Anti-Bullying Policy

Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at Metro Marlins Swim Team and will not be tolerated. Bullying is counterproductive to team spirit and can be devastating to a victim. Metro Marlins is committed to providing a safe, caring and friendly environment for all of our members. If bullying does occur, all athletes and parents should know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. Anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell a coach, board member or athlete/mentor.


Objectives of Metro Marlins' Bullying Policy and Action Plan:

  1. To make it clear that Metro Marlins will not tolerate bullying in any form.
  2. To define bullying and give all board members, coaches, parents and swimmers a good understanding of what bullying is.
  3. To make it known to all parents, swimmers and coaching staff that there is a policy and protocol should any bullying issues arise.
  4. To make how to report bullying clear and understandable.
  5. To spread the word that Metro Marlins takes bullying seriously and that all swimmers and parents can be assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported.