SEASON 2024-2025





The Miami Rowing Club is gearing up for an exciting and promising season in 2024-2025


As one of the premier rowing teams in Florida, the club is well-known for its dedication, skill, and competitive spirit. With a rich history of success, the club has consistently produced top-notch rowers who have made their mark in the sport.


Heading into the new season, the Miami Rowing Club has worked tirelessly to build upon their previous achievements and raise the bar even higher. The coaching staff, led by their experienced head coach, has meticulously crafted training programs to enhance the athletes' strength, endurance, and technique. They understand the importance of a solid foundation and have focused on individual and team development.


The club's rowers, a diverse group of talented individuals, are driven by a common goal: to excel on the water and bring glory to their team. They have been practicing countless hours for many days, improving their skills and building camaraderie. 

The dedication and passion they bring to each training session are genuinely inspiring.


The Miami Rowing Club's season will kick off with various local regattas, allowing the team to showcase their progress and test their mettle against fierce competition. These early races will serve as a valuable benchmark for the athletes, allowing them to assess their strengths and identify areas for improvement.

Season 2024-2025 was one of the best seasons in our history!!


As the season progresses, the focus will shift toward more significant and prestigious events. The rowers have set their sights on regional and national championships, where they will face some of the most formidable opponents in the country. The club has a reputation for producing outstanding scullers and sweep rowers, and they intend to demonstrate their prowess on these grand stages.


In addition to its competitive endeavors, the Miami Rowing Club places great importance on fostering a supportive and inclusive team environment. It organizes team-building activities, social events, and community outreach programs to strengthen the bonds between athletes and develop well-rounded individuals. The club takes pride in its close-knit community and believes that a positive team culture contributes to individual and collective success.


With the talent, determination, and meticulous preparation they have exhibited thus far, the Miami Rowing Club is poised for another outstanding season. They are ready to embrace the challenges, push their limits, and leave an indelible mark on the rowing landscape in Florida and beyond. As the rowers glide through the water with synchronized precision, they carry with them the hopes and dreams of their club, knowing that they are part of something extraordinary.


We won six State Championships and Three Southeast Championships, and three boats were in Final A during the Youth National 2024.


For the first time in the MRC's history, we qualified for one of the most prestigious regattas in the world: The Henley Royal Regatta in the UK.


We are so happy in front of the next season, and we invite you to be part of this new history!!


See you soon!


Cesar Herrera

Head Coach/Operations Director