Getting Started with Officiating

If you have not taken any courses yet you should take Introduction to Swimming Officiating. Once you have taken this Level I course you can sign up as a Timer at the next swim meet.

Once you've had the opportunity to practice your skills as a Timer in a couple of sessions, the next course you should take is Judge of Stroke/Inspector of Turns.

After certifying in Judge of Stroke/Inspector of Turns you can then proceed through the remaining Level 2 courses.


Officials Clinics

There are two ways to complete your officiating course(s)

1) Classroom
Each year around October and May most of the officials courses are run. Cascade posts these major officiating events on the Events section of the Home page. These courses are generally held in a classroom setting (ie. University of Calgary), in the evening for a few hours. Courses are free of charge.

You can also take a look at the Swim Alberta website for additional clinic dates.

2) Online
Online courses are available if you are unavailable to take a classroom course. Level I - Introduction to Swimming Officiating Clinic as well as the Level II courses are available online through Swimming Canada Online Clinics.

Officials Certification

Officiating training is managed by Swim Alberta. Below are a few links as well as some additional information on how the officiating certification process works.

Certification Pathway
To familiarize yourself with certification please read the Certification Pathway document which is published by Swim Alberta.

Certification Process
To become certified in an official role you must first take the clinic for that position and be trained in that position by shadowing someone experienced in that role. Once your trained you then must complete 1 successful deck evaluation. A deck evaluation is performing the role during a swim meet session. 

Once you've completed your deck evaluations for a position contact notify the Certification Lead of the Cascade swim club.

Officials Contacts

Officials Coordinator: [email protected]
Contact the Officials Coordinator about:

  • Questions regarding Officiating Roles
  • Role Shadow Requests
  • On Deck/ Meet Volunteer Point Fulfillment Opportunities

Certification Lead: Kathy Weir - [email protected]
Contact the Certification Lead about:
  • Notifying that you have completed an officials clinic for the new swim season.
  • Forwarding your signed Certification card.