Updated 8/7/23  

Our training groups are mainly determined by ability, with age as an additional factor.   Within each training group, swimmers are organized into sub groups, based on ability, to ensure maximum training effectiveness.  Training groups and sub groups will be determined solely by the coaches.  Attendance may be a factor in determining appropriate grouping.  

There are no minimum practice attendance requirements.  The more practices you swimmer attends, the more they will get out of the program

Senior  Group

Ages 13 & Over.  Advanced Emphasis on conditioning, technique and race strategy.  Dry Land workouts 2+ times a week. 

Senior Prep Group

Ages 11 - 13 .  Continued emphasis on technique. Increased focus on conditioning in preparation for the move to Senior Group 

Junior  Group

Ages 8-12.  Intermediate and Advanced Instruction in competitive swim stroke.  Solid focus on racing technique and physical development.

Dolphin Group 

Ages 5-9.  Introduction and instruction in the four competitive swimming strokes. Competition is optional but encouraged.