer you will experience a sense of confidence knowing your child is involved with an organization that puts your child first. All of our board members and our coaching staff believe that every decision we make must be in the best interest of our swimmers. We are responsible and well-organized team dedicated to making your time with us as positive, and productive as we can.

We at CRUZ are fully committed to giving our swimmers and our community the most rewarding team experience you can have.

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