Hammerheads I:
This program is designed to help young athletes begin the transition from swim lessons to the competitive swimming environment . Swimmers will focus on building the proper foundations and strengthening their abilities in the water. Swimmers will take the steps to become USA swimming registered and participate in their first competitions.
Ages: 6-9 years old
Practice Schedule: 2 days / week
Able to swim a legal 25 Freestyle and Backstroke
Able to kick a 25 on their back
Invited to attend select home meets
Must dive from the side unless the swimmer has completed the USA Swimming Dive Progression (taught in practice)
Equipment List:
Goggles + backup goggles (2)
Cap + backup cap (2)
Fins (Arena Powerfin Pro II or DMC Elite II)
Kickboard (Speedo)
Hammerheads II:
This program is designed to help young athletes continue to build on the foundations developed and prepare to enter the competitive programs. Swimmers will focus on building proper technique and learning the necessary skills to train. Swimmers will continue to gain experience in meets.
Ages: 6-9 years old
Practice Schedule: 3 days / week
Able to swim a legal 50 Freestyle and Backstroke
Able to kick a 50 in streamline on their back
Able to perform a butterfly kick legally
Possess a teachable understanding of the breastroke kick
Able to push off the wall (on both back and side) correctly
Able to perform a front start using the blocks
Invited to attend all home meets
Equipment List:
Goggles + backup goggles (2)
Cap + backup cap (2)
Fins (Arena Powerfin Pro II or DMC Elite II)
Kickboard (Speedo)
Makos I:
Makos I is for swimmers ready to transition from the development groups to competitive groups as well as swimmers with competitive swimming experience. During training, swimmers will be introduced to aerobic conditioning and speed work, while continuing to build proper technical and skill foundations. Swimmers will begin to compete in a variety of events and strokes.
Ages: 7-10 years old
Practice Schedule: 4 days / week (3 weekdays + Saturday)
Able to swim a legal 100 Individual Medley
Able to kick a 100 in streamline on their back
Able to perform a legal Butterfly and Breastroke kick
Able to push off the wall (on both back and side) correctly and maintain streamline for 2-3 underwater dolphin kicks
Able to perform a front and backstroke start using the blocks
Able to read the pace clock and leave at the appropriate time
Must have maintained a 66% average over every two week period (4/6 practices) in previous group
We will make an exception to attendance requirements for multi-sport athletes
100% attendance is recommended in order to obtain the best progression and results
Expected to attend all home meets
Expected to attend at least one away meet
Equipment List:
Goggles + backup Goggles (2)
Cap + backup Cap (2)
Kickboard (Speedo)
Water Bottle
Mesh Bag
Snorkel (Speedo)
Fins (Arena Powerfin Pro II or DMC Elite II)
Running Shoes for dryland
Pull Buoy (Speedo)
Makos II:
Makos II is designed for more advanced 8-11 year olds. Swimmers will focus on aerobic conditioning, speed development, and advanced technique. Swimmers will be expected to compete in all IMX events.
Ages: 8-11 years old
Practice Schedule: 5 days / week (4 weekdays + Saturday)
Able to swim a legal 200 IM
Able to kick a 100 in streamline on their back in less than 2:15
Able to swim a 100 of every stroke legally
Able to push off wall (both back and side) correctly and maintain streamline for 3-4 underwater dolphin kicks
Able to perform a front and backstroke start using the blocks
Able to read the pace clock, keep track of intervals, and leave at the appropriate time
Must have maintained a 70% average over every two week period (~5 / 8 practices) in previous group
We will make an exception to attendance requirements for multi-sport athletes
100% attendance is recommended in order to obtain the best progression and results
Expected to attend all home meets
Expected to attend at least two away meets
Equipment List:
Goggles + backup Goggles (2)
Cap + backup Cap (2)
Kickboard (Speedo)
Water Bottle
Mesh Bag
Snorkel (Speedo)
Fins (Arena Powerfin Pro II or DMC Elite II)
Running Shoes for dryland
Pull Buoy (Speedo)
Tigersharks is designed for swimmers ready to take the next step in competitive swimming. During practice, emphasis will be placed on developing advanced technique, while introducing a higher level of conditioning and aerobic training. Athletes will begin to develop leadership skills both in and out of the water. Swimmers will be expected to compete in all IMR events.
Ages: 11-14
Practice Schedule: 5 days / week (4 weekdays + Saturday)
Must have legally completed a 200 IM and 200 NFR in competition
Able to kick a 200 in streamline on their back
Must have legally completed a 100 of all strokes in competition
Able to push off the wall correctly (both back and side) and maintain streamline for 3-4 underwater dolphin kicks
Able to perform a front start and drive off the block
Able to perform a backstroke start and lead with hips off wall
Able to read the pace clock, keep track of intervals, and leave at the appropriate time
Must have maintained a 70% average over every two week period (7/10 practices) in previous group
We will make an exception to attendance requirements for multi-sport athletes
100% attendance is recommended in order to obtain the best progression and results
Expected to attend all home meets
Expected to attend at least two away meets
Equipment List:
Goggles + backup Goggles (2)
Cap + backup Cap (2)
Kickboard (Speedo)
Water Bottle
Mesh Bag
Snorkel (Speedo)
Fins (Arena Powerfin Pro II or DMC Elite II)
Running Shoes for dryland
Buoy (Speedo)
Paddles (Strokemakers, Speedo Power Paddle Plus, or Sporti Power Swim Paddles)
Tempo Trainer (Finis
Great Whites:
Great Whites is designed for the most advanced age group athletes. Emphasis will be placed on training to compete at the highest level (Age Group Champs, Sectionals, and beyond). The concepts of mental and race specific training will be introduced, while athletes continue to develop advanced technique and the highest levels of fitness. Swimmers will be expected to create clear and specific goals. Great White swimmers will be expected to understand the importance of consistent attendance and being on time to training and competitions.
Ages: 12-14 years old
Practice Schedule: 6 days / week (5 weekdays + Saturday)
Must have completed all 200’s, 400 IM, and 500 FR in competition
Will be expected to complete the 1000 and 1650
Either 2 Age Group Championship or 1 Age Group Sectionals qualifying time standard(s)
Athletes are expected to attend all practices unless notice is given to and approved by coaches
We will make an exception to attendance requirements for multi-sport athletes
Expected to attend all meets
Equipment List:
Goggles + backup Goggles (2)
Cap + backup Cap (2)
Kickboard (Speedo)
Water Bottle
Mesh Bag
Snorkel (Speedo)
Fins (Arena Powerfin Pro II or DMC Elite II)
Paddles (Strokemakers, Speedo Power Paddle Plus, or Sporti Power Swim Paddles)
Tempo Trainer (Finis)
Drag sox (ONESwim Powerbags)
Running Shoes for dryland
Buoy (Speedo)
High-School Fit:
High-School Fit provides an opportunity for athletes who compete with their schools an opportunity to continue to train without committing to the needs of the competitive program. Swimmers will focus on continuing to develop their physical and technical skills. A large emphasis will be placed on aerobic conditioning to provide athletes the strongest base to build on during their school seasons.
Ages: Currently enrolled in high school
Practice Schedule: 3 practices / week
Able to legally swim all four strokes
Able to read a pace clock
Teachable understanding of how to perform starts
Teachable understanding of how to push off the wall
There are no attendance expectations for this group
Equipment List:
Goggles + backup Goggles (2)
Cap + backup Cap (2)
Kickboard (Speedo)
Water Bottle
Mesh Bag
Snorkel (Speedo)
Fins (Arena Powerfin Pro II or DMC Elite II)
Pull Buoy (Speedo)
Senior is designed as the entry point for athletes moving from the Age Group Program into the Senior Program. Emphasis will be placed on continuing to develop physical and technical skills, while also building the fitness levels needed in order to compete at a high level.
Ages: 15-18 years old
Practice Schedule: 5 days / week (4 weekdays + Saturday)
Must have legally completed a 200 IM and two 200 NFR’s (different strokes) in competition
Expected to work towards completing a 400 IM
Able to kick a 200 in streamline on their back
Able to perform starts with proper form and power leaving the blocks
Able to read the pace clock, keep track of intervals, and leave at the appropriate time
Able to swim a 25 underwater dolphin kicks without a breath (without fins)
Must have maintained a 70% average over every two week period (7/10 practices) in previous group
We will make an exception to attendance requirements for multi-sport athletes
100% attendance is recommended in order to obtain the best progression and results
Expected to attend all home meets
Expected to attend at least two away meets
Equipment List:
Goggles + backup Goggles (2)
Cap + backup Cap (2)
Kickboard (Speedo)
Water Bottle
Mesh Bag
Snorkel (Speedo)
Fins (Arena Powerfin Pro II or DMC Elite II)
Tech Suit (Speedo)
Running Shoes for dryland
Buoy (Speedo)
Paddles (Strokemakers, Speedo Power Paddle Plus, or Sporti Power Swim Paddles)
Tempo Trainer (Finis)
Blender Bottle
Optional Lifters (Shoes)
Red Parachutes (Sporti or Finis)
Drag sox (ONESwim Powerbags)
High Performance:
This program is for athletes generally 15 years of age and older. This group will be a cohesive training group that works together to assist the most dedicated and motivated swimmers to reach their individual goals and begin to expand those goals. Practice goals are geared towards achieving qualifying times for USA Sectionals, Futures and beyond. Athletes will have clearly defined goals, high aspirations, good time management skills and willingness to commit to the training necessary to reach their full potential in the sport with Hillsborough Aquatic Club and beyond. Athletes in this group are expected to be leaders and ambassadors for the rest of the program, both at meets and team activities.
Ages: 15-18 (14 may enter based on coaches discretion)
Practice Schedule: 6 practices / week (5 weekdays + Saturday)
Completed all IMX events and all distance events in competition
One of: 5 Senior Championships, 2 Senior Sectional, or 2 ISCA qualifying time standard(s)
Athletes are expected to attend all practices unless notice is given to and approved by coaches
We will make an exception to attendance requirements for multi-sport athletes
Expected to attend all meets
Equipment List:
Goggles + backup Goggles (2)
Cap + backup Cap (2)
Kickboard (Speedo)
Water Bottle
Mesh Bag
Snorkel (Speedo)
Fins (Arena Powerfin Pro II or DMC Elite II)
Tech Suit (Speedo)
Running Shoes for dryland
Buoy (Speedo)
Paddles (Strokemakers, Speedo Power Paddle Plus, or Sporti Power Swim Paddles)
Tempo Trainer (Finis)
Blender Bottle
Optional Lifters (Shoes)
Backup Tech Suit (Speedo)
Red Parachutes (Sporti or Finis)
Drag Sox (ONESwim powerbags)