
How do I sign up for my volunteer hours?

Certain team events require parents to sign up for job functions, (CLICK HERE for step by step instructions)

What happens if I can not fulfill my volunteer hours or fundraising commitments? 

Sometimes your schedule prevents you from fulfilling your volunteer hours; we offer a Buy-Out fee of $20.00 per hour. 


Why is my bill so high??  How do I read my invoice? 

On the left side of the website, click on the 'My Account' tab, then click on the 'My Invoice/Payment' tab.  The following screens will provide you with multiple levels of detail that will outline all of the fee's/charges that are being applied.  You may contact the VSC Treasurer with specific questions after you have read the details on your invoice.

How do I register/decline my swimmer from attending a swim meet? 

On the right side of the Home Page, click on 'Meets & Events' and search for the meet or event you want to attend. Click on the 'Attend/Decline.'  If the deadline has passed, contact Coach Vicki via email for her follow-up.

Is there a "Grace Period" after joining the swim team? 

No, monthly dues, volunteer commitments, and fundraising commitments are expected to be fulfilled accordingly - see

Who should I contact with questions about my invoice? 

Contact the Business Manager, Cindy Manlow, with any questions regarding your invoice.

Are monthly dues pro-rated? No, monthly dues cover coaches' dues, insurance policies, and operating expenses.

Please contact the  Business Manager ( Cindy Manlow) with any termination, suspension, or temporary holds for your account.

Swim Meets

How do I get swim meet results? 

On the left side of the website, click on the 'My Account' tab, then click on 'My Meet Results'. Select the swimmer in the 'Member' box, and the results will be reflected at the bottom of the screen. You may also use the upper tabs to view historical meet results


What should a parent/swimmer expect from the Vancouver Swim Club?  

Read the 'Participation Agreement'  and the 'At-A-Glance' form to understand the outline of the team.

What equipment does my swimmer need? 

Click here to find the Equipment List. You may discuss specific equipment needs with your coach.

I want my swimmer to swim more days than allowed?  

The VSC coaching staff and USA Swimming recommends a specific number of days that a swimmer should work out.  The PRACTICE GROUPS tab will identify the recommended number of days for each.  These guidelines prevent discouragement and/or physical/mental "Burn Out".

When does a new swimmer receive their free swim cap and t-shirt? 

New Swim members will receive a free swim cap and t-shirt during the 3rd week of practice (see coach) or passed out during the New Member meeting (3rd week of practice).  You may contact the group coach to make other arrangements.

How/When will my swimmer advance to a higher swim group? 

Typically, swimmers are moved based on skill sets. Each coach evaluates their swimmers on a regular basis after outlining expectations for achieving specific skill sets.  When in doubt, contact your coach.

Can my swimmer switch from pool to pool "Double Dip" to make up practice workouts?  

We do not encourage this makeup method.  In an effort to managing the skill sets of each swim group and prevent confusion between swimmers, you can contact your coach if you plan on missing practice for a long period of time.  Your swimmer will not melt if they miss a day of practice :).

I have a friend that wants to join the team?  

Have your friend contact VSC by email.

I don't have time to read everything, can someone just call me? 

The Vancouver Swim Club is a 100% Volunteered Board of Directors, most of our communications are through emails.  You may contact your coach via email with specific swimming questions and contact the Treasurer via email regarding financial questions and/or a board member with club related questions. The Board of Directors and emails are listed under the "Coaches" tab in the upper left corner of this webpage.