Express Swim Team and USA Swimming are committed to the safety and well-being of all of our members, with the welfare of the athletes as the top priority.

Express Swim Team and Safe Sport 


MAAP Policy 

 Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy

Express Swim Team and all USA Swimming programs are required to comply with the New Minor Athlete Abuse Prevantion Policy ("MAAPP") set forth by the US Center for Safe Sport. You can access the policy via the MAAP link above.


APT Course    

Athlete Protection Training

In addition to all Express Coaches and Officials, ALL Express athletes 18 years and Older are NOW required to take Athlete Protection Training. The Athlete Protection Training can be accessed via the APT link above.


Express Swim Team Code of Conduct - Athletes

EXPR/USA Swimming Code of Conduct - Coaches

EXPR Bullying Policy

Action Plan to Address Bullying

Electronic Communication  

Athlete Electronic Communications Best Practices

Locker Room Monitoring


Team Travel (without parents)  

Massages & Rub Downs

One-on-One Interactions

Applicable Adults

Express Swim Team Grievance Procedure



USA Swimming and Safe Sport  

Parent Course

Safe Sport for Parents 

As part of the Safe Sport initiative. USA swimming is offering this course to increase awareness.   Please note that this online training course covers sensitive material, including sexual and physical abuse.  This course is presented by Praesidium Inc. c 2013 -- Praesidium Inc. is the national leader in abuse risk management.


Athlete Course  

Safe Sport for Athletes

Athletes, you have learned how to be safe in the water - don't dive in the shallow end, no running on deck, and clear the pool when you see lightning - but Safe Sport is about the ways to stay safe outside of the pool too.  Kids, please talk to your parents before using this link!   This online training course covers sensitive material, including sexual and physical abuse.  This course is presented by Praesidium Inc. c 2013 -- Praesidium Inc. is the national leader in abuse risk management. 


Additional Safe Sport Documents and Information

Safe Sport Handbook (PDF)

USA swimming members should use the policies, guidelines, best practices, strategies, and tools included in this handbook to implement Safe Sport practices at the local level. Together, we can create a safe environment for all members to enjoy the sport of swimming.

Preventing False Allegations (PDF)

Questions for Swim Parents (PDF)

Safety Card for Marshals (PDF)

We will provide these to meet marshals at our hosted meets.

 Deck Change Poster (PDF)

These will be posted at our hosted meets.

 No Camera Poster (PDF) 

These will be posted at our hosted meets.

Instructions for Timers (PDF) 

Point 3 is particularly relevant for Safe Sport.