Financial Aid:

OCSC provides a swim club scholarship program for eligible families to help alleviate some of the required swim fees.


What Does the Scholarship Cover?

The swim club scholarship offered by OCSC partially or fully covers swim club registration fees and club-required meet fees (including home swim meets and Conference events). However, it does not extend to cover USA fees, non-club-required swim meet fees, swimsuits, goggles, or any other swim supplies or apparel.


Who is Eligible for a Scholarship and How Does It Work?

Families qualify for the swim club scholarship if they receive reduced or free lunch through the school district, as determined by the USDA. The reduction in swim club fees mirrors the reduction amount in the school lunch program. For instance, if a swimmer receives a 50% reduction in school lunch fees, the swim club registration and meet fees would also be reduced by 50%. Similarly, if a swimmer qualifies for free lunch, the swim club fees would be fully covered. OCSC covers the remaining portion of any required fees.


How Do I Apply for a Swim Club Scholarship?

To apply for the swim club scholarship, contact the OCSC Registrar and submit a copy of the determination letter received from the relevant body showing your family's qualification for reduced or free lunch. Each session for which a family or swimmer applies for a scholarship requires a copy of the determination letter. The OCSC Board retains the authority to restrict the number of swim sessions for which a scholarship can be requested per family or swimmer throughout the swim season, spanning from September (Fall) through July (Summer).


Contact Us:

General Inquiry: Click Here

Coaches: Click Here

Board of Directors: Click Here