The coach's responsibility is to supervise the entire competitive swim program and manage all matters that relate to training and competition. Our staff is dedicated to providing young swimmers with a program that will allow them to develop to their fullest potential. 

  • The coaches will determine final placement in practice groups. This is based on age, ability, maturity and commitment level of each swimmer.  A swimmer will be moved up into a new practice group by the coaches when they feel that the swimmer is at an appropriate level of skill and maturity to participate effectively in the next group. The coaches have an intimate knowledge of the training level and expectations of each group and will only move swimmers up when they are confident that the swimmer is physically and mentally ready for the next challenge.  Experience has shown that moving a swimmer up before he/she is ready can lead to very negative experiences for the athlete.  Parents are asked to please trust the coaches’ judgment in this area.    
  • Sole responsibility for stroke instruction and training rest with coaching staff. Each group’s practices are geared for that age group as well as to meet established goals.
  • The coaches will conduct warm-ups at meets. Just prior to and after events, swimmers (not their parents) should check in with their coach. The coach will offer advice and constructive criticism on their race. It is the parent’s job to offer love and support regardless of their swimmer’s performance.
  • Coaches will determine relay teams for meets.


The coaching staff is continually refining our program. It is the responsibility of parents and swimmers to take advantage of the opportunity this program provides for success in swimming.