
Welcome to the Pirate's Swim Team! 


We currently offer three different training groups:

Beginner: For younger/new swimmers who are learning more about competitive swimming. Swimmers are taught stroke technique and competitive swimming skills such as streamlines, starts, and turns.

Intermediate/Advanced: For older/experienced swimmers. This group will consist of continuing stroke technique and competitive skills with a focus on endurance training. Swimmers in these training sessions are set with a higher standard and will train at a high level. 


The Pirate's Swim Team is for all ages and abilities. We strive for a fun, healthy, and challenging environment as swimmers build on technique, endurance, and sportsmanship. We strongly believe that all of our swimmers can be successful! Our team has about 60 members and includes swimmers from all over the Black Hawk County and surrounding counties. From the start of our program we have proudly taken swimmers to State, Regional, and National competitions!



Swimmer must be 21 years of age or younger. 

Swimmer must be able to swim 25 yards or 1 length of the pool without assistance or equipment.