Mission Statement 

Elite Otters Swim Team is dedicated to providing positive encouragement and opportunity for all swimmers to pursue excellence in a safe environment, while also working to build self- discipline, sportsmanship and integrity.  Our primary focus is teaching proper stroke technique, racing skills and building endurance so our swimmers can compete and excel at ELITE levels.  Coaches believe communication, high expectations, and setting goals are critical components in achieving success in life and in the pool.  In addition, EOST strives to create a safe and supportive environment for all swimmers.

Vision Statement 

Elite Otters Swim Team has a vision that every swimmer will reach his/her potential by being motivated to show up on time to train and with intention.  Through intensity and dedication swimmers will improve technique, increase endurance and learn lifelong skills through competitions and interactions with their peers. Our swimmers will persevere through the hard times by being coachable and also observing how others around them are achieving success.  EOST will win humbly and lose gracefully, always showing excellent sportsmanship towards our peers and respect towards coaches, officials and parents.