How do I know which class to register for?

We recommend looking at our Learn to Skate & Learn to Play highlights to get an overview of the programs that we offer. If you are brand new to ice skating, regardless of age, we recommend beginning with our 4-Week Intro to Ice Skating class. From there, our coaches and staff can help you determine the next course of your ice skating journey. If you are still unsure which class to register for, call us at 954-704-8700 and we will be happy to help you!

I registered and paid for my class. What do I do now?

After your registration has been successfully submitted and processed, your Class Card will be available for pick up at the Front Office at Pines Ice Arena.

What is my Class Card?

Your Class Card is your key to the arena! Skaters must present their Class Card at the front ticket window of the arena when checking in for group classes. The card will include specific details and information regarding your class, as well as an Expiration/Testing Date. The Expiration/Testing date is the final date that classes can be made up if make ups are permitted for that specific class. See our Make Up Class Policy for important details regarding make up classes. Your Class Card is also your FREE ADMISSION pass to public skating during the semester!

Day of class procedures

Upon entering the front doors of the arena, stop at the front ticket window and present your Class Card. You will receive a check in slip that will admit you onto the ice for class. You will also receive a skate rental ticket if needed. Our skate rental is located at the end of the lobby. If it is your first time checking in, just let the front office staff know and they will direct you where to go!

What equipment is needed? How should I dress?

For skaters in the Learn to Skate Program, the only extra equipment needed is gloves, since skate rentals (hockey or figure) are included if needed. Skaters under 6 must also wear a helmet. You can bring a bike helmet from home, or rent one at the front ticket window for $5. We recommend dressing warm and comfortable, as the temperature is a steady 45-50 degrees fahrenheit at all times of the year. Warm athletic pants, a warm athletic jacket, socks and any additional layers to stay warm are recommended. We do not recommend jeans, as they are sometimes too tight and restricting for ice skating. We offer apparel in the Pines Ice Pro Shop including our iSkate & Pines Penguins sweatshirts which are great for classes. Current group class students can purchase the iSkate or Pines Penguins sweatshirts for a discounted price of $10.00 with proof of class membership (Class Card).

For skaters in the Learn to Play Program, hockey equipment is required. For Hockey 1 - hockey helmet, hockey gloves, elbow & knee pads. For Hockey 2 & 3 - hockey skates, hockey gloves, hockey stick, hockey helmet w/cage, shoulder pads, elbow pads, shin guards, hockey socks, hockey pants, mouth guard, neck guard & jersey. We offer apparel and equipment in the Pines Ice Pro Shop including jerseys. Current group class students can purchase the white or black PIA hockey jerseys for a discounted price of $10.00 with proof of class membership (Class Card).

How do I tie ice skates?

Ice skates should be tied tight and fit snug on a skater's foot. Poorly fitted skates can be uncomfortable and prevent a skater from performing skills properly. If you decide that ice skating is a sport that you want to commit to, we highly recommend purchasing your own pair of ice skates from the Pines Ice Pro Shop. Our shop staff will happily size you and help you decide which brand and model to purchase. If your rental skates include laces instead of buckles, we recommend clicking below to watch an informational video on how to tie and fit ice skates.

How do I know if my child passed a level in the LTS or LTP program?

On the final class of the semester (Expiration Date on Class Card), your child will receive a report card on the specific skills they have focused on at that level. On the report card, you will see how the coach has evaluated their progress and the top of the report card will indicate what level they will be in during the next session. If you are unsure, you can always ask the coach who has been teaching their level or email the Director of Figure Skating, Kristin Alberico.

What if my child didn't pass a level?

It is okay if your child did not pass the level they have been skating in. Every skater learns at a different pace. Sometimes certain levels take a second session to master the skills in that level. As they progress throughout the program the levels get progressively harder. Sometimes repeating a level gives skaters a little more time on specific skills which will make them stronger in the long run.

What can I do to help my child pass a level or increase improvement?

You can speak to their coach or director for specific ideas to help improve. We also recommend attending public skating sessions as much as possible for extra practice time on the ice. Remember that current group class students receive FREE public session admission during their semester! You can also inquire about Private Lessons which can help skaters get the boost they need to pass a certain level or master a specific skill.

Learn to Skate USA Curriculums

Snowplow Sam Levels

Basic Skills Levels

Free Skate Levels

Adult Levels

Hockey Levels

We hope this information helps. If we haven't answered all of your questions, do not hesitate to call us at 954-704-8700 and our friendly staff will be more than happy to assist you. In the meantime, click below to watch a great orientation video from Learn to Skate USA!