The MACR Sharks compete in two leagues throughout the year.  The YMCA League and the USA Swimming League

Regular season meets are held on weekends and typically last one to two days.  There are a few differences between YMCA and USA Swim Meets.  Please see below:

YMCA Swim Meets

  • Swimmers typicaly choose 3 individual events.  Coaches will assign up to 2 relays per swimmer.
  • There is no cost to enter YMCA Swim Meets.
  • Meets can last up to 5 hours depending on number of swimmers entered and facility size.
  • Swimmers age is calcuated as of Dec 1st of the current competition year.
  • Entries are typically due one week prior to the start of the competition.

USA Swim Meets

  • Swimmers can choose anywhere from 1-11 events depending on the competition.  Coaches will assign relays as needed.
  • Each event has a 'per event' cost or a 'per meet' cost.  This is assigned by the meet host.
  • Meets are restricted to a maximum of 4 hours per session.
  • Swimmers age is calcuated as of the 1st day of the competition date.
  • Entries can be due as far as one month ahead of the meet date.

For a full list of current YMCA and USA Swim Meets for the MACR Sharks please click the following link: SWIM MEETS