Georgia Swimming


Michele Eickman

Nitros Families, We have had to adjust our LC meet schedule. Please review the new schedule attached here: /ganga/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/nwga-2024-lc-meet-schedule_078427.pdf. Please contact the coaches with any questions. Nitros Board

Michele Eickman

Please see the attached for the upcoming Nitros Spring Practice Schedule. /ganga/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/nwga-spring-2024-practice-schedule-_064949.pdf Also, Mark your calendars for Thursday, April 4 as that is the date we have set for our Annual Swimathon Fundraiser. This is our largest and most important fund raiser of the year that helps support the financials of our Nitros programs. More information will come in the next few weeks. Nitros Board

Michele Eickman

Nitros Families, As mentioned over the last couple of months, we will need to work a little harder at our fundraising to avoid significantly increasing our dues next year to continue to provide the high level of swimming and keep our club thriving. Attached is a corporate sponsorship form we are asking all of you to consider utilizing with local businesses this year to help us raise funds to support our program: /ganga/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/cac-nwga-nitros-sponsorship_003806.pdf If you have any questions please contact Jessica Trimble or Tim Eickman and we will be happy...