Throughout the season, typically in August, December, and April, coaches will promote athletes to a new training group.  Group moves are made solely at the discretion of the coaching staff and with that being said, please understand that meeting the minimum requirements for placement guidelines listed on the training groups page simply means that your child may be eligible to be promoted, but not guaranteed to be.  With every promotion period, there are athletes and parents who struggle to understand the decision process in determining whether a swimmer should be promoted or not.  Below is a rough outline of guidelines used to help coaches make their decision in group promotion (in addition to meeting the minimum placement requirements).

  • There must be space available in the group the athlete is moving in to.  Should a swimmer be ready for movement and there is not room in the new group, coaches will make sure the athlete is getting the work they need for improvement in their current group.
  • The swimmer has lane leadership experience in their current group.
  • Swimmer maintains solid attendance rates during their time in the current group.
  • Swimmer routinely completes all sets during practice sessions in their current group.
  • Swimmer behavior is taken into consideration.  How well they listen to coaches, follow directions, behave maturely, act like a good teammate by encouraging others, and how much effort they give during practice is all taken into consideration for group promotion.
  • A swimmer’s age will be taken into consideration.  When possible, we will try to keep athletes of the same age in the same practice groups.
  • Meet attendance and performance (time standard achievement) will be considered in group promotion decisions.