Board of Director Job Descriptions
Position Description
General Chair

The Oklahoma Swimming General Chair is responsible for the overall administration and management of the LSC. The General Chair is the Chairman/Chairwomen of the Board of Directors. The General Chair oversees board and executive committee meetings and works in partnership with fellow members to make sure board resolutions are carried out.

Admin Vice-Chair

The Oklahoma Swimming Admin Vice-Chair has many duties and responsibilities. The main duty of the Admin Vice-Chair being assisting the General Chair, mainly with administrative matters of the LSC, as directed by the General Chair. The Administrative Vice-chair shall aid in the development of policy and the coordination of the activities of the officers and committees within the division internally and with other divisions, and committees. Please see the list of Duties and Responsibilities of the Admin Vice-Chair for a detailed list.
Finance Vice-Chair
The Oklahoma Swimming Finance Vice-Chair provides financial advice and budget review to the LSC. The Finance Vice-Chair prepares and recommends the annual budget and is also a member of the Budget and Finance Committee. The Finance Vice-Chair is the Chief Financial Officer of the  OKS LSC, is responsible for the OKS LSC investments, and plays a part in putting together the OKS LSC Marketing and Fundraising plan. The Finance Chair is responsible for our audit, and also for the LSC’s internal financial controls.
Senior Program Vice-Chair

The Oklahoma Swimming Senior Vice-Chair shall chair and have general charge of the affairs and property of the Division that develops and conducts the senior swimming program of the OKS LSC. The Senior Vice-Chair serves as a liaison to the Athlete Representatives and the Athletes Committee and shall be responsible to see that the Athlete Representatives elections are held in accordance with these Bylaws. The Senior Vice-Chair is responsible for oversight and direction of the LSC's Senior swimming program and is also responsible for the planning and coordination of regular season senior meets and Senior Championships. One of the main responsibilities of the Senior Vice-Chair is ensuring OKS athletes get reimbursement from approved National Level meets.

Age Group Vice-Chair

The Oklahoma Swimming Age Group Vice-Chair is responsible for the oversight and direction of the LSC's Age Group swimming program. The Age Group Vice-Chair is responsible for the planning and coordination of regular season age group meets and the series of age group championship meets. The Age Group Vice-Chair also plans for the needs of  the Age Group level of our sport, and generates, evaluates, and communicates ideas, which will assist Oklahoma Swimming in planning and developing quality age group swimming programs. The Age Group Vice-Chair is also involved in, but not limited to, Adaptive Swimming, Camps/Clinics, Technical Planning, Time Standards, and the OKS Zone Team.


The Secretary, or a delegate, shall be responsible for keeping a record of all meetings of the OKS LSC House of Delegates and Board of Directors, conducting official correspondence, issuing meeting and other notices and making such reports to USA Swimming as are required by Article 608 of these Bylaws and shall perform the other duties incidental to the office of Secretary. The Secretary shall be custodian of the records of the OKS LSC, and attest to the execution of all duly authorized instruments. The Secretary shall cause to be kept copies of all minutes, official correspondence, meeting and other notices, and any other records of OKS LSC. The Secretary's custody of the minute books and other records shall be as a fiduciary for OKS LSC and shall end when the Secretary leaves office and shall pass them on to the successor Secretary.

Coaches Representative

The Oklahoma Swimming Coaches Representative is responsible for conveying information from the Coach’s Committee to the Board of Directors. The Coaches Rep represents the LSC's coaches and their positions to the Board of Directors and House of Delegates regarding the LSC's policies and procedures and coaching direction.

Senior Athlete Rep
At Large Senior Athlete Rep
Junior Athlete Rep
At Large Junior Athlete Rep

The Oklahoma Swimming Athlete Rep represents the OKS LSC's athletes' views and desires and coordinates athlete legislation within the OKS LSC. The Athlete Rep represents Oklahoma Swimming’s athletes to USA Swimming. The Athlete Representatives shall serve as the liaison between the athletes who are members of OK LSC and the Board of Directors and House of Delegates. The Senior Athlete Representative shall chair the Athletes’ Committee. The Junior Athlete Reps assist the Senior Athlete Reps.

Governance Committee Chair  
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Chair  
Official's Committee Chair  
Safe Sport Chair  
General Manager

The Oklahoma Swimming Treasurer shall be the principal receiving and disbursing officer of the OKS LSC. Except as otherwise directed by the Finance Vice-Chair, the Finance Committee or the Board of Directors, the Treasurer shall receive all moneys, incomes, fees and other receipts of OK LSC and  pay all bills, salaries, expenses and other disbursements approved by an authorized officer, committee chair, the Finance Vice-Chair, the Finance Committee, the Board of Directors or the House of Delegates, or required to be paid. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Finance Committee but may not be its chair. The Treasurer shall issue a quarterly report listing the current budget variances by line item, all receipts, all expenditures and the current fund and account balances for the preceding quarter and for the fiscal year to date, together with such other items as the Finance Vice-Chair, the Finance Committee, the General Chair or the Board of Directors may direct. The Treasurer supervises, deposits, segregates, disperses, and keeps safe all the finances of the OKS LSC.

Board of Directors Orientation - 2021