Season Overview

The DOLLS softball program runs two main seasons: spring and fall.

Spring Season: Sign-ups usually wrap up by late February, giving the board enough time to sort out teams and divisions. Coaches get picked around mid-March, and practices kick off in early April. Throughout April, we're hitting those practices hard, gearing up for games from May to the end of June. Expect around 10-12 games, scattered across both weekdays and weekends.

Fall Season: Sign-ups close around late July, letting the board get everything sorted for teams and divisions. Coaches are chosen around mid-August, and practices start rolling in the last week of August. We'll be practicing through August and playing games from September to October's end. Typically, there are 8-10 games, spread out over both weekdays and weekends. Towards the end of the season, we stick to weekends for games because the daylight hours start getting shorter in the afternoons.