2023-2024 schedule and fees - please use link below


Norfolk Hammerheads Group Structure


Members of this squad will train to compete with success at the National, Junior and International level. The head coach will identify those swimmers that have the potential ability to train at the Gold level. Athletes will have the opportunity to experience a high level of training, personal goals, character building and challenging oneself continuously.

Swimmers in this group will work consistently toward character development, self discipline and making informed daily decisions that will define the high level athlete they are capable of becoming.

Gold functions as a microcosm of the sport, whereby the strongest swimmers will ultimately rise to the top. The culture of this group is becoming more competitive all the time, and all swimmers have a daily opportunity to excel among their teammates. Athletes in this squad should be looking beyond Age Group competitions and be relentlessly seeking access to Senior National (open) and International Competitions.

Athletes in this squad must be prepared and willing to train at the prescribed volumes and intensities including maintaining a minimum 90% attendance in order to compete at swim meets.

Due to the high level of dedication, determination, and pushing the limits of oneself, there will be swimmers who at times may not be able to continue on with the program. Swimmers who have been asked to move to this group must enter with the understanding that it will be hard work, however many swimmers will be extremely proud of their accomplishments and at the same time will discover that it can also be a lot of fun too.

Those swimmers who are willing to commit to the work, follow the program and consistently push themselves beyond even their own expectations will be champions, in essence those who are “tough enough” will succeed.


Gold Development 

Athletes in this level are 12+ years old

The focus of this squad’s training program is to offer training that is specific to the demands of racing, and bridge the gap from the general speed and endurance work that is done before the onset of puberty.

Athletes will be challenged mentally and physically at practice as they learn to manage themselves through more complex training objectives.

Training based for fitness and performance at all competitive levels.

Stroke maintenance and social based training would be available here for multisport athletes.

Dryland movement based strength maintenance and training education


Train to Compete

Athletes in this level are 8 to 12 years old

Stroke progressions are used in warm up and cool down.

New skills for training are introduced, working with clock,breath control and timing.

Practice times increase slightly in length. Distances swum will increase. Focus is on teaching.

Beauty for speed.

Dryland muscle memory based body weight exercises, stretch intro.

Breathing techniques for timing in the water and social interaction.


Stroke Development

Athletes in this level are 7 to 10 years old

Stroke progressions are taught until mastery. Stroke maintenance along with components of fitness learning how to take heart rate, how and when to use the information learned.

Confidence in the water and with the competitive skills being taught. Intro to blocks and tumbles in water for competitive skills introduction.

Dryland at this stage is similarly repetitive muscle memory slow movement and bodyweight only strength movement physical literacy-based learning social interaction with their teammates.

Swimmers in this squad will develop the habits and skills that they will rely on as they progress in the program: reading the clock, counting strokes, breathing patterns, push-offs, dives, racing confidence.

Swimmers will be taught to see themselves as athletes not participants, and as racers not as recreational swimmers.

They will continue to develop their love of water.


Introduction to Stroke

Athletes in this level are 7 & under (with the ability to swim independantly for 25m or one pool length).

This program is designed to expose young swimmers to competitive swimming strokes, techniques, and skills.  The goal of the Intro group (pre-competitive) is to set the foundation from which effortless and efficient strokes can be built.  The stroke drills and land marking sequences used are designed to develop a sense of relaxation, floatation, balance, and effortless movement.  The skills and drills introduced at this level are those that are used throughout the program.


Recreation Program - *new for 2023-24

Athletes in this program are 6+ with little swim experience.

This program will introduce athletes to swimming with the goal, similar to Intro to Stroke, to expose new swimmers to swimming strokes, techniques and skills. The focus will be on swimming development and fitness. This is a non-competitive group with no swim meets. Swimmers will be in the pool once a week.

Choose one of the following:

Mondays - 6:15 - 7:15 pm

Fridays -  6:30 - 7:30 pm - Swimmers registered for the Fridays must be able to swim a length of the pool independently. If unsure, please contact [email protected] to set up an assessment. 


Masters - *new for 2023-24

This is for swimmers 18+ who are looking to maintain their swimming skills, techniques and fitness. A workout will be provided by the Head Coach. Limited space available as this program will run on one morning session along with the senior swimmers, but the group will have their own separate lane.

Thursday - 6:00 - 7:30 am


The Alumni group is open to former NHAC members who have gone to post secondary education and who wish to return as club members during breaks in their education.  This group will also be open to previous / past team members who comply with Swim Ontario regulations.  These members will train with the Gold group and will be expected to adhere to the requirements of that group.


Our team attends a wide variety of swim meets throughout the season.  Meets are an essential part of our program because they provide an opportunity for our swimmers to apply the knowledge and skill that they have attained during practice.  Practices are generally cancelled when the team attends swim meets and, while attendance is not mandatory, meets are considered to be part of our training program.  (The NHAC fee structure account for the fact that some practices are cancelled due to meets for our senior athletes.) Meets are posted on the Events section found on our home page.  There will be information to let you know which groups should be attending.