Treasure Coast Aquatics


Treasure Coast Aquatics

Team Groups




This group offers an introduction to competitive swimming that encompasses ages 5 – 10 years old, all are beginners and have a very basic knowledge of the four competitive strokes. An emphasis is placed on the basic stroke development and stroke technique. Swimmers also learn to improve start technique and perform the proper turns. Swimmers are offered 3 practices per week of 1-hour duration. They are encouraged to participate in other sports if they desire to. Coaching emphasis is on correct strokes and not distance. Swimmers have fun with swimming games and drills. They also must be at least 5 years of age to be in this group, and have to have the skills taught and learned in Pre-Team. Swimmers can still compete at the developmental mini-meets and with the direction of the coach, compete at the United States Sanctioned Meets. These swimmers are allowed to progress to the next level after fulfilling the requirements of the Bronze 2 group.

Minimum Requirements:

Age: 5-10 (11 if still in the 5th grade)                              

2 x 50 Free, 2 x 50 Back, 2 x 50 Breast with pullout, 4 x 25 Kick 1:00, 2 x 50 Butterfly & 1 x 100 I.M.

All distances must be executed with proper turns

Be able to do 4 underwater butterfly kicks

Must have good body position; swims freestyle with straight arms with good body rotation (shoulders & hips)

Must be comfortable with a front mounted snorkel

Should know what a “drop down” is

Equipment List:

Goggles, swim cap, front mounted snorkel, long fins, & training swim suits



This group takes the four strokes to the next level by introducing the athlete to interval, endurance, and speed training while still maintaining strong form and balance in the water.  Swimmers will also be introduced to race strategy, and dryland strength training. 

Minimum Requirements:

Age: 10 & Under (11 in the 5th Grade)                             

6 x 50 Free 1:15, 6 x 50 Back 1:15, 6 x 50 Breast 1:30, 10 x 50 Kick 1:30, 6 x 50 Butterfly 1:30, 3 x 100 I.M. 2:30

Should understand the concept of sculling

All distances must be executed with proper turns

Be able to do 4 underwater butterfly kicks

Must have good body position; swims freestyle with straight arms with good body rotation (shoulders & hips)

Must be comfortable with a front mounted snorkel

Must be Racing Start Certified; should know what a “drop down” is

Performance Requirement: Must have swum all strokes at developmental meets.

Equipment List:

Goggles, swim cap, front mounted snorkel, long fins, training swim suits & pull buoy



This group is an advanced group that takes the athlete's ability to use interval, endurance, and speed training to the next level, while still maintaining strong form and balance in the water.  Swimmers will be introduced to goal setting and nutritional education and build upon their understanding of race strategy and dry land strength training. 

Minimum Requirements:

Age: 10 & Under (11 in the 5th Grade)                             

5 x 100 Free 2:00; 6 x 100 Kick 2:30; 3 x 200 IM 4:30

Very efficient at sculling

All distances must be executed with proper turns

Be able to do underwater butterfly kicks past the flags

Must have good body position; swims freestyle with straight arms with good body rotation (shoulders & hips)

Must be comfortable with a front mounted snorkel

Must be Racing Start Certified; Should know what a “drop down” is; Can execute a proper relay takeover

Performance Requirement: Must have swum IMX Events and a 10 & under “BB” Time

Equipment List:

Goggles, swim cap, front mounted snorkel, long fins, training swim suits & pull buoy.



This group is for swimmers who want to improve their stroke technique and/or their conditioning level, but desire a more flexible training environment with less focus on required time commitments. This group's main goal is to teach proper stroke technique and learn how to start training for competitive swimming. This group encourages swimmers to compete in USS meets and offers another step for swimmers ultimately interested in progressing to the SILVER 1/GOLD 1 group.

Minimum Requirements:

Age: 11-12

Attendance: 3 Days a week encouraged

Must be able to do: 2 x 50 Free, 2 x 50 Back, 2 x 50 Breast with pullout, 2 x 50 Butterfly, 1 x 100 I.M. & 4 x 25 Kick 1:00

All distances must be executed with proper turns

Be able to do 4 underwater butterfly kicks

Must have good body position; swims freestyle with straight arms with good body rotation (shoulders & hips)

Must be comfortable with a front mounted snorkel

Should know what a “drop down” is

Equipment List:

Goggles, swim cap, front mounted snorkel, long fins, training swim suits, kickboard, & pull-buoy



The SILVER 1 group is an advanced group that takes the athlete’s ability to use interval, endurance, and speed training to the next level, while still maintaining strong form and balance in the water. Swimmers will do goal setting and will be introduced to nutritional education. Swimmers will build upon their understanding of race strategy and dry land strength training.

Minimum Requirements:

Age: 10 – 12  

Attendance: 80%+                           

Swim a 500 without stopping. 6 x 100 Free 1:30; 8 x 100 Kick 2:00; 5 x 200 IM 4:00

Should understand the concept of sculling

All distances must be executed with proper turns

Be able to do underwater butterfly kicks past the flags

Must have good body position; swims freestyle with straight arms with good body rotation (shoulders & hips)

Must be comfortable with a front mounted snorkel

Must be Racing Start Certified; Should know what a “drop down” is; Must leave 5 seconds apart; Can execute a proper relay takeover, and have a 11-12 “BB” time in a distance of 100 or longer.

Equipment List:

Goggles, swim cap, kickboard, front mounted snorkel, long fins, training swim suits, appropriately sized paddles & pull buoy.



This group is for swimmers who want to improve their stroke technique and/or their conditioning level, but desire a more flexible training environment with less focus on required time commitments. This group's main goal is to teach proper stroke technique and learn how to start training for competitive swimming. This group encourages swimmers to compete in USS meets and offers another step for swimmers ultimately interested in progressing to the GOLD 1 group.

Minimum Requirements:

Age: 13-14

Attendance: 3 Days a week encouraged

Must be able to do: 2 x 50 Free, 2 x 50 Back, 2 x 50 Breast with pullout, 2 x 50 Butterfly, 1 x 100 I.M. & 4 x 25 Kick 1:00

All distances must be executed with proper turns

Be able to do 4 underwater butterfly kicks

Must have good body position; swims freestyle with straight arms with good body rotation (shoulders & hips)

Must be comfortable with a front mounted snorkel

Should know what a “drop down” is

Equipment List:

Goggles, swim cap, front mounted snorkel, long fins, training swim suits, kickboard, & pull-buoy



This group is designed for advanced age group swimmers who have developed firm basic swimming proficiencies in all four strokes and area ready to make more of a commitment to the sport. A desire to improve and the willingness to take the steps necessary for competitive progress are expected. Proper stroke technique is emphasized along with speed work, interval training, and aerobic and anaerobic conditioning, along with dry land and stretching, race planning, nutrition, mental attitude, video stroke analysis, and swimmer-coach conferences on goal setting and individual training progressions. These swimmers are willing to train at a higher level than before in order to achieve goals such as achieving 13-14 Florida Age Group Championships (FLAGS), Florida Senior Championships, Southern Sectionals, Zone Championships, and National Age Group Top 10 times.   

Minimum Requirements:

Age: 13 – 14                              

Attendance: 80%+

Timed 1,000 Free under 15:00; 8 x 100 Kick 1:45; 8 x 200 IM 3:15

Can do various types of sculling positions very well

All distances must be executed with proper turns

Be able to do underwater butterfly kicks past the flags

Must have good body position; swims freestyle with rainbow arched arms with good body rotation (shoulders & hips)

Must be comfortable with a front mounted snorkel

Must be Racing Start Certified; Executes “drop downs”; Must leave 5 seconds apart; Can execute an advanced relay takeover

Performance Requirement: Must have swum 13-14 IMX Events, and have two 13-14 “BB” time in a distance of 100 or longer.

Equipment List:

Goggles, swim cap, kickboard, kick stick, front mounted snorkel, long fins, training swim suits, appropriate sized paddles & pull buoy. Optional: tempo trainers



This group is for swimmers who want to improve their stroke technique and/or their conditioning level, but desire a more flexible training environment with less focus on required time commitments. The group’s main goal is to teach proper stroke technique and train on a higher level than one can achieve on their own or by swimming with the area high school teams. This group also encourages swimmers to compete in USS meets and teaches required skills to swimmers ultimately interested in progressing to the SENIOR 2 group.

Minimum Requirements:

Age: 14-16 – in High School                              

Must know how to do most of the strokes

Must be comfortable with a front mounted snorkel

Must be willing to compete for TCA

Equipment List:

Goggles, swim cap, front mounted snorkel, long fins, & training swim suits



This training group is designed for high school swimmers who are experienced and proficient, want to qualify for the Florida LSC Championships, USA Swimming Sectionals, and beyond. Coaching equally emphasizes conditioning and fundamentals offering the determined swimmer an excellent opportunity to improve rapidly. Athletes will compete in local Florida Swimming events, TCA hosted events, and travel meets. Selection to this group is based on but not limited to talent, work ethic, and the desire to train.   

Minimum Requirements:

Age: 14 – 19                              

Timed 800 14:00; 8 x 100 Kick 2:20; 4 x 200 IM 3:45

Can do various types of sculling positions very well

All distances must be executed with proper turns

Be able to do underwater butterfly kicks to at least the 10 meter mark

Must have good body position; swims freestyle with rainbow arched arms with good body rotation (shoulders & hips)

Proficient with a front mounted snorkel

Must be Racing Start Certified; Can perform a “drop down”; Must leave 5 seconds apart; Can execute an advanced relay takeover

Performance Requirement: Completed 13-14 IMR requirement. Must have two 13-14 “A” time in a distance of 100 or longer and swam the 500 at a meet.

Equipment List:

Goggles, swim cap, kickboard, kick stick, front mounted snorkel, long fins, training swim suits, appropriate sized paddles & pull buoy. Optional: tempo trainers



This group is designed to prepare athletes for competition in Senior Championships, Sectional, Junior Nationals, and other selected meets.  Selection to this group is by invitation only and is based on a variety of factors including, but not limited to, talent, work ethic, a desire to train and compete at this level, attendance, and a commitment to personal and team excellence.  Swimmers who meet the prerequisites and choose to enter this group will be presented with a challenging training program geared towards future success. All high school Juniors and Seniors will be encouraged to continue swimming in college.

Minimum Requirements:

Age: 13 & UP                              

Attendance: 90%+

Timed 800 12:00; 8 x 100 Kick 2:00; 6 x 200 IM 3:30

Proficient at various types of sculling positions

Be able to do underwater butterfly kicks to at least the 10 meter mark

Performance Requirement: Completed 13-18 IMR requirement. Must have two SR CHAMP standards in distances 100+

Equipment List:

Goggles, swim cap, kickboard, kick stick, front mounted snorkel, long fins, training swim suits, appropriate sized paddles & pull buoy. Optional: tempo trainers, and breaststroke paddles



This is the Top Level of The Treasure Coast Aquatics Program and requires the most commitment in regard to time and effort. This group comprises those swimmers who are completely dedicated to the sport of swimming. They do not participate in any other sport or outside activity except for swimming. Swimming is a 100% commitment!

This group is designed to prepare athletes for competition at Junior Nationals, Senior Nationals, Olympic Trials and other world recognized events.  Selection to this group is by invitation only and is based on a variety of factors including, but not limited to, talent, work ethic, a desire to train and compete at this level, attendance, and a commitment to personal and team excellence.  

NCSA Junior National Time Standard required

Equipment List:

Same as Senior 1