Welcome to the Home of the Dolphins!


Don Long

July Teen Splash is right around the corner! Save $5 by preregistering at the following link: https://forms.office.com/r/WJDY7iwmHv

Don Long

Scan the QR code above or click here to register: CLICK

Don Long

Our 2024 Practice schedule is attached. A pdf of the schedule for print can be found here.

Don Long

Use the QR code above or link below to preregister. See you there! https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=U6z2wXdrtU2Uck8QTurJagpgpB8_505Fm_37DecpfXVUN0E5NzVPR1A1RlJVQkFQQlBRVzlRMTdJOC4u

Don Long

The sign up for our annual swim-a-thon to benefit Cancer Lifenet is live! Please head to the link below and consider signing up! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E084DAEAD2BA75-swimathon1

Don Long

Practice info for the 2023 season can be found above. Practices will be updated in the Events tab under "Practices"

GoMotion App

We are proud to announce that our new website is officially live. Fountain Green Swim Team has partnered with GoMotion to bring our business a brand new look! Check it out and let us know what you think :)