Registration NOW OPEN! 

Lessons will be offered in 2-week sessions with 8 - 30 min classes meeting Monday through Thursday each week. There will be 3 class times available each day. 

Below is a description of what will be learned in each class.  Click here to be directed to the Learn-to-Swim Registration to see what class levels and times are available. 

Level 1: TADPOLE

In this level the students will learn the basic skills for swimming and safety. This includes front and back floating, glides, freestyle and an introduction to treading water and underwater breathing. The students must exemplify these skills to move on to level 2.

Skills List:

  • Know 3 pool rules and 1 step in the EAP
  • Demonstrate one rescue procedure
  • Water adjustment (feeling comfortable)
  • Blows nose bubbles
  • Blows mouth bubbles
  • Jump off deck to instructor
  • Front float (5 sec.)
  • Back float (5 sec.)
  • Front flutter kick with kickboard
  • Back flutter kick with assistance
  • Front glide
  • Back glide
  • Freestyle with assistance
  • Introduce backstroke
  • Introduce treading water
  • Introduce underwater swimming
  • Introduce side breathing
  • Go underwater with instructor a minimum of 5 days during the session
  • Must be able to swim at least 10 feet unassisted


In this level the main focus is to maintain and enhance freestyle and backstroke. Also, introduce two new strokes, continue with comfort with water, and water safety in the process. The students must exemplify these skills to move on to level 3.

Skills list:

  • Know 5 pool rules and 1 step in the EAP
  • Demonstrate 1 rescue procedure
  • Enter and exit water without assistance
  • Comfortably submerge head into water
    • Blowing mouth and nose bubbles
  • Jump off of deck to PFD
  • Front and back floats (15 sec. each)
  • Perform front glide without assistance
  • Perform back glide with assistance
  • Flutter kick with board (12.5 yds.)
    • Add side breathing once mastered
  • Back flutter kick with board (10 yds.)
  • Freestyle with correct breathing (10 yds.)
  • Backstroke (10 yds.)
  • Tread water without assistance (45 sec.)
  • Underwater swimming (5 yds.)
  • Introduce breaststroke kick
  • Introduce dolphin kick
  • Introduce diving (from side & diving platform)

Level 3: SNAPPER

In this level the children will work on their comfort in the water, learning breaststroke and butterfly, learning flip turns, and getting an introduction to diving. The students must exemplify these skills to move on to level 4.

Skills List:

  • Know 7 pool rules and 2 steps in the EAP
  • Personal safety
  • Demonstrate 2 rescue procedures
  • Jump in water over child’s head and get back to wall without assistance
  • Retrieve dive rings from bottom of pool
  • Hold breath blowing nose bubbles (20 sec.)
  • Hold breath blowing mouth bubbles (20 sec.)
  • Freestyle (25 yds.)
  • Backstroke (25 yds.)
  • Breaststroke (12.5 yds.)
  • Tread water (45 sec.)
  • Dolphin kick with and without board (25 yds.)
  • Butterfly (12.5 yds.)
  • Learn how to start from the side of the pool, once mastered move to diving platform (using start progressions)


Click here to be directed to the Learn-to-Swim Registration to see what class levels and times are available.