ADDRESS:  309 Church Road, Bethel Park, PA  15102


Students can be dropped off in front of the Athletics Entrance or park in the student parking lot (both the entrance and lot are adjacent to the football stadium).  Upon entry, to find the pool, turn left, and use the steps to head to the bottom floor.  To the right is the female locker room and to the left is the male locker room.  Athletes should enter the pool through the locker room.  It is recommended that all athlete gear bags and clothes be brought out onto the pool deck rather than store in the locker room.  Senior Group athletes only may keep a lock on their lockers.  

Parents may watch practice from the pool balcony which can be found by heading straight through the Athletics Entrance and entering through the first door on the left past the trophy case.  


ADDRESS:  1 Wave Pool Complex, Bethel Park, PA  15102


Athletes can be dropped off at the main entrance to the pool or park in the parking lot and walk to the main entrance.  Locker rooms can be found immediately upon entry and can be used by athletes to change, however, they must take all bags down to the pool and store them on the stone tables located on the left side of the pool.  Parents may observe practice from the stone tables or the concession area near the main entrance.