The following permission documents are required for exceptions to the MAAPP.  Permission slips must be turned in prior to the exception.  Applicable adults include adult athletes (18 and over), coaches, board members, non-athlete USA Swimming members.


If an unrelated applicable adult will be travelling to or from a team practice or event alone with a minor athlete, the legal guardian for the minor must submit the permission slip below prior to the travel.

Permission for an Unrelated Applicable Adult to Provide Local Transportation to Minor Athlete

If an unrelated applicable adult will be travelling to or from a meet alone with a minor athlete, the legal guardian for the minor must submit the permission slip below prior to the travel.

Permission for an Unrelated Applicable Adult to Travel to Competition with Minor Athlete

If an unrelated adult athlete will be sharing the same lodging with a minor athlete, the legal guardian for the minor must submit the permission slip below prior to the travel.

Permission for an Unrelated Adult Athlete to Share the Same Lodging with a Minor Athlete