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Welcome to Beach Cities Swimming

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The first day of Pre Comp can be very exciting but can also create a bit of anxiety.  To help make this a more enjoyable experience for the swimmer and the instructors here are the answers to some commonly asked questions.  If you require additional assistance to help your child adjust to this new experience please contact us by using the CONTACT US tab on the home page.

Q: Will the water be cold?

A: The pool is kept at a comfortable 80-82 degrees. They will be moving around the whole time so this will be a comfortable training temperature for them.  

Q: What should I wear to my first lesson?

A: Girls should wear a snug fitting one piece training bathing suit and boys should wear training bathing suits either in the form of jammers or briefs.  All suits can be found at THE SWIM GUY.  

Q: Do I need a cap and goggles?

A: All swimmers need to bring their own goggles and a back up pair should be kept in their swim bag.  All children with hair longer than their ears and forehead need to wear a cap.  Team caps can be purchased at THE SWIM GUY.    

Q: What if I need to use the bathroom during the lesson?

A: Please ensure that your child uses the bathroom before the lesson.  If it is an emergency the child will be permitted to use the bathroom. 

Q: Can mom and dad see me swim?

A: Yes! Parents are permitted and encouraged to view lessons from the bleachers on deck.  Parents are not permitted to stand next to the lane during instruction time as this causes more distraction for both the child and the instructor.

Q: Are there lifeguards?

A: Yes! Red Cross certified lifeguards are always on duty during your swim lessons.  This keeps your swimmer extra safe in the water.  

Q: What if I am late?

A: Please arrive 10 minute before each lesson so that you may apply sunscreen, use the bathroom and prepare for your lesson.  Late entries are permitted but cause distractions to other swimmers and the instructor.   

Q: Can we swim in the rain?

A: Yes!  The pool will only close for lightening or contamination.  There will not be make up sessions if we have to cancel a pool sessions.  

Q: How many kids will be in my class?

A: This number changes due to new registrations and move ups to the swim team and move ups from the swim school program.   

Q: When can I join the competitive swim team?

A: When your instructor thinks you are fully prepared to start training with the swim team, he or she will move you up to the next step in competitive swimming.  

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