Covid-19 Procedures

Ryan Westhafer

NCAP Burke Families,

With the cases rising in our area we wanted to remind everyone of our protocols. Let us know if you have questions.

Burke Coaching Staff


NCAP Burke Training Facility

Covid-19 Exposure & Positive Test Procedures:

  • If your athlete or a member of their household is exposed to Covid-19 OR tests positive for Covid-19, please do the following:
    • The athlete(s) must stay out of practice until cleared by the office to return.
    • Email Kim Spina ([email protected]) and Ryan Westhafer ([email protected])  with as much information as possible about the exposure or timeline leading up to the positive test. If comfortable, please copy your coach on the email, so they are aware.
      • Kim and Ryan will follow up to relay instructions for your athlete to rejoin practice.
    • Protocols:
      • If an athlete or a member of their household has been exposed, they must:
        • Wait 5 days from the exposure to get tested. Asymptomatic athletes can use a negative test result collected on day 5 (or after) after exposure to return to practice with additional self-monitoring. (The day of exposure is considered day 0.)
        • OR
        • Quarantine for 14 days after the date of exposure
      • If a member of an athlete’s household tests positive for Covid-19, the athlete must stay out of practice for the duration of the member’s isolation and provide a negative test to return.
      • If an athlete tests positive for Covid-19, they will be required to stay out of practice for 10-14 days depending on their symptoms and the recommendation from a medical professional.