Mailing Address:
St. Croix Swim Club
PO Box 251273
Woodbury, MN 55125

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my child qualified to begin swimming on your swim team? 

Swimmers should be at least 6 years old, and have successfully completed a Level 5 Red Cross swim class (and/or be able to swim at least 50 yards of front crawl and backstroke without stopping).


Where are practices held? 

Most practices during the school year are held at Oak-Land Junior High.  Sometimes, practices are held at Stillwater Junior High, or Oxford Community Center (94 & Lexington). During the summer, some practices are also held at the Highland Park pool, which is an 8-lane, 50-meter pool.  Although convenience for parents is important, pool availability, pool size, and rental prices are all factors that must be considered when booking pool time.

How do I know which group (level) my child should join? 

Coaches decide on the appropriate placement of each swimmer.  Before your child’s first time swimming with our club, you should talk with a coach and provide background information related to your child’s swimming experience (classes a child has completed, strokes a child can swim, distances a child can swim).  If your child has competitive swimming experience, share your child’s times with a coach as well.  A coach may request a try-out before your child’s first practice, or may wait to evaluate your child on the first night of practice.

Can my child try a few practices before we decide whether to join the team?

If you are new to our club, your child may come to practices with our club, at the beginning of a season, for one week, at a cost of $10.00 per practice that your child attends.  Please have $10.00 cash with you at each practice, or write a check for $10.00 made out to SCSC.  At the end of one week of practices, please let your coach know if your swimmer intends to join the team.  Try-out fees will NOT be applied towards session fees.

How long is each swim season? 

There are two swim seasons:  Short Course which runs from September until March and Long Course which runs from April until July. 

How much does each swim season cost? 

The cost of each season depends on the group your child swims in.  Please refer to the "Swim Dues" tab under "General Information" for current dues

Can we receive a refund if we quit before the end of a season? 

By registering for a swim season, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions, including financial responsibility for different types of fees and expenses which are charged for that season.  No refunds will be given to swimmers that quit the team before the end of a season, subject to the terms below. 

Once a swimmer is registered for a swim season, the following fees are not refundable, regardless of when the decision not to participate is made:

  • MSI and USA Swimming expenses

  • Meet registration expenses for which the deadline has already passed

  • Registration fees, which are charged at the below rates and times



If Registration is Made During the Regular Registration Period for an Active Swimmer:

(as listed on the SCSC website)

If Registration is Made After the Regular Registration Period or for New or Inactive Swimmers:

(as listed on the SCSC website)

Registration Fees Due



Swim dues (regardless of the payment schedule chosen) are non-refundable once the following dates have passed for the respective swim season:

Short Course Season

August 31

Long Course Season

March 31


Can we receive a refund for missed practices?

No refunds will be given to swimmers that miss practice due to a vacation, participation in other sports/activities, or short-term illnesses.

Can my child start swimming in the middle of a season? 

Swimmers start at the beginning of each season.

How long is each practice? 

The length of each practice varies based on the group.  Most of the time, Silver Rays have a 1 hour practice, Blue Rays have a 1.5 hour practice, Juniors have a 2 hour practice, and Seniors have a 2 hour practice (plus 30 minutes of dry land training when indicated on the practice calendar).

Is my child expected to attend every practice? 

Although coaches would love to see every swimmer attend every practice, they realize that other family obligations may make that impossible.  It is recommended that Silver Rays attend at least 2 practices per week, Blue Rays at least 3 practices per week, Juniors at least 4 practices per week, and Seniors should attend all 5 practices per week.  There are no refunds for missed practices.

Does my child need to show up early for practice? 

Swimmers should arrive at practice 15 minutes before the scheduled practice time.  During the 15 minutes before practice, swimmers should remove outer clothing, put on a swim cap and goggles, gather any additional equipment, and meet the coach on deck.  However, swimmers should NOT go on the swim deck until their coach arrives on deck.  Please make every effort to have your swimmer on deck, ready to swim, on time.  Parents and non-swimmer family members are not allowed on deck.

What should my child wear to each swim practice? 

It is recommended that swimmers wear a practice swim suit (not a beach swim suit or bikini), a swim cap, and goggles.  If you need to purchase swim related apparel or equipment, we recommend Elsmore Aquatic.  You can shop online with Elsmore Aquatic.  Please make sure younger swimmers arrive at practice with their swimsuits on underneath their clothing so time does not need to be wasted in the locker room changing clothes.  All clothing, shoes, and bags should be left in the bleachers with parents. Shoes should never be worn on deck by anyone other than the coaches.  

Does my child need to bring any special equipment to practice? 

All swimmers should bring a water-bottle on deck during practice.  Be sure the bottle is labeled with your child’s name, is not made of glass, and contains water only.  Water bottles should not be left on deck after practice - please take home to recycle or wash.  Depending on the group your child is in, other equipment may be recommended/required, and can be purchased through Elsmore Aquatic.  Your coach will let you know what equipment your swimmer needs.  See the "Apparel & Gear" tab for more information.  It will be acceptable to your coach if you do not have the other equipment for the first couple of weeks of your first session with our club.

Can I watch my child’s practice? 

Parents may watch practice from the bleachers inside the pool area.  However, please do not make any attempt to talk to or "coach" your child from the bleachers.  Do not make any attempt to talk to your child’s coach during practice either, except in the case of an emergency.  The coach will tell your child everything they need to know.  Your role is to support and encourage your swimmer, while resisting the urge to be a second coach to your child.  Please remain in the bleachers - do not go on deck.  Assure your child that you will meet him/her in the bleachers at the end of practice.

When can I talk to my child’s coach? 

If you’d like to talk to a coach while at a practice, if possible, please wait until AFTER practice.  Before each swim practice, your child’s coach will be busy preparing for practice, putting in lane lines, reviewing the prepared workout, etc.  This is usually not a good time for parents to talk to a coach.  After practice, however, you may talk with your child’s coach in the bleacher area.  Please be respectful of your coach’s time, and be aware that other parents may be waiting to talk to the coach, too.  If you need to have an extended or private conversation with a coach, consider emailing or phoning a coach instead of approaching the coach on her/his way out of practice.

Can my child use the locker rooms after practice? 

Children may use the locker rooms to shower and change after practice.  However, it it HIGHLY recommended that parents of children under 12 years of age supervise their children in the locker room.  This recommendation is related to both appropriate behavior in a locker room as well as child safety.  The coaches are NOT in the locker rooms to supervise and provide security...this should be done by parents.  Of course, only same gender parents are allowed in locker rooms (there are no family locker rooms).  Consider having your swimmer NOT use the locker room if you are not able/willing to supervise a child under 12.  One other thing, swimmers have 15 minutes following practice to be out of the locker room and pool area.  Swimmers that are too slow in the locker room, or exhibit inappropriate behavior in the locker room, will lose their locker room privileges.

Where should I pick up my child after practice? 

For safety reasons, unless a child has driven himself or herself to a practice, a child’s parent should meet the child inside the building (or inside the pool area for an outdoor pool) NOT IN THE PARKING LOT.  Swimmers must be picked up no later than 15 minutes after the end of practice (as posted on the calendar), or parents will be assessed a penalty fee of $5.00 per minute late.  Please be respectful of your coach's time!  ALL children, regardless of age, should exit the locker room into the pool area before leaving practice when practice is at Oak-Land Junior High.  Please remind your child not to wear shoes on the pool deck!  Swimmers can put their shoes on in the bleachers before leaving practice.