Lebanon Valley Otters Swim Team



MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK! Otters are a great family!
What makes us great? -The willingness to help and support each other!

All families are required to volunteer to help at meets and donate food or other items to the concessions stand. Volunteer sign ups will be found under the "Meet Sign Ups" tab once summer swim meets start.  An email will be sent prior to each meet with a link to our website in order for sign up home and away dual meets and for All-Stars.

At this time, we do not know what the post season championships will look like.  In the past, we have hosted the MPSL All-Star meet and hope to again this year.  This meet will take place on Sunday, July 21st. Every family, whether or not they have a child participating, is expected to contribute to our team’s efforts as host of the Mid-Penn All-Star Meet.  Every family is asked to help set up and tear down for the All-Star Meet.  Additionally, every family is asked to staff one of the many volunteer positions on meet day.  For those vacationing on meet day and therefore unable to serve, we have some “leg work” positions that can be completed prior to All-Star weekend.  If you are unable to serve on meet day, we ask that you volunteer for one of these positions.

Please see below for job descriptions.

Dual/All-Star Meet Volunteer Descriptions

Timer: Is responsible for timing one lane.  Working this job gives you one of the best viewing areas in the house! This job only requires starting and stopping a stopwatch and recording the time on a time card.
Ribbons: Placing name, race, time labels on ribbons.  This is a great job for someone who prefers a job that allows you to sit down while working.
Finish Judge: Record, first, second, & third, place finishes of each “live” event.
Official (Starter/Stroke and Turn): Must have certification (For information on certification contact Maureen Rudy.)
Snack Bar: Helps organize, sell, and sometimes cook items at our bake sale table.  Working the snack bar is like running your family’s kitchen except it’s much more social and fun!
Bulkhead, meet set-up, and tear down: Sounds like a lot of work and it is, but doing it the “Otter” way is always a lot of fun!  We need lots of muscle and manpower to install and take down the bulkhead.  We encourage the women and children to come along and help set-up/tear down the snack bar.
Computers: Connecting wires, running Meet Manager, double-checking the timing system, and scoring the meet.   If you really want to know what’s going on, this is the place to be.
Swimmer Line-up: Lining up swimmers that are ages 10 and under for their events.   Volunteering here is a great way to get to know all our wonderful swimmers.   This is a great job for someone who has younger swimmers!
Banquet Committee: Planning and organizing our end of the season banquet.
Team/Coaches Gift Committee: Researching and buying the team/coaches end of season gifts.
Parking Committee: Parking cars for the All-Star Meet.
Admissions Committee: Working the various admissions gates at the All-Star Meet.  You will be responsible for collecting entrance fees and selling the program.
Snack Bar Runner: Running for pizza, ice, and other items for the concession stand during the All-Star Meet.
T-Shirt Sales:  Filling pre-order All-Star t-shirt sales and selling t-shirts during the All-Star Meet.
Clerk of Course: Calling and organizing all the swimmers in the staging area before each event at the All-Star Meet.
Hospitality:  Playing host/hostess at the officials and coaches tent during the All-Star Meet.  Responsibilities included keeping the tent well stocked of food and cold drinks.
Program Committee: Collecting sponsors and ads for the All-Star Meet program.  If you live in the Annville area, this is the job for you.  This position requires collecting ads from businesses and Otter families for space in the program, taking candid photos of the swimmers to place in the program, and getting the program and heat sheets printed. Once the program is printed, you’re done!  
Donations Committee: Retaining donations for the All-Star Meet snack bar.  If you absolutely cannot attend All-Stars, this is an area that you can help with beforehand!