High Tides Swim Club         https://www.teamunify.com/css/uss/usa_swimming.png

High Tides Swim Club (HTSC) is committed to providing a safe and team driven environment for all coaches and swimmers, regardless of age and/or ability.  HTSC has established the following policy to resolve grievances involving the conduct of coaches and swimmers.  

This policy is intended to for the following: 

Place primary responsibility on the HTSC coaches to resolve conflicts between swimmers and to take the necessary disciplinary action regarding inappropriate conduct by swimmers; and

Provide a timely procedure for review of the coaches’ disciplinary decisions and for addressing issues regarding coaches’ conduct.



For issues dealing with sexual misconduct, sexual harassment and/or sexually explicit or inappropriate communication through social media:  

U.S. Center for SafeSport: 720-524-5640 or https://safesport.i-sight.com/portal 


For issues dealing with physical abuse, emotional abuse, criminal charges and the use, sale or distribution of illegal drugs:  

USA Swimming Safe Sport: [email protected] or https://fs22.formsite.com/usaswimming/form10/index.html 


For issues dealing with known or suspected child abuse: 

McLeod County at 320-864-3144 or 320-484-4330 or 800-247-1746

McLeod County Sheriff can be reached at 320-864-3134



For issues dealing with peer-to-peer bullying, coach-athlete bullying, parent issues, violations of the High Tides Swim Club Code of Conduct and violations of the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy.  These issues are handled at the club level following the procedures outlined below.



HTSC coaches have the initial responsibility to discipline swimmer/s for inappropriate conduct.  It is expected that all coaches will use their best judgement on imposing appropriate discipline.  Coaches will take in the following items when considering any disciplinary action.  

This includes but is not limited to:

Nature and severity of the conduct

Prior disciplinary actions regarding the swimmer

Negative effect of conduct on other swimmers

Disciplinary action may include: verbal warnings, sitting out of practice, notification to parents, temporary suspension from HTSC activities and in extreme circumstances expulsion from HTSC.  Coaches will exercise their best judgement to assess an appropriate disciplinary action for the situation at hand.  In cases of extreme disciplinary action the head coach will consult with the affected parents while still enforcing an appropriate disciplinary action.  Coaches will take immediate action, when needed, to insure the safety of all swimmers and coaches.  




If a parent and/or swimmers feels it is necessary to raise a complaint of inappropriate conduct for another HTSC swimmer, the reporting party should address their concerns to a coach as soon as reasonably possible.  The complaint should be made directly to the coach regarding the swimmer who is subject to the complaint.  The complaint may be done in writing or in person. 


If a parent and/or swimmer feels it is necessary to raise a complaint of inappropriate conduct for an Assistant Coach (including but not limited to the review of a coach’s disciplinary action or conduct), the complaint should be made to the Head Coach.  The complaint may be done in writing or in person.  


If a parent and/or swimmers feels it is necessary to raise a complaint of inappropriate conduct for a Head Coach (including but not limited to the review of a Head Coach’s disciplinary action or conduct), the complaint should be made to the President of HTSC Board of Directors (BOD).  If the President is not available, the complaint should be made to any of the other members of the Board of Directors.  A verbal complaint to the BOD should be followed up by a written complaint within 2 days of notification.  

The written complaint, if emailed, should be sent to the following address:

HTSC Team Email    [email protected]

The President, Vice President and Past President have access to email account.


The written complaint, if mailed, should be sent to the following address:

High Tides Swim Club - 990 Goebel Circle SW - Hutchinson, MN - 55350




In the case of a complaint against an Assistant Coach,  the review of the complaint shall go as follows:

  1. Initial review shall occur by the Head Coach.
  2. If the parent and/or swimmer is unsatisfied with the decision of the Head Coach after review, said person may appeal the decision to the HTSC BOD.
  3. Any appeals must be made to the BOD within seven (7) days after the Head Coach relays his/her decision after the review.  The Head Coach is expected to make a review within a reasonably timely matter considering all circumstances.  


In the case of a complaint against the Head Coach,  the review of the complaint shall be addressed by the HTSC BOD.  

  1. Complaints will be reviewed at the next regularly scheduled board meeting unless extraordinary circumstances exist.  Prior to the regularly scheduled board meeting the BOD will investigate, as needed,  to obtain all pertinent information from the parties involved. 
  2. In cases of extraordinary circumstances the review will take place as soon as possible once all pertinent information has been gathered.  The HTSC BOD will meet as needed to resolve the complaint before the next regularly scheduled board meeting.  


Adopted June 2020