How to register for classes with a Groupon voucher

If you do not have an account on our website, you will need to create an account after Step 3

1. Select 'Register Now' from the homepage

2. Scroll down and select the class you are registering for (click dropdown arrow next to sub program to view semesters open for registration)

3. Select 'Add to Cart' and 'Checkout Now' - Sign In or Create Account to continue

4. Assign Member (skater) to class

5. Follow through the registration process (agreements/waivers/confirm) until you reach the Checkout Page

6. Change Payment Method to 'CHECK' and click 'Pay Now'. This will add the member to the waitlist for the class. Registration is NOT complete until you finish Step 7

7. Call the Skate School office at 954-704-8700 and provide the member's name & your Groupon Redemption Code (this should be an all numeric code under the barcode on your voucher)

Please note: The registration is not complete until the Skate School office has redeemed your Groupon voucher and approved the member from the waitlist into the class