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Officers/Executive Board
President - Joanie Hendricks
The President shall preside at all Board Meetings, Executive Board Meetings, and Official  Corporation Meetings. He/She is responsible for preparing a written agenda for each monthly  board meeting, and to notify board members of upcoming meetings. In collaboration with the
board, the president shall appoint various chairpersons to head up committees which carry out  the functions of the organization. The President has privileges of signing all official  documentation generated by the Board.
1st Vice President - Kari Haston
The 1st Vice President is the “Membership Coordinator”. His/Her primary responsibilities are  the direct guidance of the Level Representatives regarding their duties, overseeing the efficient  communication within the corporation and will greet new members so that they experience a
smooth transition into our program. The 1st Vice President will fill in for the President upon  his/her absence and he/she may also sign official documents of the corporation including  checks when necessary.
2nd Vice President - Christy Barajas
The 2nd Vice President shall oversee Fundraising Efforts of the club with specific duties of  organizing the fundraising schedule and ensuring that each fundraising opportunity and  program is properly and efficiently managed. The 2nd Vice President will work closely with the  Treasurer in order to determine that the proceeds generated from the fundraisers endeavors  are productive. He/She may also sign documents of the corporation including checks when  necessary and will fill in for President and 1st VP in the event of their combined absence.
Treasurer - Michelle Otstot   -  email
The Treasurer shall supervise all financial affairs of the corporation including the direct planning  of the corporation’s budget including the Derby Classic Budget. He/She should possess an  understanding of the financial obligations of the corporation and will maintain fiscal  responsibility for the club. The Treasurer is responsible for all bookkeeping matters associated  with the corporation. He/She will make bank deposits, keep accurate financial records, pay bills  on a timely basis and will report the financial status of the corporation to the board at monthly  meetings. The Treasurer has privileges of signing all official documentation generated by the  Board.
Bookkeeper - Anna Jackson
The Bookkeeper shall keep all records of Booster Club Members fees payments and fundraising,  assist Derby Classic registrar, and assist the Treasurer as needed. The bookkeeper may have  check writing privileges.
Secretary - Amanda Thomas
The Secretary shall execute all legal documents and papers authorized by the Board. He/She is  also responsible for keeping, recording and posting the minutes for each Board Meeting as well  as the Annual Meeting(s) of the corporation. It is also the responsibility of the secretary to
oversee and implement the Election of the Officers for subsequent years. Additionally, the  Secretary will work closely with the Booster Club’s Web page administrator(s) and will oversee  any and all printed material generated specifically by the Executive Board for distribution to the  membership or to a Public Forum. As an officer, the Secretary has check writing privileges.
Team Level Representative Responsibilities
  • Attend all board meetings, pass on information to team parents, and bring concerns of the parents to the attention of the board. It is very important to attend all scheduled meetings so that you can keep your team informed about issues that concern them. If you cannot attend a meeting, notify the President or the 1st VP as far in advance as possible.
  • Keep parents informed of fund-raisers and other activities within the club. During the course of the year there will be many opportunities to take part in Booster Club activities. You will make sure that your team members are aware of these activities.
  • Assist the AAK competition coordinator and coaches in distributing meet information. Keep parents informed on meet dates and any changes. The competition coordinator will arrange hotel accommodations, maps, and other pertinent information for coaches. The Level Rep should assist in any way possible, report your team’s results and information at the board meetings. Each Level Rep should be ready to relay their team’s progress at the meeting.
  • Assist the banquet committee in keeping scores during the year for the end of the year trophy.
  • Remind parents of specific “due dates”. There are various dates throughout the year when payments from members are due. The level rep will work with the Treasurer and Bookkeeper to maintain these fee payments.
  • Welcome New gymnasts and their families. You are often the first contact that a new member has with the Booster Club. Level Reps should try to make new members feel welcome and meet periodically with your team’s Head Coach.
  • Make sure that you keep your coaches aware of social gathering, special activities, special trips, banquets, and parent concerns is a major responsibility. Ask the Coach if he/she has any concerns that need to be addresed. Rsecognize the coaches’ birthdays and other special occasions. It is your responsibility to organize team gifts for your level, and/or coordinate with other reps/parents to make special arrangements. Our coaches work very hard for our children…it is impotrant that their efforts are recognized.
  • Take your responsibility seriously. Champion Gymnastics is one of the top clubs in the region. As previously mentioned, the success the Booster Club enjoys is a result of solid teamwork. The Booster Club owes it to our gymnasts and coaches to work as hard for them as they do for Champion.

​2023-2024 Level Reps:

2: Blankenbaker - Maddie Green and Rachel Whitis, Oldham - Kristin Klein
3: Jennifer Barone and Nicole Reeb
4: Miranda Bolanos and Jamie Webber
6: Amanda Fow
7: Lindsay May
8-10: Heather Stevens and Jill Owen
Xcel: Tawana Coates and Michelle McFarland
Boys 3-4: Karlie Krinock

Boys 5-10: Leslie Linwick

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