$70 Annual Registration Fee per Swimmer

Monthly Payments by Training Groups:

  • Mini Marlins: $110 per month 
  • Level 1: $115 per month
  • Level 2: $120 per month
  • Level 3: $125 per month
  • High School Conditioning: $115 per month
  • Recreational Fitness: $60 per month
  • Masters: $55 per month

**20% off per swimmer for each additional sibling

**Bulk payment of six months = 5% discount of total

**Bulk payment of twelve months = 10% discount of total


Team Swim Suits 

Purchasing a team swimsuit is not required. We will have Marlins team suits for sale soon. Swimmers may also purchase a suit close to our team colors (purple/teal) from Splashwear Aquatics.

Meets & Schedule

While swim meets are not required they are encouraged! They are an incredible social environment, a safe place to see the improvements from all of the hard work that each athlete has put in, and all around lots of fun! If you are unsure if a swim meet is right for your family please speak with your coach.

**Check out the 'Meets & Events' Section for a detailed schedule




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