The concession stand at our home meets is our main source of income for our team. We do not have many fundraisers during the summer. The donations you, our team parents, provide will make it a success.

Below is a general guideline of what we offer at each meet. Each family is asked to sign up for concession items at each home meet during the course of the season. 

  • Seasoned Ground Beef for walking taco's
  • Broccoli Salad  (recipe)
  • Pasta Salad  (recipe)
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Celery and Carrots for dipping individually bagged
  • Sliced Onion, Sliced Tomatoes, Lettuce for burgers
  • Shredded Lettuce for taco's
  • Baked Potatoes cooked and wrapped in foil
  • Cookies (wrapped in packages of 2), no nut or peanut butter
  • Brownies (wrapped in packages of 1)

We will supply Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Chick-fil-a, and Pizza as well.

Concession sign-ups can be found by going to the "job sign-up" button for each meet. At the bottom of the page you will see the specific sign-ups for concession food.

Please wrap items individually whenever possible, since plastic wrap, servingware, and time will be in short supply at the meet.

A well-stocked concession stand makes a swim meet more enjoyable for everyone, and your donations go a long way toward helping our team meet financial obligations.

Thank you for your support!


Please note that food donations DO NOT count towards your work requirements.  The sign-up system will not allow us to assign zero work credits to food donations.  That is why food donations are listed as worth .02 credits, the smallest credit allowable.  Food donations are deleted out of the volunteer tracking system when we calculate credits earned per family. 

Need a recipe for salads to donate?  Click here.