2024 Skyline Dolphins Volunteer Requirements MEET Participation: Each family will be required to staff at least 8 “volunteer shifts” during the swim season for their first swimmer. For families with more than one swimmer, you will be required to complete 10 "volunteer shifts." One “volunteer shift” consists of working a swim meet position for 1/2 of the swim meet. If a position is required to work the whole meet or you choose to work the whole meet, you will get 2 “volunteer shift” credits. “Volunteer shifts” can also be earned by doing swim team extra activities. We will utilize the Team Unify website for all positions. Families are required to sign up by going to the pool website (skylineswimclub.com) and choosing the Meet Information drop down menu and choosing Volunteer Sign-Up. We have included the descriptions of each position for your information. Family and friends are able to volunteer to help with your required volunteer shifts. If you cannot fulfill your selected date it is your job to find a substitute. We continuously need officials for our swim meets. Please let us know if you can become an official so we can get you registered for the necessary clinic that is mandated by the SSL. Dates & Times of Official Clinics-TBD All meets are run by parent volunteers, therefore it is essential that all families volunteer in some capacity at each meet. Don't worry- there is plenty of opportunity to watch and cheer for your swimmer while working the meet! SSL training is required for the Bolded positions below, but there are many other volunteer opportunities available and training will be provided. Once the official meet schedule is determined those volunteer positions will be posted for sign up on our Team Unify site. Volunteers needed for a successful Meet:
- STARTER/REFEREE: The referee is the head official and ensures that all SSL rules are enforced. The starter advises swimmers at the start of each race as to the stroke and distance. The starter/referee must attend a clinic run by SSL.
- STROKE & TURN JUDGE: Judges observe starts, strokes, and turns of each event; they communicate potential stroke violations to the Referee of the meet. Judges must attend an SSL clinic.
- SCORERS: Two are required from each team. They receive all roster changes, prepare event cards, record event results, and assign, record and total team points. Scorer’s must attend a SSL clinic.
- PLACE JUDGE: Determines the order of finish for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th place in each race.
- HEAD TIMER: Two are needed at each meet to record and verify the names of swimmers in each lane; record finish position, time and possible disqualification of each swimmer in each event. Head timers keep the official stopwatch and an extra in case one of the lane timers has a malfunction.
- TIMER: Six timers are needed at each meet. Timers record each individual swimmer’s time. Additional instructions will be given at the beginning of each meet.
- CLERK OF COURSE: Two are needed for each home meet to line up swimmers prior to their events. Responsibilities include verifying the names of swimmers in each event and assigning lanes to the swimmers. This is a crucial job to keep the meet running smoothly and on time.
- ANNOUNCER: Supplied by the home team. Announces swimmers in the next event and the results of the previous events.
- RIBBON WRITERS: Three volunteers are needed at each meet to record Skyline swimmer’s names, events and times from each race on any ribbons awarded.
- CONCESSION STAND: Five workers are needed to staff the concession stand at each home meet. Volunteers who sign up for the first half of the meet should plan on arriving an hour early to set-up the food and cash boxes. Volunteers who sign up for the second half of the meet should plan on staying to clean up.
- GRILLERS: Three volunteers are needed to work the grills for home swim meets.
- 50/50: A volunteer is needed at home meets to sell 50/50 raffle tickets. Profits support the Swim Team.
- MEET SET-UP/CLEAN-UP: Four volunteers are needed before each home meet to prepare the pool for the meet. Workers need to arrive at the pool by 7am for Saturday meets and 4pm for Wednesday meets. Duties include setting up scorers’ and concessions tent and tables, putting up flags, connecting speaker system, setting up back stroke flags, lining up chairs, and performing any other tasks needed to prepare pool for meet. Four volunteers are also needed at the end of each meet to disassemble the tables and meet accessories and return the pool to its original set-up.
- PHOTOGRAPHER: A volunteer is needed to take pictures at each meet to be posted on our website and to be compiled into a slideshow for our team banquet.
$200 Volunteer Opt Out Fee : Skyline has always been known for active parent involvement – it’s definitely one of the reasons our team has been so successful and fun to be a part of! However, we understand that summers can be busy and hands-on volunteer participation is not always an option for some families. If you cannot meet your volunteer obligations and food donations, you may elect a $200 opt out fee. Please notify one of our swim team coordinators if you prefer this option so we can adjust the volunteer schedule accordingly. Also, we will monitor families “volunteer shifts” and families will be assessed a $25 opt out fee for each “volunteer shift” requirement that is not met. This is to ensure fairness and effective coverage for all of the swim meets. Concessions: For each home meet we also need each family to donate items for the concession stand. This is our biggest fundraiser for the team and will help support the fun activities and events for our swimmers! Prior to the start of the swim season, we ask that each family also make a beverage donation based on your last name (below). Please have it labeled with your last name and bring it to the evening practices the last week of May. We will use these donations at our concession stand throughout the season. Thank you! A- E: Canned Lemonade or Iced Tea (12 pack, 12oz size) F- H: LaCroix Flavored Seltzer Water (12 pack) I- K: Coke (12 pack, 12oz size) L- N: Gatorade (8 pack) O-Q: Sprite (12 pack, 12 oz size) R-T: Diet Coke (12 pack, 12oz size) U- Z: Rootbeer (12 pack, 12 oz size) |