FLSwimming, Inc. was originally established in South Florida in October of 2008, offering swim programs for people of all ages and experience levels. We have since grown and expanded into Omaha, Nebraska, and areas of Colorado providing aquatic instruction and training.

FLSwimming, Inc. offers a variety of programs for all ages and all levels of experience, including parent & child classes, preschool and elementary-aged group lessons, intermediate to advanced level lessons, adult programs, stroke refinement, swim team, and master's swim team programs.

In small groups or individual settings, our instructors and coaches focus on fun, water safety, and proper technique. We create a positive, supportive atmosphere with our primary goal being to establish a strong foundation in our students while instilling a passion for swimming so that both child and their families can enjoy a lifetime of water activities.

For further information please email us at [email protected] or 954.684.2408