2024-2025 Team Information

Team Registration: $100 for 1st swimmer, $75 per each additional swimmer (paid to United Swim Aquatics directly)

The team registration fee will increase to $120 on July 1st, and $130 on August 1st. 


USA Swimming Registration $30-$100 depending on age and number of meets (paid to USA Swimming directly)


Volunteer Fee- $40 each month during September, October, and November

$20 credit will be given to families that volunteer at team hosted meets.


Monthly Dues

No Meets Included (meet events charged directly to account)

$140 per month ------ Unlimited 1.5 hour practices

$120 per month ------  Unlimited 1 hour practices

$100 per month ------ 2x per week 1 hour practices

$85 per month ------- 2x per week for 30 minutes per practice

Swimmers may sign up for meets at any time. 


Fees per meet are set by each host. Fees will be added directly to each about and must be paid before meet. There is a fee per event plus a fee per swimmer that will be calculated for swimmers attending meets. 



Discount for multiple swimmers: $5 off monthly dues per additional swimmer

Pay for 4 months- 5% discount (no refunds)

Pay for 8 months- 10% discount (no refunds)

Extra fees-

Off Campus PE- $50 per semester- Klein ISD


Tentative Schedule 

Start time (end time will depend on practice group)

3:45 pm Senior + Senior Elite (High School Age)

4:45 pm Elementary Elite + Red+ Blue (Elementary Age)

5:45 pm Junior + Junior Elite (Middle School Age)

Swimmers may be moved based on ability levels. 

Practices may include both in-the-water and out-of-the-water workouts.