Fun, Instructive Youth Soccer Programs!
Our Sokker Kidz Program
The Sokker Kidz programs for 2-5-year-old children concentrates on creating and establishing a unique soccer skills environment with professional coaches. Our SokkerKidz 2-3 year old players train once per week for 45 minute while the SokkerKidz 4-5 year old players train for 55 minutes once per week. It is a fun-filled atmosphere that introduces wannabe soccer players to the skills necessary to play the game. A T/Th/S FISA League is also available at our Cocoa location for players 6-12 years of age (more information can be found at
Sokkerkidz classes starting Feb 3, 2024!
For Details contact Coach Trapp (513) 692-3122 or [email protected]