Swim Gruoups


Teal – Composed of beginner swimmers, ages 5-12. In this introductory group, the emphasis is on developing the fundamentals of the four strokes by means of drills and games that create an enjoyable atmosphere for instruction. Once teal swimmers have mastered freestyle and backstroke with flip turns in competition, they are promoted to Black group.
Black - This intermediate-novice group has masterd freestyle and backstroke and continues to work on basic butterfly and breaststroke technique. Once swimmers have mastered the fundamentals of all four strokes and have competed in a swim meet, they may be eligble to move to Age Group III.

Age Group III– Swimmers that can perform the four basic strokes, and are ready for refinement of their skills. Emphasis is on more stroke drills, starts and turns, and the basic rules of a competitive swimmer. Age Group swimmers are expected to compete in monthly swim meets.
Age Group I/II – A transitional level, where swimmers move from stroke technique emphasis to a balance of instruction and actual competitive training.  Refinement of stroke technique is important, but greater emphasis begins to be placed on learning how to train. These swimmers can compete in both local and regional competitions.
Senior II – The more skilled and experienced age group swimmers. Emphasis is on serious training for competition. The swimmers participate in a rigorous work program designed to prepare them for the stress of regional and national competition.

Senior I – This is the highest level an ICAC swimmer can attain. The training program at this level is geared toward preparing for national and eventually international competition.