Ted and Mies Schootman High Performance Fund


The Fund was set up in 2016 as BC Amateur Sport Fund Project #P328. The Fund was established in recognition of the contributions made by Ted and Mies Schootman, as well as of Howard Firby, to the sport of swimming and to the Canadian Dolphin Swim Club (CDSC) in particular. The initial contribution to the Fund was made in July, 2016 by the Mies Schootman Fund, a fund which was established in 2004 by the Schootman family following the passing of Mies Schootman, with contributions from the Schootman and Firby families, and from their families and friends. By establishing the Fund with the BC Amateur Sport Fund, it is the club's goal for the Fund to be sustained through donations by parents and other supporters of CDSC’s high performance program. 


The goal of the Fund is to provide support for CDSC’s high performance athletes by providing subsidies to defray management costs (CDSC coach and chaperone travel expenses) incurred by senior national qualifiers travelling to Senior National Championships, Olympic or other National Team Trials.

Access Policy:

In order to be eligible to receive a subsidy from the Fund, a swimmer must:

  • Be a member of CDSC in good standing, and must have been a  fee paying member for at least 11 of the preceding 12 months;
  • Have attained an SNC Senior National Qualifying time during the previous 18 months;
  • Achieve the practice attendance goals prescribed by his/her coach;
  • Have participated in the club fundraising projects at least to the level recommended for his/her training group during the previous 12 months;
  • Have participated in the volunteer activities prescribed for swimmers in his/her training group during the previous 12 months; and
  • Demonstrate exemplary behaviour and attitude, and act as a role model for all swimmers in the club.

The access policy for the Fund may be amended from time to time by majority vote of the CDSC Board of Directors.


Donations may be made to the Fund online. Donations of at least $20 will be eligible for a tax receipt in accordance with the policies of the BC Amateur Sport Fund, unless the donors are receiving a direct benefit from the donation.