Mental Health Resources

Maine Office

National Alliance on Mental Illness | Maine

General Information:

Teen Text Support Line

For teens and young adults, NAMI Maine has created the Teen Text Support Line; a way for youth to talk about their feelings and chat about mental wellness strategies with another young person. This peer support text line is for youth 14 – 20 years old and staffed by individuals under 23 years of age.
Text (207) 515-8398 seven days a week between 12:00 PM and 10:00 PM.

Provider Match Program

In addition to our regular HelpLine services, NAMI Maine is virtually connecting volunteer mental health providers to individuals in need of support for brief (15-30 minute) one-time check-ins. If you are an individual interested in receiving this support, please contact the NAMI Maine Helpline at
(800) 464-5767 Press “1” or [email protected].