The DL76ERS here offers training and practice groups for swimmers of all ages and ability levels. Our goal  is to offer age specific training for all of our athletes geared towards challenging each individual and developing each individual to the best of THEIR abilities.

Please call us at 605-641-3702 to schedule a tryout, or Click Here to send us an email request for more information.




              White Group - Beginners: 

White Group is our entry level group. An athlete needs to be able to swim one length of the pool or 25 yards.  Swimmers will learn the four legal competitive strokes, have fun, and perfect start and turn technique.  The group is encouraged to attend the Deadwood swim meets and any of the other swim meets their coach feels they are ready for.

Assistant Coaches: Hailey Trewhella
Workout Days/Times: Monday-Friday @ 3:30 pm


             Blue Group - Intermediate: 

Athletes in the Blue Group must know 3 legal strokes. Coaching will emphasize stroke development and endurance in preparation for competition. Swimmers need to come prepared to work hard and achieve individualized goals!  Blue Group will be encouraged to attend both Deadwood meets, and any other meets their coach feels they are ready for.

Head Coach: Hailey Trewhella
Workout Days/Times: Monday-Friday @ 3:30 pm


             Black Group - Advanced: 

Black group is for advanced and competitive swimmers.  Swimmers are encouraged to attend all swim meets.  Black group is a fun and challenging environment which aims to build confidence and esteem, both in and out the swimming pool.  Athletes will swim roughly 2500-5000 yards each practice. Swimmers will continue to build endurance and strength, while mastering stroke and turn technique.

Head Coach: Sarah Dirksen
Workout Days/Times: Monday- Friday @ 5:00-6:30 pm